
basenji@Bashing-om / basenji00:54
Bashing-ombasenji: Present and accounted for :P00:55
basenjiUbuntu 20.04 / How do you configure AppArmor to Enforce Mode ?01:13
Bashing-ombasenji: No idea - never considered such to this time. https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-apparmor help ?01:17
basenjiThanks for the web address !01:28
Bashing-ombasenji: Does the link help ?01:28
basenjiAt the bottom of the page was reference links and IRC channel01:35
raubWhat would cause the output of 'auth list' to be 9 entires, including 2 localhos01:37
raubts (:1 and :2), 2 FQDN entries (once again :1 and :2) and so on?01:37
TJ-raub: what is this "auth list" command  ? apt-file search finds nothing for that command name01:40
Bashing-omraub: What app uses the tool "auth list" ?01:40
raubSorry. I meant xauth01:40
Bashing-omraub: the 'magic cookie' is used to authorize a user to the server. >> depends on what you have configured.01:47
raubBashing-om: there is only one user logged into the host right now, me. And I ssh'd into it an do not even have a current Xauthority file01:48
raubSo, to answer the 'it depends' part I wanted to know how to find out who or what created them01:49
raubDoing a Windows (rebooting) does not decrease their number, so I need to find out what caused than01:50
Bashing-omraub: I bow to TJ- on that, as our resident expert :D01:50
raubThis is a host I upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 and I am finding a few "particularities" that make me wonder if i should just pretend it was centos and do a wipe and start from scratch01:52
basenjiThanks again Bashing-om / Completed and in full enforce mode.01:57
Bashing-ombasenji: You did all the work - I was just here to hold your hand :D01:58
basenjiSome times after a upgrade to a different version of Ubuntu you have to re-configure certain programs. The setting change to default.01:59
TJ-raub: does "xauth info" help see where that info is coming from?01:59
Gallomimiaanyone know of a way i can impose a limit on my cpu speed briefly while i perform some audio recordings?03:24
Gallomimiadamn fan is like a jet engine03:24
xet7Gallomimia: Maybe command: nice ? look at docs with "man nice"03:33
Gallomimiacontrary to popular believe, the nice command does not affect the speed with which any process gets from the CPU03:34
xet7Oh OK03:34
Gallomimiaand, english version of that comment too.03:34
Gallomimiano, it merely affects the priority it receives when asking the scheduler for time on the CPU03:35
Gallomimiaand since the cpu will be mostly idle save for the recording software, it will basically do nothing03:35
mwhudsonGallomimia: cpufreq-set ? never used it myself03:38
Gallomimiacan try03:38
Gallomimiai know there's things that can do it03:38
Gallomimiawhat... is this? where will i find it?03:38
mwhudsonit's in the cpufrequtils package03:39
xet7Well, many PCs sould like jet engine when CPU has a lot of use. Only some computers are silent, like Mac M1, Raspberry Pi that does not have fan, mobile smartphones, voice recorders that save to SD card, etc.03:39
Bashing-omGallomimia: Like: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/power_management_guide/tuning_cpufreq_policy_and_speed .03:39
Gallomimiaset clock speed to 360khz??03:41
Gallomimiathat sounds.. .unwise03:41
Gallomimiagah. the info tool isn't much fun on an 8 core system. imagine larger numbers of CPUs. repeat all info 16 times. yay03:43
Gallomimiadoesn't want to affect anything. maybe i need a reboot?03:51
Gallomimiai need one anyway...03:51
Gallomimiawell that's a real pain in the arse but i set all 8 to the lowest setting. should result in some quiet04:00
Gallomimiahere's hoping i can revert the functionality later!04:00
=== William is now known as Conna
Gallomimiauh. yeah. trying to revert my changes after recording... doesn't seem to work!04:30
Gallomimiaif i reboot, do you suppose it will revert my settings?04:41
Gallomimiaah, the answer is yes. that's a relief04:43
Gallomimiaconvenient time to learn how to for loop and do something 8 times with ease04:53
fengshaunI used `adduser username groupname` to add myself to group dialout and it says I'm already part of group dialout. I have logged out and back in, and dialout still doesn't show up in `groups`.05:28
fengshaunwhat else should I do to add myself to the group dialout?05:28
fengshauntrying to flash a chip on /tty/USB0 where dialout group is writable, but I get permission denied05:29
fengshaunand dialout is missing from `groups`05:29
