
Bashing-om!info python3 | focal00:01
ubottufocal: python3 (3.9.4-1build1, impish): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Built by python3-defaults. Size 23 kB / 89 kB00:01
Gallomimiawhere's the detect displays button00:27
Gallomimiaoh. apparently all i needed to do was "wiggle it. just a little bit"00:29
=== M4he is now known as mahe
mw_using sxhkd 0.5.8 i bind super+a to a command, it properly executes, but the active window also receives the "a" keystroke02:24
mw_is this the normal behavior?02:25
eric_Hello? I'm new to XChat02:40
eric_Can anyone help me?02:40
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=== eric_ is now known as EnigmaNamaste
EnigmaNamasteHowdy Kel02:47
EnigmaNamasteI'm new to this just now... ??02:47
EnigmaNamasteNamaste _/|\_  I'm new to IRC Can anyone help or chat with me?02:55
lotuspsychje!ask | EnigmaNamaste02:56
ubottuEnigmaNamaste: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:56
Bashing-omEnigmaNamaste: Tou ar in the Ubuntu support channel - How may we help ?02:56
Bashing-omYou are in ** :(02:56
EnigmaNamasteHi This is my first time in XChat... I'm hungry to find chat again like in the day when I chatted in yahoo chat... So I'm learning.. Please be patient.02:57
EnigmaNamasteI'm new to this and working my way through the settings etc... and trying to find topical chats or "rooms/channels" to join.02:59
EnigmaNamasteI found the "help" site now... xchat.org/docs... that will help I'm sure :-)03:00
Bashing-omEnigmaNamaste: Reading is allways good :) ,,, finding channels here on libera, there is a service, alis, to aid. See the result from ' msg alis help list ' from your client status window.03:04
lotuspsychje!xchat | EnigmaNamaste see also03:05
ubottuEnigmaNamaste see also: xchat and xchat-gnome are old IRC clients which are not actively maintained outside of Ubuntu/Debian. Some versions of Ubuntu do not include them. Please strongly consider using hexchat instead, which has good upstream support and is widely recommended by the IRC community over xchat and xchat-gnome.03:05
tim_Do people actually use this ?03:09
justyb11tim_, By actually use this, what do you mean?03:09
tim_Like use HexChat03:09
tim_Why would anyone use this thing in the era of DiscorD?03:09
tim_I just stumbled on it on a whim03:10
leftyfbtim_: This is an ubuntu support channel. Free free to /join #libera to random chat03:10
tim_Oh sorry03:10
=== klausfiend1 is now known as klausfiend
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=== ^I is now known as ^A
ravage!ask | webchat3906:14
ubottuwebchat39: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:14
=== Guest6708 is now known as Daniel
webchat39how do i install wifi driver in ubuntu 20.04.06:15
ravageUbuntu 20.04 already has a lot of drivers included. if your wifi does not work you have to tell us which wifi chipset your use06:16
toddcwebchat39: realtek should work but these instrutions will guide you to the correct chipset https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:17
webchat39i tried but it didn't work06:18
ravageyou can send the output of "lspci > /tmp/drivers; lsusb >> /tmp/drivers; cat /tmp/drivers | nc termbin.com 9999" here if you want06:19
ravagewill tell which one you have06:19
ravagewebchat39: also "uname -a" is helpful06:20
webchat39realtek wifi driver06:21
=== krabador is now known as Guest4820
webchat39step by step process to install06:21
ravagewebchat39: we need the requested information+06:21
webchat39information  ??06:22
ravagesend the output of "lspci > /tmp/drivers; lsusb >> /tmp/drivers; cat /tmp/drivers | nc termbin.com 9999"06:22
ravageand also of "uname -a"06:23
=== ^A is now known as Agent
qskwoodI have run the following commands and my LAN hosts cannot access anything beyond the gateway: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/76d50b3906:49
qskwoodWhat am I doing wrong here?06:49
=== diskin is now known as Guest994
=== diskin_ is now known as diskin
ToxmiIs it possible to run a npm package locally? I have found a JS app in github and can easily install it by `npm install app` but I can not and do not know how to run it e.g. as a localhost server or something. I tried something like `npx app` or `npm run app` or `npm exec app` but those seems doesn't work. It seems it's intended to be embeded in a HTML project, is there a way generally to locally07:00
Toxmirun a JS app?07:00
mw_qskwood: check the output of route07:04
qskwoodmw_, https://paste.debian.net/plainh/33fbd2ab07:06
qskwoodThat's the gateway07:06
mw_so the machine itself can reach outside?07:09
mw_dunno, maybe you have some other firewall rules set up07:09
qskwoodYeah the kernel has a dev route for IPv6 hosts beyond its LAN subnet07:09
qskwoodNothing I'm aware of07:11
mw_sorry, it was a long ago i messed with iptables, have no idea.. is the RELATED,ESTABLISHED rule supposed to be in the filter chain rather than nat?07:13
qskwoodYeah I believe so07:14
mw_iptables -L  or  iptables -L -tnat might tell you more, also there is a route (not ip route) command with slightly different output07:17
qskwoodboth IPv4 tables are empty07:18
qskwoodroute isn't included with Ubuntu by default since the suite has been deprecated for years07:19
mw_i meant ip6tables -L07:23
qskwoodAh well all that is already in that pastebin07:23
mw_you seem to be already way ahead of me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯07:27
RoundDuckKiraHow can you get secure boot to work on nvidia07:28
RoundDuckKiraOn my pc I hit "enroll keys" and reboot a d Nvidia driver doesn't load07:28
RoundDuckKiraSo I uninstalled Ubuntu MATE 20.0407:28
RoundDuckKiraBecause I wonder if I could get it to work by looking at the secure boot modes on my pc07:29
RoundDuckKiraThere's a user, deployed/deployment, setup, and audit mode07:29
RoundDuckKiraI tried setup and no password prompt on installation to signify secure boot is used07:30
RoundDuckKiraI even tried manually adding the mok.der key to the certificate collection and it failed07:30
=== pah is now known as pa
RoundDuckKiraI realize maybe I shouldn't touch the modes07:36
RoundDuckKiraDamn it07:36
cbreakRoundDuckKira: secure boot shouldn't need a password07:38
cbreakit should need the boot process to be signed by microsoft, or similar07:38
