[02:49] good morning [02:49] good morning [02:49] its 2 49 [02:55] 3:55 here [02:56] so you're UTC+1 [03:00] belgium [03:00] yeah [03:00] i rememember you djojspirbj thoro hs vbikpo[foe [03:03] whats that :p [03:04] *i remember you saying that before [08:21] good morning [09:19] Morning! [09:21] \o marcoagpinto [09:22] polo! [13:12] who does not like free books? https://selectstarsql.com/ >> interactive book which aims to be the best place on the internet for learning SQL === VMGuy23 is now known as normal === normal is now known as VMGuy23 === VMGuy23 is now known as normal === normal is now known as hhhhhhhh === hhhhhhhh is now known as johnjohn102 === johnjohn102 is now known as miktemp3 === miktemp3 is now known as johnjohn102 === johnjohn102 is now known as VMGuy23 [20:40] oerheks: the best DBMS book is also free online: http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/gio/dbd/acm/toc.html especially chapter 7 [20:41] for SQL I have found the O'Reilly pocket SQL book to be very practically useful. [20:41] Walex, thanks, but i like the interactive part of that ebook [20:41] I'd like to see more like that. [21:01] UWN: Issue710 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue710 :D