Gallomimiai belive adduser is the method of *Creating* users or groups05:31
fengshauntried gpasswd -a username dialout and still same05:31
Gallomimiagroupmod or something... hold on05:31
fengshauntried usermod and still same05:31
Gallomimiausermod -G05:32
Gallomimiausermod -G -a05:32
fengshaunthat's the first thing I tried05:32
fengshaunstill doesn't add05:33
Gallomimiai'm sure you used sudo to do that?05:33
fengshaunthere are no errors either05:34
fengshaunit just silently doesn't do anything05:34
fengshaunis ubuntu silently overriding the cli tools somehow?05:36
Gallomimiai can only assume sarcastically. i just don't know, and haven't had much experience modding user groups05:37
fengshaunthere is a "lock" thing in settings, "unlocking" users doesn't seem to help05:38
fengshaunI suspect something somewhere is silently preventing me from doing this05:38
fengshaunI can rerun gpasswd and keep adding my user to dialout and it happily does it everytime and fails silently05:38
fengshaunso looks like a full reboot is necessary to have that work05:44
fengshauntakes me back a few decades!05:44
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Guest7528what is this?06:00
Gallomimiajust like old times. i was beginning to miss freenode06:06
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c_89Good morning, I have formatted a USB flash drive with ext4 file system and I set permissions of mount point: drwxrwxrwx 777 (root:root) . But when I run a software to read data (on Xubuntu or on Android 11 device via OTG) I have only read permission. What solution do you suggest me?07:59
alkisgc_89: don't set permissions on the mount point. First mount, THEN chmod, so that the permissions are set in the flash drive, not in the mountpoint08:02
c_89alkisg can you give me an example of command?08:03
alkisgmount /dev/sda1 /mnt; chmod 777 /mnt08:03
alkisg(or wherever else you're mounting it)08:04
c_89alkisg sda1 is the partition? (not the device sda)08:05
alkisgYes, the partition08:05
c_89alkisg with this command is `/mnt`, `mnt` seen by the system as a directory or as a device?08:07
alkisgAs the root directory of the sda1 partition08:08
alkisgNo, not as a device08:08
c_89alkisg ok, I'll try now and I'll let you know ...08:08
c_89alkisg the final command is: `sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; chmod 777 /mnt` ?08:09
alkisgc_89: is your usb stick actually /dev/sda1?08:11
alkisgThis was an example08:12
alkisgAlso, is it already mounted elsewhere?08:12
c_89alkisg sdc108:12
c_89alkisg the question is whether I have to prepend sudo to be able to run chmod 77708:13
alkisgYes, you need sudo08:13
alkisgYou might also want to create a user directory to make things easier to understand08:13
alkisgE.g. sudo mkdir /mnt/user; sudo chown user:user /mnt/user08:14
alkisgThat way you don't need chmod, as that directory will be owned by that user08:14
alkisgAnd the user will be allowed to write anything underneath it08:15
c_89alkisg I ran the command with sudo prepended, but when I go to remount the device as a not-root user `mount / dev / sdc1 / mnt;` it returns the following error: "mount: / mnt: must be superuser to use mount."08:23
c_89alkisg that is what interests me is to be able to use a user who has write permissions on the device both when I connect the device on the desktop and when I use it on Android 11 through OTG08:25
alkisgc_89: users mount things using the GUI or `udisksctl`, not with `mount`08:26
alkisgTry `udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc1`08:26
c_89alkisg `mount -b` or `mount -B` to bind?08:30
c_89alkisg I use UDisks 2.9.2 to mount the device08:32
alkisgc_89: aren't you able to just mount it via the GUI? Why do you want to use the console at this point?08:36
alkisgmount -b, not -B08:36
SlartibartAnyone who feels like checking my Xorg.0.log for weirdness? I don't get any graphics when booting anymore(live discs work though, 21.10 better than 20.04) https://pastebin.com/mMFrPTms08:59
th34lch3m1stIf I mess up something and I want to reset the kernel do I need to reinstall even hwe related files? My 2 reset versions here:  https://pastebin.com/vuyWAgj009:05
alkisgth34lch3m1st: how did you mess up things? Did you manually modify the contents of the kernel files? There's a package that can check for modified files in all packages: sudo apt install debsums; sudo debsums -s09:13
th34lch3m1stalkisig I want to install a patched modules from mainline kernel. I already mess up once (gpu driver broken) and reset kernel with Version 1 instructions in the pastebin above09:19
