
inetprohere's the thing WrathOfAchilles, even with everyone gone from #ubuntu-africa I still could not join with lowercase, it automatically remembers the name 04:19
inetpromaybe it will flush the memory of channel names after a few hours, days or weeks of non-usage but it definitely remembers the case for some time 04:40
WrathOfAchillesI did this a while ago on freenode, it worked. :305:09
WrathOfAchillesinetpro: So, -africa otherwise is all set up?05:09
WrathOfAchillesAlso, are you sure it's not your client that cached the name?05:09
inetproWrathOfAchilles: I didn't register the channel because when I joined again later I was not alone and had no OP rights08:23
inetprobtw, I tried reproducing the case issue by creating a channel #MyNewChannel with mixed case using Quassel, but it creates the channel with all small letters, so it must have been someone else who's client forced the mixed case 08:23
inetproalso, one thing that I have learned many years ago is to stick to lower-case naming conventions as far as possible, thus not me who created the mixed case channel name ;-) 08:29
Kilosmorning guys09:24
Kilosthat channel is causing so many probs09:24
Kilosmaybe unitcan delete that one and you start from scratch inetpro  09:25
Kilosoh WrathOfAchilles  sorry09:25
Kilospavel worked there but i told him #ubuntu-africa so I dunno09:26
Kiloshe is missing in action since then09:26
inetproKilos: there's no problem with the channel, the case issue that I raised with WrathOfAchilles is not a big deal, it's purely a interesting little irritation for me10:10
inetproanybody who struggles connecting to channel with a typical IRC client can always choose to connect with the web client at https://web.libera.chat/ 10:11
WrathOfAchillesinetpro: Was ChanServ still set on guard when everyone left?10:11
inetprothe channel is just not registered and thus not protected from takeover yet10:12
WrathOfAchillesThat's super easy to solve, I could do that then give you founder.10:12
inetproWrathOfAchilles: sounds good, let's get it done and move on10:14
WrathOfAchillesinetpro: Done.10:17
inetprothanks WrathOfAchilles 10:18
inetprothere you go Kilos , your channel is now guarded by ChanServ 10:19
WrathOfAchillesHappy to help.10:19
Kilosthank you gguys10:54
KilosI mailed some of them to join up again11:02
Kiloshopefully this time they spread the word. Last time I had to go and invite each of them personally11:03

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