RoundDuckKiraWhat's with the "create a password" thing when you pick the install proprietary stuffs button tho07:38
RoundDuckKiraUsually because of *cough* Nvidia *cough*07:39
cbreaklinux abi is unstable unfortunately07:39
cbreakso external drivers have to be rebuilt with every kernel update, via dkms or similar07:39
cbreakso maybe that's for code signing?07:40
RoundDuckKiraand Linux is monolithic07:40
RoundDuckKiraYeah it's to sign those drivers I think07:40
RoundDuckKiraAnd the initramfs?07:40
RoundDuckKiraYeah by default Ubuntu works put of the box but Nvidia puts a monkey wrench into things07:41
RoundDuckKira*out of the box on secure boot07:41
RoundDuckKiraThe good news is that on many stuff, the default stuff mok manager does when this happens works pretty well07:42
RoundDuckKira...but on my Lenovo desktop it doesn't.07:42
qskwoodI did a `tcpdump -i ens33 icmp6` on the gateway and tried doing tracert on a LAN machine.07:44
qskwoodThe gateway never gets pinged07:44
qskwoodI don't get it, it's the default IPv6 gateway for that LAN machine07:44
deksarIs there any difference on Nginx and PHP performance between Linux distros? Let's say CentOS vs Ubuntu?08:01
shanmukhhello how do i install wifi driver in ubuntu08:08
SteelRoseshanmukh: it will depend on which chipset you have... best option would be to goolge it ...08:09
shanmukhyeah..!! i have realtek driver08:09
SteelRosedeksar: never saw such a difference... it will depend on the size of your hardware/VM ... and how you configure your webserver for optimal performance08:10
shanmukhbut iam new to ubuntu how do i install i want to know process08:10
qskwoodshanmukh, what WiFi card?08:10
shanmukhrealtek driver08:10
qskwoodwhat WiFi card08:10
qskwoodthere are a million Realtek drivers08:10
SteelRoseshanmukh: https://bfy.tw/RyXb08:11
shanmukhi dont know exactly08:11
shanmukhlet me installation process08:13
shanmukhknow the process08:13
qskwoodThere's no way for us to know what driver you need without knowing what WiFi card you have.08:13
qskwoodThat's like asking us what kind of oil you need for your car while refusing to go out and read the model number off the bumper.08:14
qskwoodIs it a USB card or a PCIe card?08:14
KolusionWhat's up with the firewall UFW? Apparently when it's enabled, it blocks inbound traffic and allows inbound traffic. Yet when I enable it I can't make a PPTP connection.08:16
KolusionI got disconnected08:17
KolusionSo, what's up with the firewall UFW? Apparently when it's enabled, it blocks inbound traffic and allows inbound traffic, yet when I enable it I can't make a PPTP connection.08:17
qskwoodYou don't really need to repeat the question 76 seconds later, even if you get disconnected08:18
KolusionOH FFS sorry. Let me write that again. I am at the park on my POS smartphone08:19
qskwoodI assume you mean it blocks inbound and allows outbound08:19
KolusionSo re. the firewall UFW... Apparently when it's enabled, it blocks inbound traffic and allows outbound traffic, yet when I enable it I can't make a PPTP connection.08:20
qskwoodDid you enable PPTP through the firewall?08:20
KolusionYeah man that's it08:20
qskwood... anyway08:20
qskwoodYou need to do one of two things, enable the conntrack module (maybe) for PPTP or enable the protocol through your firewall08:21
KolusionI enabled it's port and port 47. The server receives the connection and then it says its waiting for some config and then times out08:21
qskwoodDid you reload your firewall after adding the rule?08:22
KolusionI tried contrakk. It didn't work. If I disable UFW, everything is fine. :/08:22
qskwood(wild suggestion here, have you considered using a different VPN protocol?)08:23
KolusionPPTP only uses TCP08:24
qskwoodYou can set OpenVPN to use TCP only to08:24
KolusionThe VPN is not he problem though, its UFW08:25
ikoniaonly really version differences08:25
KolusionOpenVPN doesn't work08:25
ikoniaeg: if version 7.1 is %50 faster than version 7.0 then yes08:25
qskwoodYou're probably right, I'm just saying PPTP is horrendous08:25
ikoniaoops, sorry08:25
qskwoodIf you're unable to switch that's fine08:25
shanmukhhello how do i install wlan driver08:25
qskwoodbut if you were just starting this project I'd recommend switching08:26
KolusionIt's the only VPN application that works08:26
qskwoodshanmukh, did you see my previous reply?08:26
qskwoodWhat type of WiFi card do you have, PCIe or USB?08:26
Kolusionqskwood: Me?08:27
qskwoodPastebin the output of `lsusb`08:27
Kolusionpskwood are ou talking to me?08:27
shanmukhyes multiple devices showing08:28
KolusionI have 50MB of data left. (I am from Australia, we are backwards). I'll return later. Bye08:29
shanmukhBus 005 Device 002: ID 0bda:f179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11n08:29
shanmukhqskwood reply me08:31
qskwoodIt looks like you need the rtl8188fu driver08:31
shanmukhqskwood yes08:33
deksarIs ZFS supported by Ubuntu?08:34
shanmukhqskwood no i think it is rtl8188EUS08:34
qskwoodsudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/kablosuz then update and install rtl8188eus-dkms08:35
shanmukhwhat shoud i do with that text qskwood08:35
qskwoodRead up on package management in Ubuntu08:36
shanmukhshould i paste it in terminal08:36
qskwoodNot if you have no idea what it does, as a rule.08:36
shanmukhokk can you tell step by step to install08:37
qskwoodI'm not going to do that.08:37
qskwoodYou can do some research on your own.08:37
shanmukhyes i did but could not find08:38
qskwoodThis is literally a situation where you could have Google searched your question verbatim and received the same information on page one.08:38
qskwood"how to install PPA Ubuntu" and "how to use apt Ubuntu"08:38
shanmukhi hope you can help me08:40
qskwoodI already have.08:40
=== javaJake_ is now known as javaJake
RoundDuckKiraI found the solution to my Nvidia secure boot issue09:32
RoundDuckKiraJust needed to enable deployment mode on my lenovo desktop09:33
RoundDuckKiraThen install and use mok manager09:33
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
mario60Hi, anybody here?09:56
qskwoodThis channel needs an AI chatbot that responds to stuff like that10:14
deksarIs ZFS supported by Ubuntu?10:18
mario60hi, I have a question on how to install Ubuntu on a USB flash drive.10:19
