
=== JayDoubleu[m] is now known as JayDoubleu
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Belamoswhich video cutting software would you guys recommend for a really slow computer?03:24
BelamosI tried kdenlive, which is good, but extremely laggy when it comes to an old PC03:24
Belamoseven though I used "proxy videos" (small down-sampled videos as previews)03:24
Belamosthe videos I need to edit are 4K03:24
BelamosI tried:  "losslesscut",  "openshot",  "kdenlive"03:25
Belamosthe only thing I can think of would be ffmpeg in the command line.  But a graphical GUI would be nice.03:25
sarnoldthere's a few more listed with "apt-cache search non linear video editor", but I don't know this family of software well03:26
sarnoldand doing video editing is just one of those things that is going to get much better with more capable machines03:26
sarnoldif you've got slow drives and not enough memory, you'll spend way more time waiting for data to come from disk or get saved back to disk03:27
Belamossarnold:  I couldn't even start describing my financial predicament to you.  - I must use the laptop I have here,  there is no other way.03:28
sarnoldif you had enough memory itmight not need to go to disk as often, and it'd only read/write what's necessary, rather than a bunch of unnecessary stuff, too03:28
sarnoldyeah :/ such is life :(03:28
Belamossarnold, would you mind helping me get "apt" to work again?03:29
Belamossarnold, for the past couple of months, I could only use snap, as apt refused to work for me03:29
sarnoldBelamos: ouch :/ yeah, I've got a few minutes03:29
Belamosthank you!03:29
sarnoldBelamos: can you run an apt update all the way to completion? or does that fail?03:30
BelamosI will show you in a moment03:30
Belamossarnold, https://dpaste.org/vBGG03:31
Belamosthis problem has started some months ago, and I don't know why.03:31
BelamosI tried deleting all packages that apt complained about, but then an other package was named by apt as the root of evil03:32
sarnoldBelamos: hmmmm. that's an odd one, I don't think I've seen that one before. what's in dmesg?03:33
Belamossarnold, https://dpaste.org/VsQg03:35
sarnoldnot at all what I expected03:35
Bashing-omBelamos: ^ indicates that MergeLists, a working tool of apt, is corrupted. one can ' sudo rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists ; sudo mkdir -pv /var/lib/apt/lists/partial ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' --- and apt will re-create them.03:36
sarnoldBelamos: every five to ten seconds your ACPI firmware is throwing an absolute fit; hopefully a firmware update can fix this. I don't know what the consequences of it are, but it can't be good for performance for the firmware to be throwing errors a dozen times a minute03:38
Belamosthank you, Bashing-om - just doing so03:38
Belamossarnold, yes, it is annoying... I think that is an ACPI problem03:39
sarnoldyeah; there's a ton of linux kernel command line options to fiddle with acpi settings. I don't know any of them well enough to know what to suggest. it's probably not the rabbit hole to go down right now..03:39
ubottuto debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI03:40
sarnoldbut I'd really hope for a firmware update. if you're lucky your vendor publishes updates via fwupd, and you can install one easily. if not, you might need to figure out how to install one through their own mechansim03:40
Belamosapt seems to be running again03:41
BelamosI am just installing a lot of new packages using Bashing-om's command03:41
Belamossarnold, I am looking into the firmware thing now03:42
Belamosthank you03:42
sarnoldBelamos: excellent :D03:43
Bashing-omBelamos: Is this a laptop ?03:44
BelamosBashing-om, yes03:45
Bashing-omBelamos: Then when you have the firmware updated - might consider changing the DSDT (Differentiated Services Description Table) , See: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html .03:47
Bashing-omBelamos: By the way - I also run "really slow computer" and I find that a core install of Xubuntu runs very well on thisz ole hardware of mine.03:50
BelamosBashing-om, I am using trinity desktop which makes it also pretty fast03:51
sarnoldoh cool :D03:51
Belamosmy computer seems to be unable to even play any type of 4K video03:53
Belamosnot even in VLC or kaffeine03:54
BelamosThere is a shop selling used computers around the corner.03:56
Belamosthey are about $ 100 each (without the screen)03:56
Belamoswhat do I have to look out for?03:56
BelamosI saw some with 3 GHZ03:56
Belamosbut what do I really need to edit 4K videos?   A good graphic card?  Or GHZ?  Or RAM?  Or all of it?03:56
Bashing-omBelamos: Ya want at a minimum 4 gigs of ram: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/ .03:58
BelamosBashing-om, you just linked the general system requirements.  What about 4K video editing?03:58
Belamosmy system (900 MHZ computer) is dyning with 4K videos03:58
Bashing-omBelamos: editing videos is intense work - not much ekse here that I can advise of.04:01
Bashing-omelse** sheeshh !04:01
Belamosthank you!04:02
BelamosI am leaving now, need to get up early tomorrow04:02
sarnoldI'd expect RAM and disk speed to be the biggest influences -- the more RAM you can get, the better, and the faster the disk you can get, the better; nvme is better than sata ssd, sata ssd is better than hdd. but you've got to have enough disk to store the video, and that makes nvme or ssd pretty difficult.04:03
Bashing-omBelamos: If you are looking to replace your machine the above link is the specs you want to exceed in the replacement.04:03
Bashing-omd'oh X2 :D04:04
=== FTX514 is now known as IriXx
ssj5subhashishHi, I am fairly new to ubuntu. I tried to upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 and now my wifi, bluetooth and sound services are not working04:52
ssj5subhashishCan someone please help me with this04:53
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lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: can you check your kernel version please?04:56
ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: its 5.4.0-1055-gke04:57
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: special kernel, what kind of brand is your machine?04:58
ssj5subhashishIts a dell latitude 349004:58
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: what you could consider is installing the !HWE kernel and test if this supports more of your drivers/firmwares05:00
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: feel free to share your dmesg in a pastebin too, volunteers could take a look whats going on for you05:00
ssj5subhashishThanks lotuspsychje, let me do that05:01
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack05:01
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ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: here is the dmesg log https://pastebin.com/VMhXiuN405:04
lotuspsychjebrb ssj5subhashish going breakfast first, try the hwe meanwhile perhaps05:07
ssj5subhashishSure lotuspsychje05:07
ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: just FYI, I am getting this error while installing hwe kernel05:23
Lvl4SwordThis feels like it should be obvious but isn't. So, I'm wanting to setup "flameshot gui" to be a replacement for screenshots. Looked at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1283765/is-it-possible-to-disable-enable-all-shortcuts-in-ubuntu-20-04 and from what I can see.. there's no option to change the program used for basic screenshots?05:36
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.0405:47
Lvl4SwordThere is the "Add Custom Shortcuts" option at the bottom of "Keyboard Shortcuts" if you hit the + sign. Though hitting Backspace doesn't work for disabling the PrtSc button ...05:47
ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: actually I am unable to connect to the internet. Is there any way where I can download the entire package and kust install it06:00
ssj5subhashishCause I tried installing these packages one by one and it seems like they are dependent upon more similar packages06:01
