
schopinHi! I'm sponsoring an upload that sits in the queue, and the wiki tells me that I need to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors. How do I do that? There's no button next to the name in the subscribed list.16:07
RikMillsschopin: what is the bug?16:14
schopinLP: #194623216:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946232 in unoconv (Ubuntu) "Add build dependency to python3-uno" [Low, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194623216:14
RikMillsschopin: https://i.imgur.com/oi4kwXu.png16:15
RikMillsIt is there for me16:15
schopinNot for me.16:16
RikMillsyou probably need an additition team membership then16:17
RikMillsI am not sure what. maybe ask in #launchpad?16:19
schopinTo the ubuntu-sponsors team itself, perhaps?16:19
RikMillsthat would make sense16:20
rbasakschopin: I added you16:25
schopinrbasak: thanks!16:32

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