
freetestersomeone here?00:00
jkcfreetester: About a thousand people. Just ask your question. :)00:00
sarnoldstiv2k: that should be easy :) mirrors are nice and flexible, it's perhaps a bit more expensive than raidz1 or raidz2, but if you want to add another two or four or six drives later on, that's pretty easy to do00:05
sarnoldstiv2k: adding more storage to a raidzn pool is more complicated00:05
stiv2ksarnold: my friend says i should use truenas00:08
sarnoldoh, freenas changed their name? heh00:09
freetestermy configuration: 2 pcs00:10
freetester1) Imac mid 201000:10
freetester2) Ubuntu00:10
freetestera second screen is connected to my mac00:10
freetesterin total therefore 3 screens00:10
freetesterI would like to be able to:00:10
sarnoldstiv2k: I've heard good things about freenas folks before, it's probably a good choice. if "NAS System" sounds like something you'd be interested in, it's probably a good fit.00:11
freetesterjkc: thanks!00:12
sarnoldstiv2k: (it's a bit more capable than that, obviously, but as far as I can tell it's not like "here's a general purpose computer that you can do whatever you want with it")00:12
sarnoldfreetester: note that the bots figured your client had broken when you bursted five messages in one second00:12
sarnoldfreetester: so we didn't actually see your question00:13
stiv2ksarnold: he says he runs other services on it too00:15
stiv2ksarnold: as i had the same goal in mind, idk, maybe ill try it out00:15
sarnoldstiv2k: probably via an app store kind of thing?00:15
freetestersarnold: ops thanks  i will try again00:15
sarnoldstiv2k: can you just ssh in and install stuff?00:15
stiv2ki think so, i am not sure just yet :)00:15
sarnoldstiv2k: cool cool00:16
freetestermy configuration: 2 pcs00:16
freetester1) Imac mid 201000:16
freetester2) Ubuntu00:16
freetestera second screen is connected to my mac00:16
freetesterin total therefore 3 screens00:16
freetesterI would like to be able to:00:16
lantech19446I don't get the reference in your nick stiv bators died in 199000:16
sarnoldfreetester: hah, you did it again :) you can't blast a ton of messages all at once. try (a) writing more than three words per line (b) writing it by hand00:16
freetestermy configuration: 2 pcs00:17
freetester1) Imac mid 201000:17
freetester2) Ubuntu00:17
freetestera second screen is connected to my mac00:17
freetesterin total therefore 3 screens00:18
freetesterI would like to be able to:00:18
freetester1) use the same keyboard and mouse on both PCs00:18
Bashing-om!flodding | freetester00:18
freetester2) use imac and its second screen for ubuntu00:18
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freetesterI am looking for a solution through the use of a kvm switch but I cannot find the keystone ...00:19
freetesterany idea or sugegstion, thanks in advance 4 any idea or suggestion00:19
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=== ice is now known as madmax
sarnoldfreetester: I think that sounds like something the 'barrier' package can do -- check out the webpage https://github.com/debauchee/barrier and see if it makes sense00:22
=== ice is now known as madmax
freetestersarnold: thanks 4 your advice, i already read about barrier but unfortunately it doesnt work with display but only support mouse and keyboard00:27
freetester4 this reason i was looking 4 some kind of congif with hw kvm00:28
sarnoldfreetester: ohhh :( dang00:28
freetestersarnold: yep :-P00:28
freetesterit would great see imac as monitor of ubuntu XD00:29
freetesterbe great*00:29
sarnoldfreetester: you could do some vnc or rdp; I don't know much about those00:36
user1how do I edit a file in 21.10 as admin?00:49
sarnolduser1: the sudoedit command is one popular way to do this00:50
user1another question. I have a WD My Cloud NAS and a Lexmark printer copier. Why is it that Ubuntu can, Right after install, see My Cloud on my network and scan and print with my Lexmark Printer, but all the other distros like Manjaro cannot. What is Unbuntu doing differently?00:52
sarnolduser1: good question. I think the sane-airscan package is the starting point for scanning things -- this bug describes a lot of the context around scanning tools https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-airscan/+bug/189168200:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1891682 in sane-airscan (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sane-airscan" [High, Fix Released]00:54
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest4382
Guest4382I need help01:12
semWhat is the preferred way to have a default ssh keypair automatically load into ssh?02:14
witeshark2holy shit02:15
semI think it has to do with ssh-agent02:16
semhi witeshark2 :)02:16
sarnoldsem: if you want a key without a password, I think you can do that02:16
witeshark2hi sem02:17
witeshark2Holy Shit02:17
semI think you can too. It is making me consider making one without a passcode :)02:17
witeshark2that's QUALITY!02:18
semare you feeling alright buddy?02:18
