
mwhudsonvorlon: could you look at the r-cran-vctrs autopkgtest failures on s390x? i think that's all that's holding up a bunch of r stuff02:56
* mwhudson gives it a retry to make sure it's still broken02:56
vorlonmwhudson: hmm, won't be tonight02:57
mwhudsonvorlon: sure :)02:57
mwhudsonalthough https://github.com/r-lib/vctrs/issues/1353#issuecomment-81409716002:58
ubottuIssue 1353 in r-lib/vctrs "test-partial-factor fails on big-endian machines" [Open]02:58
apware we aware of sound issues (no sources listed in gnome-settings) with jammy today?10:53
seb128apw, no, could you share your recent apt log to see what changed?11:29
apwseb128, seems that restarting the various daemons made the sources and sinks come back; so i assume this is an upgrade order issue11:30
apwlikely we should make the transition request a reboot for sanity.11:31
seb128apw, not really, pipewire isn't supposed to take over sound. Likely you got pipewire-pulse installed by some recent upgrade?11:31
seb128which would be a bug11:31
apwi cirtainly have pipewire-pulse installed; it does at least work :)11:32
seb128apw, could you check the apt log to see if it was just pulled in for you?11:32
seb128or is that something you opted in to install before?11:32
apwseb128, it seems it was requested by the ubuntu-desktop^ task.11:34
apwi routinly install that after a large dist-upgrade to avoid losing thing necessary for reboot11:35
apwseb128, ^11:35
seb128apw, thanks, it's basically http://bugs.debian.org/99936311:37
ubottuDebian bug 999363 in wireplumber "Shouldn't replace pulseaudio by pipewire by default" [Normal, Open]11:37
seb128apw, I though we wouldn't be impacted yet since wireplumber is still in universe but that's enabled for most users upgrading11:37
apwahh so you don't see it in install testing, but only upgraders.  /me enjoys some dogfood.11:38
seb128also new install would probably work from an user perspective because you don't have the issue of having the sound server changing under you from pulseaudio to pipewire in a session11:39
apwwell i guess i get to test pipewire-pulse as a thing for a bit;  other than the upgrade being "poor", the experience audio wise is ok11:39
seb128apw, anyway, the issue is tracked as part of bug #1949776 for us11:39
ubottuBug 1949776 in wireplumber (Ubuntu) "[MIR] wireplumber" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194977611:39
apwack thank.11:39
seb128np, thank you for mentioning it, it's always useful to have issues reported11:40
ijohnson[m]slyon: hey when you have a chance could you take a look at this netplan + ubuntu core related problem on the forum: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ubuntu-core-20-boot-delayed-by-missing-wi-fi-usb-dongle-despite-optional-true-netplan-config/27403/113:39
slyonijohnson[m]: Yes, I will have a look later!13:50
ijohnson[m]thank you13:54
seb128bdmurray, hey, iso tracker question, how does one delete a testcase from a testsuite? example, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testsuites/410/edit , I want to remove the live session test from that set15:11
bdmurrayseb128: Edit then change Status to Disabled should do the trick15:17
seb128bdmurray, ah, thanks, a bit confusing :)15:18
schopinIs there an easy way to know if a package is involved in a transition? I'm looking into merging libxmlb, which bumped soname, meaning a small transition (3 rdeps), but I'd like to make sure that this wouldn't conflict with other stuff.16:09
vorlonschopin: 'apt rdepends $soname'16:16
vorlonI also have a 'misc-transition-script' here that I should clean up and publish, its --dry-run mode would be useful for this16:17
schopinThat much I have, yes. I was more thinking of something akin to the mention on tracker.debian.org which displays if a package is part of a planned transition.16:18
vorlonschopin: ah - the approximation I use is checking whether it's currently in -proposed16:18
vorlon(the transition tracker is also written in ocaml, I avoid it whenever I can ;)16:19
seb128I was going to say, check if it's proposed and what is listing it on update_excuses16:19
vorlonschopin: here's my terrible script, if it would be useful to you: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vr5p2R62Xw/16:28
vorlon(needs improvement: auto-detect the devel release; take a list of package exclusions as commandline arguments; take a changelog override as commandline argument; then I would push it somewhere public and maintained)16:32
tewardddstreet: fyi i'm still wanting to backport vmfs6-tools because its needed in 18.04.  but i'm maintianer for that in Debian too so16:45
vorlonschopin: now with those improvements: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WzRSFrpSCs/17:01
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vorlonhas anyone written an apt-bisect?  Would be useful...20:29
bdmurrayI'm not certian I know exactly what you might but bryyce might have done something like what I think you mean20:33
sarnoldyou could probably get there with an aptly mirror or snapshots.debian.org without too much trouble. given how quickly ubuntu reaps replaced packages off the mirrors I think it'd be pretty hard to do over here20:33
vorlonbdmurray: libpillowfight/amd64 has some kind of misbuild; the last good binary was built in the middle of the hirsute release; building it on released hirsute fails, building it on released groovy succeeds - bisect the apt dist-upgrade20:34
vorlonbryyce: ?20:34
vorlonsarnold: in this case I would be happy just bisecting the set of packages selected for upgrade between the releases20:35
vorlon... beacuse it doesn't make sense why *any* of the packages would have broken the build20:36
sarnoldvorlon: oh! that's a different angle than I expected :) yeah that'd be useful.20:36
vorlonok just confirmed it wasn't linux-libc-dev that broke it, phew20:37
vorlonat this point I'm assuming what's going to happen is I'm going to upgrade ALL of the packages on top of groovy and it's still going to rebuild successfully20:38
bryycevorlon, I do have a menagerie of scripts for the ppa transition but alas no equivalent of an apt-bisect which does sound handy20:48
vorlongood news, I reproduced the failure!  bad news, the set of packages I upgraded that triggered it are crazypants20:49
bryyceI'd also love a cli to generate a listing of packages involved in a transition ala the transition tracker, although I find the tracker's list is more of a starting point; there's more packages involved than that20:49
vorlonand the winner is.... <drumroll>20:55
vorlona dpkg-dev upgrade results in a misbuild of python3-pypillowfight20:56
vorlon... because LTO \o/21:37
sarnoldoh boy oh boy :)21:38
vorlondoko: so libpillowfight regresses on amd64 due to LTO, only detected at runtime by the autopkgtests.  Aside from turning off LTO in the package build, what do you want done with this?21:49
lucasvorlon: bisecting by timestamps using snapshot.debian.org works reasonably well (for Debian)21:50
* vorlon nods21:50
sarnoldthere's a lto-disabled-list package that may need some updates: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain/LTO21:54
vorlonsarnold: my understanding from doko's email to the list is this was a temporary measure to be superseded by per-package overrides anyway21:56
sarnoldvorlon: aha21:57
Eickmeyer[m]Indeed. I have a couple of packages that require overrides on LTO (the upstream hates the very idea of LTO).22:01
bryycedovecot has optimize=-lto, but the new version from debian fails its tests due to lto issues, even with that.23:00
bryycein this case, looks like the dovecot maintainers enabled it (adding -flto), as it worked with gcc 10.  Doesn't work with gcc 11 though.23:03
vorlonmwhudson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r-cran-vctrs/0.3.8-1ubuntu1 you made me write in R >_<23:31
sarnoldthat's the most R i've ever seen in one place before23:33
vorlona worse language to google about than go23:35
sarnoldoh my23:36
vorlonhmph, just found a bug in the patch, ohwell23:36
vorlon(the bug does not stop the tests from passing)23:36
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