mario60(attached to a Fedora 33 machine)10:20
mario60when I try 'Try Ubuntu without installing', I get a warning that :10:21
mario60WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.10:21
mario60The partition tables of the following devices are changed:10:21
mario60 SCSI4 (0,0,0) (sdc)10:21
mario60The following partitions are going to be formatted:10:21
mario60 LVM VG fedora, LV swap as swap    <<<<<<?????10:22
mario60 partition #1 of SCSI4 (0,0,0) (sdc) as ext410:22
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
KolusionIs there a command in 20.04 LTS to see open ports, like 'netstat -a' in Windows or what ever it is?10:52
KolusionLook's like I'll be installing net-tools then...10:54
qskwoodnet-tools has been deprecated for a decade nwo10:58
qskwoodthere's almost never a reason to install it10:58
qskwoodor https://access.redhat.com/sites/default/files/attachments/rh_ip_command_cheatsheet_1214_jcs_print.pdf10:59
klausfiendwait, netstat is deprecated? lol11:11
=== o is now known as niko
vaioyeah, it's ss now11:32
tarzeauklausfiend: together with ifconfig (ip now)11:33
vaiooh, nvm.11:33
tarzeaualthough some still install the old ones and use them11:33
KolusionThanks for all of that info people. I will check it out soon11:33
KolusionMy POS computer is busy11:34
mihaiadrianis there any rss reader in which i can push desktop notifications for new items from specific feeds i choose? i could script something like that, but i'm wondering if it's any existing solution11:43
KolusionThanks for those links about ss replacing netstat11:49
qskwoodklausfiend, https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/03/msg00780.html11:49
qskwoodTL;DR The process began in early 200911:50
KolusionIs it just me or does the man page for 'ip' suck? It says there is the option '-a' but when I use it like 'ip -a' it doesn't work, but 'ip a' does.11:51
qskwoodThey're completely different arguments11:51
KolusionLet me see......11:51
qskwood-a iterates your command over all objects available11:51
KolusionYes I see. I can't find anything for just 'a' though..11:52
qskwoodThat's because "a" isn't really a command11:53
qskwoodip is just smart enough to infer what you mean11:53
KolusionIt is, 'ip' and 'ip a' produce different results11:53
qskwood`ip a` will work11:53
qskwoodso will `ip addr`11:53
KolusionThe man page just sucks.11:54
qskwoodso will `ip addres` (missing an s)11:54
qskwoodThe man page is fine11:54
KolusionIf it was fine, 'a' would be defined. It's not.11:54
qskwoodIt is defined11:54
qskwoodthe command is `address`11:54
qskwoodyou are simply free to abbreviate it11:54
qskwoodThere is no "a" command11:54
KolusionNo, it's not documented.11:54
qskwoodIt's documented fine11:54
KolusionIf there was no command, it wouldn't work.11:54
KolusionWhere is it documented?11:54
qskwoodIt is a command, you are simply free to abbreviate it11:55
qskwoodIt's a pretty common concept11:55
qskwoodsee Cisco IOS for example11:55
KolusionNot to me.11:55
qskwoodas long as what you type isn't ambiguous the program will assume what you're trying to do11:55
qskwoodIt's not dangerous at all11:55
qskwoodIf you want to use the full object you still can11:56
KolusionLOL I wouldn't like 'rm' to assume what I am trying to do.11:56
qskwoodThat's not an apples to apples comparison11:56
qskwoodEach of the iproute2 object names can be shortened to the shortest unique set of characters. This means that ip route show can be abbreviated ip ro s and ip rule show can be abbreviated ip ru s. Also ip address show can be ip a s.11:57
KolusionThe assumption is the user knows that know.11:58
qskwoodNo it's not11:58
qskwoodthe documentation clearly uses full object names11:58
qskwoodNowhere does the man page suggest you abbreviate11:58
qskwoodit's an advanced usage.11:58
KolusionI didn't even know there was an object.11:58
qskwoodYou'd know if you ran `ip` with no arguments11:58
qskwoodit clearly tells you "Usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }"11:59
qskwoodobject is the only mandatory argument11:59
KolusionI just ran it and see the word address, but what the function doesn't is not explained.11:59
qskwoodSure it does11:59
qskwoodaddress is the object, the commands are listed in the next section of the man page12:00
KolusionI got lucky, 'ip a' worked how I wanted it to anyway.12:00
KolusionMy planets are aligning12:00
KolusionThanks for that clarification12:02
KolusionSo I have a service 'pptpd' running, a VPN server. I don't suppose anyone knows how I can use 'ss' to confirm which ports it is using? 'ss -a' gives me a life story.12:06
KolusionAll good12:09
KolusionGod they could have designed 'ss' better. Line breaks aren't a bad thing!12:11
KolusionIs there a way to search a man page for a string of text?12:20
KolusionCan port GRE be added to UFW?12:22
KolusionI mean, to allow port GRE.12:22
KBarKolusion press /12:31
KBarThen type your string.12:31
KBarit's case-sensitive12:31
KolusionThanks KBar12:32
KolusionSo I have a PPTP VPN server and a PPTP VPN client. The PPTP server uses port 1723 and GRE. The client's computer has a UFW firewall. When the firewall is disabled, the client connect fine. When it is enabled, it starts the connection to the server, but then then the connection times out after 30 seconds. The server reports "LCP: timeout sending12:32
KolusionConfig-Requests". I suspect this has something to do with GRE and UFW on the client side. Anyone know how to fix this?12:32
KBarKolusion use n to go forward and N (shift+n) to go backwards12:33
TJ-man is using the default pager which is generally 'less'12:33
KBarKolusion "?" (shift+/) will search the document backwards12:33
qskwoodTo see listening TCP sockets, you use `ss -l`12:34
KBarKolusion searching for gre is ufw's manpage, this is the 4th result: ufw allow in on eth0 to proto gre12:35
KBar       This will allow all gre traffic to on the eth0 interface.12:35
KBar*in ufw's12:35
KolusionKBAR, yes I saw that. I was hoping for an easier answer. I will try it now.12:36
qskwoodOn the server end you can include "silent" in /etc/ppp/options12:37
Kolusionqskwood. Cool. What does that do?12:37
qskwoodOne source quotes: "With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the peer (as for the "passive" option with old versions of pppd)."12:38
