
=== humberto1 is now known as humbertowoody
quazimodohow do I permit my 'circleci' snap package to access my host machine's docker?00:46
sarnoldquazimodo: maybe you can connect a snap interface; I don't know how you can find out which interfaces each snap supports, though00:53
quazimodoI see that I can install both docker & circleci snaps & connect them, that's in the instruction set but I already have a functioning system docker00:54
quazimodois it possible to connect a snap to host 'stuff' in the first place?00:54
sarnoldyes, sortof; something like the system-observable interface is very powerful, and allows interacting with a bunch of host stuff00:56
sarnoldbut the interface has to already exist, and the snap has to be written with using it in mind; I don't think you can just connect any interface to any snap00:57
quazimodook so if the circleci snap wants to connect specifically to the docker snap then i'm basically out of luck?00:57
sarnoldprobably; you could email the snap author and ask if it's possible00:58
quazimodothis hurts me :(01:05
carnophage2and when you hurt, it hurts me too.01:05
=== jgrout_ is now known as jgrout
semI have a laptop from way back. It still has the bug of "mouse doesn't work after suspend"02:47
semI've tried psmouse and i2c_hid but those don't seem to work02:48
semmoving the mouse seems to register as a scroll02:48
semthe pointer jiggles a bit02:48
semit is working again. So it looks like I have to rmmod twice02:51
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kia\msg sav04:44
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semi'm going to try rmmod psmouse before hitting suspend05:29
semhah! I think that worked05:35
=== Daniel is now known as toolz
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LarsErikPHi all! Question about the focal cloud image: it defaults to netplan config with a match: <mac-address> statement. That is causing issues in Openstack if you do a interface deattach/attach i.e to move an instance to a new network. After a reboot, the new interface will have no config since it got a new MAC09:21
LarsErikPSo.. I guess my question is.. why is this the default? :P09:21
student_du schwanz09:53
kjelldu nigga09:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu09:54
kjellshut the fuck zup09:54
student_ich machen so auto machen so unfall09:54
kjellich mach so tost in toaster und dann its schwartz we dich naxht09:55
kjellmy dick is big09:55
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu09:56
fusionfuture[m]Stop spamming please09:57
fusionfuture[m]Keep space for those who need help09:57
kjellfuck you all09:59
kjellfucß you09:59
kjellw is this in scool or wat10:00
Znevnaproper ubuntu spam10:07
WickedDekciwHey there folks.Anybody hoppin on here for a quick qs?10:33
lotuspsychjeask away WickedDekciw10:34
WickedDekciwI've got a problem driving me crazy. I'm trying to get into the internal partition table of Android full system image (mmcblk0.img) in order to process a particular partition with photorec for recovery. I've tried what amounts to everything under the sun to no avail. Any ideas?10:35
SteelRoseWickedDekciw: I would convert your img file (or better, a copy therof) to ISO -- see https://www.maketecheasier.com/convert-img-to-iso-linux/ -- mount it and work with it as a normal filesystem10:38
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: tablets & phones are usualy encrypted, photorec recovery doesnt work straight forward to them10:38
lotuspsychjethe data on sd cards on phones or tablets can be recovered10:39
lotuspsychjeor what SteelRose says indeed10:39
WickedDekciwlotuspsychje, this particular one wasn't encrypted10:40
WickedDekciwsteelrose, I did try mounting with kpartx, which is supposed to directly mount partitions from there, /dev/mapper and all, but no dice10:41
SteelRoseWickedDekciw: try converting it to ISO first... ISO makes life much easier than IMG, IMHO10:41
WickedDekciwSteelRose, And then what?10:42
oerheksuse the ro option, sudo mount -o ro v.img somefolder10:42
SteelRoseWickedDekciw: then something similar to what oerheks said: moung -o ro your.iso /mnt ...10:42
WickedDekciwSteelRose, I see but am not sure how that helps considering I don't know the fs to begin with?10:44
SteelRoseWickedDekciw: you do... you have a IMG that you will convert to an ISO... so the -t is iso966010:45
oerheksandroid images are just ext410:47
SteelRoseoerheks: much easier then10:47
WickedDekciwoerheks, They are, but not standard-ly it seems10:53
WickedDekciwwhich sucks10:53
