
pycuriousI've two machines behind firewalls. One creates a html report that I need to get on the other machine. Any ideas?00:41
Kelpycurious: if port 22 is open on either end you could probably scp it from one to the other? Very unsophisticated but would do in a pinch.00:42
pycuriousKel: the only thing these machines have is access to the internet. no public ips or things like that.00:52
Kelpycurious: oh, poopsie... hmm.00:53
oerhekstons of public paste sites, if you limit yourself by not opening a port for safe transfer, you would have no other option.00:55
=== stoned is now known as Hash
Gallomimiais there any way i can keep the number of monitors, displays on my system static?  without allowing any changes in connectedness or powered on status affect my desktop layout? all the black blinking whenever i power one on or off is super annoying01:31
Gallomimiapycurious, scp is one of your best options for securly transfering files. you can open a listen server on a port that is not 22 and avoid having those machines exposed to the myriad of botnets that try to penetrate the SSH port every day. you can also limit what's available on that listen server. i recommend using RSA or similar keys to give access to the sending machine, allowing passwordless unattended results.01:32
Keloerheks: sneakernet! :P01:33
Hashaarch64 on ubuntu has lacking ports01:53
HashI wonder when that arch will take off.01:54
HashAmpere amd arm cpus01:54
sarnoldstep one: have a website with a "buy button" on a computer that can have more than 4gigs of memory01:56
sarnoldfinally, they can take over the world! look out supermicro and dell and lenovo!01:59
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Guest68i changed my bios setting from ahci to ide and then booted linux by mistake. Does that cause problems? If I change it back to ahci will linux mess up?02:25
mybalzitchif you're using uuids no. at worst linux just don't boot02:25
Guest68i did a default install and there's only one ssd, so if that uses uuids then i am using uuids02:28
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Guest68is there anything I could check from a live usb before attempting to boot the real one with ahci again?02:30
jhutchinsGuest68: cat /etc/fstab02:47
jhutchinsGuest68: That will show how the system's mounting devices.02:48
jhutchinsWe love our ghosts.02:58
Guest68oh, yeah fstab shows it using uuid02:59
Rockwoodi wanna move all files with hidden with dot folder1 to folder204:22
Rockwoodwhat is the correct way for to do this in ubuntu04:22
Rockwoodi am using ubuntu 20 LTS04:22
oerheksctrl + h shows them04:23
leaftypeRockwood: show the hidden files, and then drag and drop them04:23
oerheksthen select them all, cvoila04:23
Rockwoodis it any command?04:23
Rockwoodmv ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/* ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test < i have done like this04:24
leaftypenope, it's mis-spelled "voila", not to be confused with viola04:24
Rockwoodmv: cannot stat '/home/rockwood/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/*': No such file or directory04:25
Rockwoodi am getting this04:25
Rockwoodby above mention command04:25
Rockwoodmv source_path/* destination_path/ i used this way04:26
swalladgeRockwood: does /home/rockwood/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/* exist?04:26
Rockwoodonly /var/www/04:26
swalladgewell don't use that path then :P04:26
Rockwoodwhat should be there?04:27
swalladgedrop the tildes from `mv ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/* ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test`04:27
swalladge(~ is expanded to /home/rockwood by your shell)04:27
Rockwoodso i should be start directly with /var/www/04:28
leaftypethe tilde is a shorthand for "start in my hope directory"04:28
leaftypeso ~/Video would, to the computer, look like /home/leaftype/Video04:29
swalladgeand be careful with using `mv` and glob expansion.  I think your current command will ignore any hidden files04:29
swalladgedon't want to miss any toplevel .htaccess files04:30
Rockwoodi don't want to miss any kind of file04:31
Rockwoodi am getting rockwood@cyberia:/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart$ drop the tildes from `mv ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/* ~/var/www/api.rockwood.test04:32
swalladgeyou'll want to run something like:04:33
swalladgemv /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/* /var/www/api.rockwood.test04:33
oerhekscp -r /bla.bla/{.,}* /target  ## includes all files and directories (also starting with a dot)04:37
Rockwoodnow i am getting 500 error04:38
Rockwoodfiles are moved there04:38
Rockwooddrwxrwxr-x  3 rockwood rockwood    4096 Nov  5 04:34 s-cart i think still something there04:39
swalladgerun `ls -a /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/`04:39
Rockwoodits behaving like rockwood@cyberia:/var/www/api.rockwood.test$ run `ls -a /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/04:40
swalladgedon't literally paste in the whole chat message :P04:40
swalladgethe command is what I put in `backtickts`04:40
Rockwoodoh okay04:41
RockwoodCommand 'run' not found, did you mean:04:41
swalladgetry to understand what commands you're running before pasting them in04:43
swalladgeI suggested using the `ls` command to check if any files were missed04:43
swalladgeyou'll need the `-a` argument too, to show hidden files04:43
Rockwoodrun `ls -a /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/` isn't correct?04:44
Rockwoodrun `ls` `-a` /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/ should be like this?04:44
swalladgeno no no04:44
KBarRockwood: please, refer to this beautiful tutorial: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners#1-overview04:45
KBarTo get familiar with the command line.04:45
KBarRockwood it will take 20 minutes at most.04:46
Rockwoodsorry for blindly paste :(04:46
Rockwoodyou said run this comman d04:46
Rockwoodcommand and i pasted that is too :D04:46
Rockwoodanyway still few files remain ther e04:47
Rockwoodi wanna copy that those too04:47
KBarRockwood don't just paste commands into shell. Read and understand them first.04:47
Rockwoodsure i will keep it in my mind this too04:48
swalladgeok cool, so you can repeat your `mv` command, but like this:04:48
swalladgemv /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/.* /var/www/api.rockwood.test04:48
swalladgenote the period before the * to glob the dotfiles04:48
KBarRockwood some commands may ruin your whole system and render it completely unusable. Especially the ones starting with `sudo`.04:49
Rockwoodmv: cannot move '/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/.' to '/var/www/api.rockwood.test/.': Device or resource busy04:49
Rockwoodsudo need here i think now04:49
swalladgeoooh no wait04:49
swalladgewhat command did you run?04:50
Rockwoodmv /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/.* /var/www/api.rockwood.test04:51
Rockwoodthis one04:51
swalladgehuh it should work.  Maybe avoid the globbing and move each file individually04:52
oerheksone would be member of the www-data group, to do so04:52
swalladgemv /var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/.env /var/www/api.rockwood.test/04:52
swalladgethat's true, it could be file permissions, rather than missing files that's causing the 500 errors04:53
Rockwoodstill error04:53
Rockwoodmv: cannot stat '/var/www/api.rockwood.test/s-cart/.env': No such file or directory04:53
oerheksif you could copy before, then something else is going on. maybe files are in use04:53
swalladgeok they've been moved then04:53
swalladgeyou can `ls -a` the /var/www/api.rockwood.test/ directory to check04:53
Rockwoodswalladge, https://kopy.io/2CFh404:54
swalladgeI highly recommend going through the tutorial that KBar linked to.  I'm not sure you're understanding what's going on in the terminal, and I'm worried that you'll accidentally nuke the server by pasting something unexpected04:56
swalladgebut yep that second screenshot looks good.  I reckon your files are now where they should be04:56
Rockwoodbut i am facing still HTTP ERROR 50004:56
Rockwoodi need to see the log04:56
KBarRockwood 1) https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners#1-overview 2) http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php04:57
RockwoodKBar, thanks04:57
Rockwoodoops nothing like error log there05:01
Rockwoodin /var/log/05:01
oerheksHTTP ERROR 500 means something has changed, you moved files he cannot find anymore?05:06
