
Unit193bluesabre: Due to...current events, I can't really give solid times right now, but generally after 5pm local works, ish, sometimes.10:37
Unit193(Not Weds.)10:38
Unit193I entered dates, I can't commit to them though. :/10:44
ShuroHey there. Not sure if that is the right group, but maybe you're able to assist. I've updated to Xubuntu 21.10 and got a window "spill" problem. It is not as easy to see, but if you look at the taskbar, you'll see that a maximized window is slightly larger that it should be and spills over to the left and right desktop. Also at the bottom and top.10:47
ShuroNo Clue what causes this, hope someone might have an Idea. https://i.imgur.com/Cxmz0Or.jpg 10:47
ShuroJust noticed it only happens with chrome, not with other windows like gimp or a file explorer10:48
ShuroSo probably no xkde4 problem, but maybe you can still assist.10:49
Shurohttps://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1261797&q=maximize&can=2 Seems to be a chrome/chromium bug.10:52
ubottuIssue 603 in xfce/xfwm4 "Window placement is wrong when using _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS for client-side decorations" [Opened]11:01
pi3Guys, I debianized acme-client of OpenBSD OS: https://github.com/baytuch/acme-client11:48
Unit193No idea how you ended up here for that, but quick glance over it says https://paste.opendev.org/show/b6nWfKUC1gGx6Az662pB12:08
Unit193(Obviously incomplete.)12:09
Unit193Ah, I see you hit up multiple channels with that..12:16
xu-dev44wHi there, where would be the place to make improvement suggestions?14:00
xu-dev44wxfce4-settings - Display -> there is no way to delete profiles which are for different monitors. I.e. got a new monitor at work and the "Work" profile is gone. New profile can't be saved as "Work" since it exists already, but you can't edit or delete it.14:03
xu-dev44wonly method currently is log off, ctrl + alt + f1 to go to console, log in on console and edit the .config file after finding it.14:04
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