[07:22] morning [07:30] mborzecki: hi! [07:33] mardy: hey, anything interesting on thu/fri? [07:43] mborzecki: can't recall, but it may also be that my memory tends to wane faster during the weekends :-) [08:04] morning [08:06] pstolowski: hi! [08:06] and mvo :-) [08:06] do we have spread tests which run the debian/ubuntu postrm script? [08:06] good morning pstolowski and mardy and mborzecki [08:06] pstolowski: mvo hey [08:07] (just wondering because I've a small fix to that, and if the tests don't exercise it, then I'd add the skip-spread label) [08:07] mardy: iirc we have something called postrm-purge and snapmgmt [08:07] mvo: ok, no skip-spread then :-) [08:07] mborzecki: will it be hard to have a spread test for 11039? [08:08] mardy: is something broken? [08:08] mardy: oh, I see there is a new pr from you, let me look [08:09] mvo: not that seriously, but we got a bug report in LP last week [08:09] PR snapd#11055 opened: packaging: make postrm script robust against `rm` failures [08:10] mvo: a reliable test for this may be tricky [08:10] i'll take a look, maybe getting something sensible it's that complicated [08:28] PR core20#118 closed: hooks: change folder where to save bootcharts [09:09] PR snapd#11040 closed: o/snapstate: remove repeated test assertions [09:45] anyone seen this? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JTcr7WxtdC/ snap-confine gets blocked by apparmor when trying to enumerate devices [09:58] mvo: hey, should I look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11050#issuecomment-968698673 and add --quiet? [09:58] PR #11050: tests: the `lxd` test is failing right now on 21.10 [10:03] pstolowski: yes please! one complication is that older version of systemd do not have --quiet so we need to add a version check and do a little bit of digging when exactly --quiet got added [10:04] pstolowski: but should be hopefully straightfoward :) [10:04] mvo: great, good you mentioned this, i didn't know that. will do [10:06] pstolowski: my pleasure [10:29] mvo: ok, i've modified existing device cgroup test in 11039 and hopefully it will be stable [10:29] pushing in a bit [10:29] mborzecki: \o/ [10:44] mvo: and pushed, please take a look [10:54] mborzecki: looking now (but will have a meeting soon), first glance looks very encouraging :) [10:55] PR snapd#10907 closed: interfaces: timezone-control, add permission for ListTimezones DBus call [10:55] damn, got another reminder about hr tranings [10:57] mvo: pushed as a draft, let's see how spread likes it [10:59] pstolowski: \o/ [11:00] PR snapd#11056 opened: Append --quiet to udevadm trigger ... calls with newer systemd (>=248) [11:02] mvo: i'm slightly confused about what may cause an error with trigger; i couldn't provoke any error by calling trigger manually on 21.10 with silly properties for example [11:02] but maybe it's very specific to running inside lxc [11:14] PR snapcraft#3595 opened: set lzo compression by default in kde-neon extension [11:25] pstolowski: it seems to be super specific [11:25] pstolowski: your PR seems to fail on spellcheck or something, let me know if I can help [11:26] ah, sorry, let me fix that [13:05] PR snapd#11031 closed: interfaces/u2f-devices: add Trezor and Trezor v2 keys (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1947746) [13:27] meh, something changed in sid and tumbleweed and our session prepare is failing now [14:46] PR snapd#10921 closed: osutil/disks: add more fields to Partition, populate them during discovery [14:51] PR snapd#11048 closed: o/snapstate/handlers: propagate read errors on "copy-snap-data" [14:51] \o/ [14:51] * ijohnson[m] hugs mvo for the merge [14:51] yw! [14:56] PR snapd#10878 closed: interfaces/builtin/time-control: allow pps access [15:01] PR snapd#11039 closed: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: do not deny all devices when reusing the device cgroup <⚠ Critical> [15:05] pstolowski: I guess we can mark 11056 as "ready" from "draft" ? or is there anything you feel is missing? [15:05] mvo: yes, done [15:18] pstolowski: and I assume squash-merge for 11056 is okay too? [15:20] mvo: sure [15:26] mardy: I left a suggestion about the microstack spread test [15:26] hey mvo :) [15:29] also reviews for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10807 would be great if anybody has some free time before they EOD 🙂 [15:29] PR #10807: tests/nested/manual/core20-cloud-init-maas-signed-seed-data: add gadget variant [15:29] hey zyga-mbp feeling better ? [15:30] yes, I hopefully no long-term damage [15:30] I'm recovering nicely [15:30] that's good news [15:30] some of my friends got covid even after they got the vaccine but it was mild and went away quickly for them [15:30] I had a bit of a scary moment but I think the worse is over [15:31] PR snapd#11043 closed: gadget: include size + sector-size in DiskVolumeDeviceTraits [15:35] mvo: We're getting some more requests to add the --validation flag to ubuntu-image. Have there been any updates on LP: #1948838 ? [15:35] Bug #1948838: Snapd can no longer be imported as a Go module [15:40] pstolowski: hey have you seen auto-refresh failures like this one ? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vTQ7qFW6g7/ [15:41] I've seen that one a few times before and mentioned it in the SU doc, but I don't know that anyone ever looked into it [15:41] I'm inclined to mark it as a flaky test for someone to look into at some point [15:41] (i.e. keep running the test but make a LP bug with the flaky-tests tag on it) [15:42] ijohnson[m]: i remember you mentioning it and looked at it but couldn't reproduce. let me try once again. i suspect the test isn't just waiting long enough for refresh [15:42] ok, do you want me to file a LP bug about it so we don't forget ? [15:43] ijohnson[m]: i wouldn't disable this test though as this is the only test we have for the gate-auto-refresh hook [15:43] right I wasn't suggesting disabling it, just not sure if you would find it helpful to have a LP bug about it [15:43] ijohnson[m]: that would be great, thank you [15:43] if you're going to look into immediately and try to fix it then maybe not worth it [15:43] pstolowski: ack I will file a bug and assign it to you then [15:44] ijohnson[m]: ty [15:45] np [16:46] ijohnson[m]: no luck in reproducing (of course), maybe this will help https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11057 [16:46] PR #11057: tests: print extra debug on auto-refresh-gating test failure [16:46] PR snapd#11057 opened: tests: print extra debug on auto-refresh-gating test failure [18:42] PR snapd#11058 opened: interfaces/udev: fix installing snaps inside lxd in 21.10 <⚠ Critical> [20:07] PR snapd#11044 closed: interfaces/builtin/block_devices: allow blkid to print block device attributes [22:13] PR snapd#11059 opened: release: 2.53.2 [22:33] PR snapd#11060 opened: gadget/install: use disks functions to implement deviceFromRole, also rename [23:53] PR snapd#11059 closed: release: 2.53.2 [23:58] PR snapd#11061 opened: packaging: merge changelog for 2.53.2 back to master