KBarwell, it's google. standard dont apply to them10:54
oerheksThat is why RO is needed?10:54
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WickedDekciwKBar, tried finding thru parted to double check for ext4, says GPT tables are corrupted or whatever weirdness, what the heck10:58
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: i wonder if a virtual machine could help you also11:04
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: a bit like the wat you can run androidx86 from virtualbox, run your image and collect the data you wanted11:04
WickedDekciwlotuspsychje, that's quite interesting, never thought about the overkill solution that way, but if nothing works this might as a last resort11:05
chrishhhHello everyone I hope I'm gonna find help here with my problem. Basically I'm trying to bootsrap debian with debootstrap focal distro for arm to be precise. When trying to run second stage on > 21.00 version of Ubuntu. Executing /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage will fail with /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --. No idea what's going on but it seems like shell ignores parameters passed to11:06
chrishhhwhole process worked on LTS 20.0411:06
WickedDekciwbut that's like last resort style stuff11:06
oerhekswhy mix debian and ubuntu iso's?11:06
KBarbecause why not11:07
oerheksarm v7 or armv8 ??11:07
chrishhhI'm bootstrapping armhf on amd64 machine11:08
tomreynchrishhh: you mentioned debian, i assume this was by accident? we only support ubuntu here, and the debootstrap package on those can and likely will differ. also, when using debootstrap, make sure you are using the very latest code form the latest release. the cause of this very error message is, however, (or so i think) using the /bin/sh shell rather than bash or dash.11:10
tomreynactually dash would be a problem, bash would work11:11
chrishhhdebootstrap is building focal distro so ubuntu, I used most recent vvversion available, /bin/sh in new root filesystem is linked against dash11:12
tomreyn$ /bin/dash --foo11:12
tomreyn/bin/dash: 0: Illegal option --11:12
tomreynchrishhh: so let me repeat my two relevant points: (1) you're using dash, but debootstrap is incompatible to dash. use bash (other shells may or may not work). (2) where you get debootstrap from, and which version it is, can matter.11:15
chrishhhi changed /bin/sh to point to bash and this time it thrown usage options for bash11:16
chrishhhFirst I used debootstrap from the ubuntu repo, later on from here https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/debootstrap11:17
tomreynwhat's this system and system version you're using debootstrap on? how was it installed? whats the full command you're running, what's the full output? use a pastebin.11:19
chrishhhhere is the link, it's 21.10 most recent ubuntu11:24
chrishhhIt's also completly fresh install I'm running on VM to test this problem11:26
tomreynchrishhh: try this:   sudo chroot armhf-fs /bin/bash -c '/debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage'11:30
oerheks --arch=armhf11:30
chrishhh##/bin/bash: /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage: No such file or directory11:34
chrishhhof course /debootstrap/debootrap alone does something and is present11:34
tomreynhow about    sudo chroot armhf-fs /bin/bash -c /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage     # i.e. without the ticks11:35
LarsErikPforget my question from earlier. that netplan config is created by cloud-init with the network metadata it receives from openstack.. So not "ubuntus fault" I guess11:38
LarsErikPhmm but it still "breaks" though. I wonder how they intended this to work11:39
tomreynLarsErikP: if something seems to be wrong or unexplicable about ubuntu cloud images, i'd ask in #ubuntu-server11:44
LarsErikPtomreyn: thanks ;) Will do!11:46
chrishhhtomreyn: I got a bit further but still without a success, there were some errors regarding /proc and /run/systemd/container, I mounted proc but it didn't go any further. Anwyays I remember having those errors anyway and it worked regardless11:49
tomreynchrishhh: i've not used debootstrap cross architecture for years, can't really help more, sorry.11:53
chrishhhsure thank you for help anwyay11:53
chrishhhtomreyn: qemu was the problem qemu-user-static was updated today and fixed the issue12:08
tomreynah nice12:08
chrishhhthanks for help12:08
tomreynyou're welcome12:10
=== dbristow_ is now known as dbristow
