
ezakimakthe host has 295.25.05, with 295.44 it does not work. it errors with a driver mismatch message00:00
cbreakfor cuda 11.5, https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/index.html, version 450.80.02 should be new enough00:00
cbreakbut I've used cuda 10.0, 10.1, 10.3, 11.0 and 11.3 images on a machine with the drivers from cuda 11.3 (which I think were 465 or so)00:01
ezakimakE tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_diagnostics.cc:313] kernel version 495.29.5 does not match DSO version 495.44.0 -- cannot find working devices in this configuration00:02
cbreakthat looks screwy00:03
cbreakI use tensorflow (without docker) with various driver versions, no such issues00:03
cbreakwhich cuda version was your TF compiled for?00:05
cbreakprobably 11.5?00:05
ezakimakactually it was originally compiled against driver 460 something00:05
ezakimakah, cuda-compat-11-2=460.32.03-100:06
ezakimakand the other cuda libs all 11.2.152-100:06
cbreakso newer drivers shouldn't be an issue00:07
cbreakdid you compile tf yourself?00:07
cbreakor custom cuda ops?00:07
ezakimakI dunno, it's a docker build, I didn't create it00:07
ezakimaklooks like all deb packages00:07
cbreakgoogle's tensorflow docker?00:08
ezakimakno, built up from ubuntu base00:08
cbreakhmm :/00:08
cbreakI'd either use an nvidia/cuda docker as base, or just a docker from google / tensorflow directly as base00:09
cbreak(if I wanted to use docker to run TF)00:09
ezakimakit works elsewhere, just not on my particular docker host atm00:09
ezakimakit worked before, an earlier version00:09
=== Abrax- is now known as Abrax
marc_Can anyone tell me where xorg.conf file is its not in usr00:56
sarnoldmarc_: in the usual case it isn't a file on disk for most users for the last ~15 years, maybe more00:57
marc_last time i used linux was gentoo x64 13 years ago00:57
sarnoldhmm I would have guessed it to have been unecessary even then00:58
marc_I installed ubuntu today00:58
sarnoldso, you can generate something for your system with xorg -configure  -- that'll do the autodiscovery of eveyrthing and write out a config that matches what it found. *but* that's vast overkill, you can supply just the fragments you want to override00:59
akkI think xorg.conf started being phased out sometime around 2006-200800:59
marc_i got a server board and the onboard graphics is matrox g200ex and its stuck in 102400:59
sarnoldI'm not entirely sure exactly how to do the partial replacement, I've never needed it00:59
sarnoldoh zounds I think I had a g200 ~20 years back00:59
sarnoldor was that 400? heh00:59
marc_so how do i fix this01:00
akkxrandr doesn't list any other resolutions?01:00
marc_should do 1920 x 108001:01
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-video-mga focal01:03
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-mga (1:2.0.0-1, focal): X.Org X server -- MGA display driver. In component universe, is optional. Built by xserver-xorg-video-mga. Size 63 kB / 177 kB01:03
sarnoldBashing-om: niiiiiiice01:03
marc_when i left windows 10 the onboard card was on 1920 x 1080 75hz01:04
Bashing-omsarnold: Matrox is sorta left out in left field - do not know how apt that ^ driver might be.01:04
sarnoldBashing-om: it seems *really* plausible :)01:05
marc_are there no config files i can alter01:05
sarnoldmarc_: try installing the package Bashing-om found, restart X, see if that does the trick01:05
geniiYou can add custom resolutions to xrandr01:05
akkI'm trying to report a bug about that snap issue, and ubuntu-bug says I have two versions of snapd installed: snapd-2.53.2 (latest beta) snap, and snapd 2.53+21.10ubuntu1 deb package.01:11
marc_how do you add them01:11
akkI have never intentionally installed any snapd; this is what I got from do-release-upgrade. Should I remove one somehow?01:11
sarnoldakk: I think that's entirely normal, though uninstalling the deb will probably make filing the bug report easier01:12
akkTurns out I have to choose the deb to report a bug; the other one says there's no address to use for a bug report.01:13
geniimarc_: There is an example here of how to add a 1920 x 1080 mode https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/227876/how-to-set-custom-resolution-using-xrandr-when-the-resolution-is-not-available-i01:14
marc_any idea where xrandr stores its config file if it does that its easier to edit a file than type out commands01:19
sarnoldI think xrandr only makes live changes, no config file01:19
marc_has gentoo gone this way of live changes as well01:20
marc_cos i dont like it01:21
sarnoldeverything has, I expect 99.9% of Xorg users don't need xorg.conf files of any sort01:22
marc_I would much rather have the xorg.conf file01:22
sarnoldman not me, I wasted too much of my life trying to get my modelines juuuuust right, and handling the input devices I had, etc.. :)01:23
marc_I hope linux isnt going the way of MS windows that would be a disaster.01:23
sarnoldit's still possible to waste time on input devices, of course, goofing around with libinput settings for touchpads is still a tried-and-true linux tradition01:24
akkI'm with sarnold, definitely don't miss xorg.conf hacking. That was right up there with sendmail.cf.01:27
marc_ok without sounding old school is there any linux distros that used the old xorg.conf01:28
sarnoldoh god you've reminded me of another hundred hours I want back :)01:28
sarnoldmarc_: xorg -configure   to generate one, and then edit away! :)01:28
marc_ok good.01:29
Bashing-ommarc_: Real old - but if you must do xorg.conf. might get some hints: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1316035 .01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1316035 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "matrox g200eR2 is unclaimed in 14.04" [Undecided, Confirmed]01:31
marc_ok thanks01:33
sarnoldBashing-om: nice find01:35
marc_ok i did it i changed resolution without xorg.conf but i got it wrong so try again :))01:43
Bashing-ommarc_: Good man :) .. If at 1st you do not succeed ---- try try again and again :P01:44
DHEis upstart (or any other /sbin/init alternative) available for focal lts? can't find the packages I would expect01:47
Bashing-omDHE: Bo not know if this will help >>01:49
sarnoldheya DHE :) upstart never made it to bionic .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/164931001:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1649310 in upstart-watchdog (Ubuntu) "RM Upstart, obsolete, superseded by systemd / Products discontinued" [High, Fix Released]01:50
Bashing-om!info unity | DHE01:50
ubottuDHE: unity (7.5.1+21.10.20210601.1-0ubuntu1, impish): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component universe, is optional. Built by unity. Size 1,616 kB / 6,964 kB01:50
ubottuUnity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity01:50
sarnoldDHE: there's s6 but .. you'd probably be the first to try it out: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/s601:50