Rockwoodfrom where i can chk the logs now05:07
oerhekserr, why did you want to move those files as a start?05:07
oerheksand tell us what gives that error 500 exactly?05:07
Rockwoodfrom where i can see the logs05:07
Rockwoodi wanna download this project https://github.com/s-cart/s-cart05:08
Rockwoodin my currently working folder05:09
Rockwoodjust that is05:09
Samian I made a python program and a cpp program that are supposed to be different versions of the same program.  I want to make unit tests that check for identical outputs given identical inputs.  What's the technical name for such a test?05:12
Rockwoodoerheks, thanks05:15
Rockwoodproblem solved05:15
Rockwoodpermission was the cuase for that05:15
=== Guest7783 is now known as Znevna
FirefisheHow does one use a file such as:  filename.deb.blob ??06:15
tomreynFirefishe: that's not a common file extension. maybe run "file" against it to get an idea what this might be. ortell us where you got it from, and what it's supposed to do.06:18
tomreyn.deb would be a debian package (also used by ubuntu)06:19
Firefishethanks tomreyn, checking something06:25
FirefisheI know what .deb files are.  I may have been looking in the wrong file hierarchy.06:26
Firefisheit's for linux-surface06:26
FirefisheI'm also in that room.  My question here was more generic.06:27
KBarFirefishe, what do you mean "use"?06:29
KBarFirefishe, a .deb file is essentially an ar archive.06:29
KBarYou can try viewing it with `ar tv /path/to/deb-file` and extracting it with `ar x /path/to/deb-file`06:31
leptoneUbuntu taught me about IRC. I've been freaked out bc i couldn't get on Freenode for like a year. Glad there is still IRC. Hoping Libra is similar to what Freenode was.06:34
FirefisheKBar: Thanks for that information.  A new way to view something for me.06:37
KBarleptone, it's Libera. Welcome!06:37
leptone38can anyone see my messages??06:37
FirefisheI'm trying to build a .deb package from source.  Using the command:  "dpkg -b" what would I place after the "-b" ??06:38
tomreynleptone38: we can read you06:38
Firefisheleptone38: I can see you just fine.06:38
Firefisheleptone38: yw06:38
tomreynleptone: for testing your irc client, please /join #tests06:38
leptonetomreyn: Will do. Thx. How about a channel for discussing / learning what happened to Freenode?06:40
tomreyn!alis | leptone06:40
ubottuleptone: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»06:40
slingamnlately i get prompts from apt/dpkg asking whether i want to restart services06:41
slingamnwhat's the current way to suppress that?06:41
ezakimakcan't get X11 forwarding to work on a 20.04.2 install06:42
ezakimakssh -Y -v shows "Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing."06:42
ezakimakxauth list shows entries06:42
ezakimakDISPLAY is set to :0.006:43
ezakimakbut every attempt to run any x app results in "Error: Can't open display: :0.0"06:43
tomreynslingamn: same as during the past 20 (?) years ;-)   DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive06:49
slingamni saw some chatter on stackexchange about that not working anymore and `debconf-set-selections` being needed instead06:51
slingamnin this noninteractive case, how do i control whether services are restarted or not?06:54
tomreynslingamn: "non-interactive" suppresses the prompts and forces debconf to go with the default setting. i assume the default will be not to restart services most of the time, but it really depends on their defaults.07:04
slingamnit's a per-library default?07:04
slingamni'm currently using 20.04 for all my servers, and i like the current behavior where nginx only restarts on nginx upgrades --- i wouldn't want it to restart unannounced for anything else07:06
slingamnbut i'm not clear on how to control that07:07
tomreynslingamn: i don't see why else nginx would restart if not for package upgrades (of nginx itself of libraries it depends on)07:23
slingamnright, that's what i mean, i want it to restart on upgrades of the nginx package, but not for upgrades of any of the library dependencies07:23
slingamnit pulls in a lot of weird stuff like libtiff07:24
tomreyni don't expect that you can handle those cases seperately.07:27
tomreynalso, either would likely put it at risk if these are security updates, and restarts are fast, so personally i'd just do it.07:27
b247_euHi there07:32
b247_euIm looking for an advice regarding a HP laptop (HP ProBook 440 G7 - https://ubuntu.com/certified/202005-27901)07:34
ezakimaklooks like /etc/profile.d/var-env.sh is clobbering DISPLAY07:34
slingamnwell, one of the reasons i want that behavior is that it's at parity with the behavior of 20.04 with unattended-upgrades07:35
slingamni'm using nginx to proxy long-running TCP connections that can be fairly disruptive to tear down07:36
tomreynb247_eu: what kind of advice specifically?07:36
tomreynslingamn: i see. how long runningis this? like minutes, hours, days?07:37
b247_euIt looks that is "certified ... with a custom Ubuntu image" but "standard ubuntu images may not work well ..."; Is there a way where or how to download this "custom Ubuntu image", my problem is that with standard Ubuntu20.04LTS there is no driver for the fingerprint07:38
slingamnit's IRC actually, it can be weeks07:39
tomreynezakimak: https://packages.ubuntu.com is not aware of this file location.07:39
slingamni'm not planning on upgrading until 22.04.1 so that's almost a year out...just wanted to get a handle on my options07:40
tomreynb247_eu: if there is, then it'll be available from HP07:40
tomreynslingamn: i guess what i'd do in this scenario is load balancing and then slowly moving connections off of one server, and finally install the updates there, and put it back into the pool.07:43
b247_eutomreyn, I've looked on the HP site, they have a lot of "recovery options" but only Windows images, nothing about Ubuntu; shall I contact (via email/other official ways) HP or Ubuntu for that?07:43
slingamni can deal with killing everything at once, i'd just like to have control over the scheduling, the way i do now07:44
b247_euto be honest, only the fingerprint driver is missing (from any kernel out-there) and thought that "a certified Ubuntu custom image and software" may have this driver07:46
oerhekscheck your FP device against https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html07:49
tomreynb247_eu: HP most likely provides a recovery iso. or you could try installing the "oem" kernel variant on the ubuntu release HP supports for this model.07:50
tomreynslingamn: unless those are snap packages, you should already have full control on when you run unattended-upgrades.07:52
slingamnas in, i can set specific hours?07:53
tomreynyes, or change the schedule on when it runs07:53
b247_euthank you tomreyn, will try to contact HP then for the recovery iso; already tried standard oem and there is no fingerprint driver for the hp fingerprint; thank you all, wish you well07:54
tomreyngood luck07:55
tomreynb247_eu: https://support.hp.com/emea_middle_east-en/document/buh07143 might be of relevance08:03
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cornelhello, is there a way to verify the operating system integrity in Ubuntu 16.04? I'm looking after something similar to rpm -Va , from rpm-world.08:57
alkisg(install it if you don't have it)09:03
alkisgCheck: sudo debsums -s09:03
cornelthank you alkisg09:06
cornelcheck is in progress09:06
cornelalkisg, no output from debsums09:20
cornelthis means there's no problem, righ?09:20
corneli need --all too09:20
cornelthank you. Some config files were changed, but none looks like the reason for our error: fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet fatal: protocol error: bad pack header09:26
corneli gues i have to reach the network guys, maybe soething is wrong in some equipment port09:26
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cornelhello again09:58
cornelhow can i downgrade git in my ubuntu system?09:58
shuje71french serveur please10:29
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shuje71i need help for my wifi10:30
tosarajaIs this a security issue or not? I have a Ubuntu host in which I run LXD containers. I opened a shell in one of those containers with 'lxc exec foobar bash' and ran tmux there. Now for some reason I got "Error: websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF" whichafter I was thrown out of the lxc container. But the strange thing is, that i'm still inside the same tmux window. Which was launched inside the container. Normally I can't do this,10:38