KolusionSWEET - AS12:38
qskwoodOther suggestions include loading the conntrack module on the server.12:38
KolusionThat doesn't work; tried it.12:39
qskwoodnf_conntrack_pptp should pull in nf_conntrack_gre12:39
qskwoodif it doesn't it may be worth manually doing it12:39
Kolusionnf_conntrack_gre doesn't exist in 20.04 LTS.12:39
KolusionObselete apparently I read.12:39
KolusionNo one likes PPTP LOL12:40
qskwoodWell it's a pretty bad protocol12:40
qskwood"it's the only one that works" is usually not true for deprecated stuff12:40
qskwoodat least not years after deprecation12:41
KolusionI am using it with application end-to-end encryption, so it's broken ciphers don't bother me.12:41
KolusionI tried every other VPN server software out there, none of them worked.12:41
Gallomimiadeprecated generally means something better replaced it12:41
Gallomimiaor more like "something we think is better"12:41
qskwood"none of them worked"12:41
qskwoodin what way did they not work?12:41
Gallomimiaah, pretty sure that means "none of them worked *FOR YOU*"12:42
KolusionIn, I followed the documentation on how to set it up and it didn't work.12:42
qskwoodYeah that doesn't really mean a bad solution is the next logical step12:42
qskwoodIt means fixing what's breaking is the next logical step12:42
qskwood(because now you're fixing what's breaking AND using a bad solution both)12:43
Gallomimiaah. it's pretty safe to assume the VPN software's manuals are both hard to understand and difficult to complete12:43
Gallomimiamore safe to understand there's a disconnect between the manual and the user than the software and your hardware.12:43
KolusionThe one I read is wrong in instructions and stylised hopelessly.12:44
qskwoodYou can use whatever you want, but personally I'd rather help someone configure OpenVPN or Wireguard to their needs than L2TP etc12:44
Gallomimiaprobably more useful to try fixing that manual than switch to a less robust product12:44
KolusionI just got disconnected for 15 seconds12:44
Gallomimiaprobably more useful to try fixing that manual than switch to a less robust product12:44
qskwoodWas your connection reset by Pierre?12:45
qskwoodscrew Pierre tbh12:45
KolusionI contacted OpenVPN, after sending my message, the website said the message was not received. Then I received an e-mail that said to sign-up and send the message again. lol. Then I tried their forum, upon signing up, the forum could not be found.12:45
KolusionLook a step 1 'Static Key Mini-HOWTO'12:46
qskwoodI guess I'm a little confused12:46
qskwoodif a howto that straightforward doesn't work it's probably something people other than you would have noticed by now12:46
KolusionCommands and instructions on changing configuration files are stylised the same. It took me 20 minutes to figure it out.12:46
KolusionBut then it didn't work anyway, I gave up and went to Poptop12:47
KolusionNo, OpenVPN just sucks.12:47
KolusionTry the instructions yourself.12:47
KolusionIt doesn't work12:47
qskwoodMaybe not.12:47
KolusionThis is probably why PPTP is still the most common VPN protocol, it just works.12:47
Gallomimiait's extremely arrogant to believe that just because you can't get it working the software sucks and no one should use it.12:48
KolusionIt's got nothing to do with arrogance, it's a fact. Follow the instructions step-by-step and you will see for yourself.12:48
qskwoodI would suggest that if you're getting disconnected from any server every 15 seconds it's probably a network problem.12:48
qskwoodOpenVPN is pretty widely used.12:49
KolusionIt says "server configuration file" but fails to mention where it is located.12:49
KolusionNo I mean't I got disconnected from this Libera chat for 15 seconds... incase someone replied to something I had said.12:49
Gallomimiaperhaps the instructions are less than forthcoming. perhaps there's another problem causing issues. but to say that a piece of software used by millions of people "just sucks" is everything to do with arrogance12:49
qskwoodThe location of configuration files changes with every system.12:50
KolusionWell, my experience is it sucks. I can only go by my experience with it.12:50
qskwoodIt's not really the job of the documentation team to specify it for every system out there.12:50
qskwoodThey could give one or two examples, but really it's likely in /etc/openvpn on a Linux system.12:51
Gallomimiaand that's the definition of arrogance. so, i think you need to adjust your attitude if you want some help12:51
Kolusionqskwood, yeah, that would have been good to know 3 weeks ago.12:51
KolusionI don't use a 'Linux system'. I use Ubuntu. Not every Linux system is the same.12:51
Gallomimiathis does raise an important point however. whose responsibility is it to document where the configs are? the package maintainer for ubuntu?12:52
KolusionDifferent distros have different file locations.12:52
qskwood99% of Linux systems place configuration data in /etc12:52
KolusionI didn't know that.12:52
KolusionIt assumed.12:52
KolusionDangerous to assume.12:52
qskwoodIf you had searched for OpenVPN Ubuntu 20.04, for example, you would have found where the configuration file goes in the first result.12:52
Gallomimiait is. and it's a problem not limited to openvpn12:52
KolusionBad documentation is a really bad thing in FOSS projects.12:52
qskwoodThis is just stuff you need to learn over time.12:52
qskwoodResearch, flexibility, patience12:53
Gallomimialearn from where tho?12:53
KolusionI tried learning it, I followed the instructions, they didn't make sense, I moved on.12:53
qskwoodThat's fair12:53
KolusionMy tinkering days are long over.12:53
Gallomimiawell, if it concerns you that much, put some effort into fixing the docs12:53
qskwoodI'm just saying if you want to get stuff done you have to primary options: do it yourself or have someone else do it for you12:54
KolusionGallomimia: Tried that, when I contacted OpenVPN, it said my message wasn't received, and to then e-mail it to them. lol wtf12:54
Gallomimiathe latter option does not lead to freedom12:54
Gallomimiathe method of contact you need is probably to submit a pull request with the corrections in the docs12:54
KolusionI used the official contact point.12:55
KolusionGallomimia: Freedom?12:55
