
=== genii is now known as genii-core
senweiso glad to join this09:23
gnrpsenwei: ?09:23
gnrpsenwei: Good morning09:23
senweiyeah in my country now is evening09:24
gnrpsounds like east Asia?09:25
senweii am chinese   nice to meet you09:26
gnrpwhere in China?09:26
* gnrp is in Europe09:26
gnrpsomewhere between Switzerland and Germany, to be precise09:26
gnrpgotta look it up. My knowledge of Chinese geography is rather bad09:27
senweiserch nanking with google09:28
gnrpah, yeah, found it09:28
senweiget some information09:28
tudorcrishey lads14:39
daveyHello, I am trying to figure out how to get the fingerprint reader on my swift 3 to function on Xubuntu 21.1020:19
boxHello to everyone 20:23
boxhow are you guys?20:33
daveyHow do i configure the fingerprint reader?21:12
=== ops_ is now known as Asatru
=== ops_ is now known as Asatru

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