tosarajabecause running just simply exit to exit the lxd, it actually just exists the tmux. Might not be anything, but this seems so strange so I decided to ask here just in case.10:38
TJ-tosaraja: "websocket" infers you were using some network client from within the LXD/tmux session10:51
tosarajaI was running on "onedb purge" command that purges old data from our database within that container. Even if that command catastrophically fails, I still don't get why it threw me out of the container10:53
TJ-tosaraja: is the tmux process still running then? check with "ps -efly | grep tmux" for example11:02
tosarajawell i do see the borders of tmux in my putty view11:03
tosarajahah..but THAT was a visual bug11:03
tosarajait isn't actually running. Rescaling the putty window took the borders away and also the tmux shortcuts don't work11:03
=== pah is now known as pa
engblomI have a Ubuntu installation running xmonad. For some strange reason Ubuntu keeps changing my keyboard layout. I have manually set it with setxkbdmap, but the settings are not staying during the whole session. What is wrong?11:18
TJ-tosaraja: aha!11:19
=== pah is now known as pa
KBarengblom, join #xmonad.12:12
engblomKBar: I am 100% sure xmonad is not chaning my keymap. It is a Ubuntu problem. I have been using xmonad for more than a decade in different distros and never had this problem12:13
engblomKBar: It is something in Ubuntu overriding my own settings (which are set by setxkbmap)12:13
netpipenew equalizer in qt12:18
Fatal_Sushinetpipe: wrong channel12:19
netpipeneeds to go into the repos somehow12:20
netpipeafter a quick fix12:20
Fatal_Sushistill, wrong channel netpipe12:20
Fatal_Sushithis channel is for support with Ubuntu12:21
netpipeput it with pulseaudio already12:22
netpipenot sure if it goes into their repo yet though12:22
Fatal_Sushinetpipe: if you don't have a ubuntu support question please take it to #ubuntu-discuss or offtopic12:24
BluesKajHi all12:46
mekhamiquick question, what's a good straight forward pdf editing tool available on ubuntu13:51
lotuspsychjemekhami: a lot of users like inkscape to edit pdf's13:51
tarzeaupdftotext the.pdf | $EDITOR13:51
zenofon 20.04 with gnome, how can I switch to my ttys when I have a multimonitor setup (laptop+external monitor)?  pressing ctrl-alt-{f1,f3,f4,f5,f6} brings me to my my latop showing a blank black but switched on screen, and my external display is off. ctrl-alt-f2 brings me back to my x11-session, ctrl-alt-f7 shows me a gdm-login screen.13:56
TumulteHey !13:57
TumulteDo you know how to make Ubuntu recognise my screen as a valid charging source (thunderbolt) ? Got the image. But not the charge13:57
lotuspsychje!tty | zenof13:57
ubottuzenof: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution13:57
zenofubottu: so, it might be due to a resolution set to unmatching values?13:59
zenofI mean, when I  for example gnome press ctrl-alt-f3, my external display becomes dark black (as if switched off) and my laptop an illuminated black, but without any content.14:01
zenofand, no, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution doesn't help, as in grub I have already set up my proper resolution (1280x800 on a thinkpad), and on while booting the first tty works as expected.14:10
zenofalso, my /etc/systemd/logind.conf is vanilla, but I simply can't access the ttys14:20
RenevantGood morning! Netplan question for any networking experts out there...using Ubuntu 20.04, and netplan apply returns "/lib/netplan/generate: symbol lookup error: /lib/netplan/generate: undefined symbol: get_global_network" and fails to apply the settings. Where am I going wrong here? Thanks in advance for your help :)14:41
leftyfbRenevant: pastebin your yaml14:42
BinarySaviorif i'm running openvpn server, do i need to allow via iptables (ufw is not active)14:42
leftyfbBinarySavior: if you have iptables rules blocking all non-allowed traffic, then yes14:44
leftyfbBinarySavior: also port forwarding if you're doing any sort of NAT on your network14:44
BinarySaviorleftyb thanks14:45
BinarySaviorfor some reason even after allowing udp on 1194 in iptables and also on my router forwarding 1194 to the openvpn I still am getting connection refused when trying to connect14:46
Renevantleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/y3HqXXR014:46
BinarySaviorweird, must have been my router, after disabling port forwarding, then re-enabling, now it's working14:52
RiFohello, i installed ubuntu server onto a new disc and after the restart i got the error "connot find required map" any idea what went wrong? - it also shows "ubuntu" in the boot menu of the bios15:03
Daulityquestion how do i set a metric on interfaces with systemd-networkd? If i try the manual says that it can be under multiple labels but any i try it says unknown key15:05
tomreynDaulity: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man5/systemd.network.5.html says that the "Metric=" value is only defined in the "[ROUTE]" section (i assume that's what you refer to by "labels")15:26
tomreyn(there is also "RouteMetric=" in the "DHCPv4" section (for when the DHCP client receives route metrics from the DHCP server))15:28
tomreynRiFo: "Cannot find required map" is not a message I've ever heard of - could this be a firmware issued error message?15:30
tomreyna web searc suggests this is an efi shell error message15:30
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RiFoits comming from the bios probably, it can't seam to find the os15:36
tomreyn"Map: cannot find required map name." would be the very error message then, indicating that the UEFI firmware was unable to access some configured storage media path. which probably means it could not resolve a Boot record found in the NVRAM (as reported by efibootmgr -v)15:36
RiFoi tried booting again from the dvd and it keept cycling my monitor on and off somehow15:37
tomreynis this hardware generally reliable?15:37
RiFoit worked since this week when the old hdd kept showing errors (after years of running)15:38
tomreynRiFo: so you're saying the computer worked fine for years, but it had a broken HDD, which you replaced by some new storage a week ago, and it has been running fine from this new storage for a week now? but you reinstalled (?) today, and now it does not seem to boot off this new storage?15:40
RiFoit had been running fine until the hdd broke, i ordered a new one which arrived today, i installed ubuntu server without problems, but it didn't boot after the installtion15:41
tomreynis this server hardware?15:42
tomreynwith just a single disk?15:42
tomreynwhich ubuntu release did you install today, whihc one were you running previously?15:43
tomreynis secure boot enabled?15:43
tomreynis this a different type of storage media than you used to have (HDD) now (such as an NVME)? is the bios up to date?15:44
RiFoi don't think the server has secure boot, and i installed ubuntu-21.10-live-server-amd6415:44
tomreyni see, most people would probably stick to LTS releases for servers.15:45
tomreyn(but that doesn't mean it's wrong to use 21.10, just unusual)15:46
leftyfbsome people must enjoy upgrading their production servers every 9 months with non-LTS :)15:46
ioriaRiFo, have you tried to change the sata port ? or reset bios to defaults ?15:47
RiFoill try changing the port15:47
=== LabMunkeh is now known as Mechanismus
RiForesetting bios seams kind of radical  ^^' ill try to avoid that15:54
RiFoi changed some configs in the bios then it showed up in the efi console16:08
RiFoi then could manuelly boat the kernel16:08
RenevantGood morning! Netplan question for any networking experts out there...using Ubuntu 20.04, and netplan apply returns "/lib/netplan/generate: symbol lookup error: /lib/netplan/generate: undefined symbol: get_global_network" and fails to apply the settings. Where am I going wrong here? Thanks in advance for your help :)  [YAML file here:16:12
RiFo((server boards takes ages to reboot xD))16:12
leftyfbRenevant: why are you specifying NM as your renderer? Are you using NM?16:20
Renevant@leftyb Yes sir. Every primer I've read has directed me to specify NetworkManager or networkd as my renderer, and I've probably upgraded/deployed 4 dozen servers and this is the first time I've encountered this error. I suppose I could change the renderer; I don't think I tried that yet16:23
leftyfbRenevant: does this "server" run a GUI desktop?16:24