EdFletchersem: ssh will automatically use keypairs named to fit the format that are found in ~/.ssh/, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa or ~/.ssh/id_ed2551902:18
witeshark2oh shit!02:18
sarnoldwiteshark2: please stop02:18
witeshark2i have to go ------ work02:18
witeshark2sarnold, who asked you?02:19
semEdFletcher, do you know if I can have both an id_rsa and an id_ed25519?02:19
coz_witeshark2, we try NOT to use ANY prfaities02:19
sarnoldand we also try to be useful and friendly02:20
coz_witeshark2, yes indeed, this is , afterall, a "support" channel not free for all02:20
witeshark2OMG if words have actaul POWER -- THEN! : the WORD Abracadabra will actually work!02:21
witeshark2think about it!02:21
coz_witeshark2, and if you are not careful, the word "kick" will also have power02:21
EdFletchersem: yup you absolutely can, i do that too - you may need to use `-i` to explicitly specify which to use depending on the server config, but it absolutely works. in fact, you can have as many key pairs as you want in that folder and if they're _not_ named starting with `id` then they'll never be automatically used but will be available for use with02:26
EdFletcher(generally you want to use ed25519 keys when possible these days, but for example i have a couple ARM servers i login to that don't yet support ed25519 so i keep an RSA key alongside for those)02:26
semThat's what I was thinking too02:27
semI am pretty inexperienced so I was originally copying a working key to all devices02:27
sembut now I'll start having one key per device as recommended02:27
semso if I lose the device I can just revoke that key02:27
sem(I'm not exactly sure how to know which key to revoke, but... it's a learning adventure)02:28
EdFletcher"revoking" a key is just removing the entry from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys02:28
EdFletcherthere's no central authority for them, so it's just a matter of where you've put the public key as authorized02:28
TJ-if you're using a lot of keys it makes sense to setup and use a certificate authority so you don't need to move keys around02:30
EdFletchertrue true02:31
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
semRight now I'll only have about 4 devices and 4 keys. Can you comment in authorized_keys to help keep track which is which?02:36
sarnoldsem: that's probably the default; try this: awk '{for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) { print $i;} }' ~/.ssh/id_*pub02:44
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semi can just look in there and see my keys. Right now I don't have any default keys, I just have an ed25519 key I named something custom, and a bunch of keys I copied there02:52
=== M4he is now known as mahe
coolchrisubuntu us a fucking poece of shit fucking dumbasses say its good then when u install it all it does is suck worse then windows fuck u linux bitches05:02
coolchristrist me it shcks05:03
coolchrisi installed it and then i couldnet even play my games easy05:04
coolchrisfucking pos05:04
coolchriswell have fun with ur shitty os byebye05:05
=== svm_invictvs__ is now known as svm_invictvs
webchat45ubuntu 20.04; apparmor profile for firefox is blocking access to GPU06:02
webchat45with apparmor active:06:02
webchat45~:$ firefox06:02
webchat45[GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI06:02
webchat45[GFX1-]: glxtest: process failed (received signal 11)06:02
webchat45sudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox06:02
ravage!paste | webchat4506:04
ubottuwebchat45: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:04
webchat45ubuntu 20.04; apparmor profile for firefox is blocking access to GPU:  http://sprunge.us/Kh4Qj1?text06:13
webchat45how may I fix this.06:16
=== diskin_ is now known as diskin
weedmichow would I go about seeing the file associated with a service so I can see exactly what it is starting/stoping and in what order?08:07
KBarweemdic `systemctl show SERVICE_NAME.service`08:14
KBarBefore=, After= fields.08:15
weedmicyes, ty - and it shows the file too08:15
dorfHi, I have a problem with my lenovo laptop. The touchpad isn't turning off when typing, even though the setting is on. I've tried everything i could think of, but have not managed to fix it. Where do I go from here?09:28
enycdorf: hrrm what ubuntu version/type ?  what setting?09:30
dorfubuntu 20.04, the setting "disable when typing" under settings -> mouse & touchpad09:32
dorfProblem is that my palm keeps making clicks on the touchpad when typing, wich is really annoying.09:33
oerheksthere is a 2nd 'disable while typing' in gnome-tweak-tools?09:35
dorfyes, that is also turned on. "synclient -l" also lists PalmDetect = 109:36
ravagei dont even see that setting on my thinkpad09:38
ravagebut i also never had that problem09:39
oerheksmaybe some dirt in the edges?09:40
dorfI've tried cleaning it to no avail. But even then, even if it was dirt the touchpad should be disabled when typing anyway.09:41
lotuspsychjedorf: lenovo + touchpad, could be a bug, are you on kernel 5.11?09:46
lotuspsychjedorf: you can doublecheck all you tweaks from dconf-editor aswell before we suspect a bug09:50
