
=== genii is now known as genii-core
brcolWhat's up everyone?06:22
xu-irc90whello! It's strange but mi wireless use to work fine till a couple of days, but after last update no networks are shown...  The device is recognized and turn on but in the menu Network Manager says "Device is not ready"  HELP!08:39
xu-irc90wUBUNTU 20.04.0-4008:41
KBarWhat was updated? Can you check the /var/log/apt/history.log file?08:43
xu-irc90wrfkill shows two devices (wlan) "ID 0 acer-wireless" and "ID 1 phy0"  could that be?08:44
xu-irc90wYes all do that ...08:44
xu-irc90w2021 11009 16:3608:46
xu-irc90wlots of things, it was a major update...08:46
xu-irc90wI am writing from another machine08:46
xu-irc90wthe xubuntu one is from a friend I help using linux and installed xubuntu...  she gave me the machine because she did not know how to update...08:47
KBarIf you're sure it was after last update, then it's very obvious what to do to fix it.08:48
xu-irc90wso yesterday I perform the update (huge) and everything is fine excep this issue with the wifi 08:48
xu-irc90wdon have timeshift in that machinf...08:49
xu-irc90wwhat can I do is that obvious (sorry)08:49
xu-irc90wI don know how to undo the update, besaides I should update at some point no?08:50
xu-irc90wKBar, What is that obvious thing I don't seem to come up with? : )08:53
xu-irc90wisn't than wired the output of rfkill showing two wlan devices ?  "acer-wireless" and "phy0"?08:55
xu-irc90wKBar, please don't giveup on me!  ;  /08:56
xu-irc90wsorry I need to take down my doggy for a short moment. Be back in a few minutes. Thanks for your patience!09:06
xu-irc90wI am back..09:14
xu-irc90wok! I guess it's lost case. I will have to reinstall. Thnks for your help. bye10:24
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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