Renevant@leftyb: It does. ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 20.04 server16:24
leftyfbRenevant: then don't edit/create netplan files. Use network manager to edit your network settings16:26
TJ-Renevant: looks like a possible problem with the netplan package. Does this report that symbol: " strings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnetplan.so.0.0  | grep  get_global_network "16:27
Renevant@leftyb - Herein lies the problem - I don't have direct access to the machine. I use Microsoft Azure, so I don't have access to the GUI, just a CLI16:27
leftyfbRenevant: then why is there a desktop installed and running?16:27
Renevant@leftyb I will check that now; thank you16:27
Renevant@leftyb During initial setup and QA, gui is installed. Does it need to be? That could be argued for and against....16:28
RiFogot it working btw, thanks for the ideas16:28
leftyfbRenevant: if it's not used, then don't install it16:28
TJ-pointy-clicky == larger attack surface for malicious code16:29
RenevantNOted, thank you16:29
TJ-Renevant: did you check for that symbol?16:30
Renevant@TJ- I will do so as soon as possible and report back16:30
TJ-Renevant: if it does, then next do "ldd /lib/netplan/generate" and make sure all libraries have been resolved correctly16:31
TJ-Renevant: helps to compare outputs of those commands against a known-good system16:31
RenevantThank you both. Apologies if the question is juvenile; still getting familiar...16:32
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Gallomimiahow can i modify what appears on the side-bar of the file browser? Ubuntu 21.1017:33
jhutchinsGallomimia: Load a different page.17:48
jhutchinsGallomimia: Which browser?  What does your "side bar" look like?  Does it persist across pages?17:49
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Gallomimiathere's no pages. it's a view of my home directory17:52
Gallomimiaand yes it persists. and i can't change it. i also can't set any button to view root dir17:53
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leftyfbGallomimia: you drag folders from the main pane on the right over to the side bar on the left, you sould see "new bookmark" appear. Drop it onto that17:58
Gallomimia..... i tried that17:59
leftyfbGallomimia: and what happened exactly?17:59
Gallomimiai can't drag root onto it, and i can't drag stuff i don't want off of it18:00
leftyfbGallomimia: you can modify the favorites you add by right-clicking them18:01
Gallomimiathe option to remove is greyed out18:01
leftyfbGallomimia: can you take a screenshot?18:01
Gallomimiaurg, i have to cut off the other two monitors18:02
Gallomimiabrain fart.. where do i post an image to share?18:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:04
leftyfbok, what I said still stands18:05
Gallomimiaand what i said still stands18:05
leftyfb[14:01:05] <leftyfb> Gallomimia: you can modify the favorites you add by right-clicking them18:05
Gallomimianone of the things you said to do are working. and i tried them already.. it's rather intuitive18:05
leftyfbGallomimia: you can't modify the defaults the same way. I said the ones you "you add"18:06
Gallomimiawell then how do i modify the defaults18:06
leftyfbhere's a hacky way to do it, let me see if there's a cleaner way https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2375449&s=3a14daae2d4aca4c6c2b0a3821fbee97&p=13718365#post1371836518:07
Gallomimiathat's not a hacky way, that's an elbows deep way18:08
leftyfbin ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs18:08
leftyfbthere is no way in the default GUI options built into the Gnome desktop18:08
Gallomimiano this is perfect18:09
Gallomimiai guess you can't change the first three, starred, recent, home. that's ok tho18:09
Gallomimiauh, how does it load?18:10
leftyfbyou might want to set enabled=False in /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf. Otherwise you might get those bookmarks back when you login again18:10
Gallomimiai have as yet not had the changes take effect18:11
leftyfbthey won't until you log out and back in18:11
Gallomimiaand that true/false switch you mentioned.... rewrites the config in my home dir each login?18:12
leftyfbGallomimia: you might also look at ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks18:12
leftyfbGallomimia: try them all, see which one works for your needs18:12
Gallomimiahmmmmm i edited the files in both xdg18:15
Gallomimiait had an effect. but the ones i deleted are now.... favorites? or. they're in a separate pane, and show a directory icon instead of their old one18:16
Gallomimiaand i tried to add ROOT to the pane. which was unsuccessful18:16
leftyfbGallomimia: can I ask, why do you need / as a favorite on the left? You really shouldn't(and can't by default) be doing anything in the root directory from the file manager18:18
Gallomimiai do it all the time18:18
leftyfbdo what ecacty?18:18
Gallomimialook for things in my root dir18:18
Gallomimiathings in my root dir18:18
Gallomimiai prefer to mount several partitions there18:19
leftyfbok, then bookmark the mounts18:19
Gallomimiastill a work in progress on this particular install18:19
leftyfbGallomimia: you're saying you need root because you need to find directories in root. Add the directories you're looking for, not root18:20
Gallomimiathere'll be more than a few when i'm done. so, no.18:20
leftyfbGallomimia: ok, then add all the mounts in /mnt/ and bookmark that18:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_hey where do ubuntu stores qt5-qmake18:22
Gallomimiaand undesirable solution to just one of the examples i gave. i dig in my root dir lots of times per day. at least one reason for every file there18:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_I am on ubuntu 21.0418:22
leftyfbGallomimia: there should be no reason for you to ever store files in the root directory18:23
Gallomimianot files, but there's a swap file there if you must know. each dir18:23
leftyfbGallomimia: what on earth are you doing mesing with a swap file?18:23
Gallomimia...... messing with a swap file. examining its size? who knows18:24
Ronalds_Mazitis_qt version not available in qtcreator18:24
Gallomimialook. you use your computer how you want to use it, and i'll use mine in the way i want to use it. you've been very helpful thus far. i want a way to pick my root directory. i used it 40 times per day on my previous install of ubuntu.18:24
Gallomimiai really can't answer your inquiries about why i want it besides to say "because i want it."18:25
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: sudo apt install qt5-qmake. qt5-qmake-bin if you need the binary18:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have those18:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_they don't appear in project settings when choosing kit18:26
GallomimiaRonalds_Mazitis_, can you be more specific about what file you're looking for? you can find the binary by typing which <binary>18:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_it shows none in qt versions18:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_when I open qtcreator18:27
Gallomimiai'm chomping at the bit here to go to the gym. going to have to continue this modification later... got a good start thanks leftyfb18:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_ok added qmake from /bin18:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_btw my idea is to create widget like video editor18:29
Gallomimiaoh into your project18:29
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: you might try #qt18:29
Ronalds_Mazitis_it will use c++ to collect files from one folder and then render using ffmpeg by sort I choosed18:29
Gallomimialet me know how it goes18:29
Ronalds_Mazitis_kinda used c++ in my job and that feature of file systems is way too cool nowadays18:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_I mean, past already18:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_but I hate video editors nowadays18:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_mine will just trim and leave raw sequence :>18:30
CarlFKI added a grub menuentry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom and ran update-grub, rebooted.. and I don't get a grub menu.  how do I get the grub menu?18:36
sarnoldtry holding left shift while booting18:37
CarlFKno luck18:38
CarlFK# GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden18:40
Gallomimiayeah there's a few options to determine if the menu shows, for how long, and what to do if the timer reaches zero18:41
