
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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jamespageicey: hey10:57
jamespagewhat's the rationale for adding the version suffix to the luarocks rocks- subdirectory in your patch?10:57
jamespagethe conditional that's wrapped in lacks the -5.110:58
iceyjamespage: ah - should have added it to the conditional as well; the version suffix is because that's what's added to the `--tree` path10:59
jamespageicey: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SbMR3tBSBF/11:45
iceyjamespage: lgtm11:46
iceyjamespage: I'm seeing errors like https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1827415.html on ceph as well13:06
jamespageicey: uploaded14:05
iceyjamespage: \o/14:05
jamespageicey: pls can you submit those changes back to debian as well :)14:27
iceyjamespage: did a report2debian :-D14:38
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=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion
smoserrbasak: swtpm import please ?18:55
smoserand libtpms19:01
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ZaliekSomehow one of my server's time is not NTP syncronized and the time has drifted enough that TOTP doesn't work anymore22:13
ZaliekHow do I force a time sync from the terminal?22:13
ZaliekOddly the RTC clock is the correct time22:16
=== Voeid8 is now known as Voeid
EdganZaliek: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get -y install ntpdate ; sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org22:18
ZaliekIt seems systemd-timesyncd is supposed to be doing this22:18
ZaliekI tried restarting the service but it still won't update the time22:18
EdganZaliek: system status systemd-timesyncd ; journalctl -u systemd-timesyncd.service -f22:19
ZaliekNothing in there, just the service started/stopped messages22:20
rfm_Zaliek, what does "timedatectl timesync-status" say?22:21
ZaliekNot a valid command22:22
Zaliekstatus says NTP syncronized: no22:22
ZaliekNetwork time on: yes22:23
JanCit might not change time if the difference is too large22:23
JanCntpdate should do that though22:24
Zaliekit's 2 minutes22:27
tomreyni think there are some commented out options in the timesyncd configuration file you can use to get more verbose info.22:28
tomreynthat's /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf22:28
tomreynhmm no, nothing about verbosity22:29
ZaliekThis system is 16.04 if that makes a difference22:29
ZaliekHonestly surprised it took this long for the clock to drift by 2 mins22:30
tomreynoh 16.04, do you have ESM then?22:30
ZaliekYeah, but no actual support22:30
ZaliekJust the free ESM22:30
tomreynhmm, i think 16.04 only used a smaller subset of sytemd services22:31
ZaliekIt's being replaced soon but I can't login to the app it's hosting because the clock has drifted22:31
tomreyni don't remember whether it already did timesyncd22:31
ZaliekYeah it's using the systemd service22:31
ZaliekAll of the old ntp tools are not installed22:32
tomreynyou could override the ntp server it's synching to in the configuration file, then restart the service, wait 5 minutes and see whether it caught up.22:32
tomreynif not, i'd disable timesyncd and use a different ntp client, such as chrony22:33
JanCalso, for a quick workaround you can set the time manually, of course...22:36
ZaliekI figured it out...22:36
ZaliekI never allowed NTP through the firewall22:36
ZaliekThanks for your help. Gonna need to do the same for my other servers22:38
ZaliekLuckily I never setup TOTP with SSH on this one22:38
tomreynyou just lost an excuse to not upgrade just yet ;-P22:38
ZaliekWell it still needs to because I need a newer version of PHP22:39
JanCI have the other problem: I need a 16.04 system because I need an older PHP version...  :-/22:41
tomreyni assume you know about https://deb.sury.org/22:45
JanCI did not22:47
tomreynthat's debian developer ondřej surý providing co-installable php versions for several debian + ubuntu releases22:47
JanCcould be useful, I guess  :)22:47
tomreynthose can break release upgrades, of course, so be careful about that22:48
JanCI want to get rid of that website though, so maybe not going to use it for this22:49
tomreynthis, too, can't prevent the inevitable or provide full security support for bugs in software long EOL'd upstream.22:51
JanCsupposedly PHP 5.x is still supported upstream?22:52
JanCapparently not, although that repository says it only has supported versions?22:53
JanC(it clearly does have EOL versions)22:55
tomreyni think he means to say he does provide support for them22:56
JanC"""Only Supported Versions of PHP (http://php.net/supported-versions.php) for Supported Ubuntu Releases (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases) are provided."""22:56
tomreynoh, that seems to be misleading, yes22:56
ZaliekOdd, apparently LXD containers keep their time in sync with the host via some other mechanism than NTP23:07
tomreyncat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/*/current_clocksource  # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/timers/timekeeping.txt23:16
sarnoldperhaps by the expedient of not having virtualized clocks?23:22
rfm_LXD containers (as oppsed to LXD VMs) use the host kernel  instance, no?  So it's lierally the same clock23:23
rfm_Which is why systemd-timesyncd.service has "ConditionVirtualization=!container"23:25
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