dorfim on 5.11.0-40-generic09:50
KBarWhat xinput drivers do you have installed?09:51
dorfis there a trick to list changes in dconf-editor, I'm unsure if i even changed anything.09:52
EriC^^dorf: how did you change stuff?09:54
KBardorf dconf dump / > dump.conf09:55
EriC^^ah dconf-editor is a gui09:55
KBardorf, that is if you really changed it via dconf. if it was gsettings, i dont know if its possible to list manually changed schemas/keys09:56
tomreynto compare current vs. default value, you could, using the "dconf" cli, "list" and backup current value, "reset" it, and then "list" it again, and optionally "write" the previous value again. there may be an easier option.09:56
tomreyndorf`: ^09:57
dorf`that seems to dump everything, pretty sure i've only used dconf editor to check the settings are enabled anyway09:58
dorf`This have worked in the past, but all of a sudden stopped working. Also having some other issues with the touchpad being unresponsive for tap clicks after it has been to sleep.09:58
KBardorf`, hmm. In that case, I think you need to look at what packages were updated/installed.10:00
KBarDid you update your kernel, libinput, etc.?10:01
tomreynisn't xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (which provides "synclient") meant to be replaced by xserver-xorg-input-libinput, anyways?10:01
dorf`I might have, i've had this problem for some weeks now, so there have been a lot of package updates in the meantime.10:02
tomreyn(that's what its package description seems to siggest anyways)10:02
KBarI had the same problem a year or two ago which was solved by installing synaptics. My laptop isn't Lenovo, though.10:02
dorf`i have both xinput for libinput and synaptics installed, could that be the issue?10:03
tomreynmaybe. -synaptics is in universe, -libinput in main. i'd know hwich one i'd want to try and remove10:04
dorf`and which one would that  be? Synaptics?10:05
tomreynyes, the one in universe10:05
lotuspsychjedorf`: there's a few bugs to check out there; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.searchtext=touchpad&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_pat10:07
tomreynin 18.04 LTS, xubuntu and lubuntu depended on xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, but i assume you're using Ubuntu10:07
=== ravan_ is now known as ravan
dorf`removing xserver synaptics package doesn't seem to fix it, would a reboot be required?10:10
tomreynrestarting the user sessions may be10:11
tomreyndefinitely restarting X10:11
tomreynif the problem persists, i'd also compare to wayland, maybe try to reproduce on the latest installer /live iso, and file a bug - after checking that there isn't one already.10:13
dorf`Does not seem to have fixed it. Might be at the point where a clean install is the solution, having random stutters on top of this.10:13
tomreynor just try with a new user account to rule out changed you applied within your home10:15
dorf`thats a good idea, thanks. I'll try that after lunch10:16
grydeksar, hi10:19
timsahey guys10:55
timsahow do i know if my ubuntu 20 is using netplan or something else?10:55
timsai'm having issues connecting to outside world10:56
timsaapt update is working, but unable to ping
oerheksis it a desktop? then it is networkmanager, most likely10:57
tomreyntimsa: this might tell:  systemctl status NetworkManager systemd-networkd11:01
tomreynat least which backend you'r eusing11:01
oerheksnice line, tom, catches both11:02
tomreyn:) i think netplan would place current configuration in /run/ so maybe look for that as well11:04
timsaits a "server"11:04
tomreynprobably netplan then, unless you modified it or it's a custom image11:05
timsasystemd-networkd.service seems to be running11:05
timsashould i disable that and then it uses netplan?11:05
tomreynand the systemd-networkd renderer11:05
tomreynnetplan is a management tool for those two backends11:06
tomreynso you're probably currently using netplan and systemd-networkd11:06
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tomreyninspecting your configuration may help verifying this. netplan is configured in /etc/netplan and there is documentation on ubuntu server basics like this on https://help.ubuntu.com11:07
tomreynnetplan also has man pages and, maybe more conveniently, https://netplan.io11:08
KNDXThe latest samba security upgrade broke our setup. (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/s/samba/samba_4.13.14+dfsg-0ubuntu0.20.04.1/changelog). We tried downgrading samba. But we also use sssd, and for that package there is only 1 version available anymore that depends on the latest samba version11:13
KNDX(http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/s/sssd/sssd_2.2.3-3ubuntu0.8/changelog). Any pointers how to get out of this conundrum... either solving the current samba issue, of getting the downgrade working11:13
tomreynKNDX: you may want to bring this up in #ubuntu-server, and check the bug tracker11:14
KNDXa, good tip, will post there11:15
tomreynit will help to also discuss what broke exactly11:15
timsatomreyn how can disable the /etc/network/interfaces and use netplan only?11:26