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: you need internet to update system and pull packages06:02
ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: can you please help me this. Is there any way I would be able to connect with the internet atleast. I tried USB tethering, Ethernet and what not. None of them works06:03
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: the only chipset for offline fix, is broadcom holding the drivers on the ubuntu iso06:05
lotuspsychjessj5subhashish: you could try booting into previous kernel(s) to that point where your drivrs did work, and download packages from there06:11
Lvl4SwordFeels like a roundabout way of doing it, but had to go into /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/screenshot and set the value to [] -- and then set a custom command for PrtSc from there.06:25
tomreynssj5subhashish: did you make it to bring said system online, yet?06:35
ssj5subhashishlotuspsychje: how do I install these drivers?06:35
ssj5subhashishtomreyn: yet not06:35
tomreyn<lotuspsychje> ssj5subhashish: you could try booting into previous kernel(s) to that point where your drivrs did work, and download packages from there06:35
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tomreynyou may have missed this06:35
ssj5subhashishtomreyn: can you please let me know how do I do this06:36
tomreynssj5subhashish: do you know how to bring up the grub menu?06:37
tomreynduring boot06:37
tomreynthat's the menu you can select kernels to boot from06:37
tomreyneither hit escape once, or hold down shift during boot06:39
ReconHold down shift key during reboot06:39
tomreyndepends on how you're booting, uefi or legacy bios mode06:39
ReconAh right...06:40
TJ-Recon: UEFI has no provision for reading the state of the modifier keys so have to tap Esc key (UEFI only does key-down/key-up events)06:41
ssj5subhashishThanks tomreyn Recon I will try this06:41
ssj5subhashishGoing out now, will try this later06:44
tomreynthe 5.4.0-1055-gke kernel image you said you had running is meant to be used by Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), a very specific virtualization environment in the Google public cloud hosting environment.06:45
tomreynit's unclear how that would have gotten onto your desktop computer in the first place06:45
tomreynerr laptop, but still06:46
Reconis this a work laptop, ssj5subhashish ?06:47
ssj5subhashishYes Recon06:48
lotuspsychjei know apt picks up specific kernels now for some brands, but that doesnt mean it always suits best06:54
webchat25 ubuntu 20.04; apparmor profile for firefox is blocking access to GPU leading to poor performance:  http://sprunge.us/Kh4Qj1?text07:38
tomreynwebchat25: if you're hoping to have this changed, you should file a bug report07:49
tomreyn!bug | webchat2507:49
ubottuwebchat25: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:49
MrSassyPantsIs there some way to mark an *USB drive, removable* partition as "do not automatically mount this or hide it from the user"07:54
MrSassyPants(It is a bootable USB key with multiple partitions, but only one of them is meant to really be used for storage and I am kind of annoyed with 3 partitions popping up whenever I plug it in)07:55
MrSassyPantsThe "hidden" partition flag doesn't work or is ignored by ubuntu07:56
tomreynyou could disable auto mounting in general07:57
ravagethat would be "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false"07:57
ravagethats what i do :D07:57
MrSassyPantsAgain, the point is, I want to run this on *any* system08:01
MrSassyPantsso changing anything on my own system is missing the point08:01
ravageyou really chose your nick with care08:02
themills/Again/Sorry, I should have included this important extra criterion,/08:02
MrSassyPantsI figured *mark the partition* and *removable* would have given it away08:03
MrSassyPantsThe problem is ofc that googling such a thing gives me 2.8 million results of how to disable automounting on my system08:05
MrSassyPantsOkay: Marking as "hidden" doesn't work, but marking it as an EFI System Partition rather than a regular partition does08:14
MrSassyPantsNew thing: Apparently a win10 installation medium can boot off exfat, but an ubuntu live iso can not08:29
EriC^^MrSassyPants: for uefi booting all that's needed is a fat32 partition with the iso contents, windows or ubuntu, there should be an efi dir there and booting the .efi there should get the job done09:21
EriC^^didn't know exfat worked though, good to know!09:21
MrSassyPantsyes and fat32 can't store files >4gb which means the windows installer part doesn't work09:21
MrSassyPantsexfat does *not* work for ubuntu09:22
MrSassyPantsthe liveCDs kernel does not contain the module09:22
EriC^^i see09:22
MrSassyPantsexfat does work for windows and grub09:22
MrSassyPantsand grml09:23
MrSassyPantsand probably other distros too09:23
EriC^^so grub works but ubuntu cant really boot the installer09:23
jkcWhat's the actual issue here?09:23
MrSassyPantsubuntu livecd kernel does not contain exfat support09:23
MrSassyPantstherefore when booting the iso from an exfat partition, it can't find its own iso09:23
EriC^^MrSassyPants: odd though about the 4gb thing, i remember putting windows iso in a fat32 without issues09:23
MrSassyPantsThat was probably a while ago, the windows isos keep getting bigger09:24
MrSassyPantsthey're now at 5.5gb09:24
MrSassyPantsand even if you extract them, the main install file is 4.6gb09:24
MrSassyPantsso what I am trying now is using wimsplit to create 1024mb-chunk-sized things but I have no idea if it works because I won't know until I actually install it09:25
jkcIt will.09:25
MrSassyPantsand I cba to set up a VM because it needs to work on bare metal09:25
jkcI generally went for 3GiB chunks.09:25
jkcBut that's whatever.09:25
jkcMrSassyPants: So you're trying to build a windows installer, is that the actual thing going on?09:26
MrSassyPantsI'm trying to build a multipurpose usb key09:26
MrSassyPantsinstall windows, various flavors of linux, grml rescue, and so forth, all in one09:27
jkcAh, got it.09:27
MrSassyPantsand also a 200gb partition for just general "stuff"09:27
MrSassyPantsso what I ended up with now is a 32gb FAT32 partition that contains both the windows bootloader and files, and isos for grub to load09:28
EriC^^MrSassyPants: maybe you could use exfat, just to load grub, and have ubuntu on an efi partition09:28
MrSassyPantsI could but that would mean two separate partitions again09:28
jkcThe ESP isn't designed to house a full OS.09:28
jkcAnd GRUB would be loaded from the ESP.09:29
MrSassyPantsIt's two ESPs now09:30
jkcDo not do that.09:30
MrSassyPantsYou can't stop me!09:30
jkcOkay, but the fact that is against UEFI spec might stop you. ;)09:30
MrSassyPantsThe first one contains the grub bootloader, the second one contains the windows bootloader and all the other stuff09:31
MrSassyPantsI would mark it as a data partition09:31
MrSassyPantsbut then it shows up when I plug the key in rather than just the stuff partition09:31
jkcThat also doesn't work.09:32
MrSassyPantsI don't know what you are talking about09:32
jkcBy spec, UEFI firmware only has to look for partitions of type ESP.09:32
MrSassyPantsI had no problem booting off the stick with two ESPs (apart from the ubuntu problem)09:33
jkcThen the firmware maker for that board was kind.09:33
MrSassyPantsThat's the UEFI BIOS09:33
jkcThere is no BIOS.09:33
jkcThere is the firmware part of UEFI. BIOS is emulated.09:33
MrSassyPantsYou call it bios because it's the screen that your motherboard produces before the actual OS is loaded09:33
jkcaka CSM.09:33
jkcThat is not what BIOS means. :P09:33
MrSassyPantsthe firmware settings09:33
MrSassyPantsyet everyone calls it that09:33
jkcBIOS is actual firmware. UEFI is not BIOS. CSM is BIOS emulation.09:34
jkcI don't care what everyone calls it. There's what is, and there's what isn't.09:34
jkcYou could learn, or argue. Your choice.09:34
MrSassyPantsI do understand that autistically the UEFI BIOS is not BIOS unless you use UEFI to emulate a BIOS09:34
jkcWhat I am communicating may help you in your endeavor.09:34
