
Sven_vBhi :)00:01
Sven_vBI'd like to prepare my Ubuntu focal install to be able to boot even if all the disk partitions are read-only. my /tmp already is a tmpfs and I have no swap. I'll probably need to make /var/log a tmpfs as well, right? what else to prepare?00:07
sarnoldSven_vB: it might be easier to just use ubuntu core00:08
Sven_vBsarnold, I'll try and have a look00:08
Sven_vBcan that run on usual desktop PCs, too?00:10
sarnoldas far as I know, yeah, that should work00:10
Sven_vBnice. I just read it gets 10 years of updates. that seems better than LTS00:12
sarnoldyou can buy ESM support for the LTS releases, after they reach the end of their free support period00:17
Sven_vByeah, I'm trying to stay in free tier though.00:20
yukiupdo you think Lubuntu will change the icons on the right side to white?00:22
yukiupmaybe in future releases00:22
oerheksyes no maybe00:23
oerhekspick one00:23
Bashing-omyukiup: Is there no theme in Lubuntu to have the icons as white ?00:24
yukiupi'm lazy00:24
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andreaHi, anyone online? I'm in trouble with wine,I have this error, trying to install abaqus :internet explorer 10 or later is required to run the installer wine00:33
andreacan i solve?00:33
sarnoldandrea: hmm, you may do better in a wine support community; maybe #winehq? I don't know if they'll support 'distro' wine or not00:35
andreaSure, I asked there too00:35
andreabut thanks00:36
sarnoldaww :( bummer00:36
andreaI need this program for my university, hope I'll find the solution.00:39
sarnoldandrea: you could run windows in a VM in virt-manager or lxd or something if you can't get wine to go00:40
VMGuy23See if you can find an installer for Internet Explorer 10 and run it in wine00:42
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InteloI added additional ssd. I had full disk encryption enabled when I installed xubuntu. a) how can I add this new ssd to be encrypted and auto munt with same passwored at boot? b) how much slowness does encryption mades?00:56
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andreamaybe it's better to use a VM01:02
VMGuy23andrea: Can you not find an IE10 installer?01:03
andreaI'm trying to install abaqus and it tells me to install IE1001:03
andreaI'm not sure if it is asking me to install IE10 on wine?01:03
VMGuy23Yes, try find an installer for IE10 and use it.01:04
VMGuy23Install IE10 on wine01:04
andreaNow I have this error: Create ProcessFailed for abaqus..... with error2 : File not found01:10
Gamahwhy does text feel so big in ubuntu compared to when i had windows on this machine?02:47
Gamahthe accessability setting for "big text" is not on02:48
oerheksgnome-tweak-tool gives font settings, and scaling02:49
oerheks!info gnome-tweak-tool02:49
ubottuPackage gnome-tweak-tool does not exist in impish02:49
puffGood evening, I want to download an ISO for 20.04.03 LTS.  When I use the standard download page it tells me 12+ hours.  I'm in Pittsburgh, PA, which mirror would be best for me to download from?02:50
oerheks!info gnome-tweaks02:50
ubottugnome-tweaks (40.0-3, impish): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 428 kB02:50
sarnoldmaybe something like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1870736  ?02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1870736 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[nvidia] Screen scaling 125% gives 200%" [High, Confirmed]02:50
oerhekspuff, torrents could be the fastest way02:50
puffoerheks: Thanks.02:51
sarnoldhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.math.princeton.edu-release is princeton over on that edge of the country? 20gbps might work nice..02:51
Gamahscaling factor 0.7 feels a lot better, thanks oerheks!02:52
puffoerheks: That's working pretty fast, thanks.  What I wonder is why the main download page doesn't have a simpler way to do this.02:52
oerhekselse the edu indeed http://mirror.cs.pitt.edu/ubuntu/releases/focal/02:53
sarnoldpuff: from https://ubuntu.com/download look for "ubuntu desktop" then look for "torrent" and follow the nearby link "see our alternative downloads" and then there's links to torrents02:54
oerhekspuff, there are tons of pages, and the main should do fine.. sometimes restarting a download solves slow speeds, more than one hour is weird.02:54
puffHm, it looks like the ISO I downloaded via torrent doesn't match the sha1 sum....03:01
puffI went to https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index and selected b26c81363ac1a236765385a702aec107a49581b5ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso03:01
