
=== jakub is now known as amsterdamski
keykeyo sup 01:24
guiverckeyke, if you have a Lubuntu support question, just ask it.  Chatter belongs in #lubuntu-offtopic01:39
keykeah ok01:39
keykeis there a way to increase wireless range?01:40
guivercthe only things I've read are not Lubuntu specific, but I've no experience with any sorry01:41
keykek ty01:42
rosganihi All12:20
rosganihow do I make shortcut keyboard to run application in Lubuntu ? Thanks12:20
rosganifor Instance, I want to run GIMP so I only need to prees Ctrl + Shift + G12:21
rosganidone! I've got the answer, thanks for help :)12:33
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== gabriel is now known as gabrielfff
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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