=== genii-core is now known as genii [20:58] Greetings everybody. I know it's been a looong time, and I cannot expect any of you to provide any tech support for me, but maybe it's forgiven to ask for a small favour? [20:58] hey astraljava :) [20:59] The quickest way to determine whether your system may assist me, is to check the "set root=" section in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. [20:59] Heeey, pleia2! [20:59] LTNC, how have you been? [20:59] good, but unable to reboot at the moment to help you :) [21:00] Not to worry, I've come to the conclusion this may be such a corner case not many can. :D [21:01] If you have "set root='lvmid='" in the menu entry, then you _may_ be eligible to win an additional service request! Yay! \m/ [21:02] Oh, and your system ought to be newer than 20.04. [21:03] Would you like to hear more of the issue at hand? That's alright, I'll tell you anyway. There may be a bug in grub-mkconfig that's been lying dormant since 2017, at least. [21:04] IF that didn't make your mouth watery, then I don't know what can. === jpeisach is now known as ItzSwirlz