manwhowouldbekinGreetings! Could someone tell what one can do to troubleshoot a Gnome Shell, which acts up sometimes? A few times a day it freezes to the point, where icons in the dock do not work correctly (not pressable). Also, whenever I open Applications, it can freeze at that point as well. I am on an v.5.14rc2 kernel and am building v5.14 now in hopes of fixing this as well getting a more stable kernel.13:10
oerheksif you want to test a higher kernel, use mainline13:10
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:11
oerhekstesting rc starts at 5.16-rc113:11
oerheksand.. you are on your own, but you can file a bugreport13:12
manwhowouldbekinoerheks: I was a bit hesitant since I didn't want an unstable version. Are you saying I should build v5.15 instead?13:12
oerheksyou could.. and all these are 'unstable' until release13:13
TJ-manwhowouldbekin: pulling in the Ubuntu kernel builds from the mainline repo is a good comparison - and quicker than a self-build, for testing13:18
oerheksTJ- +1, without telling what hardware is troubling you13:19
TJ-having said that, I build and use latests kernel every day!13:23
WickedDekciwHope somebody can help with this issue as I'm afraid to mess stuff up. Have a working fine external USB drive with a corrupted GPT table. How can I fix it without losing data? Have already tried nftsfix but the drive is 2 partitions, 1 nfts and 1 exfat13:39
=== gacuxz1 is now known as gacuxz
WickedDekciwAny idea folks? Afraid to do something stupid and accidentally erase data and stuff.13:42
oerheksuse Gdisk fot gpt devices13:43
TJ-WickedDekciw: GPT stores a secondary/backup GPT at end of the device13:43
oerheks!ingo gdisk13:43
TJ-WickedDekciw: you should check if that is OK and if so use it to recover the primary GPT13:43
oerheks!info gdisk13:44
ubottugdisk (1.0.8-1, impish): GPT fdisk text-mode partitioning tool. In component main, is extra. Built by gdisk. Size 224 kB / 726 kB13:44
WickedDekciwTJ-, How can I restore that one? I tested some stuff but they were going to overwrite existing data which is a big no no (gdisk)13:44
WalexWickedDekciw: there is an important detail here: in well written partitioning tools, the partition table is "just a table", changing it does not change anything else.13:46
WalexWickedDekciw: in particular changing the partition table in 'gdisk' does not change the content of the rest of the risk in any way (unless you answer "yes" to some obvious prompts)13:46
WickedDekciwWalex, gdisk -w (write table to disk and exit) has a clear all caps warning About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING13:47
WickedDekciwThat's why I asked13:47
oerheksuse gdisk -v ??13:47
WalexWickedDekciw: it will overwrite the partition definitions, not the contents.13:47
WalexWickedDekciw: unless you say yes to the questions about "magic numbers" and existing filesystems.13:48
TJ-WickedDekciw: use "gdisk"  then 'r' Recovery and Transformation menu then 'b' use Backup GPT header (rebuildng main)13:48
WalexWickedDekciw: so first do as "TJ-" suggests, to use the backup header.13:48
TJ-WickedDekciw: on the Recovery menu, use 'v' to Verify first13:49
WickedDekciwTJ-, No problems found. 6077 free sectors (3.0 MiB) available in 213:49
WickedDekciwsegments, the largest of which is 4062 (2.0 MiB) in size.13:49
TJ-WickedDekciw: let's go back to basics. Earlier you said "with a corrupted GPT table" - how did you determine it is corrupted?13:50
Hashsudo apt-get build-dep emacs <- I did this. But now I want to find out all the packages installed by this command and remove them. How can I do this?13:50
WickedDekciwWalex, I did -v, then -r, then -b, you mean I should then -p (print the table) ?13:50
WickedDekciwTJ-, I accidentally unmounted the USB disk from Natalius during an ongoing simply copy operation which led to GPT problems13:51
oerhekssudo apt remove build-dep emacs13:52
KBarHash, look for the apt journal located at /var/log/apt/history.log13:52
KBarHash, it will show the command and the list of packages that were installed alongside.13:52
KBarIf you search for it, of course.13:52
TJ-WickedDekciw: ouch! so there could be file-system damage too?13:52
WickedDekciwOK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/sdc.13:53
WickedDekciwThe operation has completed successfully.13:53
Guest39Ubuntu wants to add an on/off switch for connectivity check in GNOME Control Center  - have it been implemented?13:53
WickedDekciwTJ-, Problem opening /dev/sdc/ for reading! Error is 20.13:53
WickedDekciwDid I just eff it up?13:54