MrSassyPantsI understand. It's the UEFI Bios.09:34
jkcThere is no BIOS.09:34
MrSassyPants... moving on09:35
jkcAnd the "autistically" comment is very much against the rules of conduct in this channel. So don't go there.09:35
jkcWhen you're trying to make something bootable across as many systems as possible, getting "how things boot" correct is kind of important.09:35
MrSassyPantsIt is, yes09:35
jkcThen maybe being less argumentative - and insulting - might be a good idea when someone is trying to help you better understand "how things boot."09:36
MrSassyPantsBut in this case, pedantry is pointless, because what is *meant* is unambiguous09:36
MrSassyPantsThere is no actual "Bios" anymore09:36
MrSassyPantsthere's no confusion about what screen or what part of the boot process is being talked about09:36
jkcI don't trust "what is meant." Words have meanings. That's why they exist.09:36
jkcAlright, I'm done with you. All you want to do is argue.09:37
MrSassyPantsYou wanted to argue semantics09:37
MrSassyPantsI was like "dude its fine"09:37
MrSassyPantsWhat I am more interested in is that the windows installer thing will not be confused by the presence of an install.swm (and install_2.swm) instead of the install.wim09:38
EriC^^i'd do the multiple partition thing MrSassyPants , easier, each os can live on its partition and use grub and some custom menu to load each09:39
MrSassyPantsI tried that, realized ubuntu can't boot off exfat, and then decided to just make it one partition as there are no conflicting folders09:40
MrSassyPantsThe one partition solution has the issue that either ubuntu won't load (because it's exfat) or windows can't be deposited without a hassle (due to the 4gb file limit in fat32) and more exotic file systems may cause more problems09:41
MrSassyPantsgrub can load all of them fine (... after a day of fiddling)09:42
EriC^^if you put ubuntu on a fat32, and put grub's efi in the exfat, maybe you can modify /efi/grub/grub.cfg that's what sets the $root partition and $prefix (where /boot/grub/grub.cfg) exists09:43
MrSassyPantsYes, that would work09:44
EriC^^then that would load the menu off the fat32 ubuntu, and i think it could load ubuntu from the fat3209:44
MrSassyPantsbut then there's no reason to have it be fat32 either if all it boots is ubuntu, you could use ext209:45
EriC^^i wonder how windows is making their 'usb installers' nowadays then, if fat32 is out of the question09:45
MrSassyPantsActually, UDF partitions might also work for both. The iso is actually UDF09:45
MrSassyPantsthe windows ISO I mean. The ubuntu iso is iso966009:46
MrSassyPantsAnd I'm pretty sure both grub and ubuntu can both read UDF09:46
MrSassyPants(at boot time that is)09:47
BendikHi. I'm a newbie with Ubuntu. I'm trying to install grass (a package) using "apt-get install grass". It installs version 7.8.2 while the version on the package repository (universe) is 7.8.5. Does this make sense?09:54
jkcHave you updated your apt cache? apt update?09:54
MrSassyPants1. Have you done "apt update" before, and 2. what release of ubuntu are you on09:55
BendikYeah. I also changed the ubuntu settings to use only "universe" to be sure it wasn't getting it anywhere else. I'm on 20.0409:55
jkc7.8.2 is the correct grass version on your release.09:56
BendikOh, I was looking at impish09:57
BendikThat makes sense then xD Thanks09:57
BendikDoes this mean I'm not using the optimal ubuntu version?09:59
jkc20.04 is a long-term support release, 21.10 (impish) is not.10:00
jkcIt really depends on what's more important to you: stable and supported for a long time, or newer software, potentially more bugs, and supported for a shorter time.10:01
geirhaIf in doubt, just stick with LTS10:02
BendikYeah it seems the software I want to use is also designed for 20.04, so I will stick with that. Thanks again! Better avoid bugs since I have no clue what I'm doing10:03
MrSassyPantsjkc, alright using EF00 for two partitions may cause trouble, but what other partition code is by default hidden in both windows and linux? (And also recognized by gdisk)10:10
MrSassyPantsWhat about 0C01 "Microsoft Reserved"10:15
MrSassyPantsI did expect the reverse, but: Hidden in linux, but automounted in windows10:28
BendikI have another question, but it's related to the installation of a specific program in Ubuntu. Is this an appropriate place to ask that as well? I couldn't get a response on the (relatively dead) IRC for that program11:04
ThinkT510Bendik: depends what the program is11:11
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nomnin dpkg package version format, what do the numbers around `ubuntu` mean? for example: 4.4-2ubuntu111:37
nomn4.4 is the package version, what are 2 and 1?11:38
oerhekspackage-XubuntuY - x = debian version, y = ubuntu version11:41
oerheksx-0Ubuntu1 means that there was not a debian package yet and this is the 1st ubuntu version11:42
nomni see, thanks!11:44
Guest39is there some xmpp messenger in ubuntu depositories that works with tor?12:13
oerheks!info coyim12:17
ubottuPackage coyim does not exist in impish12:17
oerheks!info coyim focal12:18
ubottucoyim (0.3.8+ds-6, focal): safe and secure XMPP chat client. In component universe, is optional. Built by coyim. Size 3,495 kB / 17,273 kB12:18
oerheksthis one has support for Tor, OTR and TLS12:18
Guest39looks lovely12:19
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BendikWhen adding PYTHONPATH variables in bash_profile, do I add a line similar to this for every variable? "export PYTHONPATH=/home/my_user/code12:35
chrisgtive got the latest ubuntu and set my software update preferences "Automatically check for updates: Every two weeks"12:38
chrisgtand yet it'll come up nearly every day. this is extremely annoying. can i make it actually check once in two weeks?12:39
chrisgtis it because sometimes i have the audacity to type apt update. and apt install a package without going through some package manager?12:39
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oerheksthose are unattended security updates, i guess12:42
oerheksapt and package manager uses the same lists and service, no worries12:43
chrisgtyea but it annoys me that this thing keeps popping up12:46
chrisgtit's like using windows12:46
chrisgti update all my servers weekly unless there's some huge reason to do it sooner, so i follow suite with my desktop and laptop12:47
chrisgti thought i'd try ubuntu on this machine after being a debian guy for the last 15 years...12:47
oerheksstart the day with updates?12:47
chrisgti do updates on monday mornings12:47
oerheksone does not want unpatched kernel or browser12:47
chrisgtbecause mondays suck and why not break things on monady12:48
oerheks sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades # and press N # https://ostechnix.com/how-to-disable-unattended-upgrades-on-ubuntu/12:48
oerheksmortyy[m],  how it that related to ubuntusupport?12:49
oerheksspammers are not welcome, ok?12:49
chrisgti'm also quite frequenty on a mobile connection12:49
mortyy[m]oerheks: did you read the message?12:49
chrisgtdoes this service pay attention to selecting that it's a tethered connection?12:49
oerheksmobile users do benefit disabling updates, indeed12:50
oerhekschrisgt, no12:50
chrisgtok, it wouldn't bother me so much if it cared whether or not a connection was tethered12:50
oerheksmortyy[m], no, and i do not click such urls, thanks.12:50
mortyy[m]oerheks: use url2png to view the message then12:51
oerheksmortyy[m], move it to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss  .. i guess nobody clicks that url too12:51
chrisgtdude, oerheks was helping me, you were spamming me. sorry, i agree.12:51
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awathefoxmy wifi connection suddenly lost12:59
awathefoxand chromium cannot displays Unicode correctly13:00
razendHow to download images from remote based on the list from local? - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/678089/download-the-images-from-remote-with-a-list-from-local13:00
razendscp -rv user@remote-host:/var/www/domain.com/public_html/assets/media/{"$(cat images.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')"} ./assets/media13:02