Thib[m]Hello all! Is there a list of all the ubuntu channels on IRC somewhere? Do you all start with #ubuntu?11:27
mjtThib[m]: You could try /msg alis list ubuntu11:32
oerheksor the wiki11:32
Thib[m]mjt: thanks!11:32
Thib[m]Oh yes, thanks too oerheks :)11:33
tomreyntimsa: remove your configuration off /etc/network/interfaces and configure things via netplan instead.11:34
timsajust rm the config?11:38
tomreyntimsa: you can keep the empty file.11:40
timsahmm. still unable to access the internet11:44
tomreyntimsa: actually, netplan has a "migrate" option you can probably use11:44
tomreynis the interface brought (down and then) up, though? is it configured properly accoring to "ip" (address, route)?11:45
timsahmm. this is weird indeed. https and https works but i seems like nothing else11:49
timsaalso i can ssh the server. apt update works11:49
tomreynso what does not work, and how do you tell?11:50
timsafor example ping
tomreynfails how?11:51
timsaPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:51
timsajust stays there11:51
tomreynso firewall, packet loss, or broken router11:52
timsaits a cloud server with no firewall :p11:52
ravageno firewall you know of11:53
oerhekssudo iptables -L11:53
timsaufw installed but disabled11:53
tomreyn"ping" should return to CLI after a timeout, though, and provide a status. does it not?11:55
tomreynshould return to the sehll prompt, i mean11:55
tomreyndocker :/11:57
tomreyntends to break networking if not configured properly11:58
timsaseems like some things are working11:59
timsalike i can wget websites12:00
timsaand nc or nmap ports 44312:00
timsabut i cant ping anything12:00
timsaexcept localhost12:00
timsaany ideaS?12:08
tomreyntimsa: did this work previously? if so, what changed in between?12:13
tomreynand can you revert that? (maybe the docker installation?)12:13
tomreynif it always happened, talk to your host12:13
timsaah found it12:14
timsai actually had a deny rule on the provider side12:15
=== webchat5357 is now known as webchat69420
nyuszika7his there a way to change the format for screen recordings to MP4/H.264?13:03
nyuszika7hwithout manually reencoding with ffmpeg each time13:03
lpvanyone know why I can't get scrollbars at the edge of the screen with the mouse in this os?13:25
iorialpv, might depend on your desktop theme13:28
lpvI only got ubuntu default13:28
lpvokay maybe I'll try sth else13:29
iorialpv, unless you mean the 'Edge Scrolling' function13:31
lpvI spotted that somewhere, think it's got to do with touchpad? Nah I just mean when I move the cursor at the edge of screen at scrollbars position, it goes behind it13:32
lpvit's so annoying13:32
lpvI have to play precision fps to catch it13:32
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:33
coz_morning BluesKaj13:33
BluesKaj'morning coz_13:34
coz_BluesKaj, how have you been?13:34
BluesKajI'm doing ok, how about you?13:34
coz_BluesKaj, fine, thanks for asking. I probably have said this before, with all of the "new" people here, it's nice to see another old timer %)13:35
webchat97The only message I'm sending: I just wanted to congratulate you for moving the channels from freenode autistic network to libera.14:37
Fatal_Sushiwebchat97: great but it doesn't belong here imho14:39
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=== gacuxz1 is now known as gacuxz
saadi want a alternative of illastetor15:00
tigefasaad gimp | ubottu gimp15:01
oerheksinkscape, libre office draw, tons of vector graphics programms15:02
leftyfbthey left 21 seconds after asking the question15:09
BluesKajexpecting instant gratification15:09
oerheksmacbook pro m1 ...15:12
sproutI want it!15:12
sproutprobably not,  don't like moving parts and the thing has fans15:12
sproutbut does have superior prestation compared to other stuff15:13
leftyfb!ot | sprout15:13
ubottusprout: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:13
sproutoh,  right.   sorry15:13
=== genii-core is now known as genii
lacrymologyHi. I'm having issues with disk encryption. I'm installing ubuntu on an existing box, the second half of the drive is an encrypted drive with arch linux in it. My goal is to install an encrypted ubuntu at the beginning, and move important files from the arch installation before (maybe?) deleting it. But I cannot install ubuntu encrypted without deleting the whole drive. What's more, installing ubuntu15:54
lacrymologykilled my old grub, and the other system doesn't show up at all at boot (which is understandable since it's encrypted, I guess).15:55
lacrymologyI've been able to open the encrypted drive, but if I'm understanding things correctly, this won't help me since I cannot encrypt ubuntu after-the-fact15:56
oerheksLVM/luks wants the whole drive, indeed15:56
TJ-lacrymology: is the installation inside the existing LUKS using LVM?15:58
lacrymologysorry if anyone answered, the encryption thing has become kinda secondary. Now I can't click things. Like, I open the apps list, and click on things and nothing happens. I was able to run the terminal from the lanucher thing where you can type program names16:12