sarnoldDHE: sysvinit is still kicking around, and probably has more users in debian than s6, it might work better out of the box https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit01:51
sarnold(I kind of expected to see that yanked from ubuntu, but there it is :)01:52
DHEso sideload debian packages?01:52
DHEsorry I'm not normally an ubuntu user. someone else asked me to help with getting a system up.... :/01:53
mwhudsonavoiding systemd on ubuntu is definitely swimming against the tide01:54
sarnoldDHE: you should be able to get there with ubuntu packages, but if you really want a deb-ish system without systemd, you may have better luck on devuan or debian01:54
mwhudsonso i don't think you'd be helping that person if you did that01:54
DHEmwhudson: unfortunately I'm in an uncomfortable situation. systemd can't run. it's a strange, container-ish environment and cgroups aren't available, among other things. so I'm taking 99% odds it just won't run.01:55
mwhudsonoh blargh01:55
sarnoldopenvz on rhel6 or something?01:56
DHEprobably pretty close....01:57
mwhudsonpay for trusty ESM? (not really)01:58
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lotuspsychjewelcome webchat9903:04
webchat99I'd like to ask if anyone could help me with a problem03:04
YWH_1what is it webchat99?03:04
webchat99I cannot log in normally, my screen shows a white screen with "Oh no! Something has gone wrong"03:05
YWH_1is this a new install or have you logged in before?03:05
webchat99But I could login normally with ctrl+alt+F2 and typing startx03:05
Belamoswebchat99, your "gdm" is broken03:06
webchat99I've been using this install for some months now03:06
Belamoswebchat99, try switching to "kdm" or similar03:06
webchat99Belamos how can I switch?03:06
Belamosthis could be because of a number of reasons,  but instead of bugfixing it, just switch to "kdm" - you can still start into "gnome" from there03:06
Belamoswebchat99, are you comfortable with the command line?03:06
webchat99Not very much03:07
webchat99But I'm willing to try03:07
Belamoswebchat99, let me quickly look up a command... from the top of my head, it should be something with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"03:08
Belamosbut hold on for a moment, I want to be sure03:08
Belamosdo you even have KDE installed?03:08
webchat99Ok, thank you very much03:08
webchat99I don't think so, how can I check?03:08
Belamosapt install kubuntu-desktop03:08
Belamosthat is going to install a LOT of stuff... but alongside, also "kdm"03:09
Belamosand then you switch from "gdm" to "kdm" and that should solve it03:09
Belamosyour login screen will look different - but it should solve the problem03:09
Belamosbugfixing why gdm is broken would probably take longer - much longer03:09
Belamosand again, you can boot from kdm into gnome as you're used to03:09
webchat99Thanks, it's installing now, how can I change to kdm once it's finished? (And also change back in case things go wrong immediatly haha)03:10
Belamosand yes,  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"  or  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"  respectively should do the trick03:10
Belamosthere you can change what software should greet you after booting up03:11
Belamoswebchat99, how long will the installation take?03:11
BelamosI can stay here until then03:11
Belamosbut only if you have a decent internet connection ;)03:11
webchat992m remaining03:11
Belamosgod damn,  your internet connection is brilliant then03:12
Belamosyou have downloaded the entire kubuntu-desktop in a matter of minutes?03:12
webchat99Really variable tho --'03:12
webchat99To be that fast for 330MB  surprised too03:14
Belamosoh, I thought it were bigger03:14
Belamoshas it finished installing, or is the installation still running?03:14
webchat99A message appeared03:15
webchat99Something about setting encfs03:15
Belamoswebchat99, is it about choosing "kdm" or "gdm" by any chance?03:15
sarnoldencfs? o_O03:15
Belamossarnold, a FUSE-based cryptographic filesystem03:16
webchat99Now there is, ssdm or gdm303:16
sarnoldBelamos: yeah... I ran it for a few weeks a decade back. it ate so many files..03:16
sarnoldBelamos: I wonder if it ate something important here03:16
sarnoldI don't know how many times I've got to learn the lesson that fuse is just a toy03:16
Belamoswebchat99, after you're done, you should be able to boot up your computer normally03:17
Belamoswebchat99, make sure, that you choose "gnome" when you log in03:17
Belamosotherwise you will end up in KDE03:17
BelamosI admit, my "solution" is more a hack,  but it will work, so ... who cares ;)03:17
Belamossarnold, I personally love LUKS03:17
sarnoldBelamos: aye. I mean I dread ever needing to troubleshoot this thing, but it mostly just works, sooooo...03:18
Belamosif anybody reads this,  I could actually also need somebody to hold my hand for a moment (but after I am done with webchat99)03:18
Belamosit's about video codes and stuff03:18
webchat99As long as it works, I'm fine with it, its getting late and I have work tomorrow, so I'm getting pretty desperate03:18
Belamoswebchat99, so, we're on the same page here ;)03:18
sarnoldBelamos: do I remember you're trying to do video editing?03:19
Belamossarnold, I have learned how to edit videos in the past 2 days03:20
Belamossarnold, now I am pretty good in it  (transitions, effects, text, music,  etc.)03:20
Belamosbut I need help with the technical side of things - I must check (in the shell / ffmpeg or similar) if the video has all the right codecs and stuff03:20
Belamosmhm... webchat99 has left the chat.  They probably rebooted.  Or they forgot me ;)03:21
BelamosHere, this is what I need to deliver the video as:03:22
BelamosI have no idea what any of this means.03:22
Belamos"moov atom" at the front... (in the category "Container: MP4")03:22
Belamoshow can I check if I have the right audio and video codec?03:23
Belamoshow can I check if my framerate is correct?03:23
Belamosre webchat9903:23
Belamoshow did it go?03:23
webchat99I could login, the screen was blue instead of purple and with some different buttons03:23
Belamosplease rate this solution on a scale from 1-10 ?03:24
Belamosare you satisfied with this solution?  Or is this not what you wanted?03:24
sarnoldBelamos: ffprobe can dump a lot of information about a file03:24
Belamossarnold, I should have thought of that... thank you!!03:24
sarnoldBelamos: there may be better ways to get there, but it's something I already had installed and worked on a file I had :)03:24
webchat99A solid 9 out of 10, it works really well for the time being, but someday I'd like to change it back03:25
Belamossarnold, I just stumbled upon ffprobe today (first time in my life) - thank you for reminding me03:25
Belamoswebchat99, yeah, sure.  It was just a quick hack03:25
webchat99Thank you very much, really03:26
Belamoswebchat99, no worries, IRC is a friendly place03:26
Belamoswell, this IRC server, that is03:26
sarnoldheh yeah there's some that are best avoided..03:26
webchat99It's my first time here, I tried searching for what could be happening, but it only listed help for manjaro03:27