oerheksthere is only SHA256SUMS03:02
puffAh wait, the footnote says it's only "info hash: SHA1 hash of the "info" section of the metainfo (*.torrent)"03:02
oerheksgrep 20.04.3.iso SHA256SUMS | tee /proc/self/fd/2 | sha256sum --check -03:04
oerheksor sha256sums <iso>03:05
puffCool, the sha256sum matches.03:06
oerhekshave fun!03:07
sarnoldthe pedant in me would like you to also check the gpg sigs :)03:07
AfdalCan someone direct me how to grab a package from official repositories -before- bionic03:12
AfdalThe repos haven't been completely poofed yet have they03:13
HashWhat do you mean?03:13
AfdalAre the xenial repos gone forever now?03:14
AfdalI'm trying to avoid compiling an old version of a program I need03:14
Unit193What package?03:14
oerheksold versions repo03:14
AfdalI need the version that used to be offered on Xenial03:14
HashIs it too difficult to build now?03:15
HashOr do you have a system you can't update anymore?03:15
AfdalI tried compiling it myself but I keep running into problems03:15
AfdalNo nothing like that, I just need that particular version to do some things03:15
Afdalthank you very much :)03:16
AfdalI guess xenial has just been removed from the main package search page03:16
HashI see. I got the images link03:16
HashI looked on packags.ubuntu.com and saw no xenial and just a link to old.03:17
Afdaluh wait I get an error03:17
Afdaltwo or more packages specified (mame xenial)03:17
Afdalis this page just an error for anyone else https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/mame03:17
Afdalhmm all those pages are errors actually03:17
Afdalso maybe the repo has been nuked, but the webpage just isn't wiped yet03:18
HashAs i mentioned, I don't see xenial on PUC03:18
Hashpackages ubuntu com03:18
Afdalyeah :'(03:18
Hashlike PDO, packages debian org03:18
AfdalWell dangit03:19
AfdalGuess I'm gonna have to figure out these compiling problems after all03:19
AfdalWhy didn't I save my darn binary from my previous system ;_;703:19
oerheksmame mame-extra and mame-tools03:19
HashWell you know your mame roms have to match the engine version03:21
Afdalyeah those mostly do, still03:21
Hashso that's another possible complication. Unless you know how to patch your roms03:21
Afdaland I can use clrmamepro occasionally to resync them properly03:22
AfdalWhat if I like... used a buntu 16.04 livecd03:22
HashI wonder if mame has snap03:22
AfdalCould I grab it off the repo then?03:22
AfdalOr are the 16.04 repos completely dead?03:22
oerhekslive iso, and the old-versions trick, could work.03:23
Hashdoes the iso ship with universe/multiverse?03:23
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:23
oerheksthis part >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list03:23
Afdalold-versions trick?03:23
AfdalI just wanna grab a binary or .deb file03:23
oerheksdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse03:23
oerheksor browse ; http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/03:24
Afdallol where is xenial among that list03:24
Afdalis it too old for support but not old enough to be archived in old-releases yet?03:24
oerheksyes, for scientific reasons.03:25
oerheksit is *just 1 server*03:25
oerheksi see no xenial ? http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/03:27
sarnoldoerheks: probably because xenial's still under commercial support03:27
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AfdalIt is now Schroedinger's release03:29
Bashing-omAfdal: 16.04 at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ . Scroll down :D03:31
Afdalthose are disc images03:32
AfdalI'm lookin for a package03:32
Afdaland I don't think mame is usually included on live images...03:32
oerheksindeed, it is in universe03:35
Afdalw-where's that03:36
oerhekswhat version of mame exactly? 0.182, 0.188 ?03:36
oerheksWily version ..03:38
Afdalnah it's Xenial03:38
oerhekshttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/201707681/mame_0.160-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/mame/0.160-0ubuntu103:42
oerheksi would just run a vm with xenial and old-versions03:43
Afdalaha, thank you03:45
Unit193I thought I linked that a while ago. :303:48
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lordofgibbonsI installed a new nvidia GPU on my computer today, and now video frame rates are very slow now when playing a video. I set the refresh rate to 60fps in Nvidia Xorg Settings, but no luck07:01
