
lotuspsychjegood morning02:54
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leftyfbhggdh: you around?14:58
hggdhleftyfb: yep, what gives?15:09
leftyfb#u please15:09
hggdhleftyfb: done, right now with a kick, but in-line for a ban15:14
hggdhthanks for the heads-up15:14
leftyfbno need for any of that, jeeze15:14
leftyfbhggdh: to be clear, the post on wiki.ubuntu.com was from over 10 years ago. I run way more machines than that now, all with Ubuntu. And manage over 7000 devices running Ubuntu in my day job now :)16:05
lotuspsychjeimpressive leftyfb 16:06
lotuspsychjekeep up the good job converting boxes to buntu :p16:06
leftyfbwe might potentially move off of ubuntu at some point for the 7k though16:07
hggdhleftyfb: it does not really matter, it is -- for me -- clear that the user would use ANYTHING to complain about.16:09
leftyfboh, that's a given16:09
leftyfbbut still, I have evolved since that post was written ;)16:10
leftyfbhappily married with a family as well16:10
hggdhand -- nowadays -- I only have one single server at home (plus the usual assortment of laptops, tablets, phones, and IoTs), so I would be waaaayyy lower in the totem pole than you :-)16:11
hggdh(in fact, it is the very same server since... 2009?)16:11
leftyfbI'm down to 2 physical servers with containers now. Ideally working towards some sort of HA or at least a migration plan across the 216:11
leftyfboh, plus 4 pi's running ubuntu serving up different things16:12
lotuspsychjeTJ-: maybe could try https://www.plasma-mobile.org/get/ neon amd6416:39
TJ-I don't see any source code or info on the underlying compositor or input layer; the issue is with Xorg/Xinput from what I can see. Possibly needs some xorg.conf tweak16:44
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tomreynsarnold: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors lists 128 http mirrors. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomreyn/scripts/master/ubuntu_archivemirrors_https (after aeons, for lack or paraellization) lists 331 https mirrors22:07
TJ-KDE is really good - with my Asus T300CHI 'transformer' I've just built and installed 'kded_rotation' ( https://github.com/dos1/kded_rotation ) and iio-sensor-proxy correctly reported rotation and the screen rotates22:20
TJ-it correctly rotates screen and touchscreen transform matrix22:21
tomreynand gnome doesn't?22:23
TJ-dunno, it's going nowhere near it22:25
TJ-the only Gnome I allow is the one sitting next to the pond, that I can shoot at!22:26
TJ-And I bet my gnome is more configurable than yours :D22:31
daftykinsthen tomreyn breaks out a secret that he works at a gnome production factory22:31
TJ-I was going to mention a configurable fishing rod but the double-entendre was just too much :)22:32
tomreynokay, now that it's out, here's me at work https://images.bild.de/5ff419c44554a70001424531/ce9dfad99acd95c46f48eb00016c8d51/4/322:40
sarnoldtomreyn: oh, nice22:58
cbreakI thought they were made like https://www.deviantart.com/travisjhanson/art/The-need-for-gnomes-699137394 :O23:01
tomreynwait till i wear my hair loose!23:04

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