
TJ-am I really here or has it been silent for the last 6 hours?15:58
leftyfblooks like 9. hours to me :)16:00
PaulW2UTJ-: I've been here since 11:04 (my time, UTC) and yes this channel has been silent ....16:00
hggdhnot anymore ;-)16:01
TJ-thanks! I've had it where SASL wasn't working when the client connected and for registered channels it wasn't obvious they hadn't been joined - just looked rather quiet16:01
TJ-Shhhhhh you rowdy lot :P16:01
TJ-Some people are trying to sleep16:01
TJ-I'm exhausted just wrestling TLS certificate installation for libvirt. Only did it about 3 weeks ago and had to do it again today and couldn't remember how, where, or why!16:03
tomreyn"i'll only need to do this this one time for now, and next time it will work entirely different anyways, so let's not take notes"16:06
TJ-hehehe well yes I keep meaning to deploy a note-taking service but get stuck deciding in which one there are so many, then later I can't find my notes on which note-taking services I've considered16:08
TJ-Just been reading about the malacious hijacking of the npm coa library yesterday; Just cannot understand that dev-ops mentality that relies on just fetching/updating/deploying unvetted code in thay way. Apparently it broke a lot of React 'apps' 16:11
TJ-if it hadn't it wouldn't have been noticed16:11
tomreynapparently, some of what used to be considered fundamentals are no longer being taught at dev and sysop school these days.16:13
tomreyn"no time to learn this concept, need to ship product" :(16:14
TJ-infrastructure becoming much more fragile and accelerating 16:14
* TJ- nods16:14
TJ-all devs should have to spend 6 months writing assembler and C at a machine level - without a fundamental understanding of what is going on under the hood they're too darned dangerous to let out without training wheels and bubble-wrap16:15
TJ-6 months working on security code too16:16
TJ-one of the projects I've been working on this last 18 months is a course for a UK modern apprenticeship that covers all this and more. Aiming to take on the 1st apprentices later next year16:17
tomreynlovely, i'd send my kids if i had any. ;-)16:25
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cbreakthey have apprenticeships in the UK?22:00
cbreakI thought that was something that's not very popular outside switzerland22:00
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