lordofgibbonsWhat can I do to fix this?07:01
oerheksWhat new nvidia GPU exactly?07:03
lordofgibbonsnew to me, not a new model. The RTX 2080 Super07:04
oerheksnice, such card need a lot of power too07:05
oerheks250W TDP07:06
oerheksand your monitor, faster than 2 ms?07:07
lordofgibbonsI'm not sure, but it's a 60fps monitor07:07
lordofgibbonsIt worked fine with the old AMD GPU I had07:07
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manmohangillUnpacking nodejs (16.13.0-deb-1nodesource1) over (12.22.5~dfsg-5ubuntu1) .08:45
manmohangillhow do I get rid of the old nodejs in my Ubuntu08:46
manmohangilltrying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/nodejs/api/fs.html', which is also in packa08:46
manmohangillge nodejs-doc 12.22.5~dfsg-5ubuntu108:46
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ravagepurge nodejs and nodejs-doc08:52
ravageinstall nodejs08:52
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geirhayou missed their five minute window08:56
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the_daemon_barbehello everyone10:27
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thedaemonbarberhey guys i need some help10:38
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manwhowouldbekinGreetings all! Would this be a good place to ask a question about compiling a package on Ubuntu and it not finding libgccjit, despite the latter being installed on the system?11:10
TJ-manwhowouldbekin: you likely need the headers from its related -dev package11:11
manwhowouldbekinTJ: The one I have installed is called libgccjit-10-dev. Is that what you mean?11:12
TJ-assuming the libgccjit that is installed is also version 1011:12
TJ-manwhowouldbekin: what ubuntu release is it?11:13
manwhowouldbekinTJ: 20.04. I didn't know there was a separate non-dev libjccgit. How does one install it?11:13
TJ-!info libgccjit0 focal11:14
ubottulibgccjit0 (10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04, focal): GCC just-in-time compilation (shared library). In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-10. Size 7,140 kB / 26,085 kB11:14
TJ-!info libgccjit10-dev focal11:14
ubottuPackage libgccjit10-dev does not exist in focal11:14
TJ-!info libgccjit-10-dev focal11:14
ubottulibgccjit-10-dev (10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04, focal): GCC just-in-time compilation (development files). In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-10. Size 18 kB / 105 kB11:15
manwhowouldbekinTJ: I see. Let me try.11:15
manwhowouldbekinTJ: libgccjit0 is already the newest version (10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04).11:15
TJ-you need that last one11:15
manwhowouldbekinTJ: libgccjit-10-dev is already the newest version (10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04).11:16
TJ-manwhowouldbekin: in which case you'll need to figure out why is isn't being found. If the source uses autotools then maybe you need to help the ./configure script find it11:17
manwhowouldbekinTJ: Yes, most likely using autotools. Building Emacs.11:17
TJ-does the configure log give indications of it looking for libgccjit ?11:18
manwhowouldbekinTJ: something like this https://pastebin.com/rjdcJeYv11:20
manwhowouldbekinTJ: There is also this: LIBGCCJIT_CFLAGS=''LIBGCCJIT_LIBS=''LDFLAGS=' '11:22
manwhowouldbekinTJ: Alright, settings this seems to have moved me past the sticking point! export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10 CXX=/usr/bin/gcc-1011:26
CoolerXdo you know where I can find ppd files?11:27
CoolerXdoes the cups package include any ppd files for various printers?11:27
gebbioneis there a command that shows power consumption by process?11:31
gebbioneor app11:31
TJ-!info powertop | gebbione11:32
ubottugebbione: powertop (2.11-1build2, impish): diagnose issues with power consumption and management. In component main, is extra. Built by powertop. Size 184 kB / 548 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)11:32
gebbioneinteresting do you know if any sort of grouping can be done? like all instances of a program together?11:36
TJ-gebbione: you'd have to read its docs11:36
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thedaemonbarberhello there12:14
thedaemonbarberi have a weird issue when i boot my laptop closed lid on a thunderbolt docking station and display. after login a few second later the screen isn't recognised. has anyone experienced something similar?12:20
thedaemonbarberit only happens when the lid is closed during login12:22