Belamoswebchat99, you might want to:03:27
webchat99I'm really glad that I was able to find help here03:27
Belamoswebchat99, sudo snap install hexchat03:27
Belamoswebchat99, then add the server:  "irc.libera.chat"  manually03:27
Belamosthat brings you onto this network here03:27
Belamosyou can then check out all channels,  like  #linux,  #ubuntu,  #php,  #mysql,  etc.03:28
Belamoswithout the comma (,) at the end03:28
Belamoswebchat99, alternatively,  you can use "apt" if you don't want it to be a self-updating snap03:28
webchat99Is it better than from URL? https://web.libera.chat/?nick=webchat?#ubuntu03:29
Belamosit is a client, that connects you to the IRC protocol03:29
Belamosthe webchat is ... well... a webchat only03:29
Belamosyou can use an installed program to get into this chat03:29
Belamoswebchat99, take a leap of faith, and try it03:29
webchat99I'm installing it right now03:30
webchat99OK, I think I did something wrong03:31
webchat99 No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>03:31
webchat99 Not connected. Try /server <host> [<port>03:31
Belamostype exactly this:03:32
Belamos/server irc.libera.chat03:32
Belamosthen wait until you are connected03:32
Belamosthen type:03:32
Belamos/nick webchat_now_hexchat03:32
Belamos/join #ubuntu03:32
webchat_now_hexcOw, it worked!03:33
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, yep...03:33
Belamosand now, you can check out all the beautiful channels03:33
webchat_now_hexcHow can I get it to display emojis like the site version?03:33
Belamoslike #php  #mysql  #perl #design #photoshop  #gimp  #blender  and so on03:33
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, don't... just... don't.... IRC is a no-emojie place03:34
Belamosthat's the beauty of it... plain and simple, good old IRC03:34
webchat_now_hexcThanks a lot, I'll see if there is one for python303:34
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, yes, of course03:34
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, also for frameworks of python03:34
BelamosYou might want to look into the dialogue CTRL + S03:35
Belamosthat opens the server list where you can set your nick03:35
Belamos/msg nickserv help register03:35
Belamos^ also interesting03:35
linsuxhow do i install latest thunderbird?03:35
Belamoslinsux, let me check snap... brb03:36
linsuxdon't want to install snap or flatpak03:36
Belamoslinsux, then I cannot help03:36
linsuxi don't have much space03:36
Belamoslinsux, maybe you find some private repo,  but that might be risky03:36
Bashing-omwebchat_now_hexc: Now be a good time to pick your nick and "register" the account; see the output : /msg nickserv help register .03:37
webchat_now_hexcIs there a way to make hexchat appearance more modern? It seems a bit blocky and I can't find what to do in settings03:38
linsuxppa:mozillateam/ppa  is this legit03:38
BelamosBashing-om,  <Belamos> /msg nickserv help register03:38
Belamoslinsux, I cannot answer that,  maybe somebody else can03:38
sarnoldlinsux: do you have snapd already installed? if so, the thunderbird snap is 102 megs.. but trying to install the thunderbird deb shows me: After this operation, 211 MB of additional disk space will be used.03:38
Bashing-omBelamos: I admit I be slow :(03:39
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, that's the _beauty_ of it!03:39
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, there is always "wine" and "mirc"  (just kidding)03:39
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, hexchat is cool the way it is :)03:39
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, there are many IRC clients - maybe you like an other one more03:40
Belamoswebchat_now_hexc, or, you use IO::Sockets (the CPAN module) and create your own client in accordance to RFC 145903:41
webchat_now_hexcHmm, I guess I should've changed my nickname before registering this one03:41
=== webchat_now_hexc is now known as junior
linsuxshould i use snap or flatpak03:42
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Belamoslinsux, that is your decision.  "snap" does the updating itself.03:43
juniorom /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER webchat_now_hexc 9hqnTvyhr9SZgJQL03:44
sarnoldjuniorom: be careful with those leading spces..03:44
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Belamosjuniorom, everyone just saw that03:45
Bashing-omwebchat99: you can drop it with ' /msg nickserv DROP <nickname> <password> ' and then re-register.03:45
junioromThanks, I will be careful03:45
linsuxirc is kinda old technology with these flaws03:45
Belamosjuniorom, you should enter such things in the server tab,  not in the channel tab03:45
Belamosjuniorom, this provides some safety net03:45
linsuxit's not safe03:45
Belamoslinsux, well, if they add a space at the beginning in the server tab, we won't see it, now will we?03:46
linsuxit's a common mistake to have a space03:46
linsuxit's just a space03:46
junioromThe server tab is the one named Libera.Chat, right?03:46
Belamosyes, juniorom03:46
Belamosjuniorom, if you type something wrong there, we won't see it03:46
Belamose.g. leading spaces03:46
junioromI think it worked now03:52
Belamoscongrats, juniorom03:53
BelamosIs anyone of you by any chance good when it comes to video editing?03:53
BelamosI am still stuck with the requirements laid out by google in regards to youtube videos03:54
sarnoldare you generating video entirely in the computer? or are you starting with input from cameras or phones or already existing files?03:55
Belamossarnold, the input comes from a camera03:55
Belamosfor crying out loud, the generated video is NOT 4K03:56
BelamosI go crazy here... programming is so much easier03:56
BelamosI rather think about memory allocation and data types than clicking around in a GUI03:56
sarnoldBelamos: as far as I understand it, it's best to try to get the quality as high as you can as early in the production process, and avoid converting etc..03:58
Belamossarnold, I am working on 4K videos with proxy clips03:59
Belamossarnold, do you actually also get the feeling, that the younger / newer generation of Linux users doesn't use the command line any more?04:01
BelamosI feel like the command line came more natural to linux users 15-20 years ago compared to the new users now04:01
Belamos(still thinking about webchat99)04:01
sarnoldBelamos: it varies, some folks know it way better than I do, because they're more eager to embrace things like fish or ptpython or nbterm or oilshell or whatever, and can really make it *theirs* ..04:05
sarnoldBelamos: and a lot of old-timers are set in their ways and still try to use ancient tools like ifconfig or route that can't handle the full depth of the linux networking stack04:05
sarnoldBelamos: I'm guessing it's less to do with age and more to do with just how eager people are to learn what's there vs build new things vs just want to browse the web etc :)04:06
Belamoswhat's wrong with ifconfig??  Don't take away ifconfig!04:06