razenddownloads directly, I want to download images in respective folders13:02
awathefoxno idea13:03
chrisgtrazend: scp is insecure and should no longer be used https://lwn.net/Articles/835962/13:05
chrisgtuse rsync instead13:05
awathefoxtry to execute "cat images.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')" and watch its output maybe?13:06
razendIt outputs as: a/b/abc.jpg,a/b/abcd.jpg,1/2/123.jpg,1/2/1234.jpg which leads the magic expansion with {} braces13:10
awathefoxseems like cp has this feature too :\13:12
chrisgt do you have images that start with weird characters (like a dot, dash, star), or images with spaces in their pathname? because if so, the above method won't work13:15
awathefoxuse bash to solve this problem...?13:16
razendnope, all are regular images13:16
awathefoxcommands on sh is different to commands on bash13:18
awathefoxsuch as pwd and whoami13:20
awathefoxDisconnected :(13:25
awathefoxanyone there?13:27
ioriaawathefox, what's your problem ?13:28
awathefoxchromium cannot display Unicode correctly13:29
ioriaawathefox, only chromium ?13:29
oerhekschromium snap or apt version?13:30
awathefoxsnap 2.53+21.10ubuntu1,apt 2.3.9 (amd64)13:30
awathefoxI fixed it!13:32
awathefoxwhat's up13:38
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:41
awathefoxFriday's almost there!13:45
WickedDekciwHola, folks13:50
WickedDekciwAnybody familiar with a better way to scan bad blocks that isn't badblocks-v which just takes ages!?13:50
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WickedDekciw-v actually has hundredth increments % which is insanity13:51
ordosHi all, on 20.04, how can I change RGB on my graphics card's shroud? In windows I could use Asus Aura program. On Ubuntu I've tried OpenRGB but it doesn't find my card. Any other ideas? Thanks.13:51
oerheksscanning badblocks can take some time indeed13:53
oerheksordos, depends on nvidia or AMD, xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full" (nvidia) / or from the nvidia settings13:55
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ordosoerheks, thanks it's an Nvidia, will try that, appreciate the help13:58
ordosoerheks, not that I want to bug you with follow up questions, but I just want to make sure I'm doing this right... I got: X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)14:00
ordosxrandr --output USB-C-0 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"14:00
ordos(xrandr listing showed card connected via USB-C-014:01
ordosPerhaps there's a way to list the available "color" options14:03
awathefoxum,not working14:04
WickedDekciwoerheks, sure it takes some time, but in .01 increments of progress? That's impossibly slow14:06
ordoswait this commmand just seems to change my RGB config of display, sorry I wasn't clear, I'm trying to change RGB LED config on physical graphics card in case14:07
awathefoxordos, your command is working on my device14:08
awathefoxordos, does your device support it?14:08
ordoswell the RGB on my graphics is currently "breathing" this red colour, I want to make it static and blue14:09
ordos*on my graphics card14:09
lotuspsychjeordos: this, or openRGB? https://github.com/philpax/borealis14:10
ordoslotuspsychje, thanks, but yeah as mentioned further up I tried OpenRGB - alas it doesn't find my card14:10
ordosNvidia Geforce 2060 Super14:11
awathefoxPerhaps there is an official tool?14:11
ordosOn windows there is - Asus Aura14:12
ordosnot sure how to do it on ubuntu :-/14:12
lotuspsychjeordos: doesnt your mobo allow to control it?14:13
awathefoxno idea14:14
awathefoxmaybe there is no way to solve it14:15
chrisgthave you tried electrical tape? :)14:16
awathefoxany chinese?14:19
lotuspsychje!cn | awathefox14:19
ubottuawathefox: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:19
ordoslotuspsychje, nope unfortunately mobo doesn't have that feature (assuming you mean BIOS - which I checked), and it didin't come with hardware switch (at least not that I can see). It's a software controller. But I'll dig a little deeper. If I can do it on Windows then there must be a way to do it on ubuntu :-)14:26
lotuspsychjeordos: could try it over wine/playonlinux as a test?14:26
ordoslotuspsychje, that's a great idea actually, I have the Asus Aura installer file, thanks for the tip14:27
lotuspsychjelet us know if it works or not14:27
chrisgtit's probably controlled over I2C. if you can find the lines you could sniff what the windows driver tells the card14:32
chrisgtthen just write to that hardware descriptor14:32
chrisgti've done this in the past with other PC hardware14:33
ordoschrisgt, thanks for the tip. Some googling suggests I should look at i2c-tools - am I on the right track?14:36
chrisgtyea, probably14:36
lpvCan someone help me correctly map my external hard drive to ubuntu? For example I'm trying to use deadbeef and I can't access /media/<user>/<device> where it's mapped by default to access files (permission denied)14:37
lpvI've been told /media might not be the best place for that? I'm not sure how that stuff works14:37
chrisgtlpv: you're trying to have a fixed mount point for a specific drive?14:38
lpvI guess so. You know a place I can access files(docs,music, everything) like I did on windows with drives.14:39
lpvAnd it is always available. (My usb hard drive for example needs me to click on it first, I've not looked into that yet)14:39
chrisgtso create a mount point, like /extdrive. and put it in your fstab14:40
ordoschrisgt, this just might work, I've already managed to narrow down my GPU's bus using i2cdetect -l, will see what I can do, thanks again14:40
chrisgtuse the partition UUID so it always moutns the correct thing14:40
lpvok I'll try that14:40
chrisgtordos: nice. i obviously don't know what commands to send your gpu, but maybe someone has already done the hacking to reverse engineer teh interface14:41
ordoschrisgt, for sure. This is a good start, cheers.14:41
chrisgtthe i2c could also be fore VGA and old DVI monitors, though...14:41
lpv@chruisgt will that also work for the usb hdd?14:41
chrisgtsince it used i2c to get the monitor properties14:41
chrisgtlpv: yes. fstab doesn't care where the hard drive is physically14:41
chrisgtif it's avaible in dev/disk/by-uuid, it'll mount14:41
oerheksi am sure /media/ is correct for removable storage, maybe it is shutdown with errors?14:42
oerheksthat would prevent mounting14:42
chrisgti don't like putting fixed mount points in /media14:42
lpvActually I also have a problem after upgrading to non-LTS(yeah that's probably not a good idea) that ext. drives ask for permission the first time to access. but anyway14:43
chrisgti have media on a different drive, and i actually mount it to /home/chris/media with permissions set for my uid14:43
ordoschrisgt, well when I was playing with OpenRGB (which doesn't support my graphics card), I kept coming across i2c for other modern graphics cards, so I assume I'll be able to do this with a bit of fiddling14:43
ordoschrisgt, it's a long-ish read but basically this is what I have to do now - https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/wikis/Reverse-Engineering14:44
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ordosSeems I'm on the right track with using i2c for graphics card14:45
chrisgtprobably. i guessed that just based on how such things are generally controlled14:46
ordoschrisgt, there it is - https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/wikis/ASUS-Aura-GPU14:47
ordosstatic blue here I come14:47
ordosIf this works I'll FedEx you a beer or something14:47
chrisgtif it works, help the next person having the same issue :)14:47
ordosFor sure. Will make a push request to OpenRGB for my particular graphics card14:49
lpvfstab worked like a charm and I'm not asked for authentication! deadbeef however unable to access it for some reason14:50
lpvohh maybe cause I put it on root? /extdrive?14:50
oerhekslpv, what filesystem?14:51
lpvnah it can access /14:51
oerheks* on that external hdd14:51
lpvntfs probably, but it won't even access /extdrive, as opposed to /extdrive/satantfsdrive or /extdrive/usbsatantfsdrive14:51