elhoirhello guys, i need some help12:58
lotuspsychje!ask | elhoir12:59
ubottuelhoir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:59
elhoircurrently using Ubuntu 21.10 with 5.13 kernel. Everything runs ok. Upgraded to stock 5.15.1 kernel. lspci shows my audio card (emu20k2, creative labs x-fi titanium) but pulseaudio (15.0) does not. Downgraded to 5.13 and audio is back again. Any idea?13:00
elhoirlotuspsychje, i was writing xD13:00
lotuspsychjeelhoir: is that kernel 5.15 from !mainline you are testing?13:04
elhoirlotuspsychje, yeah13:04
elhoirfrom here to be more precise https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.15.1/13:05
lotuspsychjeelhoir: boot into 5.15 then share your dmesg in a pastebin, so volunteers can take a look for you13:05
elhoir-generic one13:05
elhoirlotuspsychje, ok, give me some minutes to reboot13:06
lotuspsychjesure thing13:06
elhoirlotuspsychje, back, here is your dmesg -- https://pastebin.com/2uXxVpu213:14
lotuspsychjetnx elhoir13:14
elhoir"[   21.838167] snd_ctxfi 0000:04:00.0: chip 20K2 model Unknown (1102:0044) is found"13:16
lotuspsychjeelhoir: can you pastebin; sudo lshw -C sound , and sudo lshw -C video please?13:18
elhoirfor sound -- https://pastebin.com/X1HwU5mE13:19
elhoirfor video -- https://pastebin.com/ByeHMkXP13:20
lotuspsychjeelhoir: not seeing some issues myself right away, maybe someone else does?13:21
lotuspsychjeelhoir: does pavucontrol see your soundcard on 5.15?13:21
RiFohello, i got a problem i am trying to receive a folder using rsync from a remote ubuntu server (onto another ubuntu machine) and rsync keeps stopping during the first step "receiving incremental file list". Any idea what the reson could be?13:22
elhoirlotuspsychje, nope pavucontrol does not see it13:22
lotuspsychjeelhoir: ok, maybe you can ask the #ubuntu-kernel crew first, before we consider to file a new !bug13:23
elhoirok i will13:23
lotuspsychjeRiFo: you might wanna try to ask at the experts in #ubuntu-server if you like13:25
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lotuspsychjeioria: one for you maybe; <elhoir> currently using Ubuntu 21.10 with 5.13 kernel. Everything runs ok. Upgraded to stock 5.15.1 kernel. lspci shows my audio card (emu20k2, creative labs x-fi titanium) but pulseaudio (15.0) does not. Downgraded to 5.13 and audio is back again. Any idea?13:28
lotuspsychjeioria: dmesg, https://pastebin.com/2uXxVpu213:29
iorialotuspsychje, mmh, not really , sorry13:30
lotuspsychjeyeah, me neither13:31
elhoirlotuspsychje, ioria thanks anyway13:31
ioriaelhoir, why are you using 5.15 ?13:31
RupertEvertonHello. Does anyone know where to find the config file for the grub passphrase prompt? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=99-reboot-grub-passphrase.png13:31
elhoirioria, it has been marked as LTS and i a bit bleeding-edge :P13:31
ioriai see13:32
ioriaelhoir, is that a vm, right ?13:32
elhoirreal hardware13:32
gebbioneare there any other commands to clean up working files from the main HD such as -> sudo apt-get autoremove and similar?13:33
lotuspsychjeelhoir: i see your medion mobo firmware is from 2010, maybe see if there are more recent updates13:33
lotuspsychjegebbione: bleachbit and stacer shred a lot of files13:33
elhoirlotuspsychje, nope, no updates sadly13:33
elhoiri have searched million times for that13:34
leftyfbelhoir: was your system running fine before?13:34
elhoirleftyfb, yes, its running correctly with 5.13 kernel13:34
leftyfbelhoir: then go back to 5.1313:34
leftyfbelhoir: if you're trying to help debug issues with 5.15, feel free to file bugs or go to #ubuntu-kernel13:35
elhoiryeah, well... err.... i prefer to "fix" problems :13:35
leftyfbelhoir: you have no problems with the supported kernel13:35
elhoiri already did13:35
ioriaelhoir, be sure pulseaudio is running; maybe try to restart it : pulseaudio -k13:36
elhoiralso noticed ACPI reboot does not work, had to power off via button, but thats another issue13:37
elhoirioria, it is13:37
elhoirioria, pavucontrol shows my other audio devices so pulseaudio is running13:38
ioriagebbione, there is systemsettings -> file history & trash ;  you can also use (20.04 and above) sudo apt autopurge13:38
elhoirits just my main audio card13:38
ioriaelhoir, the pulse version is  1:15.0+dfsg1-1ubuntu2 ?13:39
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:40
Guest17Hi all, is there any specific Ubuntu MaaS help channel?13:40
elhoirioria, yes it is13:40
Guest17Has anyone tried to deploy esxi with Maas?13:42
