
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== mkv is now known as m4v
=== lecture is now known as wtf
user|45Hello, I noticed that Amarok is no longer in the official Kubuntu 20.04 repositories, so it's a shame because I loved this software, it was practical and simple. I am making this request to put (if you can) this software in the repositories of Kubuntu 22.04, when it comes out.09:26
user|45Thank you09:26
=== user|45 is now known as Alban
=== Alban is now known as Banban
BanbinoHello, I noticed that Amarok is no longer in the official Kubuntu 20.04 repositories, so it's a shame because I loved this software, it was practical and simple. I am making this request to put (if you can) this software in the repositories of Kubuntu 22.04, when it comes out.09:52
BanbinoThank you09:52
alkisgIf Banbino comes back, the reason is there: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/amarok10:25
IrcsomeBot<Berkan> my headphone jack is muted since 21.04 had worked with earlier versions alsa force-reload brings no solution anyone any idea ?11:26
=== mike is now known as Guest4869
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> alsamixer, check if headphone out is muted? (m on keyboard) (re @Berkan: my headphone jack is muted since 21.04 had worked with earlier versions alsa force-reload brings no solution anyone any idea ?)13:04
IrcsomeBot<Berkan> not in kubuntu or alsamixer is muted but still no sound13:58
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> TL13:59
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> hello13:59
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> sir14:00
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> anyone here ??14:00
IrcsomeBot<Berkan> with my laptop speaker or via bluetooth works fine14:00
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> i need help that kubuntu is not working with the amdgpu pro14:00
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> cant install the amdgpu pro14:00
IrcsomeBot<nipibb> is this kernel issue??14:01
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> Hello , I wanted to know how much data would it take to upgrade kubuntu from 20.04 to 21.04 , I'm concerned about it since my data is capped.14:02
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:05
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> IPRG15:19
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> LPRG15:19
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> JPRG15:19
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> JPKG15:20
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> how too duty judy15:33
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> i think i have seen your user name on irc no?15:34
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> oh i c iRC relay hum15:35
BluesKaj@bartimaeuseyes, do you have a Kubuntu support question?15:50
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> no15:50
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> just joined the channel15:50
BluesKajok, then please stop typing gibberish15:51
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> what gibberish is that?15:51
BluesKajeverything you rtyped so far15:51
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> give me a for instance15:52
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> i dont follow you15:52
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:52
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> not what i asked15:52
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> please define what you call gibberish15:53
BluesKajdoesn't matter it's not Kubuntu releated15:53
IrcsomeBot<bartimaeuseyes> your a maroon, good bye15:53
=== danny_ is now known as danny__
danny_i have a question about statics16:00
danny_and templates16:00
=== ma8ma is now known as ma8ma_
=== ma8ma_ is now known as ma8ma__
IrcsomeBot<Simon> K4zy19:38
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @danny you might have better luck in a programming channel21:02
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> this one is for Kubuntu support21:02
=== noisebridge is now known as SenoraRaton

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