manwhowouldbekinTJ-: Hi, good to hear from you :-) Are you saying that I should pull the latest code and try to compile it to see if the bug in question goes away? Is that the way? I have not compiled many kernels.13:55
TJ-WickedDekciw:  maybe the device itself got damaged  ?13:55
HashKBar: I was hoping for something better than https://bpa.st/DHBQ a list like this13:55
WickedDekciwTJ-, It's 100% health and fine thankfully13:55
HashPerhaps where I can easil feed it into apt-get remove13:55
WickedDekciwThere's just this weird issue with GPT13:55
TJ-manwhowouldbekin: no, I'm saying it is quicker to download the kernel files from the Ubuntu mainline builds archive13:55
TJ-!info mainline | manwhowouldbekin13:56
ubottumanwhowouldbekin: Package mainline does not exist in impish13:56
TJ-!mainline | manwhowouldbekin13:56
ubottumanwhowouldbekin: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:56
oerheksguest yes, gnome settings > privacy  https://vitux.com/disable-connectivity-checking-on-ubuntu-for-public-wifi-captive-portals/13:56
oerheksthat article gives the old theming, but the same info13:57
WickedDekciwTJ-, It's kinda confusing actually because gdisk isn't reading it as a directory13:57
Hashhttps://regex101.com/r/F7mb9D/1 is the best I guess you can do with that file/list13:57
Hashthough I guess the :amd64 bit doesn't matter13:58
Guest39oerheks it is off by default?13:58
oerheksguest check yourself?13:58
Guest39hehe not enough ram to spin a vm13:58
TJ-WickedDekciw: any kernel I/O errors being reported? "journalctl -k -n 30"13:58
WickedDekciwerror 20 and stuff13:58
oerheksdownload more ram :-D13:59
=== gacuxz1 is now known as gacuxz
mdkLooks like I'm having hard times reading this issue, am I tired? : https://wyz.fr/5N-GE (on 18.0.4)13:59
WickedDekciwTJ-, https://pastebin.com/BbW1CzRN14:00
oerheksmdk, what linux is this?14:01
TJ-WickedDekciw: most recent messages look fine, the device and 2 partitions found14:01
mdkoerheks: Ubuntu bionic on Linux 4.15 x86_6414:02
WickedDekciwTJ-, Weird then why fdisk doesn't mount them14:02
mdkoerheks: I should say that I installed it using debootstrap, not the installer, so it may be "a bit different", but not much?14:03
oerheksdid you run proper updates before this action? apt update && apt dist-upgrade14:03
mdkyes, but let me double check this14:03
WickedDekciwTJ-, Mounted through gnome-disk, thanks for your help brother!14:03
Guest39When the user searches her own local files for a string using the Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu sends that string to one of Canonical's servers - why would ubuntu do that?14:03
oerheksguest, it does not.14:04
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt14:04
mdkYes it's freshly full-upgraded, I ran a full-upgrade right now just to check14:04
WickedDekciwTJ-, One more if I'm not bothering you, I've been trying for ages to mount an Android full system image (mmcblk0.img) to see what's inside, for the purposes of recovery with photorec. I have no need to recover the entire image, only sub-partitions within it. I know it's a special Android sauce fs and it isn't something regular14:04
TJ-WickedDekciw: mount operates on the file-systems, not the device14:04
WickedDekciwTJ-, It isn't a device, it's an image of one14:05
WickedDekciwBut the fs is unknown whatsoever14:05
leftyfbGuest39: it literally tells you in the very first sentence that Ubuntu no longer does that. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:05
WickedDekciwPhotorec works fine on it but works on partitions I have no use for, and would have completed in weeks rather than days TJ-14:05
TJ-WickedDekciw: "sudo losetup -f --show -P mmcblk0.img" then when it tells you which loop device it has used, "grep loopX /proc/partitions" (replace loopX with the actual loopdev name)14:05
oerheksmdk weird, https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/libwayland-egl1-mesa gives libwayland-egl1-mesa (20.0.8-0ubuntu1~18.04.1)14:06
oerheksnot that rc version14:06
TJ-WickedDekciw: then you can try "sudo lsblk /dev/loopX*"14:06
WickedDekciwTJ-, /dev/loop814:06
WickedDekciwlosetup: mmcblk0.img: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.14:06
WickedDekciwubuntu@ubuntu:/media/ubuntu/WD Ele14:06
TJ-WickedDekciw: ignore the warning14:06
mdkoerheks: so my issue is simple, my /etc/apt/source.list is probably not good, due to the fact I installed from debootstrap, I have `deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main universe` in here, it probably should be something else? (Sorry I don't really know Ubuntu)14:07
oerheksi don't run bionic anymore, too old14:09