lotuspsychjeVIA: stop that please, you have been warned for random nonsense before13:42
ioriaelhoir, if you know what are you  doing, you can try the new pulse ver (1:15.0+dfsg1-1ubuntu2.1) in -proposed13:42
lotuspsychjegood idea ioria13:43
manwhowouldbekinCould someone tell me what I can try to get the dpkg unstuck from this state? https://pastebin.com/utF6A44L13:43
elhoir"in the13:44
elhoir      session closing handling" --- does not seem to be related.... but i will13:44
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: apt-cache policy emacs27-common | nc termbin.com 999913:44
ioriaelhoir, also : grep  pulse /var/log/syslog13:45
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb: https://termbin.com/lh9o13:46
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: remove that package and contact the maintainer of that PPA for support13:46
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb: I get a similar error when sudo apt remove emacs27-commmon13:47
ioriaelhoir,  locate snd-ctxfi13:47
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: at this point I would apt remove --purge all emacs packages you have installed13:48
elhoirioria, shit its enormous -- https://pastebin.com/9yKmRgqv13:48
ioriaelhoir,  you have pipewire installed13:49
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb: Should I force it? When running regularly, it gives the same error.13:49
elhoirioria, yes, but not activated afaik13:50
ioriaelhoir,  idk  pipewire ; probably they are not compatible13:50
elhoirsooo, purge pipewire and restart ?13:50
ioriaelhoir,  idk  ; dpkg -l | grep pipe | nc termbin.com 999913:51
elhoirioria, oh, didnt know that command! thank you! :) --- https://termbin.com/skg213:52
ioriaelhoir, is it running atm ? ps -A | grep pipe13:54
elhoirelhoir@elhoir-desktop:~/.config/pipewire/media-session.d$ ps -A | grep pipe13:55
elhoir  10655 ?        00:00:00 pipewire13:55
elhoir  10656 ?        00:00:00 pipewire-media-13:55
leftyfb!paste | elhoir13:55
ubottuelhoir: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:55
elhoirleftyfb, only 4 lines.... takes more time to pastebin than to put in here :-/13:55
ioriaelhoir,  run  ' sudo updatedb && locate snd-ctxfi '13:55
leftyfbelhoir: please do not paste more than 1 line here or the bots will silence you13:56
elhoirioria, running13:56
elhoiri think its snd_ctxfi13:56
elhoirwith _, insted of -13:56
ioriatry bot, but nope13:57
elhoirah no, yeah13:57
elhoirioria, https://pastebin.com/iAd4gMij13:57
ioriaelhoir,  lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999913:59
ioriaelhoir,  no idea, sy14:01
elhoirthx anyway14:01
elhoir#ubuntu-kernel channel is quiet14:01
ioriaelhoir,  for sure, this is not good :   [22.236280] Call Trace:  (your syslog )14:02
Guest17specifically with version 7.0u314:03
lotuspsychjeelhoir: another idea crossing my mind, is testing kernel(s) versions in between 5.13 and 5.15 maybe you can help rule out things for the kernel crew14:03
elhoirioria, and this one [   21.838167] snd_ctxfi 0000:04:00.0: chip 20K2 model Unknown (1102:0044) is found14:03
lotuspsychje!maas | Guest1714:03
ubottuGuest17: Metal as a Service is a dynamic server provisioning service for scalability. See more about it at https://maas.ubuntu.com.14:03
Guest17yep i know ehe but having some issue with the esxi deployment14:04
elhoirlotuspsychje, might be yeah14:04
Guest17specifically the joining to the vcenter14:04
elhoirioria, crash is here i think -- [   22.223684] RIP: 0010:srcimp_next_conj+0x31/0x40 [snd_ctxfi]14:06
elhoirbut... it is detected when system is up... so its not "crashed" really... i have not enough knowledge...14:07
ioriaelhoir, the crash seems to be in a lot of places;  dmesg | grep 'Call Trace:'14:07
elhoirwhy is it listed in lspci then?14:10
gneeriiloeepdeerI want to reduce an audio file's volume by 50%, so by default is 50% quieter than the original file (I hope what I mean is clear). Im not asking how to use the volume button.14:17
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gneeriiloeepdeerwhat app or command could I use? ffmpeg?14:18
christoph42Hello there, I have a HP Pavilion Desktop PC and would like to install Ubuntu Studio there. I managed to boot into the Live system from USB and when I run the installation program, it stops when the bootloader grub should be installed with an error message. I won't work onto the NVMe SSD or on the HD SATA drive ...14:20
christoph42This is the error: http://herrvoelker.de/tmp/photo_2021-11-10_11-55-43.jpg14:20