chrisgtwhat is it?14:52
oerheksif ntfs does not mount, it is closed dirty, use ntfs tools to fix it14:52
chrisgtcan you put an ntfs drive in fstab? or does it have to be mounted with fuse14:52
chrisgtor ntfs-3g or something14:52
BluesKajNTFS is fine for fstab14:53
lpvNah it's a deadbeef thing, vlc can play files14:54
lpvanyway the solution works! thanks! I'll look into it14:54
lpvSolves some headaches ^^14:54
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gm15hi there15:25
BrianHechinger[m<tomreyn> "Brian Hechinger: Maybe that's..." <- Upgraded to 21.10 and......... no change in behavior. PAV is still being dumb.15:29
leftyfbmortyy[m]: can we help you with something?16:20
oerheks!ops, mortyy[m] spamming again16:20
oerhekshe does not stop, leftyfb16:21
leftyfb!ops | mortyy[m] spamming again16:21
ubottumortyy[m] spamming again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu16:21
Sbazzegutiin the output of "less /var/log/syslog" i find something strange to me ... it's correct : https://pastebin.com/dP643UnH16:29
oerheksSbazzeguti, i have no clue what happened there16:34
Gallomimiapardon. how do i find the number of files in a directory, commandline style?16:35
spotteranyone have an idea why my thinkpad laptop (usb-c/thunderbolt power ports) shows 3 ac adapters16:36
spotter2 makes sense and seem to behave normally (i.e. the usb-c and the thunderbolt) and shows online status correctly16:36
spotterthere's a 3rd that shows always online16:36
spotterand hence laptop never suspends16:37
ElliriaThis should help, Gallomimia: https://askubuntu.com/questions/34099/find-number-of-files-in-folder-and-sub-folders16:37
spotterthis is on impish16:37
oerheksthanks for flying f̶r̶e̶e̶n̶o̶d̶e̶ libera16:41
GallomimiaElliria, i do not wish to traverse directories. i was hoping LS would do it16:42
ElliriaSome of the solutions on that page don't do a recursive search, Gallomimia, and there seem to be several ls suggestions. I'll try some of them.16:43
Gallomimiathey're all so complicated. when nautilus . will do it faster16:44
Gallomimiaor... not?16:44
tomreynjust add -maxdepth 116:44
Gallomimiasuch a pain in the ass. nautilus doesn't show the number of files i'm looking at?16:45
Gallomimiajust ignore me while i go whine and complain in the corner..16:45
ElliriaThe first suggestion by Seth on that page works perfectly for me, counting only the files in the root directory and not recursing through and also not counting the subdirectories.16:46
ElliriaThat should be configurable, Gallomimia. I use Ubuntu MATE, so I don't have Nautilus, but it can surely do at least what my file manager does and then some.16:47
Gallomimiayeah. it should be.16:47
Gallomimiait should suck a lot less for being copyright 1999 too.16:47
Gallomimiawill consider mate once again. thanks for the suggestion16:48
chrisgtElliria: in mate, use caja16:48
tomreyn"find . -type f | wc -l" *would* recurse through subdirectories16:49
ElliriaDoes it show up in your status bar when you select all the files, Gallomimia?16:49
Gallomimiaah, i did not select all. i just viewed properties16:49
Gallomimia1700 files so, not interested in hacky, work around, command manipulating solutions16:49
ElliriaIn MATE's Caja file manager, it shows me how many files I have in the current directory and that changes to how many I have selected if I select some.16:50
Gallomimiathe most basic of functions in exploring a directory structure... not readily available in GUI or CLI? that's a fail.16:50
chrisgtyour'e trying to find the number of files in your current directory?16:50
Gallomimiano. i'm done doing it16:50
Gallomimianow i'm just griping about how it was like pulling chicken's teeth.16:50
chrisgtoh. lol16:51
EriC^^that's the beauty of using free open source software, you can improve it yourself instead of whining16:51
chrisgtyou can use tree, too, if you don't like find16:51
cbreakEriC^^: not instead of. In ADDITION to :)16:51
ElliriaI'm pretty sure you can also extend Nautilus' functionality with custom scripts.16:51
Gallomimiacbreak, now you're talkin my language16:52
EriC^^cbreak: well, optimally instead of :P16:52
tomreynyou can ctrl-s in nautilus, type *, press enter, see matching files on bottom16:52
cbreak(Anyway, I like ranger. Dolphin also seems OK)16:52
TJ-it must due to your files spoiling the asthetics of Gnome dev's vision for how a file-manager should look :D16:52
Gallomimiaalas, the list of things i have to do today is too long to go digging in the guts of a operating system16:52
chrisgtgnome dev's vision of a file manager has been broken every since gnome 3 came out16:53
Gallomimiatomreyn, or i could just look at the bottom bar and see the number, if i had an actual real file explorer16:53
Gallomimiajust sayin.... mac has had that for 30+ years16:53
TJ-does it really not have a basic summary when no files are selected, Gallomimia ?16:53
TJ-I know when files are selected some file-managers change the summary text16:54
TJ-I've not used Gnome since, oh, 2008ish!16:54
Gallomimiain fact, there's an enourmous number of things missing from the nautilus view16:54
Gallomimialike... any function to customize the view16:54
Gallomimiaand i used to be able to put a wee shortcut on the left side to navigate to root dir16:55
Gallomimiawhich was usually how i "got around"16:55
tomreynthat's on 18.04 LTS.16:55
chrisgtthe biggest thing missing is allowing you to type and goto, not get search results...16:55
ElliriaHere's some help on customizing Nautilus with scripts: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NautilusScriptsHowto16:55
cbreakwhat I was missing in gnome's file thingie was miller columns16:55
Gallomimiatomreyn, that is present in a little pop-up in the bottom right16:56
tomreynGallomimia: let me guess: that's not how you want it?16:56
Gallomimiashock and awe16:56
Gallomimiai'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest it's not how 90% of users want it.16:56
Gallomimianow. i'm very bad at going off topic in this channel, and now i've got all of you doing it too. so maybe we go to #ubuntu-discuss?16:58
spotteranyone know how gnome / freedesktop enumerates ac adapters?  I'm seeing one that says online but isn't and is preventing laptop from auto suspending?16:59
spotterthis is on impish16:59
Gallomimia^^^ actual support question.17:00
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TJ-spotter: reading /sys/class/power_supply/* usually17:10
TJ-spotter: unless it is related to a Bluetooth device17:11
cbreakupower --dump might give hints17:13
cbreak(on my desktop, ubuntu thinks it's a laptop because of the attached UPS :)17:14
TJ-cbreak: your poor lap!17:15
spotterTJ-, that helps a little17:17
spotterI see 4 items17:17
spotterAC (problem) BAT0 (fine) and 2 ucsi-source-psy-USBC000:00{1,2} entries corresponding to the usb-c and thunderbolt connectors17:18
spotterfor some reason the AC insists on pretending its online17:18
TJ-spotter: that could be a motherboard firmware/ACPI issue17:29
spotterexcept it wasn't17:32
spotterthis is weird17:33
spotterI dpkg --purge --force-depends upower ; apt- install upower17:33
spotterand now its behaving normally17:33
spotterno clue17:33
spotterwhy I thought to do this?  when I went to ubuntu-bug upower it said that /etc/UPower/UPower.conf was modified17:34
spotterbut I couldn't figure out how, so I just purged and reinstalled17:34
spotterunsure if that has anything to do with it, but its now tracking status correctly17:34
spotterstill shows 3, but the "AC" one tracks if either is plugged in17:34
TJ-spotter: good you solved it17:36
TJ-spotter: but you likely will never know how or why the config was changed17:36
TJ-spotter: it is possible a previous version of the package shipped with a slightly different config file. When the package was upgraded it is also possible for some reason the config wasn't upgraded. So you now have the 'older' config. So when you run ubuntu-bug it sees the hash sum for that file in the current version of the package doesn't match the hash of the installed file, and complains17:38