sarnoldlast I heard it didn't know how to work with multiple IPs per interface, it required using interface aliases instead04:11
sarnoldand it didn't work with bridges at all04:12
Belamossarnold, I just googled it... what is your alternative program?04:17
Belamossarnold, by the way, I will leave very soon, I am totally exhausted (it's 6 AM here)04:17
Belamossarnold, let us continue this chat an other day.04:20
BelamosI am really sleepy.04:20
Belamosthank you for the nice time we had!04:20
Belamossee you soon04:20
Belamossleep well04:20
msim_heyo i'm a bit stuck trying to upgrade to jammy from focal04:37
msim_i keep getting the "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade." error04:37
msim_so i checked apt.log04:37
msim_and there's 165 broken packages04:37
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.04:37
msim_oh i see so it's trying to upgrade to a prerelease04:38
msim_ehm in that case i'm not sure if i should ask here or there, how can i ugprade to the latest, stable, release?04:38
Bashing-ommsim_: -next is best :D04:39
msim_sure, thanks :D04:39
msim_actually since i'm here, on another note - the whole reason i'm trying to upgrade is because i'm trying to create a .deb package for a piece of software. the thing is, we rely on qtbase5-dev >5.15, but focal (afaik, the latest LTS release) only has 5.12, whereas the newer versions have >5.15. after thinking about it for a bit, i think the better way to solve this is either link a static version of the qt libs, or ship the qt dynamic libs on the side.04:43
msim_ am i missing something here or are these my only options?04:43
msim_(again sorry, i'm not sure if this is the best place to ask)04:44
hal8999Can someone help me out? I'm on 21.10, my computer had a power outage and now i'm stuck with fsck message, no GDM working, and no network. I'm not sure what happened06:27
hal8999I am able to login to tty1-606:27
hal8999it also tells me my eth devices are unmanaged06:29
Bashing-omhal8999: "power outage" >> run a file system check/repair from the liveUSB.06:31
hal8999did, it passed06:33
rfmhal8999, ok, after getting the system disk clean, what happens when you boot from that?06:37
rfmSneaking suspicion that hal8999 did not boot from  a livecd/liveusb and fsck the root.06:42
rfmhal8999, if you are not going to deal with us straight, we cannot help you.06:43
rfmAnd I'm off to bed anyway06:43
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EnissayAny advice for Sharex like tool for Ubuntu ? I am mostly interested in the ease of Screenshot+Annotation/edit part... I tried flameshot but it is very very limited and buggy07:23
TheBigKnice, since last chromium update the gpu decoding works again. Happy :)07:33
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slumfatAnything here09:59
lotuspsychje!support | slumfat10:01
ubottuslumfat: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com10:01
KBarslumfat, hello and welcome to the official Ubuntu support channel. Do you have any questions?10:22
slumfatKbar no10:23
oerheksslumfat, oke, have fun, chit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic10:25
slumfatThank kbar10:26
=== Znevna- is now known as Znevna
Guest7350how are you10:30
Pokos22can someone help me?10:58
oerheksHi Pokos22, ask wait and see10:58
Pokos22i am using ubuntu 20.04 lts. i have installed another DE , but i want GDM to have gnome as default login10:59
Pokos22is there any way to do this?10:59
Pokos22GDM seems to remember the last choice and use that as default10:59
oerheksand what is the other one, SDDM?11:00
Pokos22no, no login manager. i only use GDM as login manager. and as desktop environments i have gnome and xfce11:01
Pokos22but i want gdm to always use gnome as the default, unless i select xfce for that session11:01
oerheksxfce uses lightdm, IIRC...11:04
Pokos22you have no clue what i am talking about, do you11:05
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oerheksi understand what you ask for, i have no ready answer to this issue, except install those desktops side-by-side11:06
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu11:07
oerheksmaybe someone else reading here ?11:07
jkcPokos22 has crossposted this question across at least three different channels and is using either Arch or Debian.11:07
oerheksno need to trigger the ops for that11:07
jkcGiven his behavior in the other channels, I decided to.11:08
oerheksjust say so... and if he did not got answered in other channels, i understand, there is no logical answer11:08
Pokos22jkc is a troll11:08
Pokos22pay no attention to him11:08
jkcoerheks: It was within the same 60 seconds.11:09
tomreynPokos22: please don't cross-post11:09
oerheksoh oke, that is 'real' cross posting'11:09
Pokos22stop trolling dude, you already got banned in archlinux11:09
Pokos22i work for freenode, cut the shit11:09
oerheksPokos22, if other channels give a solution, let me know11:09
jkcHe also said he was using Arch and/or Debian, not Ubuntu. So there's also a concern of relevance to this channel.11:09
Pokos22listen i did crosspost11:11
Pokos22that doesnt change in the least bit the fact, that jkc is a pathetic no-lifer11:11
Pokos22that has nothing better to do, than instantly report me in all channels11:12
Pokos22noone likes snitches my dude, not sure if you learned that. have fun in life with that mindset11:12
oerheksmove on ..11:13
* alkisg was ready to post a solution, and wasn't even concerned too much about the cross-posting, but I'll refrain until the bad language stops...11:13
alkisgSo yeah snitches are a lot better than bad-languagers11:13
oerhekshi alkisg there *is* a solution?11:14
Pokos22alkisg there is no good or bad language sir11:14
ravagemy favorite part was the "freenode admin" :) not sure what relevance that as in general and especially on libera :D11:15
alkisgPokos22: there's no point in blaming someone that respects the rules, just because it's against you at that time11:15
Pokos22only means to convey meaning. and this dude is a pathetic nolifer. thats the case11:15
Pokos22alkisg are the rules to call ops and snitch on all channels?11:15
alkisgJust accept the blame and go on11:16
alkisgI'd look into /var/lib/AccountsService for the saved session info11:16
alkisg# grep Session /var/lib/AccountsService/users/alkisg11:16
alkisgPokey: cross-posting is against the rules, yeah. Anyway, as oerheks said, just say "I'm sorry" and move on man11:16
oerhekshe is gone11:17
tomreynsorry for interrupting your on topic chat there, alkisg. but it wasn't getting any better.11:19
Pokeyalkisg: you alrighty there? Got the wrong guy I reckon11:20
alkisgNo worries, thanks for intervening :)11:20
alkisgPokey: yes, sorry :)11:20
PokeyIt's ok :P11:20
alkisgI was going for Pokos22 but Matrix decided a different thing for me :D11:21
PokeyI was poked11:21
tomreynjkc: as oerheks already told you: there is no need to call the ops (and stir things up) just due to cross posting.11:21
* oerheks waiting for a paste about switching sessions11:22
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nikolamHow am I supposed to share a file over Skype/any app that is running inside the Ubuntu Snap ?11:37