christoph42grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntu --force14:20
christoph42Error code 114:20
christoph42Any help is very appreciated :)14:21
gneeriiloeepdeerif I dont use ffmpeg, is there any gui that does this?14:25
christoph42gneeriiloeepdeer, maybe "audacity"?14:27
christoph42and what do you mean by 50%? Half the loudness? That would be like -10 dB14:27
brontosaurusrexgneeriiloeepdeer: read on 'ebu r128' and implementations of it, then you might see what the question really is14:28
brontosaurusrexgneeriiloeepdeer: http://peterforgacs.github.io/2018/05/20/Audio-normalization-with-ffmpeg/14:29
gneeriiloeepdeerbrontosaurusrex, not exactly what i was aiming for but still a good idea. Am I getting it right? This is not a standard ffmpeg installation and if I want to reduce a file's volume, I still need to ffmpeg -i input.wav -filter:a "volume=0.5" output.wav...14:36
brontosaurusrexgneeriiloeepdeer: I guess that will do something yes.14:37
Guest93did someone run Ubuntu Core 20 with FDE?14:38
lotuspsychje!ubuntucore | Guest93 see also14:40
ubottuGuest93 see also: Ubuntu Core is a version of Ubuntu with transactional updates completely built from snap packages (also see !snap). For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see https://ubuntu.com/core14:40
Guest93thanks :)14:42
BluesKajgneeriiloeepdeer, you can temporarily reduce the volume in alsamixer14:42
elhoirBluesKaj, "Im not asking how to use the volume button." :P14:43
BluesKajelhoir, ??14:46
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pseudonymousdocker keeps failing when trying to open a env-file (permission denied) (`docker create --env-file my-file ...`) -- my user and the docker group owns the file. I suspect snap to be at fault somehow.. ideas ?16:05
ErmineHello, I've got another crash today (I've written of crashes last Thursday). I've set up linux-crashdump this time, but it didn't work: there are no new kernel crash dumps at /var/crash and computer didn't reboot16:05
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FirefisheTJ-: Hey TJ!  Thanks for all the great work on #625!  Everything is working nicely!  Just wanted to stop by and say a quick word.  I sleep days and need to get some rest, as I'm overdue.  Anyway, be well and Thank You! :-)17:36
vito_Salve, ho appena installato una stampante multifunzione epson xp4100 su ubuntu mate18.04 la stampante funziona ma non riesco a far funzionare lo scanner.17:45
brandonelizaI want something like a clipboard manager but in which I can define user defined strings which do not change for copying and pasting. Is there a ready made one in linux or I have to roll my own?18:24
brandonelizae.g. suppose I use "\pos{(0,0)}" "\command(x,y)" etc. and I want to copy these templates from a list with say a copy button and fill in the data wherever18:25
brandonelizathe clipboard manager will manage the last 10 terms or so but not user defined stuff18:26
leftyfbbrandoneliza: since I have no idea what you're talking about or your goals, I'm not familiar with anything that does whatever it is you're trying to accomplish18:29
brandonelizaleftyfb: It is alright. I think someone else understood me and I am trying out their suggestions.18:34
leftyfbbrandoneliza: please don't crosspost18:34
brandonelizahmm sorry.18:38
brandonelizaleftyfb: I feel I multiposted rather than crossposted as I reworded the question each time after a long pause. But there is channel overlap. Sorry.18:43
TJ-brandoneliza: no worries, it's quiet :) let us know how copyq works for you18:43
MrMobiusI log into my headless ubuntu server with ssh and have a separate windows machine i connect to with google's remote desktop. would it be possible to have windows always running in a vm on ubuntu so i can connect with remote desktop but keep everything else in text mode like it is now?18:44
brandonelizaTJ-: copyq is awesome but I cant figure out how to not get it to minimise to tray (:18:44
TJ-brandoneliza: haha!! I'll have a look18:45
brandonelizait's like punishment having to maximise the window from tray each time to copy a term18:45
TJ-brandoneliza: File > Preferences > General > Close when Unfocused ?18:45
tomreynMrMobius: yes18:46
tomreynMrMobius: you could setup and use kvm / libvirt for this.18:47
brandonelizaTJ-: yes thank you so much for the inpiration. I found out how not to minimise to tray too in preferences.18:47
tomreynMrMobius: there is also a GUI client for it, called virt-manager, which you can run from your desktop, so it's not actually difficult to manage.18:47