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:09
mdkoerheks: It's for BBB, I have sadly no choice :D14:09
mdklooks like adding bionic-updates helped14:09
mdkoerheks: yes it looks to work, thanks, you have helped :)14:10
mdkoerheks: (the error message was weird, but from an old version it's forgivable: ))14:10
WickedDekciwTJ-, https://pastebin.com/BEfvkyrn14:13
TJ-WickedDekciw: no partitions? is the file compressed by any chance? if so you may need to decompress it first14:14
TJ-WickedDekciw: "file mmcblk0.img" should tell you something useful about it14:14
oerheksWickedDekciw,  is that the android img ?14:14
WickedDekciwoerheks, Yes, Android 10. I've been trying to specifically mount the partitions *within* said image, closest I got was just mounting it wholesale. It isn't a regular partition that fdisk knows about rather weirdo Android magic.14:15
WickedDekciwTJ-, mmcblk0.img: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0xee, start-CHS (0x0,0,1), end-CHS (0x3ff,255,63), startsector 1, 4294967295 sectors, extended partition table (last)14:16
TJ-WickedDekciw: OK, so it does have partitions, so the "-P" in the losetup command should have created those so you'd have /dev/loop8p1, /dev/loop8p2 etc (or alternatively it may have created /dev/mapper/loop8p1, /dev/mapper/loop8p2 etc)14:17
TJ-WickedDekciw: so "sudo fdisk -l /dev/loop8" should show you the partition table too14:18
KBarHash, you can then try to look at /var/log/dpkg.log | grep " install "14:23
KBarHash pipe it to `cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=4`14:24
KBarHash, before piping it to cut, use any text editor to cut unneeded parts, i.e. the beginning and end14:25
HashKBar: regex was easier to do.14:25
Hashjust cat the file with sed regex s/\(([^\)]+)\),//g and copy paste the output.14:26
Hash(1.4.4-2ubuntu2, automatic), <- gets rid of stuff like this. Then you just copy paste the output into apt-get remove. No need to use text editors or something.14:29
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WickedDekciwTJ-, https://pastebin.com/d77Bbpdv14:36
TJ-WickedDekciw: interesting, that is a protective MBR for a GPT partitioning scheme!14:37
TJ-WickedDekciw: try with "sudo gdisk -l /dev/loop8" instead14:38
TJ-WickedDekciw: is that file really 2TB !?14:38
WickedDekciwTJ-, It's 125GB, not 2TB at all14:42
WickedDekciwfdisk doesn't read Android partitions (encoded with unknown Android magic)14:43
TJ-It claims to be MBR but isn't14:43
WickedDekciwIt's reading some stuff as EiB which is most certainly impossible14:45
WickedDekciwThe thing is it doesn't seem to be any particular regular fs, I thought about f2fs/etx4/exfat, doesn't seem likely?14:47
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WickedDekciwTJ-, sorry but was busy and missed channel log15:13
WickedDekciwdid you mention anything?15:13
TJ-WickedDekciw: no, but I have something saved up for you. Apparently those android images may be 'sparse images' and there's a tool simg2img to 'uncompress' them15:16
TJ-!info android-sdk-libsparse-utils | WickedDekciw15:17
ubottuWickedDekciw: android-sdk-libsparse-utils (1:10.0.0+r36-7, impish): Android sparse image creation tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by android-platform-system-core. Size 14 kB / 92 kB15:17
WickedDekciwTJ-, what command exactly from that?15:19
TJ-WickedDekciw: apparently simg2img ... see if there is a man-page for it15:19
WickedDekciwTJ-, does that come with the sdk utils tho15:21
TJ-It's in the package I named15:21
WickedDekciwTJ-, Invalid sparse file format at header magic15:22
WickedDekciwFailed to read sparse file15:22
TJ-apt-file search simg2img => android-sdk-libsparse-utils: /usr/bin/simg2img15:22
TJ-WickedDekciw: in which case you need to figure out how exactly that .img file was created15:23
WickedDekciwTJ-, Just simply dd through twrp on Android (adb exec out)15:24
TJ-WickedDekciw: very weird then15:25
TJ-WickedDekciw: have you tried running 'binwalk' against it ?15:25
jeffr47I oops and my /etc/fstab got zeroed out.  I can ssh into the box (it's headless) but once I'm there, it's RO and I have no space on /tmp etc.  How do I recreate the original LVM-based ubuntu /etc/fstab?15:33
TJ-jeffr47: "mount -o remount,rw /" to make it writable15:43
jeffr47Thanks, I got it writable.  Although with no free space, it's not super useable.  How to I figure out what the right fstab entries are?  IIRC there were two...?15:46
WickedDekciwQuick qs. Backing up drive with ddrescue, how can I during that process temporarily open a specific partition with Nautilus and copy 1 smallish folder? I'm getting an eror when mounting with gnome-disks GUI15:47
