[09:23] goooood morning [12:07] it must be thursday, i could never get the hang of thurdays [12:13] :D [12:13] yo've got a bouncy Pi! [12:22] gotta head out, ttfn [12:37] o/ [16:05] phew, few miles done there today [16:09] and was there more old hardware in a basket abandoned on your doorstep when you got back? :-P [16:10] cor i would not enjoy that xD [16:10] sometimes my parents sneak stuff in and since i don't drive i can't offload it [16:11] can you not write on an ancient dell 'commodore amiga' and leave it outside till someone walks off with it? :-P [16:12] that could be worth a go [16:14] altair might work too :-P [16:15] i've got a funny one going on, i arranged some replacement monitors under warranty to be shipped to a customer, UPS emailed me this morning to say one is missing an invoice and so will be held up until it's cleared [16:16] i played the phone support game with Dell for 4 transfers before i finally got cut off, nobody seems able to help with providing an invoice, after all it wasn't even sold [16:17] so uk can't export to channel island because... paperwork? [16:18] seems so! [16:18] so much easier i think on irish islands. there's no cops unless they can get a fisherman to give them a lift out to enforce any laws :-P