
mamarleyAh, OK.  I was just copying everything to a PPA of mine anyway so I didn't have to add it to all my systems individually.00:02
mamarleyThose publisher problems are annoying though.00:02
RikMillssanta_ et al. 5.88.0 is now landing in proposed10:19
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:05
santa_good afternoon everyone15:54
BluesKajhey santa_15:54
santa_RikMills: FYI I've just pushed something to metadata master in case you want to git pull your clone15:54
santa_I'm doing test rebuilds btw15:55
santa_I think we got the kcoreaddons acc test failing15:55
RikMillssanta_: I saw that. may look at it in a bit15:56
RikMillswell, afetr the Brazilian GP I may look at it ;)16:00
santa_no prob16:45
santa_I have been digging a bit into it16:45
santa_I think they forgot to put something in a new header in kcoreaddons16:46
santa_I think they forgot the ifdefs to prevent multiple inclusion in kjsonutils.h16:47
RikMillsI got to that hear file, but not any reason16:50
RikMillssanta_: I don't care about this enough to block the rest of FW, so I am going to disable the test in the archive19:09
RikMillsthen when migrated, enable again19:10
RikMillsthen we can fix with upstream19:10
RikMillsfw fully migrating21:51
santa_RikMills: I'm going to send a patch upstream22:01
santa_RikMills: https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/-/merge_requests/15322:21
ubottuMerge 153 in frameworks/kcoreaddons "Add missing include guard for kjsonutils.h" [Opened]22:21
santa_wow @ the bot :D22:21
RikMillssanta_: yeah that is new and cool22:25
RikMillsI will look at the MP in the morning22:25
RikMillstoo tired right now22:25
RikMillsalready accepted \o/22:27
santa_don't bother very much, it's just an "FYI" ;)22:27
santa_with that trivial patch the acc test passes again22:28
RikMillsI now get that. thank you for the work :)22:28
santa_another funny "FYI" below22:28
IrcsomeBot<Santa> Foto de Santa : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6dbeadd6/file_49772.jpg22:28
IrcsomeBot<Santa> 7 celsius on the street22:29
IrcsomeBot<Santa> Foto de Santa : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/32fc4921/file_49773.jpg22:29
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Brrrrrr 🥶22:29
IrcsomeBot<Santa> 19.5 celsius at home. NO HEATING ON22:30
IrcsomeBot<Santa> Winter time -> I get warm rebuilding kde packages22:31
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> LOL22:31

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