Gallomimiasigh. yeah if the website doesn't even have accurate contact information..12:55
qskwoodThere are three emails listed on their site: sales, press, and security12:56
KolusionIt's not that it didn't have accurate contact informaton, the form accepts your message and then says it's not delivered, then you get an e-mail saying to sign-up and send it. Then two days later someone does response to you anyway. lol they really haven't got their shit together.12:56
qskwoodMassive enterprises don't usually want emails requesting support12:56
Gallomimianone of which applies to fixing the docs12:56
Gallomimiaalso, expecting a product that costs you nothing to "have their shit together" is probably asking too much12:57
KolusionGallomimia: True, but that is not why I tried contacting them. I didn't bother fixing the docs because I am not going to waste my time fixing a product for a company that doesn't have it's shit together.12:57
Gallomimiavery much likely they're spending their limited resources on paying customers, if they have any12:57
KolusionGallomimia: Sure, that's business.12:58
Gallomimiaalright. well maybe you shouldn't use ubuntu either?12:58
KolusionGallomimia: Why?12:58
qskwoodFor one thing you seem to hate the idea of putting any effort into achieving your goals.12:58
Gallomimiaanother free product. the support you're receiving now is provided by volunteers, not anyone from the company12:58
Kolusionqskwood: Not at all, I achieved my goal. I have a working VPN server.12:58
qskwoodYou'd be better of running something like RHEL and paying a vendor to set stuff up for you.12:58
KolusionGallomimia: Yes, but Canonical have their shit together.12:59
Gallomimiaubuntu also has paid support12:59
Gallomimiathey do NOT in fact have it together.12:59
qskwoodCanonical is not exactly a poster child12:59
Kolusionqskwood: To a degree ;)12:59
qskwoodThey screw up just like anyone else12:59
Gallomimiahave you tried looking for an irc channel like this one, but for openvpn?13:00
Kolusionqskwood: I can set things up fine, if I have documentation that actually makes sense.13:00
KolusionGallomimia: Nah, I moved on from OpenVPN to Poptop. Poptop worked.13:00
KolusionPoptop's documentation was bad too, but it made sense and I put effort into it.13:01
KolusionPoptop's documentation is comments in configuration files. lol13:01
qskwoodIf you want to use an 8 year old VPN server that's fine13:02
KolusionIt's much older than eight years.13:02
KolusionThis thing is ancient.13:02
Gallomimiaprobably secure then13:02
qskwoodHaha I'm just talking about their last release.13:02
KolusionAh yeah :D13:02
Gallomimiait's not like moore's law applies to crypto13:02
KolusionI'll be back. I am going to try your suggestions about UFW13:03
no_gravityHello! After I installed KDE on Ubuntu, the clipboard behaves wonky (sometimes does not copy). Could it be that now 2 clipboards are running or something?13:03
qskwoodI guess I was wrong. The Ubuntu package maintainer last updated the package in early 2018.13:04
Gallomimiathat could just mean a tweak to fit into current systems. like updating the service definition to fit with systemd13:04
qskwoodAnyway I think I've expressed my position13:05
qskwoodI don't mean to beat a dead horse13:06
Gallomimiai think he left13:06
Gallomimianow it's time to talk about KDE clipboards. i know nothing about this13:06
KolusionSo I added 'silent' to '/etc/ppp/options.pptpd' and restarted the VPN server service, then I reversed that change and then added 'silent' to '/etc/ppp/options' and restarted the VPN server service, neither of those things worked.13:09
KolusionWas that what you wanted me to do qskwood?13:10
qskwoodYeah I'd hoped that would resolve the issue13:10
KolusionNah, thanks for trying anyway. I will try the next idea.13:10
KolusionKBar: 'ufw allow in on eth0 to proto gre' << Do you know if a NIC can be used instead of an IP address?13:11
KolusionKBar: Can I just use 'ufw allow in on eth0 proto gre'?13:12
KolusionI will try it...13:12
KolusionHoly shit, it worked!13:15
KolusionThanks KBar. Awesome person!13:15
KBarYou're welcome. Man pages are a blessing.13:16
KBarYou just need to be patient and read them very carefully. :)13:16
KolusionKBar: I'm a goose! I saw that the other day, and even had it up on my screen when you mentioned it. I think I was having trouble else where at the time I tried it.13:17
KolusionKBar: Yeah man pages can be pretty good13:17
KolusionKBar: I use to hate them, not so much anymore. They are my go-to.13:17
KolusionKBar you have made my life easier mate13:19
KolusionGallomimia: I have contributed to GNU coreutils. If I was to reveal my name you would probably find it in your computer if you did a 'cat' scan for it. lol13:20
KolusionGallomimia: I contributed to it's documentation for Ubuntu instructions.13:21
KBarGlad that I could help.13:21
KolusionGallomimia: Kind of ironic given Ubuntu is not a recognised GNU/Linux system.13:21
KolusionGallomimia: 'Officially recognised'..... just in case you want to pull me up on that one.13:22
GallomimiaKolusion, ah that's great then. wonderful to hear. also it's not GNU, they've been making serious efforts to rewrite the entire system and duck away from GPL13:41
pikapikaGPL is amazing13:49
=== diskin is now known as Guest727
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KolusionGood. I dislike GPL14:02
KolusionIt is the number 1 cause of fragmentation14:03
lotuspsychje!ot | Kolusion14:03
ubottuKolusion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:03
Kolusionlotuspsychje are you one of those draining FOSS retards that kills it?14:04
KolusionI've seen a couple of you lot in here.14:05
KolusionI will be over in #ubuntu-offtopic14:05
BluesKajHi all14:11
oerhekshi BluesKaj14:14
BluesKajhi oerheks14:17
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
linsuxskype repo always expire and unable to update15:02
linsuxhow do i reinstall it15:02
linsuxdelete old one and reinstall new one15:02
oerheksskype repo ?15:03
linsuxlinux skype15:03
oerhekswe do not support 3rd party repos, i kow skype is available as snap https://snapcraft.io/skype15:04
oerheksms does provide a .deb on https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/ but good luck with that15:05