th34lch3m1stalkisig it was just to figure out if the correct way was to reinstall even hwe files.09:22
alkisgdebsums -s will tell you which files were modified and which packages need to be reinstalled09:22
th34lch3m1stor not09:22
th34lch3m1stalkisig hwe related files are all headers/meta-package/ and/or scripts right?09:24
alkisgth34lch3m1st: you can use `tab` to highlight the user names properly09:27
alkisgThese packages there are kernels, not headers/meta: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic-hwe-20.0409:27
alkisgSo the answer to your question is "no"09:27
th34lch3m1stalkisg I'm on androirc09:27
th34lch3m1stalkisg so they need to be reinstalled along with the regular kernel files...?09:29
th34lch3m1stalkisg so version 2 in the pastebin is ok09:30
alkisgth34lch3m1st: normally, people that compile their own kernels do so in a different version number, so the stock packages do not get touched at all09:30
alkisgI've no idea what you did; debsums will tell you which files you did modify. I can't tell you without taking a LONG time to understand what you did; so just run that debsums -s command09:31
th34lch3m1stalkisg you're right, if you have a minute take a look at Version 2 instructions here https://pastebin.com/vuyWAgj0 and tell me if it is a reasonable reset...09:33
Slartibartjoin #ubuntu-se09:35
alkisgth34lch3m1st: no, I personally never use `apt install --reinstall` without checking why the files were modified in the first place, as I consider it a very bad scenario, e.g. malware or corrupted disk09:36
th34lch3m1stalkisg there's a patched driver on mainline 5.15.0 kernel that can make work my device. I don't want compile the all kernel, just the folder where the driver is, disable the non-patched driver on my 5.11.0 and install the patched module.09:40
alkisgYou can compile modules and put them in e.g. `/lib/modules/5.13.0-19-generic/updates` without touching your existing kernel packages. Also, if you register them with dkms, you can have them recompiled automatically on kernel updates09:41
th34lch3m1streinstall the kernel it's just the fast way to restart from the beginning in 1 minute09:41
th34lch3m1stwow, that's good09:42
th34lch3m1stalksig some link with detailed instructions?09:43
alkisgNo, I don't have any links handy09:46
th34lch3m1stalkisg thak you anyway :)09:48
Slartibart'lspci -k' gives me 'VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation AlderLake-S GT1 (rev 0c)'..but no 'Kernel driver in use: ...' line. Could that cause my login screen to not pop up? Command line works..09:54
SlartibartIt lists 'Kernel modules: i915' though. How do I set the active driver?10:01
meido you think with only 512 MB of ram, running 32 bit will save it a bit?10:11
ThinkT510what are you planning on running with only 512mb ram?10:12
Lumpio-I'm *really* tring to give snap a change but... what is this even?? https://i.imgur.com/1tlkMG7.png10:14
Lumpio-No other package manager does this10:15
meii guess i will discover on the field what i could run on it.... but first i need the thing to be running10:16
cbreakLumpio-: it doesn't want to update the program while you're still running it10:16
Lumpio-I am not using it and does it need to tell me 7 times10:16
Lumpio-And again, nothing else seems to deem it necessary to do this.10:17
cbreakfirefox seems to just crash after a few hours, when ever it gets updated.10:18
Lumpio-So anyways how do I get snap to stop spamming me10:19
cbreakclose the program?10:21
cbreakit should only tell you to close it if it's running somehow10:21
Lumpio-It's not visible and also not in "ps"10:21
Lumpio-So I don't see how updating it could be a problem10:21
cbreakmaybe snap is too dumb to notice that :(10:22
Lumpio-Yeah this whole "new package manager" is a disaster10:23
Lumpio-I already had to install Chrome (not chromium) from Google's repository because the snap one didn't work and I need it to work, for work.10:24
Lumpio-It's bad enough to consider swithing to Debian altogether. I wonder if Debian still has really old packages for everything...10:24
=== BlackDex__ is now known as BlackDex
rex_Good morning! I am looking around at what would be the best method to encrypt /home, swap and if possible / in a UEFI multiboot environment. But I find all the info I've found confusing. What one person recommends, another strongly advises against. I already have several Windows partitions running under Veracrypt but that doesn't seem to be the solution for /home and certainly not for /. LUKS is not really10:34
rex_secure they say. What should I do now?10:34