lacrymologyI was able to run chrome from the terminal16:12
lacrymologybut the interface doesn't respond16:12
lacrymologyalso cannot resize or move windows, or change focus by clicking16:13
lacrymologyalt-tab works16:13
lacrymologythat's for everything, I can keyboard-navigate, but nothing responds to clicks16:14
lacrymologythings get styled on mouse over and stuff, tho16:15
=== webchat97 is now known as Crepe
lacrymologyI'm going to reboot, brb16:17
lacrymologyok, rebooting fixed the mouse issue, but no idea what it was16:19
narfnarfI'm using ubuntu LTS 20.04 and suspend to memory doesn't work - waking up just gives me a black screen. How to best find out what's causing this problem?16:21
TJ-narfnarf: examine the kernel log. most likely a GPU driver issue.16:22
lpvhey guys after upgrading to 21.04 my external hdd has been renamed to Storage1 instead of Storage and there's the old, now inaccessible Storage too. Can I remove the old somehow?16:30
Gallomimianot quite ubuntu question: is there something i'm doing wrong with a wget command, in that it doesn't download any files. only grabs index files and nothing more?16:31
Gallomimialpv check what it says in /etc/fstab16:31
Gallomimiaor... do you have this thing listed in there?16:32
lpvnothing related to external hdd on fstab16:33
lpvit normally goes under /media/username/<storage>16:33
Gallomimiaoh. i usually put all my drives in that. externals are often spared that honor16:33
moliendoHi, I have a problem with proprietary nvidia drivers. Whichever driver I use, it crashes for a while after opening a steam game. On the other hand, I don't encounter with any issues while using open-source driver in the same scenario. However, in this case, it doesn't work as good as the proprietary one (rendering issues).16:34
moliendoSo I would be appreciated at least if you can guide me how to troubleshoot the problem. My graphical card is EVGA gtx 980 and the driver version is 495.44.16:34
Gallomimiacould you describe how you installed these drivers?16:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu16:36
moliendoGallomimia Now they are installed via default software center application but I also tried installing via a ppa (https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa)16:36
lpvthis is what I'm getting: https://imgur.com/dJmNK4W16:38
moliendoThe issue is that in any game driver crashes and I encounter with either death of orange screen or no signal on monitor warning.16:38
oerheks495 is the newest, maybe your gtx 980 needs something older, like 390/440 ??16:39
Gallomimialpv, i regret to inform you i don't know much about that. i'm led to believe that directory is auto managed16:39
oerheksis there an instance in the driver utillity that says 'recommended' ?16:40
lpvcool np, it's no big deal. thanks ;)16:40
moliendooerheks: tried almost all drivers from 390 to 495.16:41
Gallomimiasomeone more knowledgable than me can help16:41
ioriamoliendo, are  libnvidia-gl-495 and libnvidia-gl-495:i386  installed on your system ?16:41
Gallomimianvidia site says you should be using 47016:41
=== Swift110-mobile_ is now known as Swift110-mobile
Gallomimiawhich means you should remove that driver, and sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-47016:42
lpvI'll deal with it later, cheers :)16:42
Gallomimiahang out in here lpv someone might answer you in a minute or two16:42
moliendoioria:  libnvidia-gl-495:i386 is not installed16:43
Gallomimiahttps://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/183575/en-us <--- driver 470 for a gtx98016:43
moliendothe other package is installed16:43
ioriamoliendo, install it16:43
oerheksand steam, yeah, it is heavy, lower the graphical settings16:44
moliendoioria: it is not available on ubuntu repositories16:45
ioria!info libnvidia-gl-495:i386 focal16:45
ubottulibnvidia-gl-495 (495.44-0ubuntu0.20.04.1, focal): NVIDIA OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES GLVND libraries and Vulkan ICD. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-495. Size 21,658 kB / 78,295 kB16:45
ioriamoliendo, it is16:46
ioriamoliendo, sudo apt install --reinstall libnvidia-gl-495:i38616:47
moliendoOkay installing now16:47
nafnarfrThanks. It was (unsurprisingly maybe) the nvidia drivers. I had to echo options nvidia_drm modeset=1 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kms.conf, that seems to have fixed it. (from here: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/fixed-suspend-resume-issues-with-the-driver-version-470/187150/4)16:49
moliendoioria: rebooting now, will try again to see whether it still crashes.16:50
oerheksFunnyLookinHat, long time no see!16:54
moliendolet see now whether it works16:57
brandonelizaI have one funny problem with shotcut were my font weight is not changing to bold. THe font is installed.16:58
d1g1ta1Anyone know a good free ssh terminal emulator for Windows that will let you enter the same commands into mulitple linux hosts simultaneously?16:58
TJ-brandoneliza: sometimes you need another version of the font installed that does 'bold' :D16:58