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TJ-For GRUB you need to tap Esc key repeatedly (UEFI cannot report state of modifier keys)18:47
TJ-GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu is a better choice than 'hidden' along with giving a decent timeout so you have chance to actually respond before it starts the default boot entry18:48
CarlFK#ing the 2 lines out worked too18:49
Gallomimiapretty sure that just makes it read the option in question from a different file. defaults or something18:49
Gallomimiathe deeper i get into manuals and documentation for xdg-user-dir the more confused and frustrated i become. that stuff is developed by the freedesktop.org project? where should i go for more support on that?18:52
* alkisg prefers the windows approach for user dirs, where the dirs themselves are not translated, and the file managers are responsible for showing their localized names...18:59
Gallomimiai can somewhat agree with that. i come from the world of mac and feel the same. and in mac, a link to the root directory was not only possible, it was selectable as the default for new windows19:00
Gallomimiai can also understand what leftyfb was saying in that i should probably keep my fingers out of that cookie jar. but i've got several years of terminal use under my belt, dabbled with many config files, and if i'm smart enough to figure out how to get it to show up in this difficult config, then i'm smart enough to either refrain from doing something stupid or assume responsibility if i do.19:01
leftyfbGallomimia: kinda going against yourself there. If that is all true, then you should be doing most things regarding the root directory from the CLI, not a file manager :)19:02
Gallomimiathere seems to be a lot of effort put in to prevent me from doing this. that's a shame really. effort that could be spent fixing actual real bugs.19:02
Gallomimiai mix'n'match. depends what i'm doing, if i want to GUI view a config file, or whatever19:03
alkisgGallomimia: can you sum-up what you're trying to do? I don't see it in the recent backlog...19:03
Gallomimiaon mac there was a handy command to make the GUI show you the current working directory. i find it difficult on ubuntu19:03
Gallomimiaalkisg, all i want, is for one of the quick dirs on the left of each file viewer window to be root.19:04
Gallomimiai already took some of the superfluous ones out thanks to some hints from leftyfb19:04
alkisgAh, you mean gtk bookmarks?19:04
alkisgThat's a different thing19:04
Gallomimianot bookmarks. the user dirs would be better19:04
Gallomimiai can't get it to show up in either19:05
Ronalds_Mazitis_find: ‘libMagic.so’: No such file or directory19:05
alkisgTo set e.g. that your documents are in / instead of in ~/documents? And you modified the config and it won't accept it?19:05
Gallomimiai'd like it to say... recent, starred, root, home, desktop.... and maybe documents and downloads19:05
leftyfbGallomimia: the CWD is always at the top of the file manager. You can hit CTRL+L to see it typed out or even edit it19:06
Gallomimiai think you misunderstood what i was trying to say. i meant if i'm hacking around on the command line and want to open the dir in GUI19:06
gneeriiloeepdeerim using pdftk to aes128 encrypt a pdf19:06
leftyfbGallomimia: type: nautilus19:06
alkisgAh, that's about customizing the gnome file manager, it's not related to xdg-user-dirs then19:06
leftyfbGallomimia: or: nautilus .19:07
gneeriiloeepdeerI tried pdftk estrangement.pdf output 1.128.pdf user_pw alice19:07
gneeriiloeepdeerbut I get19:07
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:07
gneeriiloeepdeerWarning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Use the keyword PROMPT to supply a password via standard input instead. Except that I don't know how to do that> I have written <PROMPT> at the end of the command, but it is identified as an unexpected token. So, how do I do this right?19:08
Gallomimianautlius . works ok. it's a bit unweildy compared to open .19:08
leftyfbGallomimia: huh?19:09
Gallomimiais guud19:09
Gallomimianot great, but guud19:09
leftyfbGallomimia: why is it not sufficient?19:09
Gallomimiai'll get used to it19:10
Gallomimiai'm just used to using open. nautilus... well i always type naulitus :P19:10
Ronalds_Mazitis_how to symlink libmagic.so.1 to libmagic.so19:10
Gallomimialn -s source dest19:11
Gallomimiamore info read man ln19:11
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: I really think you need to be asking these questions in #qt. It sounds like you are going to make a mess of things trying to shoehorn your system into acting the way you think it should act when in fact it's working fine, but there's some missing pieces you do not yet have a full understanding of19:17
GallomimiaRonalds_Mazitis_ i agree but i think you should go to a support channel for whatever program you're using to create this project. is qt just one of the things you're including in the project?19:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_at this point I got to point where I did that19:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_as my error really leads to nowhere19:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_:-1: error: [Makefile:105: install] Error 119:23
Gallomimiayeah i should have said something earlier. making symlinks in your libraries folder is probably a bad plan19:23
Gallomimiato explain this error, you should read the makefile at line 10519:23
Ronalds_Mazitis_so how do I dislink19:24
Gallomimiaremove the symlink by deleting it19:24
Ronalds_Mazitis_ln -s libmagic.so.1 libmagic.so19:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_so which I delete19:25
Gallomimiathe second one. but first, do a ls -l and you can see which one is the link19:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_lrwxrwxrwx  1 ronalds ronalds   13 nov  5 21:14 libmagic.so -> libmagic.so.119:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_what I do now19:26
Gallomimiaso file libmagic.so is pointing at libmagic.so.119:26
Gallomimiathe .1 is the real file, leave that alone19:26
Gallomimiathe other is the link. nuke it19:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_where is it stored even19:27
Gallomimiathe one with no one19:27
Gallomimiai should ask you19:27
Gallomimiawhere is it stored?19:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_I did19:27
Gallomimiawhere did you go to find it? where did you go to link it19:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_ln -s libmagic.so.1 libmagic.so19:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_that's it19:27
Gallomimiajust... in your home directory?19:27
Gallomimiano wonder it didn't do anything19:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_ok so19:27
Gallomimiayeah i'm gonna suggest you take your hands off your keyboard and read a bit about the command line before you use it again.19:28
tstirrati'm getting root filesystem close to full warnings. i run `du -xsh * | sort -rh` and it shows 27gb in /home, but /home is pointing at a different filesystem: `/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-home--lv on /home type btrfs (rw,relatime,ssd,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/)`19:28
tstirratis there something i'm missing here?19:28
tstirratlike why is `du -x` showing somethign that should be on a different filesystem?19:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_Gallomimia sorry, I'm just multitasking19:29
Ronalds_Mazitis_I deleted symlink19:29
leftyfbtstirrat: use ncdu19:29
tstirratthat's also more than i've allocated in total for the root VG19:29
tstirratwhat's ncdu?19:29
GallomimiaRonalds_Mazitis_, that symlink didn't point at anything. your home directory is not the place where library files are found19:30
leftyfbtstirrat: sudo ncdu /   # this will show you what's taking up space and where. It's a nice ncurses interface for du basically19:30
tstirratah kk19:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_yeah, I get that my error is makelists file right now19:30
tstirratit looks like it stays within the filesystem by default19:30
tstirratand it looks like there's 6gb of syslog19:30
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: ok, I would suggest asking for further help with your qt project and the IDE in #qt19:30
tstirratis that something that i can safely delete if i'm not currently using it for debugging?19:31