linsuxhow do i delete certificate15:09
linsuxsnap don't save password15:09
linsuxeverytime need to type password15:09
linsuxms deb pack won't15:09
oerheksif that propietary software does nowwork, use your browser?15:11
jemarklinsux: you can try https://meetfranz.com/15:31
jemarklinsux: which will auto-login (save password) for me15:33
oerhekscommercial alternative for a propietary blob, hilarious15:33
jemarkoerheks: lol, I fully agree.15:35
shanmukhhow do i install wifi driver on ubuntu15:35
jemarklinsux: use signal, irc for help and see people face-to-face ;-)15:36
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:36
oerheksas a start, shanmukh15:36
shanmukhsudo apt install git dkms15:36
shanmukhgit clone https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au.git15:36
shanmukhcd rtl8812au15:36
shanmukhsudo make dkms_install15:36
oerheksfind out what wifidevice, on what ubuntu version ..15:37
shanmukhthose commands used in termianal15:37
shanmukhwhat should i do after that15:37
shanmukhrealtel rtl8812au on ubuntu 20.0415:38
oerheksi am not sure that aircrack repo is the right one..15:38
oerheks!info rtl8812au-dkms focal15:38
ubotturtl8812au-dkms (, focal): dkms source for the r8812au network driver. In component universe, is optional. Built by rtl8812au. Size 1,090 kB / 8,697 kB15:39
oerheksit is in our repos..15:39
shanmukhcurrently i have realtek rtl8188eus cd how do i install using that15:39
oerheksrtl8188eus <> rtl8812au15:39
oerheks.. interesting, you atarted with an other RTL chip15:40
shanmukhyeah i bought that cd from store how do i install using that cd15:41
oerheksnot. it is not suitable for 881215:41
shanmukhokkk leave thatt 881215:42
oerheksi showed you that the right dkms is already in our repos, use that15:42
shanmukhcan you tell step by step15:42
shanmukhoerheks text me15:45
qskwoodPeople have already explained it to you several times.15:53
qskwoodI'm not sure why you won't just try.15:53
qskwoodAlso you previously gave me the USB ID for a rtl8188fu, then claimed it was a rtl8188eus15:55
qskwoodWhich of the three is it?15:55
oerheksuh oh, weird16:00
oerhekslsusb output in a pastebin please16:00
=== denningsrogue3 is now known as denningsrogue
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:03
jemarkusing 20.04 (5.8 kernel) should enable the rtl88xx wifi :-)16:04
jemarkcorrection: check apt list, using: linux-lowlatency-hwe-20.04/focal-security,focal-updates,now amd64 [installed]16:11
pepxdcc list16:18
matthewcroughan_Does anybody know how to force the Linux kernel to boot in Long Mode for a 64 Bit processor that the BIOS lies about being 32 bit? I have an intel n2600 and it supports 32 bit, but the BIOS lies about it and the kernel therefore fails to boot. Ubuntu and Alpine linux both boot successfully in 64 bit mode, for some reason, probably because they patched their kernels.16:31
leftyfbmatthewcroughan_: so you have no problem with ubuntu?16:32
oerheksintel n2600 , on what hardware?16:32
matthewcroughan_leftyfb: seems to be, but I'm looking for the patch that Ubuntu made to Linux that made the kernel stop checking whether the processor is 64 bit.16:32
oerhekssome cheap laptops are 32 bit UEFI only..16:32
matthewcroughan_oerheks: It's too old for UEFI16:33
leftyfbmatthewcroughan_: you should probably try #linux then16:33
matthewcroughan_HP Mini 110-410016:33
matthewcroughan_leftyfb: ?, the patch that Ubuntu MAY have is unique to Ubuntu, nothing to do with pure Linux16:33
matthewcroughan_I have asked there anyway, thank you.16:34
=== gschanuel1 is now known as gschanuel
jhutchinsThere have been numerous projects to develop a linux distribution specifically to run on old, obsolete hardware, but they keep dying out as the hardware they're being developed on and for fails.16:37
matthewcroughan_jhutchins: distribution in my view doesn't matter, I'm just wondering how it is that I am able to boot in 64 bit mode on Ubuntu/Alpine16:38
matthewcroughan_Maybe it's netboot.xyz that is doing it, since it loads an initial kernel that might ignore the motherboard's bogus data.16:39
oerheksi wanted to ask what distros do not boot, as i don't know of any patch to force 64 bit16:39
matthewcroughan_I am booting these things from netboot.xyz, so this may be something I have discovered by accident, I will flash to a USB stick to find out.16:39
matthewcroughan_Maybe it uses a kexec to do it.. not really sure how netboot.xyz works.16:39
matthewcroughan_It seems to be that netboot.xyz skips the bootloader.16:41
matthewcroughan_So maybe that's it. The bootloader must need to be modified to stop telling the kernel that it's a 32 bit processor incorrectly16:41
oerheksso, it is not an ubuntu issue at all?16:43
kostkonmatthewcroughan_, what Ubuntu version, just for the record16:43
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oerheksubuntu boots fine, he says16:43
matthewcroughan_oerheks: from netboot.xyz, about to check via USB16:43
leftyfbmatthewcroughan_: maybe try #ubuntu-kernel16:43
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VIAshalom fellow martians17:10
VIAdoes brave-browser have a channel here ?17:12
VIAon libera i mean17:13
octav1aHello all, I'm trying to use webGPU on some browser. Starting with chrome, but I've also tried chrome dev edition and chromium and firefox. I enable the relevant webGPU flags and try to use https://webkit.org/demos/webgpu/hello-triangle.html  ; I see errors in the console: "WebGPU on Linux requires command-line flag --enable-features=Vulkan,UseSkiaRenderer" (which I've done) and "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '17:14
octav1arequestDevice')" . I also see in the terminal "Warning: Couldn't open libvulkan.so.1"17:14
octav1a$ locate libvulkan.so.1 gives many results.17:15
octav1aI've tried including onf of them in $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH17:15
octav1aSo I'm guessing it's a problem with the library that is supressed instead os just hte file not existing.17:15
octav1aAny suggestions?17:16
=== beaver_ is now known as pong
leftyfboctav1a: libvulkan.so.1 can be found as part of the libvulkan1 package17:33
leftyfb!alis | VIA17:33
ubottuVIA: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»17:33