TJ-jeffr47: "sudo blkid" to identify the various file-systems initially15:49
jeffr47OK I see one that has no type listed, one type=ext4 (pretty sure that's /boot) and one LVM2_member.15:51
oerheksWickedDekciw, during?????15:52
* oerheks facepalms15:52
EriC^^WickedDekciw: you could do 'sudo mount -o ro /dev/sdxY /mnt' and get the file, that way it mounts readonly so you dont actually modify anything important in the fs15:55
oerheksEriC^^, he is trying to fix an Android image..15:56
EriC^^hmm he said drive15:57
=== Bilge- is now known as Bilge
Sbazzegutihello guys ... my pc after the boot frequently  start to froze and I have to shutdown and re-boot . after all everything works perfectly  I'm from a new 20.0415:59
Sbazzegutican someone help me to detect and fix the problem ? may be hardware problem or nvidia driver ?15:59
Sbazzegutimy configuration : https://imgur.com/a/PIzf4Qs16:01
WickedDekciwEriC^^, drive issue and android issue are separate16:05
Sbazzegutiso any help?16:07
=== Bencraft5 is now known as Bencraft
WickedDekciwEriC^^, is there any way I can expand the live cd's partiton (data space like casper) while it's running?16:53
oerheksmkusb can make a free space during copying, not in live mode16:54
oerheks!info mkusb16:54
ubottuPackage mkusb does not exist in impish16:54
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== jje_ is now known as jje
LuckyManquestion: if I install a .deb from a site (but later I want to remove it) can I safelly erase the .deb or will I later when uninstalling will be in trouble?18:27
ioriaLuckyMan, can you rephrase ?18:28
LuckyManioria, I have a .deb file from a program I installed. Can I safelly delete it?18:29
LuckyManor will I need it to uninstall the program?18:29
ioriaLuckyMan, you unistall it ; what you mean with 'erase' ?18:30
leftyfbyou can delete it18:30
LuckyMangreat! thanks!18:30
lotuspsychjemaybe he means also the uninstall of the program?18:30
leftyfbioria: they're asking about the .deb file, not the installed package18:30
ioriaoh,  i see18:30
LuckyManso dpkg will uninstall a program even if no package is present?18:31
ioriathe files of the pkg, have been copied in the system ,yes; but you cannot reinstall if needed18:32
LuckyManioria, oh no problem, I can download it again18:33
LuckyManI just want to clean my downloads folder18:33
leftyfbLuckyMan: you can delete them. They are not needed to remove the package afterwards18:36
manwhowouldbekinA few months ago, I built a 5.14rc2 kernel and built NVIDIA drivers (#470.53) via DKNS with the help of this chat. Today I built 5.15.0. Having recalled that I may need to go through the DKNS step for NVidia, I checked the following directory /usr/src/ and found a newer driver in it (470.53 and 470.82). Where did the new one come from? Could it be from 'sudo upgrade-all'? Also, after compiling the kernel, I had18:43
manwhowouldbekindifficulties running the DKNS step. After the reboot, I have been getting this: https://pastebin.com/HsPr7NDd Does this mean that driver was already built into 5.15?18:43
oerheksthe dkms package builds the driver, reboot, and it works, so you do not have to do this manually18:45
manwhowouldbekinoerheks: Is it fully automatic when building a kernel? In the past we had to do it manually, for some reason.18:47
manwhowouldbekinThere is also this info: https://pastebin.com/E0brejjH . My understanding is that somehow the newest driver was automatically picked up for a rebuild by DKMS. I have no idea why or how as I didn't set that up.18:52
oerheksdkms does that, building the driver, dunno why you had to start this manually18:57
WickedDekciwoerheks, is badblocks enough to route a workaround for weak/bad sectors or is there a tool that does further analysis?19:08
AsatruAnyone who can help me out with a "cannot access '.': Permission denied (os error 13)" Error. I have it chown to my user and has rw acces, It is accesable in thunar, but not in terminal20:30
matsamanAsatru: what if you 'su - user' and then try?20:31
matsamanso what's the command you're running?20:32
oerhekswhat folder exactly?20:33
Asatrujust "ls"20:33
Asatrufolder /games20:33
Asatruive a error on the /share too, but that is justr permission denied, chown to nobody:nogroup and 77720:34
sarnoldyou shouldn't use nobody or nogroup for anything, those are for NFS use20:34
sarnoldyou shouldn't use 777 for anything, that's just never going to be the solution for anything. 1777 is *sometimes* a solution, but basically only /tmp20:35