brandonelizaTJ-: they are 2 .ttf files16:59
brandonelizaboth installed. It's Garamond16:59
oerheksd1g1ta1, wsl216:59
brandonelizabut I noticed this with other fonts too.16:59
oerheksshotcut as snap?17:00
TJ-brandoneliza: hmmm, did you update the font cache just in case the 'bold' isn't know about? - oh, maybe it is a Shotcut issue then?17:00
oerheksshotcut snap font issue17:00
brandonelizaTJ-: that is what I am thinking17:00
brandonelizaoerheks: I tried shotcut as a snap and shotcut as an appimage same thing17:00
brandonelizawonder if it is a kde issue though I will just test in my ubuntu vm host is kubuntu17:01
TJ-what about shotcut from  Ubuntu archives?17:01
brandonelizaI think that just crashes a lot17:01
brandonelizai could not get it to work reliably17:02
ioriabrandoneliza, have you tied the -edge version  21.11 ?17:11
brandonelizahmm that is the only thing missing. FUnny thing is on the other system (ubuntu 18.04 and snap at that time was 20.09.x but it auto updated) I don't know if it is broken now but that time it worked17:12
brandonelizaI am wondering if I am missing something else. But I tested with other fonts. I will try out the edge snap17:12
brandonelizaioria: wonder how to install the edge snap17:13
ioriabrandoneliza, have you tied the -edge version  21.1117:13
ioriabrandoneliza, sy17:13
ioriabrandoneliza, remove the old one and sudo snap install shotcut --classic --channel=edge17:14
brandonelizaI am a bit scared now of snap autoupdates too.17:14
brandonelizais there a way to turn it off17:14
brandonelizajust for reference.17:15
ioriabrandoneliza, nope, not comletly17:16
brandonelizaioria: thats why I like apt. A teeny weeny bit more control17:16
ioriaprobably, yes17:16
brandonelizaI can build from source too but that means a lot more dev packages n stuff17:17
brandonelizaand headaches17:17
brandonelizaI am suprised the appimage has the same problem17:17
TJ-brandoneliza: I always do that in an nspawn deboostrap-created container.17:17
brandonelizausually they woek well17:18
TJ-is it that those external installs can't get to the font files themselves?17:18
brandonelizaTJ-: I don't know what that is reading about it17:19
moliendoioria: it still continue crashing17:19
moliendoit has to be a away to troubleshot it17:20
moliendothere has be a way*17:20
brandonelizaioria: no difference; tested with ubuntu fonts too17:23
brandonelizawhich are definitely fine17:23
d1g1ta1oerheks:  great idea, unfortunately, it looks like it won't run on 1809 and I can't upgrade work Win 10 version.17:25
Guest83Hello, I have my web dir /var/www/html with right 777 on www-data:www-data. I want to open access to someone ONLY on the folder named "foo". BUT, I do not want he access to all my sites. I want to have a specific user call "foo", who can access only to the dir /var/www/html/foo. Is it possible ?17:48
oerheksuh oh, 777  is a NO NO..17:49
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Guest83ahah, never mind, 64417:49
oerheksbasicly, if you want an ADMIN to access, make him member otf the www-data group17:49
Guest83uh oh, if he is in www-data, he will see all my sites17:50
Gallomimiaeveryone will if the permissions are 64417:50
Guest83640 so ;)17:50
deadrom18.04 LTS, cannot print from GTK dialogs like Gimp, gThumb. comes up with an error. when I go through print *preview* and hit print from there, it works. can someone riddle me this?17:51
jkcGuest83: If he's a member of the www-data group, he'll still be able to read everything.17:51
ravageGuest83: if that user only needs to up- and download files install something like proftpd with chroot activated17:51
jkcOr forget an FTP daemon and do a chrooted sftp-only user in SSH.17:52
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Gallomimiait is possible to set directories to a more restricted set of permissions than sub directories17:54
jkcYes, it is. However, group memberships can also ruin permissions structures if not planned for.17:55
Gallomimiaread more about the permissions for sure. directory perms work different than documents17:55
jkcI quite literally know everything there is to know about Unix permissions, and ACLs.17:56
Gallomimiayou only need x to go into a directory. you don't need read.17:56
jkcIf the web server needs write access, then it has to have that either via user or group ownership. If the user is also a member of that group, then the user will, by virtue of group permissions, have access to everything that the web server has access to.17:57
jkcOr read access, for that matter. It isn't sufficient to give only traversal access.17:57
jkcThat is the value of a chrooted user.17:58
Gallomimiano one but that system's webmaster should be a member of the www group18:00
Gallomimiaand even then, it's questionable18:00
oerheksadmin should be alright..18:02
oerheksbut with multiple sites on 1 service.. hmm18:03
Gallomimiathe owner should be www while the group should be he who controls that site18:03
