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noaXesshey at all specially @lordievader and @Mamarok ;) long time ago06:43
lordievaderGood morning07:03
linuxjoergenGood day, Kubuntu users...08:07
linuxjoergenFor the past week I have experienced very high CPU usage on plasmashell on both my computers. Both are running Kubuntu 21.10 with latest updates.08:08
linuxjoergenAnyone else seeing the same?08:08
linuxjoergentop reveals a CPU usage of up to 600%08:09
linsuxhow do i convert kubuntu to mate desktop enviroment12:01
linsuxneed kubuntu completely gone12:01
alkisgsudo apt install mate-desktop12:09
alkisgThen when you're sure that everything works, sudo apt purge --auto-remove kubuntu-desktop12:09
oerheksAdding and switch desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting12:40
oerheksi would reinstall12:40
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> me too (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> i would reinstall)12:44
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:09
MamaroknoaXess: hi, long time no see :-)14:22
noaXessyeah.... busy, special time and and and..14:22
noaXessaha hey @BluesKaj14:22
noaXessi remember there where some known people here.. and still here.. NICE14:23
BluesKajhi noaXess14:27
BluesKajhi Mamarok14:28
Mamarokhi BluesKaj14:33
BluesKajMamarok, LTNS, how are you?14:35
Mamarokfine, feeling great, despite my booster shot yesterday. Actually because of it probably :)14:52
BluesKajheh, right, I'll be getting mine in Jan which is 6mos after my 2nd shot14:54
Mamarokmy 6 months were early Nov, but I am in a high-risk category. Mind you, if you can get it earlier, the better, especially if you plan to visit Germany (or Switzerland or Austria)...15:05
mybalzitchwhen I'm prompted to give my password to unlock "default keyring" Why doesn't it tell me what app is requesting it15:13
oerheksmybalzitch, seahorse/keyring is; i think you login automaticly?15:16
mybalzitchit says "An application" and I have a feeling its for backups15:16
mybalzitchor some trojan15:16
brandonelizaI am having trouble with shotcut as an appimage on my kubuntu host using 20.04.3. The funny thing is I do not experience the same problem with a kubuntu 20.04.3 KVM guest. When I change the fonts (bold italic etc) on the host they don't update correctly. But in the guest they.15:19
brandonelizaI tried resetting the configuration of shotcut but no luck. Also the vm guest seems to be running the kernel 5.11 but my host with the latest updates has ther kernel version 5.4.x15:19
brandonelizacan someone help me understand why the difference15:20
brandonelizacan't find a shotcut irc channel so not sure how to ask program specific questions but wondering if there is anything on kubuntu I can check15:20
oerheksbrandoneliza, custom fonts in shotcut snap? install the apt version15:20
brandonelizaoerheks: not only with custom font with the stock ubuntu font15:20
brandonelizabut ony on the host not on the guest. THe guest cannot use the integrated gpu and uses opengl 3 1 instead of the hosts's 4 6 but tand 1 two plugins dont load in the guest as per the log15:21
brandonelizathe stock ubuntu fint has many weights so it is a good test15:22
brandonelizaoerheks: wonder how the guest is running a much newer kernel too since the host and guest use the same ubuntu version15:23
brandonelizaoerheks: let me remove the snap and try the repo version again as you suggested15:24
oerheksprobably HWE kernel15:26
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:26
brandonelizaoerheks: yes the VM is using an HEW kernel the host is not15:31
brandonelizaoerheks: https://paste.opensuse.org/add10b20 is the screenshot. The right is the vm kubuntu 20.04.3 the left is the host kubuntu 20.04.3  both are shotcut snaps and the same version. The guest has the horizontal fit etc. options and the fonts are updating correctly the host is not15:40
oerheksweird result, but i suggested the apt version, fonts issues are known with snap15:46
brandonelizaoerheks: but the issue is identiical on the host too with the appimage. I am testing the apt version16:54
brandonelizaoerheks: I think I know what is wrong. in the vm the snapcraft base is based off "core18" but on the host it is based off "core" how do I switch the base to core18. THe guest has a "core18 and a snapd in the snap list"17:13
brandonelizahmm probably i can't I guess I need to reformat root with a new OS to get that I think17:16
brandonelizaoerheks: the apt installed shotcut segfaults the moment I drag a clip to the timeline17:28
brandonelizaand the font bug is present in the apt version too17:29
brandonelizasince it is much older I am wondering if the bug is somewhere else in my kubuntu install in some other config file or something17:29
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ubottuUbuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu, supported until April 2023. Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes22:38
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