meidoesn't the ubuntu installer already offer to encrypt everythign?10:35
rex_Yes. But only "whole disk". And I'm not sure if that means DISK or partition and what happens to my Windows multiboot.10:36
meiyou probably have to go manual partitioning10:37
meihonestly i don't remember, but i just used the ubuntu installer in the same situation10:37
rex_In that case the encrypt option disappears.10:37
mei(same situation defined as: uefi with windows on bitlocker + ubuntu with luks)10:38
rex_The problem is if I chooze to partition myself, the installer won't let me encrypt anymore. And the default disklayout is not compatible with what I want.10:41
TJ-rex_: luksFormat and open the LUKS containers yourself, too, then point the installer to where you want things10:42
rex_TJ-: Not sure I understand what you try to tell me.10:43
rex_I have no experience with luks.10:44
TJ-rex_: only just come in, but if I understand correctly, you want to configure block devices to your tastes, and not have the installer refuse to use them, or create problems?10:44
TJ-rex_: See my guide on FDE https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201910:45
rex_TJ-: Well, that will keep me busy for a while! Thanks :)10:46
TJ-rex_: Section 4 covers preparing a partitioning scheme - its up to you how you arrange things as long as when the installer starts the LUKS part is already opened and the installer sees LVs inside it, it'll work with those if you choose them in 'manual' mode10:46
meithe installer really have encryption support...10:47
TJ-mei: but not FDE and it will only work on an entire device. Doesn't like any other pre-existing usage that is to be kept, for example10:48
rex_Thanks. I have to go now but I'll dive right into it after I come home agin.10:48
meithe manually partitioning allow encryption10:48
rex_mei: "the manually partitioning allow encryption" < In that case I must been blind.10:49
rex_At least if the Kubuntu installer is not too different...10:51
TJ-mei: that doesn't offer FDE installs though, only the root file system, or has that been added very recently?10:52
meii guess i don't understand what is full disk encryption10:52
meifor me is /10:52
TJ-/boot/ needs to be encrypted too, so the kernel and initialramfs are protected10:56
meioh, i didn't know that was a thing10:56
TJ-otherwise any attacker can slip some malware into the initrd.img or even replace the kernel10:57
meidoes the installer with default encryption (not manual) do that?11:00
TJ-no, it never has, that's been a problem. It's one reason I wrote the FDE guide11:00
meimhm, i see11:00
TJ-Some of us that know, have been doing FDE since around 2009 though, since GRUB supported it11:00
TJ-the problem with the way the installer does it, is it gives people a false sense of security. What it actually protects against isn't necessarily the same threat as people imagine they're protected against.11:02
TJ-But it isn't spelt out when the choice is made11:02
meii feel like the common idea of encryption is not tempering but just private data though11:02
TJ-In the era of malware, it should be both.11:03
SlartibartMy 21.10 live DVD takes about 30 mins booting from an USB 3.1 optical drive. Anyone experienced that?11:10
cbreakencryption doesn't protect against malware11:16
cbreakat least not if the data is transparently decrypted on the fly, as it is with FDE11:16
cbreakFDE encryption only protects data-at-rest, for example losing your storage medium11:17
cbreakmalware that runs as root can just change your /boot, just like apt upgrade does11:18
cbreakif you want to defend against this, you need something like secure boot11:18
facefacewhich dockerhub ubuntu has snap?11:33
TJ-cbreak: encrpytion protects against any payload (malware, sniffer, whatever) that is inserted into the kernel and/or initrd whilst a system is at rest and cannot be detected11:35
TJ-"malware" is a contraction of "malacious wares"11:36
cbreakfaceface: you could run `apt install snapd`?11:36
facefacethanks cbreak11:36
facefaceafter I do that, I'm getting error: cannot communicate with server: when trying to use snap11:37
cbreakyou probably have to start it11:37
cbreaksystemctl start snapd or similar11:37
facefaceI figure so, but this doesn't mention it https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-snap-ubuntu11:37
facefaceand service snapd status doesn't recognizie it ...anyway I'll google11:37
WickedDekciwHello! Got a quick qs, is it possible to resize the writable partition on a live install?11:38
