
=== alan_g__ is now known as alan_g
robotron6Thanks for doing the ubuntu wiki, just wanted to ask if the sane troubleshoot page could be updated. The m2070 sections has some conflicting info, for example it wanting the user to correct some listed product id to "2070". I had some extensive "quality time" with my m2070 and the tweaks HP apparently did on its linux drivers and the sane.d conf17:26
GunnarHjHi robotron6!20:55
GunnarHjI assume you are talking about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/sane_Troubleshooting . Please note that the Community Help Wiki is not maintained by the documentation team. It's simply a collection of contributions over the years from Ubuntu users.20:55
GunnarHjSo if you see room for improvement, don't hesitate to edit the page. Have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide#Contributing about how to get started.20:55
robotron6GunnarHj the page is set to "immutable", I assume that means that I can't make edits22:27
GunnarHjrobotron6: You need to become a member of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors first.22:35

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