TJ-note: remote virt-manager doesn't allow sending an installer image over the network; it has to be on the remote server and in an existing storage pool, or you need to know the exact remote path for it18:49
TJ-(this is NOT obvious and not documented!)18:49
tomreynhmm yes, good point.18:49
MrMobiustomreyn, so i could set this up on the command line over ssh? like i was saying, there is no desktop on the linux box. im going to try to run a preconfigured image18:50
tomreynMrMobius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation - pretty old but i assume the >= 18.10 instrctions should still work18:52
brandonelizayes TJ- seems like copyq is a hybrid thing. And adding a tab seems to seperate the two this is awesome. Thanks a lot. :)18:52
tomreynMrMobius: which ubuntu server version are yuo running there?18:53
TJ-MrMobius: with libvirt, it has a command-line shell (very cryptic! but usable) called "virsh" but a GUI like virt-manager is definitely going to be easy. With that said though, setting up remote lib-virt with TLS is a challenge even if you're familiar with X509 certificates (you have to create a local Certificate Authority, and issue certificates for server and client, with particular roles)18:54
leftyfbvirt-manager over SSH tunnel18:54
tomreynyou don't need to do this to use virt-manager though18:54
TJ-leftyfb: there is that, yes, probablly easier. good point18:55
leftyfbI do everything over tunnels18:55
TJ-We use a CA for SSH certs as well18:55
TJ-saves needing to copy keys all over the place18:55
MrMobiustomreyn, 21.0418:57
tomreynMrMobius: i wouold recommend running an LTS release on a server (21.04 is not)18:58
MrMobiushmm, im a bit confused to be honest. if i have the server run the vm and the vm can see the internet, i should be able to connect with remote desktop as usual. why do i need certificates and configuration stuff?18:58
tomreynyou'd need to set up and configure the virtualization environment18:59
MrMobiustomreyn, makes sense. a compiler toolchain i was using wouldnt run on 20.04 because of some cmake dependency but does on 21.0418:59
tomreynyou don't need to set up certificates18:59
tomreynthere are some ppa's providing backports to 20.04 for such situations19:00
MrMobiustomreyn, ill have a look at the link and see how far i get configuring it on the command line19:01
MrMobiusthanks for your help19:01
tomreynyou're welcome19:02
brandonelizaTJ-: any idea by double clicking a termin in copyQ minimises it to tray. That's the only quirk I have left.19:02
brandonelizaTJ-: found it (i think)19:04
TJ-brandoneliza: Preferences > History > After item is activated19:05
brandonelizaYes. I turned off all those checkboxes. This program is hyper featured :P. Thanks a lot.19:05
brandonelizalike you can even turn off clipboard tracking in it :D I think I will use this program more and more now that I know about it. Saves a lot of painful repetitive typing.19:06
TJ-brandoneliza: feature overload :D19:07
brandonelizayes and suprising defaults :P19:07
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legonickAnyone have any SNMPv3 experience?  Any idea how to work around "unknown token: createUser" error?20:02
Dr-007hello, question; ive got a vnc server running in ubuntu which i modified a while ago so when i connect i see the screen thats connected to an actual screen. before my modifications when i'd connect i would get a desktop environment seperated from whats on the actual screen.20:49
Dr-007my question; id like to have 2 users or 2 vnc servers running so i can connect to the actual screen and connect via a different user or on a different port to get in a seperated screen20:50
Dr-007any pointers/adivce?20:50
Dr-007(im reading this now: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-add-virtual-x11-screen-to-use-via-vnc/ which is kinda what i want, but it seems this gut didnt achieve it)20:52
Dr-007never mind, i think i got it. i just have to clone the file /etc/systemd/system/x11vnc.service20:57
Dr-007i thought i could just start a second vnc server on a different port but there is no display on :1. askubuntu.com says to apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy but some people say it doesnt work if you have a real screen aswell and some say it doesnt work on the latest ubuntu21:02
Dr-007how can i add a virtual/fake display on :1?21:03
Dr-007this summarizes it perfectly: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1229168/video-dummy-the-fake-display-with-without-monitor-connected-at-the-same-time21:08