oerheksnikolam, go into system settings > applications > permission of that app11:38
nikolamApplication running in Snap seems does not have access to regular filesystem it is isolatad as I see in /snap/appname/ and can't open files to send from other parts of the disk. Drag and drop also does not work.11:38
oerheksmaybe you can grant access to other folders/external storage?11:38
nikolamoerheks, I am on Xubuntu.11:40
oerhekson xubuntu i don't know where those permissions reside11:40
bind9noobis it possible to send images here? I'm having too much trouble configuring bind9 DNS private static IP network according to the config diagram11:41
nikolamoerheks, what is the name of the app for setting up snap permissions?11:42
oerheksnikolam, on comandline ; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1291778/how-can-i-manage-a-snap-application-permissions-using-command-line11:42
oerheksbind9noob, imgur is free11:42
nikolamI can also install GNOME apps it is also GTK based if I know GUI app name.. or if it woul then just pull all the GNOME with it..?11:43
oerheksa gnome app would pull *some* parts in, yes11:44
bind9noobok, this is the rough diagram for my private static IPv4 network, I had no problem pinging their respective IP addresses - https://imgur.com/a/xs3RWAo11:44
nikolamoerheks, aBtw, skubuntu.com requires me to submit my personal information to Google and googleapis, because it's staff is somehow unable to have Google-independent web site.. Cookie banner is all over the content..11:45
bind9noobbut ping/dig their DNS names always show the error "Name or service not known", which means the A records in my forward zone file for each VM is not registering for some reason11:45
nikolamThere is that 'Snap store' and under aplication name there is "set permissions" and shitch that allows snap application to acces files under user /home folder11:48
nikolamBut I suppose snap does not allow to set access permission for Snap application, to an arbitrary folder11:49
nikolamSo basically I need to copy/p[aste content to somewhere in /home/username folders so that Snap application can access it, including copy/paste11:51
oerheksre-install that snap with  --classic  ??11:55
oerheksthat removes the confinement.11:55
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nikolamI have another Skype installed form .deb for another account, so I use it to have 2 Skype accounts on same desktop user12:00
nikolamBut well, I use snap installed Skype less often anyway12:01
oerheksmaybe it is only skype that does so..12:01
oerhekswho cares? binairy blob12:01
bind9noobjust in case there's any glaring errors in my named.conf local, forward and reverse zone files for the parent VM and one of the children VM - https://imgur.com/a/FzfeY4o12:07
bind9noobFYI this is the aim for my private static IPv4 network - https://imgur.com/a/xs3RWAo12:07
bind9noobtried editing A and PTR records, removing a few entries, adding a few entries, changing the hostnames but no matter what the error message when ping/dig is always "Name or service not known"12:11
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InternetWarriorwindows > ubuntu12:59
oerheksdo you have an Ubuntu support issue, InternetWarrior ?13:00
ravage>>> print("windows" > "ubuntu") -> True; just do give a qualified answer here13:02
Guest2030hello dont dc me i was writing my question13:03
Guest2030oerheks hello, im glad that size of ubuntu is smaller than windows. And yes I have an issue. I cant get nvidia mem junc temps to show on ubuntu, the nvidia forums said they dont do it that its  a 3rd party thing. What is the correct place to go ask for temps13:03
oerheks nvidia mem junc temps, not sure lmsensors cover that13:04
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:04
oerheksor check out this snap;  https://snapcraft.io/indicator-sensors13:05
Guest2030I can get core sensors to display, but not mem junc.13:05
oerheksnever heard/read that is possible.. not even on windows?13:06
Guest2030yea you can in windows for example with hwinfo6413:07
Guest2030the gddrx6 memory is running very hot so it would be good to know13:07
Guest2030since it will not warn, just start thermal throttle13:07
Guest2030for memory the throttling starts at 110C13:07
oerheksno clue further, check out lmsensors and that snap?13:07
Guest2030they dont seem to have13:07
oerheksgddr6 can run hot, up to 100'C..13:08
oerheksso, i guess it might be normal13:08
Guest2030gddr6x is much hotter13:09
Guest2030i did quick google to find a picture for you how it is displayed on hwinfo13:09
oerheksnot relevant if our tools do not have such option13:10
Guest2030that guy has for example core at 47C but memory at 92C, probably doing memory intensive stuff and not core. But these temps can go even higher when gpu is at 100% use, which is why it would be good to know13:10
masberhi, I am testing a local repo, at the moment I am getting this error `... No system certificates available. Try installing ca-certificates.` fro the client when running `apt update` how can I tell client to ignore the certificate for testing purposes?13:11
Guest2030oerheks it might have not been relevant before, but for gddr6x it is relevant. There has been a forum post about it since feb 13, and nvidia basically just implied its a 3rd party thing at end of thread: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/request-gpu-memory-junction-temperature-via-nvidia-smi-or-nvml-api/16834613:12
oerheksGuest2030, you might want to put that question on askubuntu, more viewers13:12
oerheksmasber, is this local repo with our packages, or your private ones?13:16
masberubuntu packages13:17
masberit is pointing to ubuntu repos (main, restricted, universe and multiverse)13:17
masbernothing else13:17
oerheksi see tons of guides for a local http mirror, you only need certificates when you use https?13:21
oerheksi would not use " APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated "true";  >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/74345/how-do-i-bypass-ignore-the-gpg-signature-checks-of-apt13:23
oerheksmore;  https://www.claudiokuenzler.com/blog/1088/how-to-solve-apt-error-server-certificate-verification-failed13:23
jsmoothI have two USB drives connected to USB hub, they both display as ESD-USB, I'd like to rename at least one of them to be more descriptive.13:32
lotuspsychjejsmooth: disk tools lets you format/rename your medium13:37
TJ-jsmooth: if that is the file-system label, change the file-system label13:41
ioriajsmooth, you need first to umount it and then click the 'gear' icon13:44
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BluesKajHi folks13:55
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kirk781BluesKaj, hello14:01
BluesKajhi kirk78114:01
* kirk781 is feeling the blues today :p14:02
BluesKajoh, what's the issue?14:05
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kirk781General sadness, I presume14:50