BrianHechinger[mI'm having this weird issue with PAV on Ubuntu Studio 21.04. When I start using the mic for something (like a zoom meeting) it lowers the mic level (under Input Devices). I drag it back up to 100% and it goes back down. I keep dragging it up and it keeps going back down until it finally stops doing that and stays at 100%. It only seems to do this once I've started talking which is suuuuuper annoying.18:11
oerhekszoom does that, i guess, auto level18:14
oerheksmaybe you can find that setting in zoom?18:15
tomreynBrianHechinger[m: Maybe that's another reason to upgrade to 21.10 (21.04 will reach end of life in January) - though i do not know whether that's no longer an issue in 21.10 - but there#s a chance, I guess.18:22
BrianHechinger[m<oerheks> "zoom does that, i guess, auto..." <- Zoom can change the pulse audio level?18:23
BrianHechinger[mtomreyn: Hmmm, that's not the worst idea I've heard. :-D18:23
oerheksBrianHechinger[m, i don't know, you tell me?18:24
BrianHechinger[mI wouldn't think it would.18:24
BrianHechinger[mbut I'm hardly an expert in pulse audio18:24
brandonelizaioria: hmm weird I setup an ubuntu 18.04 vm and the snap shotcut works fine there. Need to test on a ubuntu 20.04 vm now to know if it is a KDE thingy.18:48
zen_coderI want to specify a font directory relative to the fonts.conf location <dir prefix="relative">.</dir> does not work19:07
zen_coderany idea?19:07
oerhekszen_coder, did you ask this before?19:08
zen_coderoerheks:  before, I found a solution where I can specify an absolute path <dir>/home/user/myfonts_dir</dir> this works19:09
oerheksthere are 3 basic places to place custom fonts, /usr/share/fonts, /usr/local/share/fonts, and ~/.fonts19:10
zen_coderhowever, I want to distribute the file and therefore I would like to avoid specifying the absolute path19:10
oerhekskeep it simple, /usr/share/fonts19:11
zen_coderhttps://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html say I can do this19:11
zen_codermaybe the documentation is wrong?19:11
raxor2ksorry, i didnt know what channel to head to so i came here to ask this: Does online games like csgo/warzone/fortnite etc use sockets or websockets?19:11
zen_coderoerheks: For several reason, I cannot use this default directories19:11
oerhekssure you can19:12
gryraxor2k, please ask the unreal channel19:12
zen_coderoerheks: yeah, but in my use case I cannot19:13
TheIronWolfHi, I am trying to set up build environment for this repo: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk.   I am not an experienced Ubuntu user, and I am hitting limits on some basic things.  So I have Hyper-V VM with Ubuntu 20.04 and I need to install some build tools, for example, mingw-w64.  So my very first question is: if I just use apt --install for19:16
TheIronWolfmingw-w64, I get version of  But the VM repo uses also has same Ubuntu version, and they somehow get newer tools there, like gcc, mingw etc.  I was able to  work some of it around by installing bunch of .dep packages manually, but my environment is still significantly different from the CI environment those guys use.  Why apt does not19:16
TheIronWolffetch latest things for me?19:16
sarnoldTheIronWolf: "the vm repo"?19:19
TheIronWolfexpressed myself poorly.  Github repo has CI build, it uses Ubuntu VM too, I believe even same version.  I am looking at logs of their VM setup, and there are many much newer packages.  Also, logs show pacman, and my Ubuntu VM does not have pacman.  Yes, I am very noob sorry19:21
sarnoldare you sure their CI setup uses ubuntu? pacman is arch19:22
TheIronWolfmy goal is to have build environemt as similar to their CI as possible. Yes, pacman confused me too.   See this:https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/runs/4184344080?check_suite_focus=true19:22
TheIronWolfLet me find you interesting sections:19:23
TheIronWolfCurrent runner version: '2.284.0'19:23
TheIronWolfOperating System19:23
TheIronWolf  Ubuntu19:23
TheIronWolf  20.04.319:23
TheIronWolf  LTS19:23
TheIronWolfVirtual Environment19:23
tomreyn!paste | TheIronWolf19:23
ubottuTheIronWolf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:23
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mingw-w64 21.04 gives 8.0.0-119:23
oerheksmeson should not be an issue19:24
sarnoldI failed copy-and-paste and didn't notice..19:25
sarnoldTheIronWolf: aha https://github.com/marketplace/actions/arch-linux-mingw-builder19:25
TheIronWolfok I have installed from .dep packages but19:25
sarnoldTheIronWolf: from "Set up job", line "Download action repository 'Joshua-Ashton/arch-mingw-github-action@v5'"19:25
TheIronWolfcan you clarify? I saw that line19:26
TheIronWolfhow can I replicate their env locally, I am not following.19:26
TheIronWolfso mingw is  but g++ is wronge version compared to CI (looking at link)19:27
sarnoldTheIronWolf: start by stealing their artifacts.yml, I think: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/blob/master/.github/workflows/artifacts.yml19:28
TheIronWolfbut see - I do not want to setup CI, that requires Azure subscription etc, I want build locally, on my own Vm19:29