GallomimiaRonalds_Mazitis_, i also suggest you put your project on hold and spend an hour or two learning about the files you're trying to muck with unsuccessfully19:31
leftyfbtstirrat: how big is your drive? 6G isn't a lot of space19:31
tstirratit's not, but i've got things set up with LVM19:31
tstirratso i've got 20gb allocated for root and more for other things (docker, home, etc)19:32
Gallomimiait's a partition. if using LVM 15 gigs is plenty for an install19:32
Gallomimiabut yeah. you got syslogs swollen up. sounds like you need to configure how much is kept, or put them in a new location19:32
tstirratyeah this is related to some weird hibernate instabilities that have been happening since i upgraded to the most recent distro19:34
tstirrati'll figure it out eventualy19:34
tstirratbut it looks like i can just truncate/empty syslog in the meantime19:34
VMGuy23xfce the theme is weirdly dark even though its a light theme19:36
VMGuy23theres white on white and black on black19:36
leftyfbVMGuy23: pick a different theme that best suits you19:37
VMGuy23leftyfb: this is the theme i want, it works fine on another account19:37
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imiis there a linux command to zoom/shrink a pdf file? I have a pdf file with a single 55x55mm page. I'd like to scale it down to 45x45mm with the contents scaled/zoomed/shrinked accordingly as well20:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_why #qt seems to not responde20:21
Ronalds_Mazitis_at all20:21
imiRonalds_Mazitis_: people might be away20:21
Ronalds_Mazitis_qtcreator does not provide working CMakeLists.txt after installation20:21
Ronalds_Mazitis_there project is broken in basic20:22
imiI've never seen this issue yet20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_sudo apt install qt5-default20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_sudo apt-get -y install qtcreator20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_sudo apt install qt5-qmake20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_after that20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_created project20:22
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: try https://forum.qt.io/20:22
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: your issues are around qt development, not ubuntu20:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_yall waste people time20:23
Ronalds_Mazitis_I've been programming like 6 years and these people like to fuck people time like it is a bussiness20:24
Ronalds_Mazitis_expecially on startup20:24
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: please stop20:24
Ronalds_Mazitis_maybe more20:24
Ronalds_Mazitis_I can't get why computers can't work in future20:24
sarnoldbecause those jerks in the future that invented time travel haven't come back to us to share how it's done. so we're stuck with computers that only work in the present :(20:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_no it's all done but the working basics You build up everything still are delivered by jerks20:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_learn to respect humanity20:26
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: good luck with your project20:26
BinarySaviorsomething weird just happened, i restarted my computer, then it asked me for smartcard pin upon login21:17
BinarySaviorthe only way i could log in was crtl+alt+f2, log in at terminal, then do startx21:18
BinarySaviorbut x is different, what's the desktop environment native to ubuntu 21.04?21:18
jhutchinsPossibly Wayland?21:19
oerheksstartx .. that is old21:19
jhutchinsBinarySavior: What did you do BEFORE you restarted?21:19
BinarySaviorjhutchins, nothing that I can recall21:19
BinarySaviorwould starting ssh server change it?21:20
jhutchinsHm.  Automatic/unattended upgrade?21:20
jhutchinsBinarySavior: Shouldn't.21:20
Gallomimiaalright i have a question about this issue.. what in the heck is a "smartcard pin"21:21
edlouGallomimia: pin sounds like the credentials and smartcard sounds like the physical?21:22
edlouor w/e the term is21:22
oerheksGallomimia, one could use a smartcard, but i am sure he knows how he set that up21:22
BinarySavioryea it's asking for pin21:22
BinarySaviorand smartcard21:22
edlouso smartcard+pin21:22
BinarySaviori dont know my pin or smartcard21:22
Gallomimiayes i understand english but... where is it from? what does it do? i've never heard of it for computers or anything that ubuntu can run on21:22
Gallomimiawhat even is a smartcard?21:23
BinarySavioroh, i did set up a domain21:23
BinarySaviorbefore restarting21:23
BinarySavioron my LAN21:23
Gallomimiathe only thing i know about a smart card is that thing that opens the door to work, or a hotel room.21:23
edlouspam 0's and scream until someone worries21:23
Gallomimiaand they don't have pin's21:23
BinarySaviorso how can i pass this screen without crtl+alt+f221:24
BinarySaviorwould establishing a domain on my LAN trigger ubuntu to start asking for smart cards?21:26
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blahboybazOn ubuntu 20.04 I'm experienceing a problem like what is seen in this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1191035/pcie-bus-error-type-transaction-layer-severity-uncorrected-on-shutdown-on-acer-s   I see that the person found a soln to their problem involving change the driver to use in Additional Drivers, however, I am unsure which of the options (among several) I should switch to. What I see in my21:27
oerheks_BinarySavior, yes, i think such event can trigger that smartcard issue. other machines on that lan should have the same issue21:27
blahboybazAdditional Drivers window gives multiple options. How can I discover which one I should switch to in attempt to solve my problem?21:27
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oerheks_blahboybaz, choose the highest, 470 ?21:28
oerheks_they are all closed source, 'proprietary'21:29
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blahboybazoerheks: ok, now, considering that this is the only computer I have (and only way to get on this channel to chat) what is a basic strategy to use if the shtf and I lose display or some wierd thing like that?21:31
blahboybazIs there some command I can use and boot into recovery mode or something to switch back so I could get back here?21:32
oerheksblahboybaz, yes, hold shift or esc on boot21:32
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:32
blahboybazIsn't recovery mode command line only?21:33
BinarySavioroerheks, i also have a yubikey plugged into my computer21:34
BinarySaviori dont know if that would have caused it21:34
Gallomimiauh, i think it is, but even so there's ways to view a webpage or visit an IRC channel21:35
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oerheksyes, recovery is comandline, one could fix an update/reverse package, sudo ubuntu-drivers list / sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia450   as example21:36
oerheksBinarySavior, that could be, there is a yubikey wiki, but i wonder how this is related to your added domain?21:37
BinarySavioroerheks, i dont know probbly unrelated21:37
BinarySaviori can still access the internet / login with crtl+alt+f2, and i've had the yubikey for along time21:37
BinarySaviori've rebooted many times with the yubikey in my computer and never saw smart card / pin21:37
BinarySaviorbut this it the first time rebooting since establishing domain on the lan21:38
blahboybazoerheks: ok, so how can I find the specific command to enter to set it back to the driver option I currently have? I would like to be armed with the correct command before making a change since I may not have the ability to find it if things go wrong after the change21:38
oerhekssee https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux21:39
Gallomimiaif you're fixing stuff in your system, i advise you use a notepad and write down what you do. generally removing the stuff you added can get you back to a bootable point21:39
blahboybazcool thanks21:40
oerheksbut i don't think you would get issues on forehand21:40
Gallomimiai'm glad you would take the precautions. it's less than ideal to be seeking support using the device you're fixing when the issue involves reboots21:40
Gallomimiaperhaps... print the page on recovery mode?21:41
ztanehow do I force a certain version of pkg to be installed from ppa, looking at the apt-cache policy x for example, I can see that it has default version number of 0.8.10~develop-2021-10-12-5911fdf6-0ubuntu1~focal and then when I try to install x with apt install "x=0.8.10~develop-2021-10-12-5911fdf6-0ubuntu1~focal" I get "version not found"21:41