octav1aleftyfb: again based on the error I'm thinking that the libvulkan file is found, but there is some further issue in interfacing with it.17:35
leftyfboctav1a: maybe try the snap version of firefox17:36
octav1aleftyfb: I'm trying with the nightly version of firefox too.17:38
octav1aAll of the links under https://webkit.org/demos/webgpu/ seem to give different errors in the console.17:40
oerhekschrome://gpu/ would show all, and clipboard function to share17:59
lotuspsychjewelcome davidochobits18:03
jemarkoctav1a: https://browserleaks.com/webgl18:14
octav1ajemark: how should I share this?18:17
octav1aIT looks like it only tests webGL, not webGPU18:17
=== pong is now known as beaver
HaniiAre there any docks available for Gnome that have support for Mac OS-style docks/folders?18:26
Hanii*stacks/folders, sorry18:26
coz_Hanii, if you are on gnome I am not sure, I know cairo dock doesnt work well with gnome unfortunately unless someone has found a fix18:27
coz_Hanii, I assume you are using gnome DE?18:27
HaniiYep. I've tried Cairodock, but it doesn't seem to work well for me18:28
coz_Hanii, right another donside of gnome DE %(18:29
coz_Hanii, cairo dock works well with MATE DE and I beleive  xfce as well18:29
HaniiI tried Latte in KDE and it sort-of has what I want, but a) that's with KDE and b) the folder view for that is absolutely tiny with no obvious way to make it bigger18:29
coz_Hanii, right, as I said, gnome has quite a few deficiencies in my experience18:30
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coz_kde is "ok" and cairo dock works well with it if you log off and start it with x1118:32
coz_Hanii, ^^^^18:33
oerheksdash to dock  https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-customize-dock-panel-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux18:33
HaniiI started off trying to use KDE, but I ran into a few problems, including the entire desktop environment breaking after I ran a fullscreen game.18:33
coz_cairo dock is still being updated18:33
coz_Hanii, ooo I havent tried that as of yet18:34
Hanii@oerheks: I don't see anything there about folders/stacks?18:35
coz_Hanii,  yeah cairo dock is the most desirable but not ongnome or wayland for that matter18:36
coz_Hanii,  I have tried most docks, non compare to cairo dock however18:38
coz_what happened to kiba dock??? %)18:38
HaniiI've written software, but never specifically linux software - I wonder how hard it would be to make my own.18:39
HaniiIt's looking like the last commit to Kiba Dock was in 200918:40
coz_Hanii, I wish I knew how to contact Fabounet, the creator of cairo dock. I know him fairly well and I am sure he could help with that, but I havent seen him in a few years18:40
coz_Hanii,  the code for cairo dock is open source!18:41
coz_Hanii, https://glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=The%20team&lang=en  I ma near the bottom, also  https://glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=Documentation&lang=en18:44
HaniiIf I were to do anything, I'd probably use Plank's source as a reference rather than Cairo dock's - it seems to behave better for me (albeit missing features I want), seems smaller in scope while getting something working, and the language it's in looks familiar to my C# eyes.18:46
coz_Hanii,  sounds excellent, I wish you luck %)18:46
coz_Hanii,  if you do create a dock that works well with wayland, post it please  %)18:47
HaniiIt wouldn't be for a while, but I will if I do18:47
deksarWhen I try to install nginx, apt-get gives me: Version: 1.18.0-0ubuntu1.2 - I'd like to install the latest mainline version (1.21.x), any way to do this by apt-get?18:47
coz_Hanii,  excellent %)18:48
coz_deksar, does this help?  https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/nginx18:49
deksarcoz_: Nope, same version.18:49
coz_deksar, ooo sorry18:50
coz_deksar,  have you gone to the web site?18:50
coz_no luck?18:50
deksarcoz_: What are difference between  Bionic  Focal  Hirsute  Impish   releases?18:51
coz_deksar, that I couldnt tell you %(18:52
coz_deksar, versions and updates18:52
coz_deksar,  what version do you get from the repo?18:53
coz_deksar, right now I am on Fedora 35 with version  1:1.20.1-818:53
coz_be back18:55
coz_deksar, sorry I didnt see  version you already posted19:03
coz_my fault19:04
coz_I am generally distracted by many phone calls %(19:06
tomreyndeksar: the nginx project provide debian packages for ubuntu LTS releases - those will likely be newer than what is available in ubuntu - but make sure you  know what their support status is (we can only help with official packages) http://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html#Ubuntu19:06
tomreyn'official' meaning those provided by ubuntu19:07
tomreynmost of the time, it can be preferrable to go with what the latest ubuntu LTS offers, unless you explicitly need a newer nginx (why?).19:09
tomreyndeksar: and please don't cross-post, or when you do, announce that you did.19:09
Guest56I have ubuntu laptop, raspberry pi, windows laptop and all them of are directly reachable via hostname over my network. Means I haven't done any change. Just connected on local LAN broadband. But my ubuntu virtual machine in vmware workstation is not reachable via hostname. Can anyone help on this please.19:19
Guest56I even installed a window server 2012 on vmware and that is also reachable over the network. But ubuntu in a VMware machine is not reachable. No idea why19:20
deksartomreyn: I'm sorry. Never again.19:21
deksarIs it safe to add repositories to the system, like: ppa:ondrej/nginx-mainline? Who maintains these? Do Ubuntu Team control/verify their packages?19:22
oerheksGuest56, sounds like a vmware/vsphere issue19:22
Guest56oerheks, but that has to be with windows server as well. I have used easy install while installing ubuntu and windows both. One discrepancy I have seen is that when I open my router admin page then in show clients section all of my machines are showing like this hostname--ipaddress. Means both are showing. But for that ubuntu vm machine router is19:24
Guest56showing only ip adress19:24
Guest56This the discrepancy I have seen. I have tried with network analyzer as well on my phone. It is also showing the hostname and ipaddress of  all the machines connected on the broadband. But for that ubuntu vm machine it only shows ipaddress.19:25
