
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xu-help60wI'm new to xubuntu and I was wondering during if I can dow load different desktop environments similar to Ubuntu?14:43
KBarHi and welcome! What version of Ubuntu are you talking about? Xfce, which is the default DE of Xubuntu, is already customizable.14:45
KBarYou can pretty much mimic and emulate any other DE with the right tools and options.14:46
xu-help60wI am currently using Ubuntu 20.04.03, do you know of where I can learn how to emulate other DEs? I have tried Google and I just get info for Ubuntu. Not alot for xubuntu14:47
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
xubuntu24ilololoi am installing xubuntu on a vm now20:29

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