sarnoldTheIronWolf: I've never used it but I've heard this thing can help you run github actions 'locally' https://github.com/nektos/act19:29
TheIronWolfthank you will look into it.19:29
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faLUKEjust solved, I had to unmount the drive. nm20:19
TheIronWolfsarnold - thank you for the hints, it got me going!  I did not use act, but I used Desktop Docker to get archlinux image, and no  way I would've been able to figure it out without Joshi's action above - he uses specific version of archlinux as latest has pacman broken.20:35
sarnoldTheIronWolf: oh *jeeze* that sounds fragile all around20:36
sarnoldTheIronWolf: I wonder why they started with an ubuntu image.. sigh. oh well :) good job untangling it all20:37
TheIronWolfyes :(  I really don't get why it is like that - there are even 2!!! mingws at same version number, so strange20:37
TheIronWolfI am not done yet, need to somehow transfer files to host windows machine from docker.20:38
sarnoldI have to imagine that someone's going to waste a fair chunk of time on that somewhere20:39
TheIronWolfdo you know what happens here:  echo -e '\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist\n\n' >> /etc/pacman.conf - I did that, otherwise pacman was failing, but what is [multilib]?20:41
sarnoldTheIronWolf: probably something to let you install 32-bit stuff on 64-bit operating systems -- I bet there's something about it on the arch wiki :) they've got a great wiki20:46
TheIronWolfthanks man again, crazy, it'll take me half a day to take notes on how I got it build :D   and wait, I don't even if binaries are correct yet.  Trying to figure out how to share with host.  All that said dxvk is amazing, there's a dx9 game I am reversing, and dxvk runs game faster than native dx9, mindblown20:48
sarnoldwow. I sure wouldn't have expected that.20:50
sarnoldgood job dxvk gang :)20:51
TheIronWolfyes - it is counterintuiteve, most often there's overhead.20:51
TheIronWolfnow in my case the potential might be even bigger, one of enhancements I did is VR support in that game, if I manage to get backing Vulkan resources out of dxvk, I might be able to cut out dx9->dx11 conversion I have.20:52
jcbjoe2021I wa thinking of installing znc on an aws. Id znc setup stridjgt forward?21:21
oerheks!info znc21:26
ubottuznc (1.8.2-2build1, impish): advanced modular IRC bouncer. In component universe, is optional. Built by znc. Size 1,712 kB / 8,328 kB21:26
oerheksznc is, not sure about aws21:27
sarnoldI found aws to be pretty confusing, but their lightsail front-end is pretty easy.21:29
BinarySaviorwhat's a good privacy/security focused FLOSS web browser21:31
BinarySaviorbesides lynx21:31
sarnoldprobably torbrowser comes closest21:31
BinarySaviori think i will stick with firefox, actually.  I didn't realize it's open source21:33
BinarySavioryea tor is good too, I use tor sometimes but lots of features on some sites dont work with tor21:33
jwashi'm looking for an email service for my company, does anyone have any good experiences?21:49
oerhekschoice of email service is beyond the scope of this channel, jwash21:55
jwashlol, are opinions out of the scope of the channel?21:57
oerheksthis is technical support, so yes22:02
TheIronWolfwhen I am trying to run build script in mounted directory, I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RJr7DXtyNy/  happens in both Ubuntu and Archlinux, how can I fix this?22:10
semthat looks pretty hard TheIronWolf22:18
semdo you know what bash/r is referring to?22:19
semi mean bash\r22:19
TheIronWolfsem I fixed it it was https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29045140/env-bash-r-no-such-file-or-directory/29045187 not sure why, but getting another problem:22:22
semNice! Thanks22:23
TheIronWolfi was actually able to copy file to mounted folder so I can write22:23
TheIronWolfbut wth is going on above22:24
TheIronWolfman every step uphill batttle22:24
semlooks like a permissions issue22:24
semwhat are the permissions on the .sh file?22:24
TheIronWolfhow can I test22:24
semyou can use the ls command22:24
semls -l22:25
semwill tell you the permissions for all the files in your current directory22:25
TheIronWolfah  bingo22:25
TheIronWolfUnix defaults to very restrictive22:25
semyou probably need to make sure that the .sh file is rwx for the user22:25
TheIronWolfcould kindly tell me how because I am going crazy22:25
semyou can probably do something like chmod +x22:25
TheIronWolfhow give full permission22:26
TheIronWolflet me try22:26
semfull permissions is generally pretty dangerous, but chmod +x will let the user execute the script22:26
TheIronWolfaaaa!!! it's building in a mounted folder22:26
semthat doesn't sound good22:26
semis the folder mounted as read only?22:27
TheIronWolfno, I am happy22:27
TheIronWolfthis is success22:27
TheIronWolfI need to write code on windows machine22:27
TheIronWolfoonly build in  docker22:27
semglad it's working now22:27
TheIronWolfthank you for your help!22:28
semno problem :)22:28
TheIronWolfNow just need  to document it all as I'll forget in 3 days22:28
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