Asatruthe /share dir is for nfs20:35
oerheksin 21.10 your home folder is no longer 77720:35
matsamanyou shouldn't use nfs, honestly, it's crap20:36
oerheksnfs is fine20:36
matsamanso is crapping20:36
sarnoldoh, if this is an nfs mount, are you trying to use root? is root_squash in use? do you have identical uids and gids on all machines participating?20:37
Asatruthere are two dirs, /share is nfs, /games is a SSD20:38
Asatruthe nfs (/share is just only onm defaults)20:39
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Asatruthe userID is the same on a other machine20:41
TJ-Asatru: you said /games/ has rw access, but does it have Traverse access (X) ?20:43
WickedDekciwTJ-, i'M getting the same old gpt error again, forgot what it was with gdisk to sort it out?20:43
TJ-WickedDekciw: how are you causing it!?20:44
AsatruAlso when i list root /, it doesnt show both directories20:44
Asatruyes rwx20:44
WickedDekciwTJ-, the real issue seems to be not gpt, rather mount not showing up in nautilus20:44
WickedDekciwwhich is weird20:44
TJ-WickedDekciw: doesn't sound weird to me; if the partition table is corrupt the file-systems won't be found20:45
TJ-WickedDekciw: sounds to me like the device is faulty if it keeps happening20:45
WickedDekciwTJ-, nah, it works from /mnt/, but it doesn't display normally in Nautilus20:45
WickedDekciwon the sidebar20:45
TJ-WickedDekciw: Gnome uses gvfs and udisks to do user mounts and they get put at /media/$USER/$FS_LABEL20:46
WickedDekciwso how do i give it a name20:47
TJ-if the file-system doesn't have a label udisk will use the UUID20:48
whatwhatmy screwed up, then I forcably shut it down. When I rebooted it on got a bunch of disk error, I had to fix them with fsck. Now I'm "/dev/sda3: clean number/number files, number/number blocks" on boot. I get to the terminal with crtl +alt + f2.20:53
whatwhatwhat do I do now?20:53
AsatruSO nobody has a solution?20:54
sarnoldAsatru: you didn't answer if you were trying to use root and if root_squash is in use20:56
sarnoldAsatru: those are my guesses20:56
AsatruI said it had only defaults20:58
Asatruon my manjaro laptop it works fine (the share)20:58
whatwhatI got it working21:02
WickedDekciwTJ-, gotcha. im however always getting a dpkg error despite forcing -f in apt21:08
WickedDekciwdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:08
WickedDekciwwhich I did21:08
WickedDekciwno dice21:08
WickedDekciwdpkg: error: failed to write status database record about 'adduser' to '/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device21:08
sarnoldfixing out of disk space errors can be hard21:10
sarnoldncdu may help you spot big things to remove21:10
WickedDekciwsarnold, no space to install ncdu ahahaha21:12
sarnoldI was afraid of that :(21:12
WickedDekciwit's actually a live USB, I wanted to expand the writable partition to avoid this but couldn't find exactly how so21:13
sarnoldWickedDekciw: depending upon what device is full, you might get some easy space by removing some or all the files from /var/cache/apt/archives/ -- apt leaves those behind so you can do some troubleshooting if you need to21:13
WickedDekciwsarnold, yeah, issue is how to resize in-place as am running21:15
sarnoldWickedDekciw: is it a tmpfs? if so, you might be able to mount -oremount,something=something / kind of thing to change the size21:16
WickedDekciwsarnold, it's a writable (used to be casper before v 20)21:18
WickedDekciwwould have mkusb but no space for that either21:18
sarnoldoh. rats. I know less of those :(21:18
WickedDekciwdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:21
WickedDekciwsame crap all over21:21
sarnoldyeah, you'll probably have to apt install -f once you're done with that step21:22
sarnoldthen you can get ncdu installed, and go find more things to delete :)21:23
sarnold*then* you can return to your work..21:23
Asatrui go try a frsh install of ubuntu21:29
jemarkAsatru has left, it seems. This is what I have for the nfs export : /srv (rw,sync,crossmnt,no_subtree_check) . On Ubuntu 20.04, I have in the /etc/fstab: <nfs-server-ip>:/srv      /mnt/nfs    nfs4 _netdev,user,exec,nofail,noatime,nolock,tcp,actimeo=1800,x-gvfs-show 0 021:39
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WickedDekciwsarnold, https://pastebin.com/sVMFkKR921:51
sarnoldheh, 'c'? I can't recall what that is.. it's been ages since I've seen the list of types, but I thought linux was 0x80 or 0x83 or something21:53
WickedDekciwI looked around, all I got was Type-C cables21:54