manwhowouldbekinGreetings all! Could you tell me if and how I can troubleshoot the following issue. Every now and then, after awakening from hybernation, the screen on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine does not get a video input signal and remains black. The machine itself awakens and seems to run. I always end up doing a hard reset as I do not know what else to do. The video card is Nvidia GT 730. The driver I am using is 470.82.17:42
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: laptop brand is a lenovo?17:44
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: No. Custom-built workstation.17:45
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: could you share your dmesg in a pastebin for the volunteers to take a look please?17:45
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: sure thing. What exactly would you like to see?17:46
lotuspsychjethe whole log please17:46
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manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/ecjw17:48
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: was there a specific reason you run kernel 5.15 and does it occur on 20.04's kernel the same?17:49
oerheksmanwhowouldbekin, i told you, it is for testing only, and you are on your own...17:50
oerheksgt730 should run fine with the 340 driver, AFAIK..17:50
oerheks"These kernels are not supported and are not appropriate for production use." https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:52
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: the previous built I had was 5.14rc2, so I wanted an official release. This has happened on various kernels in the past year or so, even on the official "stable" versions.17:58
oerheksmainline is not *official*17:58
oerheksi think you should get a lower nvidia driver17:58
oerheksIIRC, if you experience problems with steam, lower the specs in steam17:59
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: I have been building my own because I do need to do some testing every now and then, related to VFI.18:00
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: oerheks is already advising you18:00
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje: Ok, thanks.18:02
spotterTJ-, understood, that's why I purged it, as I couldn't imagine what should be there.  though a bit surprised there was no .dpkg version of the file from at least the impish upgrade18:21
spotteri.e. it would have asked me if it differed18:22
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TJ-spotter: possibly then some other process changed it in the background. That happens when services/packages don't adopt the run-parts or conf.d/ style and have to alter the primary package config18:24
zenofhey, please, where do I start to look at when suddenly gui (also and in particular gtk) applications load suuuper slowly in gnome shell ? any ideas how to debug this? already tried to start them from a terminal to see any debug info but nothing suspicious yet.18:25
matsamanzenof: top, iotop, memory usage, etc.18:26
matsamanif it's fine when you first start up your computer, then most likely you're running low on memory or I/O18:27
matsamancheap solutions: more memory, solid state storage18:27
oerheksor, what browser do you have open?18:27
matsamansame as memory =P18:28
oerheks64 bit wants 4 gb nowadays18:28
ioriazenof, nothing in syslog ?18:29
matsaman4gb is pretty cheap these days; if your system came with less than that, it's probably affordable to get as much ram as your system even supports18:29
matsamanwhich if it came with less than 4 is probably only 4 or 818:29
zenofmatsaman: yes, for example I have htop running. Idle is okay, about memory 1 GB out of 8 "occupied". then I do $ echo "one\ntwo\nthree" | dmenu , and it takes about 3 seconds to load. same with file managers, browsers, and so on.18:30
matsamanusing dwm?18:31
zenofah, forgot to mention, in htop, I see the then started process takes up over 100 % of cpu.18:31
zenofno, as I said, gnome shell18:31
matsaman"over"? =)18:31
matsamanwell I guess that's not ideal18:31
zenofI tested dmenu just to make shure it happens _also_ to non-gtk apps18:32
rivhi i installed ubuntu, how do I turn off animations? :)18:32
matsamanunfortunately lots of possibilities there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1036441/ubuntu-18-04-gnome-shell-high-cpu-usage18:33
ioriariv, in system settings18:33
ioriariv, sorry, in gnome-tweaks18:33
oerheksor install dconf; https://fostips.com/disable-animations-speed-up-gnome-ubuntu/18:34
rivoh gnome tweaks18:34
rivis it possible with a command line ?18:34
ioriariv,  gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false18:34
_ganapathi_my hostname changing to ubuntu after reboot. even i changed cloud.cfg option preserve_hostname from false to true.18:36
KBarCan anyone confirm if this is still true and valid? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates18:37
_ganapathi_how do i use hostname from DHCP server instead overwriting by cloud init18:39
oerhekshttps://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html && https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/phased-updates-in-apt-in-21-04/2034518:40
oerhekskbar, yes.18:40
oerheks: To always include phased updates, set APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates to true.18:40
oerhekscertainly with LTS, we do not want *all* machines to crash18:41
zenof_ganapathi_: does this help: https://serverfault.com/questions/1024584/automated-ubuntu-20-04-server-install-how-can-i-get-hostname-from-dhcp-server ?18:42
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_ganapathi_zenof: no. it's not working18:45
oerheksgnapathi, did you run; sudo cloud-init clean  $ sudo cloud-init init  after that?18:47
KBaroerheks, that makes sense. Thank you and have a great day!18:47
oerheksand reboot to make sure18:48
_ganapathi_i did reboot18:49
_ganapathi_let me check18:50
rangersmythHello all18:51
_ganapathi_thanks. it's working after cloud-init clean and cloud-init18:51
oerheks_ganapathi_, have fun!18:52
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zenofso, reading files from my ssd seems to be okay with ~350MB/s, writing is ~100MB/s less. and the load speed problem occurs also with apps I closed milliseconds before. they should be left in the mem pages, so the bottle neck might be ...?18:53
_ganapathi_But only happen when i execute dhclient. not happening on dhcp server changes then reboot server18:59
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tomreynzenof: write cache, storage bus or memory bandwidth, cpu19:04
tomreynzenof: which hardware, ubuntu release, kernel version?19:04
zenoftomreyn: how would I check the storage bus? and, it's a thinkpad 201, ubuntu 20.04 and kernel is 5.11.019:13
zenofx201 that is.19:14
_ganapathi_this link option works for me finally19:18
tomreynzenof: x201 is 10 years old, right19:19
zenofmore like 12 ;)19:20
tomreyni think you're getting what you can get out of those19:20
zenofwell, but: it run very smoothly until this morning for the past 7 years...19:21
zenofplus, it's only the graphical (gui-) applications. everythink on the console works like a charme, even cpu and/or mem expensive things.19:22
tomreynzenof: you seemed to discuss file transfer speeds, now this is about GUI lag?19:23
zenofI am sorry, my very first question was an hour ago : hey, please, where do I start to look at when suddenly gui (also and in particular gtk) applications load suuuper slowly in gnome shell ? any ideas how to debug this? already tried to start them from a terminal to see any debug info but nothing suspicious yet.19:24
rangersmythANYONE PLEASE!!! Is there a quick way to open a port 5901 for VNC? It is disabled like myself and I am looking for a command to open port 5901. ANYONE!!!19:24
tomreyn!patience | rangersmyth19:24
ubotturangersmyth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:24
rangersmythHaha... I need a bit of that!19:25
tomreynzenof: post a dmesg, if you like. and check your logs at /var/log/apt about what software got updated that may have introduced the problem19:25
