
keykeyo suup03:34
keykewhy the kernel stays on 5.11 when the lastest stable is 5.15??03:35
guiverckeyke, you've not provided any release details; but Lubuntu uses stable Ubuntu kernels with security fixes back-ported. 5.13 is latest currently supported (depending on release; it'll reach focal/20.04 at 20.04.4 unless users opt to use it earlier [edge])04:29
keykehere its 5.1104:33
guivercCurrent: 21.10 5.13 (20.04.4 HWE),21.04 5.11 (20.04.3 HWE), 20.04 (5.11 currently with HWE, 5.4 for GA)04:36
keykeso, how do i do in order to upgrade it04:39
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> Do you lack features or do you have unsupported hardware? Keep in mind that you’re using a distro with a static release model. If you want always the latest kernel then you’re searching for an Arch based distro08:23
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> Hi how do I remove these shortcuts made by Steam? : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/4f60c48e/image_2021_11_14_16_07_52.png15:07
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I only want Steam to appear15:08

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