maikel_Hi, Can anybody please help me to find a ubuntu distro of 32-bit as light as possible for an old machine? Thank you !21:59
AsatruBack to my topic, the problem caused of usage of a snap version of "lsd"22:03
sarnoldAsatru: OH!22:03
sarnoldAsatru: ugh :( ew.22:03
Asatrui got so used to it, i forgot it was lsd i was using22:03
sarnoldmaikel_: maybe https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.7/  ? 18.04 didn't come with 32-bit x86 install images.. I don't know if you can upgrade 16.04 to 18.04 or not..22:05
Sven_vBdoes Canonical have a Warrant Canary somewhere that states they haven't (yet) been forced by US government to supply modified packages in their apt repos?22:05
sarnoldmaikel_: 16.04 standard support has ended, so you'd probably want to buy esm if you were to go with 16.04.22:06
sarnoldSven_vB: no22:06
Sven_vBsarnold, thanks!22:06
Sven_vBoh I see, I misunderstood the NSL capabilities. no worries then.22:10
sarnoldI honestly haven't got a clue if a NSL would be able to compell us to publish specific changes or not22:10
sarnoldI've wondered before about our australian colleagues; the rumours are their govt might be able to compel their citizens to take specific actions; but it feels pretty remote, as threats go.22:12
maikel_ok sarnold, thanks. I'll still finding around. What do you think about SliTaz?22:12
=== JayDoubleu_ is now known as JayDoubleu
sarnoldmaikel_: I don't think I've heard of it before; I was thinking primarily of debian https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/11.1.0+nonfree/i386/iso-cd/ or adelie https://www.adelielinux.org/download/22:14
Sven_vBsarnold, it gets worse though. a lot of the suspicious governments have also limited the freedom of press in recent years, so I can't even be sure I'd know what privilege escalations have occurred since then.22:17
sarnoldSven_vB: my expectation is that it'd be cheaper / easier for folks to find bugs in already deployed software -- there's vast gobs of C and shell all over the place22:21
Sven_vBindeed. most times I look at other people's shell scripts, ugh. :D22:25
=== jje35 is now known as jje3
maikel_Thank you sarnold, I'm searching in the pages you linked me. Give me some read around and tell you leater. Thanks...22:37
=== gacuxz1 is now known as gacuxz
Peter1Hello is there an alternative to the fat32 attribute edit fatattr command for exfat?23:08
Peter1That is to say the fatattr command that is used to edit the aributes like (Archive)  (Read Only) (Hidden) and (System) as used by the FAT32 and FAT16 File Systems but for EXFAT.23:11
sarnoldoh hey they do have something similar, I figured they'd get rid of those https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/exfat-specification#table-28-fileattributes-field-structure23:14
Peter1I know they have. I need to delete a number of folders from a flash drive that on a windows got marked  (Read Only). Just don't have acces to a Windows PC Now and Can't delete them until i remove that attribute.23:18
ubottuPull 163 in relan/exfat "attrib: Add tool to set or modify file attributes" [Merged]23:24
=== jcbjoe2021_ is now known as jcbjoe2021
jpmhI start a perl script from within crontab - all works well - it starts, etc.  But while it exists there is a /bin/sh -c .... associated with it.  How do I stop that and just have crontab do what I want without starting it through a shell?23:25
sarnoldjpmh: *maybe* this will work: replace "/usr/local/bin/scriptymcscriptface" with "exec /usr/local/bin/scriptymcscriptface"23:27
jpmhsarnold: no - long since tried that23:28
sarnolddang :(23:29
sarnoldI *liked* that idea23:29
tomreynPeter1: see the github link above. it is integrated into what will be exfat-fuse 1.4.0 (unreleased). i assume it could already work on older versions due to existing extended attribute support https://github.com/relan/exfat/issues/46#issuecomment-24657856923:35
ubottuIssue 46 in relan/exfat "Enhancement: Support Windows filesystem attributes" [Open]23:35
geniijpmh: Does the perl script have a shebang?23:36
jpmhgenii: yes -= and I have event tried /usr/bin/perl scriptName ; scriptName; env scriptName and even exec scriptName.  I should say that scriptName is an absolute path too23:38
sarnoldjpmh: is it set executable?23:41
sarnoldI think if it's not executable, glibc's exec*() family will hand it to shell or something similarly stupid23:41
jpmhsarnold: yep - in fact that is why it executes if I just use the path without the /usr/bin/perl command23:42
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