geniiYou can use xvfb21:18
genii!info xvfb21:19
ubottuxvfb (2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1, impish): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component universe, is optional. Built by xorg-server. Size 841 kB / 2,229 kB21:19
BinarySaviorif nginx is returning 403 to https request, could it be because i messed up iptables?21:22
sonOfRaThat seems unlikely. If you messed up iptables, I would expect no connection being made at all.21:24
Dr-007genii, thanks im going to google that right now21:25
BinarySaviorsonOfRa, that's what i thought too21:26
Dr-007BinarySavior, did you redirect traffic to another webserver?21:30
BinarySaviori edited iptables to try to allow all traffic from my ip21:31
BinarySaviornow my webserver (nginx) only works from my ip21:31
BinarySaviorbut it's not on my lan21:31
BinarySaviorit's a VPS on linode.  I used a shell script to ping a dynamic dns fqdn to resolve my current ip address then update iptables accordingly21:32
Dr-007can you flush the iptables to open it all up for a moment21:32
Dr-007then check if you still have the 403 error21:33
Dr-007if so, you can rule out iptables21:33
Dr-007google tells me 403 is more likely a permissions error on your webserver21:33
Dr-007as in chown -R www-data:www-data /wwwfolder21:33
Dr-007or whatever user and group your using21:34
BinarySaviorit's a gunicorn socket21:34
Dr-007(or chmod)21:34
Dr-007a what? i dont know what that is21:34
Dr-007iptables are hard. if there's a chain before your added line then it could be that it never reaches your new entry21:36
coz_ircuser-1, hey21:46
Dr-007genii, do you have any experience with xvfb? it starts and all but vnc isnt able to bind to it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VHGWmY734X/21:50
geniiDr-007: I used it previously on some headless servers, but did not coeect to them with VNV, but tunneling X over ssh21:53
genii*VNC ...rather21:53
Dr-007genii, i changed :99 display number to :1 and now it seems to work21:55
Dr-007i havent connected yet tho21:55
Dr-007but it looks promising21:55
Dr-007so thanks for your advice21:55
geniiDr-007: Glad to be of assistance21:56
RoyKhi all. I setup a laptop with ubuntu 20.04 on zfs. This is fine, but I wanted to upgrade it to 20.10 and forward to 21.10 to do some testing. I accidentially upgraded it all the way to 22.04, which isn't really stable. I can revert to 20.04 in grub with zfs, which is fine, but how can I remove the newer snapshots/clones? Their names aren't very descriptive to put it mildly…21:59
BinarySaviorthe problem was with SSL cert21:59
BinarySaviornow it's working21:59
Dr-007BinarySavior, nice22:13
Dr-007does anyone know how to start X within Xvfb? currently im running it then connect to it with VNC but it doesnt show any desktop environment22:24
Dr-007so im thinking i should attach X22:24
Dr-007but googling this is kinda hard since its just a letter22:25
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Dr-007genii-core, weeeee, it works. if you're interested. this script starts Xvfb with a gnome-session and x11vnc server: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vTfGh8pGzm/22:42
genii-coreDr-007: Excellent22:50
Dr-007whats the name of the application that does network sharing under linux again?23:36
Dr-007i forgot23:36
sarnoldiptables? nftables?23:37
Dr-007its samba23:40
Dr-007thanks tho23:40
oerhekssamba is file sharing, not networking23:40
Dr-007but while googling it i saw that ubuntu has file sharing 'internal' now23:40
Dr-007oerheks, yeah i shouldve probably specified that23:40
Dr-007but is the shipped network file sharing any good?23:41
leftyfbDr-007: I think the sharing ubuntu has by default is webdav, which is garbage23:41
Dr-007ah, ok23:41
oerheksgnome-user-share = webdav indeed; https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/sharing-personal.html.en23:42
kaariI'm running on Ubuntu 20.04. Does anyone have any experience on using Chromium to cast the desktop to Chromecast? Everything else works just fine, but I'm not able to transfer the audio.23:43
leftyfbkaari: try #chromium23:44
kaariThanks, that's a good idea23:44
oerheksinfo mkchromecast23:45
oerheks!info mkchromecast23:45
ubottumkchromecast (0.3.9~git20200902+db2964a-2, impish): Cast your Linux audio or video to your Google Cast devices. In component universe, is optional. Built by mkchromecast. Size 802 kB / 4,877 kB23:45

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