oerheksBinarySavior, oke you found out these 2 are related, the yubikey, in use or not before, now is acting as a OTP token.21:41
ztaneaha it should be *"1:0.8.10-blablablabla", whatever that21:43
oerheksztane, apt-cache <name> would give available versions, apt-get install package=version -V # would be the right syntax21:43
rloehningHi. I just created an account on https://login.launchpad.net/ to report a CVE in 20.04, but I can't verify my email address because the page keeps telling me: "Bad bot, go away!" Not exactly friendly. Anyone have an idea what might be wrong?21:49
jeremy31rloehning: Do you get to an Ubuntu One sign on page?21:49
rloehningjeremy31: Hi. Yes, I do.21:50
jeremy31rloehning: Does is automatically fill in the info21:50
cbreakwhen can kernel be expected in 21.10?21:53
rloehningjeremy31: I might not have been precise: I'm logged in already with email and password. When I click on the link in the verification mail, I get directly to the "verify ...@..." page where I click on "Yes I'm sure".21:53
rloehningjeremy31: I check "I'm not a robot" which gets accepted immediately without showing me a captcha first.21:54
cbreakbecause of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/190647621:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1906476 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Impish) "PANIC at zfs_znode.c:335:zfs_znode_sa_init() // VERIFY(0 == sa_handle_get_from_db(zfsvfs->z_os, db, zp, SA_HDL_SHARED, &zp->z_sa_hdl)) failed" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:55
BinarySaviorthe yubikey is not working for smart card21:55
rloehningjeremy31: After clicking "Yes I'm sure" (or however the button is labelled in English), the page tells me to go away.21:56
jeremy31rloehning: It might be caused by a Firefox update21:57
blahboybazOk, so I have a 4k screen on this thing. When I enter into recovery mode (even from the time the menu to enter that mode comes up) the font is pinpoint small so that I have to use a magnifying glass to try and read what is there. Additinoally, I see information on switching from the xorg nouveau drivers to the proprietary driver but that is not what I need a command for. What I need a command for is to21:57
blahboybazswitch TO the nouveau driver (as in switching back from the proprietary driver if it effs up on me when I try it)21:57
rloehningjeremy31: Running FF 94.0 from Ubuntu 20.04's repos.21:57
jeremy31rloehning: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+bug/194976621:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1949766 in Canonical SSO provider "Unable to login using the new Firefox version 94.0[SOLVED]" [Undecided, Fix Released]21:57
blahboybazI googled to find the command but still I'm seeing the wrong answers21:58
blahboybazI'm currently using the xorg nouveau driver, want to try the proprietary driver, but need a way back if something goes sideways.  Currently: https://pasteboard.co/r4LUF0WfKUVP.png21:59
rloehningjeremy31: Looks similar indeed, but that is about logging in, isn't it? I think I am logged in, can browse my "Personal Data", "Account Activity" etc. in the account.22:00
jeremy31rloehning: try going to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?orderby=-id&start=0 and see if it shows you are logged in on the top right hand corner of the page22:01
rloehningjeremy31: Just the email verification doesn't work. And that doesn't seem "solved" as is the report's status.22:01
blahboybazI may have just found the info. Sorry for the disturbance22:01
rloehningjeremy31: Negative. Top right reads "Log in / Register"22:01
rloehningSo I'm _not_ logged in. :-/22:02
rloehningjeremy31: Anything I can do?22:02
jeremy31rloehning: you will likely have to contact the team running the Ubuntu One SSO22:03
rloehningjeremy31: You know who that is or how I can reach'em?22:04
jeremy31rloehning: I do not22:05
blahboybazI thought this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032357/how-to-switch-from-nvidia-to-nouveau-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04  was telling how to set the nouveau driver from the command line but after looking at it I think it may be addressing a different situation. In that thread it seems to be having you install the driver but I'm currently using it (so it must already be installed right?). Then if I switch22:06
blahboybazto the proprietary driver; but, for some reason find I need to switch back, do I then have to install the nouveau driver again or just configure it to be used?22:06
cbreakjeremy31: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Contact ? Maybe a direct mail is less  hassle22:07
tomreynrloehning: try #canonical-sysadmin - that's more likely to be correct than the security team22:08
cbreakblahboybaz: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032357/how-to-switch-from-nvidia-to-nouveau-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04 looks like exactly what you want. It seems you can use ubuntu-drivers to list devices / drivers, and then apt to install them22:09
blahboybazcbreak: Ok, that is the same article I was referencing when asking my question.. specifically, they are saying to use the command  $ sudo apt install <driver to be used>   but is "install" the right command for my situation when I'm using that driver as I speak? Does the driver somehow become uninstalled when I switch away from it to the proprietary driver? Or is "install" meaning something different22:14
blahboybazthan installing the driver as if it were not on the system?22:14
cbreakI don't think it gets removed22:14
rloehningjeremy31: tomreyn: OK, I'll ask there. Thank you for your help!22:15
blahboybazhope this works22:15
blahboybazthe possibility of losing the display device on your only computer (and way onto irc) is pretty scary22:16
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cbreakblahboybaz: well. You can install irssi or similar22:19
cbreaklet's see if irssi still works22:20
blahboybazon what?22:20
blahboybazthis is my only computer22:20
cbreakon that computer22:20
blahboybazwithout a display?22:20
cbreakit's a shell IRC client22:20
cbreakseems it works :)22:20
blahboybazsuppose the damn display is black22:20
cbreakit just needs a TTY22:21
blahboybazthen can I install and use irssi?22:21
blahboybazno, I can't in that sitch22:21
cbreakeven without X you should still be able to get a tty22:21
cbreak(those you get to with ctrl-alt-F4 and similar)22:22
tomreynchances are that the resolution will be bad there, too, though22:22
tomreynbut it's worth a try.22:22
blahboybazmaybe it isn't worth trying to fix22:22
cbreak(if you try out that combo, you can go back with ctrl-alt-f1 I think... is that ubuntu's primary tty? it is here on kubuntu)22:22
blahboybaz the damn thing is putting me through too much shit I don't know. Now it's asking to enter a password for secure boot22:22
blahboybazI'm not into doing shit I don't understand when it comes to my computer22:23
blahboybazeff it22:23
tomreyni'd use a smartphone or tab or any other computer to communicate here while i am trying to solve a problem on some computer which has a potential of breaking screen output or keyboard / mouse input.22:23
tomreyn!language | blahboybaz22:24
ubottublahboybaz: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:24
cbreakI have multiple boot environments22:25
blahboybazI'm just trying to get back to where I was at this point. You have to understand I'm not into this depth of dealing with shit on the computer. I get overwhelmed easy and i just don't want the stress of all the unknown. It isn't fun anymore. Maybe it never was22:25
cbreakif I break something, I can roll back to an earlier ZFS snapshot22:25
cbreakif I screw up something major, I have to zfs send a backup of the boot pool from my mac22:25
cbreakblahboybaz: there are a lot of unknown things in the depths of modern operating systems. And linux doesn't hide them as well as MacOS or even windows22:26
blahboybazJust want it to be over with at this piont22:28
blahboybazcan't get it to go back to the nouveau driver now22:29
cbreakwhy do you not like the nvidia drivers?22:29
blahboybazI explained it all earlier but hang on I'll type it up again22:30
cbreakI've never made any good experience with nouveau22:32
cbreakat work I always install the nvidia cuda packages, which bundle their own drivers from nvidia22:32
