
lordievaderGood morning07:04
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...09:32
EriC^^good morning all09:41
oerheksinteresting, when Ubuntu would have standard/minimal and these 'pro' options.. https://youtu.be/IQn9LGyAJJ8?t=16719:59
oerheksespecially pipewire and such..19:59
sarnoldon the one hand it seems a bit unlikely to me, a lot of ubuntu's history is having an opinion on which packages are best for most users20:02
sarnoldon the other hand, there's already a handful of choices, eg encrypted disk, and the server installer makes it easy to get a handful of addons like lxd and microk8s and microstack etc installed..20:03
oerhekspassword managers, virtual stuff ..20:06
oerheksi must say, pretty neat20:06
oerheks@11:50 ... wobbly windows?20:07
oerhekswowie... me want that20:07
oerheksoverview cursors icons and themes, handy20:12
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