Gallomimiasoftware updater refuses to leave me alone. i took advice in here to stop it using text file configs but it did not work15:10
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krytenGallomimia: Did you disable the autostart item yet which is shipped as '/etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop'?15:29
Gallomimiaah.... no15:32
PeanutHowdy - I've just rebooted a Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS machine, and it seems to have lost its ability to use unqualified hostnames after the reboot. The network interface is configured in Network Manager, and has the right search-domain set (verified  in nm-connection-editor). If I do 'resolvectl query hostname' it works, but ping returns 'temporary failure in name resolution'.15:50
PeanutThe machine has a fixed IP configured (which hasn't changed).15:51
alkisgDoes `cat /etc/resolv.conf` show `nameserver; search your-domain`?15:51
PeanutNo, it shows 'nameserver' and a warning that the file has been generated by resolvconf.15:52
leftyfbPeanut: systemd-resolve --status | grep -A3 "DNS Servers"15:52
PeanutIt is using the "systemd-resolve stub resolver"15:52
alkisgPeanut: did you upgrade that box from 16.04? Do you have a need for resolvconf?15:53
leftyfbalkisg: lets figure out what's wrong before ripping things out15:53
Peanutleftyfb: It is showing the correct two internal DNS servers (that I run). I upgraded it from 16.04 long ago, via 18.04. Didn't change anything today.15:53
leftyfbPeanut: ok, lets clarify, do you have problems resolving external, local or both?15:54
alkisgleftyfb: wouldn't it be better to revert it to something similar to a vanilla 20.04 installation, that doesn't have resolvconf?15:54
alkisgKeeping resolvconf, when by default it's not there anymore, will just make troubleshooting harder for him, both now and in the long run...15:55
PeanutThe problem I have is that short (unqualified) hostnames suddenly give an error. So these are DNS entries in our local authoritative DNS server.15:55
leftyfbalkisg: the fact that systemd-resolved --status returned means we are fine15:55
leftyfbPeanut: ok, so only local names are failing. Did you see the domain name in the results as well?15:56
PeanutAnd I can resolv the hostnames if I give the FQDN, just the short names don't work.15:56
leftyfbPeanut: under "DNS Domain:"15:56
PeanutYes, the 'DNS Domain' section lists: "~. mydomain.tld subdomain.mydomain.tld"15:57
leftyfbPeanut: ok, next test15:57
leftyfbPeanut: host <hostname> ip.of.ns1      then host <hostname> ip.of.ns215:57
PeanutGives a servfail in each case. If I replace 'hostname' with 'FQDN', it resolves correctly on both nameservers.15:59
leftyfbdamn, so sorry, have to run out the door16:00
Peanutleftyfb: Thanks for the help so far.16:01
alkisgI will also need to leave in a few minutes; what I propose is to remove resolvconf, and to revert the /etc/resolv.conf file to be a symlink to ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf, so that it's managed by systemd-resolved16:01
alkisgThen systemd will add the `search xxx` line in that file, and libc will be able to use it when running `host xxx`16:02
alkisgTroubleshooting why resolvconf didn't put search xxx there isn't really useful as it's not installed at all in newer installations, it's only there because it was used in 16.0416:02
PeanutRemoving the package is easy - should I create the symlink manually?16:03
alkisgIf I recall correctly, the resolvconf postinst doesn't restore the symlink, so yeah you'd need to create it yourself16:04
alkisgIt's also possible that a reboot might be needed16:05
PeanutEwww :) Ok, I'll try a reboot if creating the symlink didn't work.16:05
PeanutRemoving the package does indeed recommend doing a reboot...16:13
PeanutAlthough even without the reboot it does seem to have fixed the issue. Rebooting anyway.16:13
Peanut(old machine, will take a while)16:13
Gallomimiakryten, thanks i moved the file in question to a disabled directory in /etc/xdg find out tomorrow if it worked16:15
marc_IPMIView is there a apt-get package i can install to get this its a SUPERMICRO board16:16
Gallomimiai must say at this time... upgrading from older versions of ubuntu has never worked in my favor16:17
oerheksmarc_, can you explain what supermicroboard?16:17
masberhi, checking my repo file, I can see this `deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted`16:17
Gallomimiaafter 5 years, a clean install might help a lot of things16:17
masberhow does apt knows the url for bionic main?16:17
marc_SUPERMICRO server board dual processor16:17
oerheksmasber, it is in that line > http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:17
Peanutalkisg: Fixed, removing the resolvconf package was sufficientl.16:18
masberbionic main is this one `http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/`16:19
masberisnt it?16:19
oerheks!find impi16:19
ubottuFound: ubuntu-wallpapers-impish, budgie-wallpapers-impish, ubuntu-mate-wallpapers-impish16:19
masberor not, does not need a Release file?16:20
oerheks!find iomi16:20
ubottuFile iomi found in ant-contrib-cpptasks, axiom-hypertex-data, citation-style-language-styles, docbook-defguide, fpc-source-3.2.2, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, insighttoolkit4-python3, jython-doc, libags-audio-doc and 26 others <https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=iomi&mode=exactfilename&suite=impish&arch=any>16:20
oerheks!info freeipmi16:20
ubottufreeipmi (1.6.6-4, impish): GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol. In component universe, is extra. Built by freeipmi. Size 3 kB / 25 kB16:20
rangersmythHey all, an irc question for anyone. I made this account yesterday, registered with NickServ, logged back in here and today it's saying my password is incorrect and I am not sure what to do next, I asked for a password reset and I can't login that site either. Any suggestions please?16:21
marc_ok i installed freeipmi that how do i launch it16:21
oerheksrangersmyth, ask in #libera16:21
oerheksmasber, do you get any errors? if not, it has found the releasefile16:23
rangersmythwill do oerheks16:23
marc_Anyone know how to install this https://www.supermicro.com/en/solutions/management-software/ipmi-utilities16:30
oerhekssudo apt install freeipmi  # and hit enter16:31
oerheksi gave several links to the package, sure you will find a howto16:32
marc_yea but how do you lanuch that as a graphical interface16:32
oerheksdunno, find a manual, maybe it is a service only, no gui?16:32
oerheks= commandline16:32
oerhekshttps://github.com/ipmitool/ipmitool says so16:33
marc_ thing is that software i just posted if for my board just need to know how you install it16:33
oerhekssurprise... http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/impish/man1/openipmigui.1.html16:33
oerheks'freipmi' is your keyword to look for16:34
ioriaopenipmigui - GUI interface to an IPMI system16:34
oerheksthis is the last url..16:35
ioriamarc_, might be 'openipmigui' whar you are looking for16:35
lacrymologymy browser (chrome) doesn't seem to find my webcam. It shows up fine in cheese16:37