rangersmythThanks tomreyn!19:26
tomreynrangersmyth: by "open port", you may mean one of two things: run a software which listens on this port, and then handles incoming connections. or reconfiguring your firewall which is currently blocking that port. which one is it?19:27
zenofoh. I already narrowed it down with things like r/w speed testing on my ssd which are okay. and then a ' echo "one\ntwo\nthree" | dmenu ' to see if it's about gtk. but now that you mentioned dmesg...19:30
oerhekssudo ufw allow VNS ( or sudo ufw allow OpenSSH)  or sudo ufw allow 5901:5910/tcp19:34
oerhekseasy to find rangersmyth19:34
tomreynzenof: your last sentence seems to have cut off19:36
rangersmythThanks tomreyn | I am trying to get a vncserver to run on my kali machine (I am only been learning linux for 3 weeks, loving it) and the port is closed. I am not sure how to open it up to listen for incoming calls, or how to reconfigure using software, not sure which software to use for that. I didn't have a problem with a firewall as I had none installed. so I installed ufw and Firewall as an app. I learnt how to enable and disable19:44
rangersmythsed VNCServer, Tight, Tiger and open and all have the same problem of not connecting to my 2nd machine.19:44
rangersmythFrom my Linux laptop I can open a VNC to my 2nd machine (Win 10) and use it great! Buyt, I can't seem to VNC into the Laptop.19:44
rangersmythSorry for my english, I am dyslexic and thanks for the help!19:44
rangersmythoerheks: sudo ufw allow VNS ( or sudo ufw allow OpenSSH)  or sudo ufw allow 5901:5910/tcp19:46
oerheksshortcut; sudo ufw app list # would give VNC ?19:46
oerhekssudo ufw allow vnc19:46
rangersmythThis did the trick!!!19:46
Hashrangersmyth: learn port numbers and allow specifically them.19:48
Hashufw may not be used on other linux distros and when you encounter a need to do similar work you'll be at a loss.19:48
rangersmythThanks oerheks!!!!!  I am connected now to my laptop but I have a black screen!!! WOW... Thank you so much and tomreyn for your help. I have been at this for 4 days trying to get it to connect!!19:48
Hashrangersmyth: also learn iptables ( which ufw is a front end for )19:48
rangersmythThanks Hash. I have installed them today, or reinstalled not sure which, as I have been at this sense 9.15 am!19:49
HashThe VNC ports to open are the default ports 5900 and 5800.19:49
HashSo `ufw allow 5900` would add both ip4/6 rules to allow from anywhere.19:49
Hashrangersmyth: brilliant. Is there a reason why you're installing a vnc server on a kali linux distro?19:50
HashI assume you're into security19:50
rangersmythI had an error saying Failed to restart iptables.service: Unit iptables.service not found. 19:50
rangersmythMore learning needed//19:50
tomreynrangersmyth: note we don't support kali here, just ubuntu19:50
rangersmythThanks tomreyn, I understand19:51
Hashrangersmyth: Kali can be discussed in #security #websec or #linux (as well as their official channel if they have one)19:51
rangersmyth@Hash - Just learning that's all. I have Kali installed on a 2nd partion on my D drive! I also installed Parrot OS also, have 3 OS on my Laptop working nice!  I am loving this side of the tech, as I was a windows and pc support for 20 years, and I always wanted to learn about security side of the business.19:53
HashYou should virtualize them instead of having to boot into one or the other.19:53
HashBut also this is a non ubuntu support topic19:53
rangersmythCool, I do not know enough about linux to discuss anything, but I have a VM ubuntu installed on my PC to learn.19:54
Hashrangersmyth: /join #security and /join #websec (for web security)19:54
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rangersmyth@Hash - Good idea, I do have Kali, Ubuntu and Parrot as VM's on my pc, I wanted to use them to learn while not messing up my laptop! lolz19:55
Hashrangersmyth: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview19:55
HashFirst get Ubuntu desktop setup on your machine/laptop.19:55
HashThen install https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads virtualbox19:56
zenoftomreyn: okay, I'm back and sorry - I indeed had a lot of apparmor issue messages about things in  /var/cache/fontconfig , run fc-cache and crashed my machine with it. switched to another one and rebooting now ...19:56
tomreyncrashed? how?19:58
tomreynrunning fc-cache should not cause a kernel panic.19:58
KamikazeKashCan I ask about issues/bugs pertaining to daily builds of 22.04 here or would that be somewhere else? TIA19:59
zenofokay, crashed more like in "nothing responses to nothing", not like in kernel panic.20:00
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | KamikazeKash20:00
ubottuKamikazeKash: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.20:00
tomreyn!sysrq | zenof20:01
ubottuzenof: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:01
KamikazeKashThanks tomreyn20:01
tomreynzenof: i'd also try switching to a different tty first of all if it's unclear whether it's just a graphics issue.20:02
zenofubottu, thanks, but by nothing responses to nothing, I really meant that.20:02
rangersmythOk Hash, thats my next setup! Going virtual!!20:03
zenofnow, after a "normal" boot (not writing this from that machine), logging in already was suspiciously slow from the moment on I pressed enter in gdm.20:07
zenofand yes, for example opening a pdf in evince still takes way too long and dmesg brings up a lot of apparmor="denied" operation="chmod" for profile="evince" name="/var/cache/fontconfig".20:11
zenofand: yesterday I indeed installed a new font (in ~/.local/share/fonts), and I guess these issues are occuring since then.20:12
zenofdmesg also says: audit_printk_skb: 60 callbacks suppressed.20:14
zenofand /var/log/fontconfig.log seems to be okay, and ends with "/var/cache/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory \ fc-cache: succeeded"20:18
oerheksafter you installed those fonts, did you logout/login or reboot?20:18
zenofI did20:18
tomreynso you should be able to reverse this easily now, and see whether that helps20:20
zenofI mean, since yesterday, I did logout/in and reboot several times, in order to find out what caused the slow down of my machine , and, as I said before, it crashed jst half an hour ago, so I was forced to reboot it ;-/20:21
zenofit doesn't. I already removed the font files (it's "source code pro"). But running fc-cache seems to go wrong (eating up all system resources).20:22
oerheksMaybe you added it wrong, hard to tell20:23
zenofjust copied the files to ~/.local/share/fonts and run fc-cache20:23
zenoftomreyn: not, please tell me how to reverse things .. ;)20:24
tomreynzenof: do you what did, in reverse. ;) but apparently you already did. does this problem occur when you set up a new user and login to that?20:25
oerheksfc-list  # would show all fonts, fc-cache ~/.local/share/fonts woudl update user fonts solely20:27
zenofoerheks: fc-cache system-wide (with sudo) end successfully, local fc-cache ~/.local/share/fonts as well...20:28
oerheksso, your crash might not be related?20:29
zenoftomreyn: yes, occurs with any other user as well, after lgging in using gdm it takes way too long, and then, firing up apps result in the same delay.20:31
zenofwell, but installing the font and the related dmesg output about fontconfig is the only thing I have.. :/20:32
tomreynnote that we haven't yet seen any logs, error messages in context,20:33
oerheksway to long - how long should that be?20:33
zenofright, atm I can't copy& paste as I'm writing from another  machine20:33
oerheksand what services/mounts are running?20:33
tomreynthat's what ssh is for ;)20:34
zenofwell, it used to be within seconds (maybe 7 or 10) over the last year(s) . now it's more like a minute.20:34
oerheksrangersmyth,  no kali testing here20:43
rangersmythLOLZ... Can't get into the Kali room, username and password and SSL connection problems!20:44
rangersmythAn no more about that OS again on here, I promise20:44
oerhekswe don't care, you are not in title for support here20:45