sarnolddeksar: whoever 'owns' those ppas has full root access on your computer19:25
sarnolddeksar: you must trust that person *completely*19:25
deksarsarnold: Are you kidding me?19:26
sarnolddeksar: nope. that's the way things work. the maintainer scripts in debian packages run as full root with no sandboxing or access restrictions, because they sometimes need to do *anything* and *everything*19:26
* deksar back to OpenBSD/FreeBSD19:28
deksarThat was my shortest Linux adventure - thanks for all.19:28
sudormhi, can I install certbot without snap, but regular "apt install"?19:29
Guest56any suggestions pelase??19:30
oerheksGuest56, still think it is a vmware issue, lots of them are solved in 7 https://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdf19:31
leftyfbsudorm: did you try?19:32
Guest56so there is no way to resolve?19:32
Guest56this networking thing?19:33
leftyfbGuest56: grep -v -- "#" /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf | nc termbin.com 999919:33
=== riderjj is now known as juanjo
sudormleftyfb, the official way recommends "snap install ..." and discourage to use apt install. why ? https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/ubuntufocal-apache19:34
sarnolddeksar: ask around how the ports work in the BSDs :) ask if they have maintainer scripts, ask if there are any restrictions on the paths that they can install files into..19:35
leftyfbsudorm: ok, then ask the eff about their recommendations19:35
sarnolddeksar: you've got to go to new packaging formats like snap to get sandboxed maintainer scripts and restrictions on where files can be installed19:35
leftyfbsudorm: I'm going to guess it's because they can more easily maintain the snap than they can the deb package19:36
sudormleftyfb, i usually avoid to use many different package managers, and never used snap. is it really good?19:36
oerheksas snapd is standard installed, yes19:37
leftyfbsudorm: it works fine for my needs. It's also built into ubuntu so it's not like you're installing some 3rd party solution19:37
Guest56leftyfb, nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Name or service not known19:37
leftyfbGuest56: you don't have your networking setup properly on the guest.19:38
leftyfbGuest56: I'm going to guess you don't have the guest setup with a bridged interface19:38
oerheksor no dns..19:39
Guest56I've just installed the OS. Didn't touch anything else. Could you please suggest some steps..19:40
Guest56leftyfb would be really thankful19:40
oerheks5.39.93.71 >> grep -v -- "#" /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf | nc  999919:41
* oerheks watching kernelupdate 5.13.0-2119:43
Guest56Ok I ran the sudo dhclient command and then the pervious command. Its giving me the output now https://termbin.com/d8mc19:44
Guest56But still not accessible via hostname19:44
leftyfbGuest56: what ip address does it have?19:46
leptoneAny vscode wizards in the building? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69889319/vscode-settings-cannot-edit-in-read-only-editor20:05
sarnoldleptone: you'll probably do better to ask for help in an OS X community20:07
leptonesarnold: good call, thx! do you know of one on Libra?20:07
sarnoldno, sorry20:08
leftyfbleptone: maybe try #vscode20:09
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=== Papa_ is now known as papa
VectorXHi, I have a GCP ubuntu VM, it has gone into the following mode and I cant login, basically out of disk space, You are in emergency mode. After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit" [Nov/08/2021 15:28] * Topic is 'Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu20:30
VectorXis there a way to access the machine to SSH in20:30
leftyfbVectorX: unlikely but that would be a question for GCP20:36
leftyfbVectorX: you'll need out of band/console access to the instance to clean up your disk space issues20:36
=== pasiz3 is now known as pasiz
andaiI'm getting the error that wasm-ld is not found. I do have /usr/bin/wasm-ld-10 -- shouldn't a symlink have been created by the lld package?21:13
andaiI can make it myself but I assume that's not the intended workflow so I think I did something wrong21:14
=== pong is now known as beaver
zetherooI have a problem with my /boot being too full for a kernel update to complete. I already tried purging old kernels, but this is also not freeing up enough space. I don't know what else to safely delete.21:30
zetherooI don't want to reboot and end up with a system that won't boot ...21:31
zetherooHere's some info https://pastebin.com/raw/QuvrvKE321:33
VectorXleftyfb was able to sort it out, they have a serian port login21:33
Guest96did a quick format on the wrong drive (funny because i was setting up btrfs..) - how likely is it that testdisk will be able to recover most of the files? (NTFS drive)21:49
gneeriiloeepdeerHi, Im extracting subtitles from mp4 files to attach the output as srt to mkv files. For that I now 'subtitld', but its a bit broken and it consumes way too much resources and the interface is not very friendly. And if I want to convert several subtitle stremas I have to restart the app each time I want to change source files... Is there any other app I can use? or a command? maybe ffmpeg? on 21.1021:50
tomreynGuest96: meet its author on that question https://forum.cgsecurity.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=982421:54
Guest96appreciate it tomreyn!22:01
=== thiras_ is now known as thiras
V|Ahy everyone! question, why cant i set the bg of a terminal after i set option to "open each new terminal with newbg.." ? also, is there a way to set  the palette of the new random terminals?22:11
sarnoldwhat terminal?22:11
V|Asarnold: idk hw to find  the name? im on xfce22:57
V|A"terminal Emulator" peth to exec shows: exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator22:59
sarnoldV|A: how about ps auxw ? does it show your terminal processes?23:02
V|Asarnold: it shows somthn not sure what oO23:44
Bashing-omVIA: terminal command ' echo $TERM ' to see what terminal you are on :D23:48
=== genii is now known as genii-core
VIABashing-om: xterm-256color23:57
Bashing-omVIA: \o/23:58

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