marc_says package dont exist16:37
oerheks!info openipmigui16:38
ubottuPackage openipmigui does not exist in impish16:38
marc_the company that supplies my board has software as i said its just i dont know how to install it16:39
oerheks!info openipmigui focal16:39
ubottuPackage openipmigui does not exist in focal16:39
ioria!info openipmi16:39
ubottuopenipmi (2.0.29-0.1ubuntu4, impish): Intelligent Platform Management Interface (for servers). In component main, is optional. Built by openipmi. Size 170 kB / 585 kB16:39
oerheksoh, it is part of the openipmi package16:39
ioriamarc_, the pkg name is just 'openipmi' ; openipmigui  is the command16:40
oerheksso, there are 2 ways16:40
oerheksone is gnu = freeipmi16:40
oerhekslet there be choice :-D16:40
marc_installed it and says command not found16:41
ioriamarc_, dpkg -L openipmi  | grep bin16:42
oerheks!info ipmitool16:43
ubottuipmitool (1.8.18-11ubuntu1, impish): utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface (daemon). In component universe, is optional. Built by ipmitool. Size 400 kB / 1,248 kB16:43
marc_ok thanks for the help but these programs are no good i need the one that the company supplies working16:46
masberwhere can I see the different options I can use with `apt -o=`??17:17
ioriamasber, you mean  stuff like, ' APT::Get::Download-Only  ' etc. etc. ?17:25
masberyes stuff like that17:29
masberI could not find anything in the man page17:30
masberi cant find it in there17:35
masberfor instance this command `apt -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories=true -o Acquire::AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories=true update`17:36
masberim interested inthese parameters `AllowInsecureRepositories`17:36
masberand I would like to se the whole list of them with their description if possible17:37
oerheksthis is about your local repo?17:41
oerheksapt conf i guess; http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man5/apt.conf.5.html17:43
masberyes it is about my local repo17:44
oerhekshmm i found maybe the answer of no key; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032020/apt-mirror-key-question17:45
oerheksthis is for a ppa, should be the same trick17:45
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BinarySaviorhi i changed my VPS hostname using sudo hostname but then after rebooting it changed back19:10
BinarySavioris there something i need to do to make it permanent19:10
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:11
oerheks2 places..19:11
tomreynhostnamectl set-hostname <newhostname>19:11
tomreynhmm i guess hostnamectl doesn't update /etc/hosts, though, so it's still two places19:13
oerheksindeed .. i was surprised it does not stick19:13
oerhekstomreyn, so this factoid is not really complete? hostname <somehostname>   <> hostnamectl set-hostname <newhostname>19:14
tomreynoerheks: i believe that "hostname <somehostname>" sets it temporarily, until reboot, "hostnamectl set-hostname <newhostname>" sets it now until reboot, and also after reboot - but neither update /etc/hosts. so probably not complete.19:17
oerheksoke, both are valid, but do not stick19:18
brutexwhat can i use for apt-key19:19
brutexis deprecated19:19
oerheksadd-apt-key ?19:21
mybalzitchAnyone having problems with Entrust L1k certs being revoked in 21.10 ?19:22
oerheksmybal look for Entrust L1M keys, on their site19:34
oerheksk >m19:34
tomreynyour alphabet seems backwards, oerheks ;)19:36
mybalzitchyeah I downloaded the root cert, added it to the ca-certs config, updated my certs, restarted firefox, and ff still claims its revoked19:47
mybalzitchso I have no idea19:47
mybalzitchworks in chrome though19:48
oerheksFF snap or deb?19:49
tomreynthere are still firefox deb's for 21.10?19:50
mybalzitchfirefox/impish-updates,impish-security,now 94.0+build3-0ubuntu0.21.10.1 amd64 [installed]19:50
tomreyndoesn't that just install the snap?19:50
mybalzitchnot according to snap list19:52
tomreynhmm right, it looks like a full package19:52
oerheksFirefox, go to Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Import.19:53
oerheksthey use their own store19:53
tomreyni do think firefox has its separate certificate store either way, though19:53
mybalzitchthis url worked yesterday though19:54
mybalzitchbleh, such a hack19:54
tomreynwell, maybe this one domain certificate was really revoked, and for a reason. we could not know19:55
mybalzitchright, but it works in chrome19:57
tomreynmaybe chrome is configured to verify certificate validity differently than firefox. ocsp or crl with different schedule, or not at all.19:59
marc_how do i manuall remove an icon from the apps menue i used wine and then uninstalled wine and it put an icon in the apps section that i cant delete.20:07
oerheksmarc_, logout, login and it should be gone20:09
marc_I already did that its still there20:09
oerhekssure you removed all wine stuff? >> snap list20:09
marc_it just says there are a bunch of libraries that were installed and are now not needed20:12
marc_ i told it to autoremove all the unused packages20:15
marc_gonna resart brb20:16
marc_nope the icon is still there any idea how to manually remove  it20:19
ioriamarc_, find ~/ -type f -name '*wine*'20:33
marc_YAY! i got rid of it20:33
marc_ioria its gone there was a directory i deleted it in the terminal20:34
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marc_ok thanks back laters off to walk the dog.20:35
=== Hash is now known as EnchanterTim
Aqua-Hi, i need some live help installing Ubuntu 20.04 from live CD.21:10
Aqua-I am a long time ubuntu user  (since 14.04) and i usually use the stable versions as they fulfill my needs.21:10
Aqua-A week ago i decided to try and upgrade my OS from 20.04 to 21.10, but some error occur towards the end of the upgrade and i got a message saying the installation failed.21:10
Aqua-My computer restarted and it is stuck since then on the loader. I downloaded ubuntu 20.04 to my flash drive and mow i use it to post here and install the OS anew.21:10
Aqua-Now i've done some reading on the web, and people say one can reinstall the OS without formatting the partition, which will override only the OS folders and keep some user folders as is (for example home folder).21:10
Aqua-I started the insatller and got to the point where i need to manually choose what to do with the partitions.21:10
Aqua-If anybody feel confident enough that she/he know how to do it i'd love some help.21:11
Aqua-and dont worry i will not blame you if the worse case happens. it's on me21:11
alkisgAqua-: I don't have much time to do this via IRC, but I help teachers do that all the time; would you like help via screen sharing?21:13
Aqua-sure. how?21:13
Aqua-will zoom be fine?21:13
alkisgIs this ubuntu gnome, or mate etc?21:14
Aqua-it will take me 5-7 mins to set up21:14
alkisgNo, just vnc, I'll tell you the command21:14
* alkisg hopes it's not wayland21:14
alkisgRun these: sudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt install -y x11vnc; x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org21:14
