
LocutusOfBorgcjwatson, hello, FYI I syncd liblog-agent-perl, I hope its ok for you, testsuite is now green, I don't know if the delta was still useful after all those years00:22
LocutusOfBorgthe missing libmailtools-perl looks installed in autopkgtests00:24
ottokHi! Are there any plans to update the kernel used for Launchpad builders? Filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1943292 in September but no responses02:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1943292 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad builders kernel 4.15 too old to compile software that uses uring" [Undecided, New]02:05
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: well I'd entirely forgotten about it, so sure18:07
cjwatsonottok: I expect it will be possible at some point, but we've been busy training new hires so I can't give you an ETA18:08
ottokcjwatson: I would appreciate if you comment in the issue what your large scale plan is, like what year you plan to upgrade Launchpad infra and to what release (20.04, 22.04?)18:47
cjwatsonottok: We will do once we have a plan :)18:55
cjwatson(20.04, though, not 22.04 at this time)18:57
mwhudsonomg empty ppc64el autopkgtest queues21:23
vorlonmwhudson: we traded them for i386, enjoy22:43
mwhudsonvorlon: what's i38622:44
vorlonmwhudson: an obsolete architecture that takes 5 minutes to upgrade the amd64 host before failing to run any tests due to uninstallabilities22:44
mwhudsonvorlon: semi seriously, any idea on what to look at for +1 this week?22:45
mwhudsoni've loaded excuses but haven't looked at it yet22:45
vorlonmwhudson: starting with things uploaded < 31 days ago, there is looooots to poke at now.  A lot of no-change rebuilds for python3-defaults (python3.10) that ftbfs; and as I mentioned earlier on #ubuntu-release, hdf5 on s390x in broken and holding up the whole r-bioc transition22:46
mwhudsonoh everyone loves hdf522:46
vorlonespecially on BE22:46
vorlonnot a priority for +1, but I'm amused that after I submitted the patch to apertium to fix the fact that dictioniaries were completely broken on s390x, the next sync from Debian is now completely broken on armhf22:47
mwhudsonvorlon: did you look at the hdf5 test log22:51
mwhudsonvorlon: the failing test is called "test_aws_canonical_request"22:51
mwhudsonin a module called s3comms22:51
mwhudsonthis is not what i expected to find :)22:51
mwhudsonof course there is absolutely no indication of why the test failed22:52
mwhudsontempted to just bounce on retry22:53
mwhudsonmwhudson@anduril:~/src/pkg$ debdiff hdf5_1.10.6+repack-5.dsc hdf5_1.10.7+repack-4.dsc | wc -l22:57
mwhudsonguess this is not semver then22:57
mwhudsonwtf, swig(?) builds ruby extensions with a different gcc?23:11
mwhudsonhmm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby2.7/+bug/194895023:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1948950 in ruby2.7 (Ubuntu Jammy) "ruby2.7-dev: extensions fails to build on ppc64el by lack of gcc-10" [Undecided, Triaged]23:15
mwhudsonmore hmm this will all go away when we transition to ruby 3 ... i wonder when this will be23:17

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