zenofokay, I have that machine up again. what to post where?20:56
dustwhere to put something in autostart?20:59
oerheksalt f2, type starup, startup applications gui opens21:01
dustoerheks, command not found21:02
oerheksreally? what linux are you on?21:02
zenofif he really typed "starup", it's no big surprise...21:03
oerheksicon left low corner, works too, start ~21:03
oerheksoh typo21:03
zenofbut, oerheks meant "startup"21:03
dustthx... great gui...21:05
zenofanyway, thank you for all the advise!21:21
de-factois there an option to "lock" audio sliders?21:30
de-factothey move and jiggle around on their own, both master volume as well as balance21:30
de-factoi just want that damn thing to stay on a constant level21:30
de-factocan i remove some packages that allow for adjusting pulse audio volume?21:31
sarnoldthe last person who was complaining of that said he was running zoom; are you using the same? does it have 'auto level' kind of checkboxes in its settings?21:31
wizard1is there anyone21:32
de-factono zoom, just some youtube videos, the audio wildly stutters and now always moves balance to right side21:32
de-factoits annoying beyond words21:32
tomreyn!ask | hi wizard121:33
ubottuhi wizard1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:33
sarnoldde-facto: oh :( ew21:33
de-factosometimes killing pulseaudio MANY times in a row (in  a while loop) seems to help (starting pulseaudio manually), but the only thing that really helps is a full reboot21:34
de-factoproblem is that this state is reached everytime after some bug becomes active, e.g. its only a matter of time since a boot till audio becomes broken21:35
wizard1i have quetion21:35
tomreynde-facto: is this a standard ubuntu installation, which version, which kernel, which desktop environment? do oyu have third party software installed?21:35
tomreyn...and running21:36
de-factoits a standard 20.04 lts with some newer kernel and Gnome 321:36
tomreyn"some newer kernel" meaning from a third party?21:36
wizard1my color of terminal in linux is not good some one can help me to bring21:36
de-factoit seems to be a problem with many versions of ubuntu, acutally i can not remember any version of it that did not had that audio problem21:36
wizard1it back21:36
wizard1to first mode21:36
sarnoldwizard1: whichi terminal are you using?21:37
sarnoldthat's the shell, not the terminal21:37
oerheksnever seen youtube do that21:37
tomreynde-facto: hmm, maybe it's specific to your audio chipset. i've never had this happen to me on several computers.21:37
wizard1can you tell me what is terminal can you tell me some example21:38
de-factoit basically makes audio unusable for me21:38
sarnoldwizard1: gnome-terminal konsole urxvt xterm wterm aterm st21:38
wizard1is mine21:38
sarnoldwizard1: there might be a meatball menu or bacon menu or somethng that you can use to get to a settings menu21:40
wizard1sarnold: ?21:40
de-factoits an ALC889A chipset21:40
oerheksde-facto, must be a LADSPA plugin??21:40
de-factowhats that?21:40
wizard1yes  i know i go to performance > color  i was playing with this21:41
wizard1and i saw my terminal is21:41
wizard1not good at color21:41
wizard1and i wana bring it back to defult21:42
tomreynwizard1: edit -> preferences -> click on the "+" next to "Profiles" -> type "my profile" -> click on the drop-down next to "my profile" -> click "set default" -> click "close"21:42
wizard1tomreyn: you are awsome thank you my friend21:44
tomreynyou're welcome21:44
oerheksmaybe it is browser dpendant, for chrome there is a plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-automatic-gain-co/clpapnmmlmecieknddelobgikompchkk21:47
oerheksbut this never happened here..21:47
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akkI'm trying to update my hirsuit to impish, but firefox doesn't run: /user.slice/user-NNN.slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup where NNN is my uid23:00
akkI'm not finding much with web searching, any suggestions?23:00
akkI get the same error trying to run chromium.23:00
oerheksre-install the snap?23:03
oerhekssnap remove --purge firefox23:04
oerheksand add it again23:04
akkWill try, thanks. Add it again with apt install firefox? Or with a snap command?23:06
oerheksyour choice, both ways are valid23:06
akkThat works -- thanks, oerheks! I'll do the same for chromium.23:10
oerhekshave fun!23:11
akkAs long as I'm here another question, about something much less important: apt source rxvt-unicode, then  debuild -b -uc -us, fails23:12
akkbecause a bunch of .h files cause: ./../libev/ev++.h:379:46: error: ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specification23:12
akkI'm wondering how they managed to build urxvt for this release, and whether it's worth reporting this as a bug.23:13
oerheks!info rxvt-unicode impish23:14
ubotturxvt-unicode (9.22-11, impish): RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode and 256-color support. In component universe, is optional. Built by rxvt-unicode. Size 716 kB / 3,367 kB23:14
oerheksbut please keep your questions in one channel, cross posting is not appreciated23:15
akkyes, sorry for asking the original question in two places. This one, I only asked here.23:16
akkI'm running the urxvt binary I built on hirsuit, and it runs okay on impish, I just can't build it on impish.23:17
sarnoldthe 9.22-11 version may have been built before the changes that disabled dynamic exception specification with iso c++1723:21
dbungertakk: I can reproduce a build failure of rxvt-unicode against impish23:21
akkdbungert: This is what I do that fails:  apt source rxvt-unicode; cd rxvt-unicode-9.22/ ; debuild -b -uc -us23:23
sarnoldakk: try adding -std=gnu++14 to the gcc command lines through whatever mechanism makes most sense for the package and your needs23:26
akkI'm not too good with autoconf and debuild, and the Makefile.in doesn't seem to have a CFLAGS. But one thing I should probably try first is that apt source suggested trying a git repo.23:28
akkSo I'll try building that first.23:29
akkYeah, the git repo builds, so maybe they just didn't get around to updating the apt source package.23:30
oerheksi wonder why, it is in our repos23:34
akkThe git version built and installed fine except for a bunch of messages like "./etc/rxvt-unicode.terminfo", line 57, col 20, terminal 'rxvt-unicode': unknown capability 'kDC5'"23:35
akkSeems to run fine, and actually, I'm happier installing it that way because I don't have to pin the deb package.23:36
ezakimakhow can I install a specific version set of nvidia packages? is there some extra repo that has all of them?23:38
akkalas, the purge trick didn't work for snap chromium: I did snap remove --purge chromium-browser; sudo apt purge chromium-browser; sudo apt install chromium-browser23:38
ezakimakI need 495.29.05 version of them all23:39
akkbbut I still get the "not a snap group" error23:39
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sarnoldakk: :( maybe ask in #snappy ?23:47
lpvHi again ^^ guys how can I pin a portable app on the dock and associate file types to open with it?23:47
sarnoldezakimak: you can find binaries to download via clicking around on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-49523:48
ezakimakthat just lists all 495.44.0 version23:50
cbreaknothing else is in the publishing history: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-495/+publishinghistory23:51
sarnoldezakimak: oh. then it may not have existed in ubuntu :(23:51
cbreakezakimak: have you looked at https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=Ubuntu&target_version=20.04&target_type=deb_local ?23:53
cbreakafter the sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2004-11-5-local_11.5.0-495.29.05-1_amd64.deb step, you should have access to that version of the driver via apt23:55
cbreak(this will somewhat conflict with the stuff in ubuntu, and you might break things)23:55
ezakimakI just need my ubuntu-based docker image to match the driver version on the docker host so cuda will run23:56
cbreakyou need drivers that are NEWER or equal23:59

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