alkisgI'll move all your old installation in /backup so that you can retrieve whatever you want after the new installation21:15
leftyfbalkisg: you should try tmate21:15
alkisgleftyfb: nah I've developed my own apps for that, see epoptes.org21:16
Aqua-to be honest i dont like the idea of inserting commands i dont know. no offence21:16
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Aqua-zoom will feel safer for me21:16
alkisgtmate doesn't allow people to share ubiquity etc21:16
Aqua-you can take control if needed21:16
alkisgAqua-: sure; these, install a vnc program from the ubuntu repositories21:16
alkisgAnd then connect via vnc to me; there's no third-party software installed21:16
alkisgI don't have zoom though21:16
leftyfbalkisg: sure, though not many things can't just be fixed over CLI :)21:17
alkisg(I'm not even sure if it can work in the live cd)21:17
leftyfbit can, I've used it21:18
alkisgDoes it require installing a package,or does it run via a browser?21:19
leftyfbalkisg: it does: sudo apt install tmate21:19
leftyfbpart of the universe repo21:20
alkisgleftyfb: we're still talking about zoom, right?21:20
leftyfbalkisg: no, remote ssh21:20
leftyfboh, sorry21:20
alkisgtmate can't help in guiding a person in ubiquity21:20
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tomreynand vnc is plain text21:21
alkisgAnd? There are no passwords involved at that point21:21
leftyfbalkisg: no passwords involved. They just copy and paste a temporary ssh URL21:22
alkisgleftyfb: I have made my own tmate implementation long before tmate existed, I know what it is21:22
alkisgThat's why I'm telling you about epoptes.org...21:22
tomreynalkisg: please pretend i had not talked, i don't want to complicate it.21:22
alkisgThe text mode is using openssl, it's encrypted21:23
alkisgBut console sharing doesn't help users like Aqua- that need helps in their graphics session21:23
alkisgAnyway, as I said, it's late here. Cheers guys, see you tomorrow :)21:24
Gallomimiais the regularly accepted method to install "audacity" through the apt package manager? is this package up to date/22:06
Gallomimiaor a better question, how can i verify this information myself22:06
Gallomimiainstead of bugging y'all22:06
oerhekshttps://snapcraft.io/audacity  <> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacity22:07
Gallomimiaaw snap :(22:07
oerhekssnaps give the latest, 3.x22:07
Gallomimiai'm unreasonably prejudiced against snaps. but i'll go for it for now22:07
oerhekshttps://www.audacityteam.org/download/linux/  gives 3.1.222:08
oerhekssnaps are oke, just check out systemsettings > applications >audacity > permissions22:08
Aqua-yep. you can always cross info from their official website. I remember on ubuntu 20.04 the apt version was not the latest. the snap is probably the newest or at least close to that22:08
oerhekslatest does not mean stable22:08
Gallomimialatest stable would be.... what i want. what anyone reasonable would want22:09
oerheksstable - snap22:09
Aqua-i usually go to official websites to check for versions22:09
GallomimiaAppImage is built against the old FFMpeg headers, so system provided FFMpeg won’t work22:10
Gallomimiaperhaps snap it will be22:11
Aqua-i suggest to look at the website for info. you can choose what you prefer to do once the info is at your hand:22:12
Gallomimiauh yeah. i just installed via apt and i got 2.422:13
Gallomimiaso.... wtf?22:13
oerhekssounds normal, i gave you launchpad to check22:15
oerhekswhy surprised?22:16
Aqua-yep, that's what i remember happened to me via apt. i then uninstalled and reinstalled via snap if i recall correctly22:16
oerheksone can install them side-by-side22:16
Aqua-Audacity 2.4 released  on may 202022:16
oerheksyay, snaps are great22:16
oerheksappimage and flatpak are so poor, no update mechanism22:17
jkcflatpak update is so hard.22:20
jkc"flatpak update"22:20
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Asatru@jkc, why you say that?22:31
orionHello. In Ubuntu Server 20.04, how do I configure netplan such that it creates a route identical to what I would get if I ran, "ip route add dev foo" ?22:32
oerheksorion, see https://netplan.io/examples/ ?22:32
orionAccording to the documentation, "At least to and via must be specified." (https://netplan.io/reference/#routing)22:32
orionBut I don't want "via"... I want "dev".22:32
jkcAsatru: I was being sarcastic. The way to update the flatpaks on your system is "flatpak update," so why its being claimed that there's no update mechanism eludes me.22:34
Koffaprobably a recurring question by now but I checked the logs and couldn't find anything relevant... latest chromium snap update broke webgl totally (96.0.4664.45 rev 1827) - reverting to previous version probably wasn't backwards compatible and I'll be spending rest of my weekend logging into sites...22:34
oerheksjkc, no automatic update, like snaps have22:35
orionIf I have a issue/feature request for netplan, where is the proper place to submit it?22:35
oerheksi would do a launchpad post, or join #netplan22:37
orionOh, nice, they have a channel.22:37
BinarySavioris there a way for me to cast my screen to my samsung tv using screen mirror in ubuntu?22:44
oerhekschrome can22:46
oerhekswith some sort of anycast/chromecast plugin22:47
Gallomimiai struggle to decide if i should just start doing the voice recording i planned so long ago with just an SSD or wait until i get the platters online and configured22:48
Gallomimiashould be fine in the short term ya?22:48
Gallomimia670g avail22:49
oerheksvoice does not take that much space22:49
Gallomimiai'm more thinking about whether i want to thrash the drive with it or not. but i guess it won't be much of an issue22:51
magoHi, I have trouble with the ftdi enumeration driver and process23:01
magoIf im plugge to the wall and my laptop's battery full it works fine..23:01
magoBut if im unplugged and/or my battery going low enumeration fails..23:02
magoCan someone explain why?23:02
magoSomeone suggested:  USB power saving maybe?23:04
magoDOes ubuntu do that when the laptop is unplugged?23:04
oerheksall i find is 'disable USB auto-suspend' https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/91027/how-to-disable-usb-autosuspend-on-kernel-3-7-10-or-above23:09
oerheksoh cross posting..23:12
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.23:12
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dubiagoubuntu 21.10...how does one turn wifi power management off? seems like pretty much everything out there doesn't work--rc.local, creating a service to run iwconfig wlan0 power off automatically...23:45
oerhekscheck out TLP ?23:47
oerheks!info tlp23:47
ubottutlp (1.3.1-2, impish): Save battery power on laptops. In component main, is optional. Built by tlp. Size 69 kB / 346 kB23:47
oerheksnice article with hints about systemd-rfkill.service https://www.linuxhowto.net/how-to-optimize-laptop-battery-life-with-tlp-in-linux/23:49

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