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KE0VVT | Does Lubuntu use Wayland KWin underneath LXQt? | 21:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <emergencyrussia> No, it doesn't (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <KE0VVT> Does Lubuntu use Wayland KWin underneath LXQt?) | 21:46 |
KE0VVT | lubot: emergencyrussia: I heard Lubuntu switched to Wayland by default, but I guess it still uses X? | 21:47 |
guiverc | The X in LXQt is Xorg; but Wayland is known - https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/10 | 21:53 |
ubottu | Issue 10 in lxqt/lxqt "Wayland support" [Open] | 21:53 |
=== genii is now known as genii-core |
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