=== ajfriesen9 is now known as ajfriesen === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [14:34] tomreyn, we are 1 update behind for ESX, running 6.7 update 2. [14:35] lotuspsychje, I ripped out all the other kernel options I had set, someone earlier said something about maybe they were causing it. [15:38] Hi all. I have a very strange Problem with apache2 and rewrite rules. two first rewrite rules works perfect but the third for rewriting sitemaps does not work. i tryed to get apache2 logging to work but this seems also not to work. what i am trying to do is to catch all sitemaps requests in apache2 and rewrite them to be send to the index2.php script => RewriteRule "^/rss/sitemap.xml.([0-9]+)$" "/rss/index2.php?sitemapfilename=$1" [L] [15:38] It should work but it does not. When i enable LogLevel alert rewrite:trace4 alias:debug to see what is happening i dont see any output at all even for the working rewrite rules. Please Help me solve this Problem. Spend already half day searching on the Internet how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance. [17:51] ^ x posted to #ubuntu-de, where i responded (though I don't immediately know what's the problem) - other than "." should be "\." [18:05] I had a apt-cacher-ng server on my network, I moved that service to another machine, it uses the 'avahi' magic to announce itself. Computers on my network with 'squid-deb-proxy-client' error out trying to contact the old server even if the old server does not run apt-cacher-ng, or is removed from the network. === genii-core is now known as genii === tar_xvf is now known as Guest81 === tar_xvf is now known as Guest81 === Guest81 is now known as tar_xvf === tar_xvf is now known as tar === tar is now known as Guest81 === Guest81 is now known as tar_xvf === shokohsc868 is now known as shokohsc86