cbreakat home here I have the ubuntu nvidia driver package22:32
blahboybazI'm getting this error:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1191035/pcie-bus-error-type-transaction-layer-severity-uncorrected-on-shutdown-on-acer-s  the guy in that thread solved his problem by switching to the proprietary driver. I am aware that when changing drivers it is possible for sever problems to occur (such as losing the display entirely). If that should happen I wanted to be prepared (armed)22:38
blahboybazwith the correct sequence of events (and commands) to return to the xorg driver - even if that meant entering recovery mode to do so. Additionally, while chatting just now, I attempted to switch to the proprietary driver throught the Additional Drivers window (graphically). I was presented with a window to enter a password to be used for secure boot. I am not comfortable doing such a thing because (1)22:38
blahboybazI don't know what result that will cause and I don't want to have to enter an additional password when I boot OR I do not want to have to remember a password to make change in bios in the future if I have to. AND (2) I though secure boot was disable in my bios settings anyway. Finally, I tried to return to the xorg driver at that point (without entering a secure boot password nor completing the22:38
blahboybazprocess). It won't let me swtich back to the xorg driver now because it says something about a lock and unable to access something something. I just want to go back to the xorg driver and put an end to this nightmare so I can enjoy my computer again. I don't care anymore if it screws up when I resume from hibernation sometimes. I just want to be stop having to deal with this but I have to at least put22:39
blahboybazthings back the way they were22:39
blahboybazI have considered simply rebooting the system but the nightmare I face, the thing that simply can-not happen, is that I either lose my display after the reboot or the letter become too pinpoint small to read anything again. I don't want to find things out the hard way - it's too painful22:40
blahboybazThat's kinda the reason I ask help on these channnels. Is cause I'm not interested in geeking out on this stuff that deeply - I just want to use it and enjoy it. I know problems happen (that is inevitable); but, when they do, I come ask for help with it. I don't try to solve it on my own because it was NEVER about that for me. I use linux cause I know it is more secure - overall just plain better. Not22:51
blahboybazcause I want to dig down into all kind of problem solving skills and knowledge. Heh, I just wanna watch videos and play (that's what makes me happy). I usually just ignore little issues that come up figuring someone will fix it and it'll get pulled in with an upgrade sooner or later. I only even address a problem (like the one I had when I can here today) when it interferes with normal operation to the22:51
blahboybazpoint I have to or really should (for convenience sake) do something about it22:51
blahboybazOh well, time to face the bease I guess22:51
blahboybaz$ sudo shutdonw now22:51
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five623468263Hey everyone. I am facing a very odd issue with chroot. I prepare Ubuntu Raspberry Pi images (arm64) on my Ubuntu 21.04 amd64 host via chroot and qemu. It has always worked great, but since I updated my host to 21.10, inside the chroot, I can't invoke any command with arguments. For example, trying to mv goes like this:23:26
five623468263root@ubuntu:/# mv etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf.bak23:26
five623468263mv: missing destination file operand after 'etc/resolv.conf.bak'23:26
five623468263Try 'mv --help' for more information.23:26
five623468263Trying to nano resolv.conf just opens a blank editor.23:26
five623468263This issue exists for absolutely every command arguments. Does anybody have any idea? Thanks23:26
sarnoldwow that's crazy23:27
five623468263It's literally the most bizarre issue I've ever seen23:27
sarnoldfive623468263: the usual convention when execution programs on unix is for the argv array to include the command name as the very first argument; so when you exec mv, it looks like: execve(mv, [mv, foo, bar, 0]);23:28
sarnoldfive623468263: so it feels a lot like whatever shell you're executing has forgotten this convention entirely :)23:28
five623468263my host shell is bash, and so is my chroot23:28
jhutchinsfive623468263: resolve.conf is in /etc23:28
five623468263the exact same chroot works wonders with Ubuntu 20.04 and before on the host... just not since 21.1023:28
five623468263I am in / when I execute that command23:29
jhutchinsfive623468263: Hm, no, that's not it if you're in /.23:29
five623468263The issue is that the shell fails to parse my commands, and I have never seen that happen before23:30
five623468263Could it be something to do with locales?23:30
sarnoldprobably not23:30
rfmfive623468263, the only thing I can think of that causes that is getting $IFS set to something odd23:30
sarnoldI suggest trying dash or tcsh or zsh or ksh or something and see if it's common to all the shells or if it's specific to the one shell23:31
five623468263Another strange issue is that whenever I run `chroot /mnt/chroot`, nothing happens until I Ctrl+C, then the chroot shell starts working23:32
five623468263I don't know if this means anything23:32
five623468263I just tried with plain old `/bin/sh` and the same behavior exists there23:33
rfmfive623468263, that also sounds like there's something odd in the chroot profiles (like /etc/profile, or one of the per-user ones)23:33
five623468263Also, the craziest part, I can "work around the bug by doing this:23:34
five623468263cp SOME_UNUSED_WORD resolv.conf resolv.conf.bak23:34
sarnoldcp cp resolv.conf resolv.conf.bak would be much more reliable23:34
five623468263Yeah, I was just visualizing the idea... but this is either way not a solution23:35
sarnoldmaybe it's less common these days but once upon a time it was commong for one executable to be used for multiple 'programs' and it would decide what to do by looking at argv[0]23:35
five623468263rfm: /etc/profile is standard for Ubuntu 21.1023:35
five623468263I should have probably mentioned, this is a completely unmodified Raspberry Pi Ubuntu 21.10 official image that I am mounting and chrooting into23:36
five623468263And yeah, it worked just fine on Ubuntu 21.04 and before on the host... The only thing that changed is the host Linux, so I don't think the problem is inside the chroot23:36
tmusAnnoying issue with my laptop since upgrading to 21.10, after standby/resume the screen will blank after 30 seconds (not lock, just blank) (same issue across multiple thinkpads, intel and amd). This is causing me all sorts of grief... Can somebody tell be why this happens and how to fix it?23:38
jhutchinsfive623468263: Have you mounted /dev, /proc, and /sys?23:41
rfmfive623468263, try running "\cp foo bar", the backslash will stop any function or alias substitution (which could cause this)23:42
jhutchinsfive623468263: Possibly $PATH?23:42
sarnoldoh interesting idea23:42
jhutchinsWouldn't that be /bin/cp?23:43
five623468263root@ubuntu:/# \mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak23:43
five623468263mv: missing destination file operand after '/etc/resolv.conf.bak'23:43
five623468263Try 'mv --help' for more information.23:43
five623468263jhutchins: root@ubuntu:/# echo $PATH23:43
five623468263 /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin23:43
rfmso, nothing there.   what does "type mv" say?23:44
five623468263root@ubuntu:/# type mv23:44
five623468263mv is hashed (/usr/bin/mv)23:44
rfmthat looks normal.  definitely running out of ideas here23:45
five623468263I spent a solid 3-4 hours Googling this... not a single related issue23:45
five623468263Definitely out of ideas myself ^^23:45
* jhutchins wonders what effect snap might have had on the environment...23:46
rfmis it just mv?   what does "echo a b c" say?  (also maybe "/bin/echo a b c" in case the builtin is different)23:47
five623468263Nope, it's everything. The first argument is always swollowed23:48
five623468263root@ubuntu:/# /bin/echo a b c23:48
five623468263b c23:48
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five623468263I also just tried a few other Ubuntu 21.10 distros to make sure the issue is not there.. Same with both xubuntu and lubuntu23:58
oerheksmy guess; your image is read only..23:59

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