cbreakservice? You're on ubuntu 10 or something?11:38
facefacecbreak: 1811:38
cbreakthat uses systemd11:39
cbreaksystemctl status / start / ... snapd11:39
facefacesystemctl status snapd says System has not been booted with systemd as init system11:39
cbreakmaybe docker breaks it :/11:39
facefaceseems so11:39
WickedDekciwAnybody know?11:40
facefacesearching for 'docker snap' always comes up with hits on how to insall docker using snap...11:40
cbreakfaceface: you could just start the daemon yourself (for debugging purposes)11:41
facefacecbreak: thanks11:41
cbreakmaybe just /usr/lib/snapd/snapd &11:42
oerheksWickedDekciw, sure, open disks, and use the mouse to drag the border11:43
* cbreak would try to avoid snap11:43
facefacecbreak: I tend to agree, I don't like snap11:43
WickedDekciwoerheks it's only showing up as a single volume on fdisk -l11:43
WickedDekciwcan't seem to see inside it11:44
oerhekswickqand what filesystem is that?11:44
WickedDekciwoerheks writable11:44
WickedDekciwaka the new version of casper-rw11:45
oerheksi think it is bound to 4 gb?11:45
WickedDekciwcasper-rw used to be, the new writable isn't... but I can't see to find a way to11:46
oerheksand what do you mean with 'new version of casper-rw'?11:47
WickedDekciwoerheks only in in the sense that they perform similar functions (i.e persistent data on a live install) and that with Ubuntu 20.x casper has gone out of vogue11:50
WickedDekciwso it more of a rhetorical statement11:50
oerheksi have no clue what you try to explain, basicly casper-rw is limited to 4 gb11:50
oerheksso i guess the answer is no11:51
WickedDekciwOkay, maybe I wasn't clear enough. casper-rw *is* in fact limited to 4GB. But, 'writable' isn't. I just can't seem to find it through lsblk or fdisk11:52
TJ-mei: I tried using the 21.10 installer to create the encrypted volumes; partitioner allowed setting the type for 1 partition (intended for /boot/ file-system) but on setting the type of the 2nd partition (intended for the VG and root-fs) installer crashes.  https://i.imgur.com/Um0Pf4f.png11:53
WickedDekciwAnd it isn't visible11:55
TJ-mei: also, installer does not allow creating the crypto volume and presenting it as an option for putting a VG inside11:55
TJ-mei: actually, installer has VARY weird behaviour. With a partition set with type crypto, pressing "Install Now" button shows no reaction; pressing "Back" brings up an error dialog "Keyfile creation failure" :s11:59
TJ-WickedDekciw: is it using an overlayfs over the mounted squashfs?12:03
cbreakthe 21.04 installer, targeting ZFS, creates an unencrypted boot pool (containing /boot), and an encrypted root pool (containing the rest).12:03
alkisgWickedDekciw: are you currently booted with the live image? What's the output of this command? (sudo lsblk --fs; sudo parted -l; cat /proc/mounts) | nc termbin.com 999912:03
cbreakand for some reason, it creates an other dataset / partition containing a key file, encrypted in some other way...12:04
WickedDekciwalkisg yes I'm currently booted, output is https://pastebin.com/HgNXFAv512:06
epicgamertmux new-window \; split-window -d12:07
TJ-that was epic!12:07
alkisgWickedDekciw: could you also upload the output of `sudo losetup -a`12:07
WickedDekciwalkisg https://pastebin.com/iyULkXTX12:08
alkisgThere it is: /dev/loop1: [2065]:6 (/isodevice/multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/writable)12:08
alkisgNow check that file with e.g. `sudo file /isodevice/multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/writable` or with sudo fdisk -l file...12:09
alkisgOff; back later  :)12:09
SlartibartHow do I set the graphics driver to be used? Changed from nvidia to intel integrated.12:19
meiTJ- i'm pretty sure it's working since i used it. it's just not really wizard like, you have setup things right12:24
meibtw.. this is interesting... just got a server instance of ubuntu, hostname is ubuntu, but in etc/hosts there is only localhost12:24
TJ-mei: I've tested it back and forward, there is no way to create a LUKS install using the installer and manual partitioning12:25
TJ-mei: it wants to create a key-file. It wants to write that into the root-fs. But it doesn't allow creation of a VG in the LUKS container, and an LV for the rootfs in that, in order to have a place to store the key-file12:26
meiwell that's a more advanced setup. mine was a simple /boot ext, and a luks for /12:27
TJ-mei: the installer won't advance from the point of setting a type 'crypt' on a partition, so there's no way to create a file-system within it12:29
TJ-mei: it'll only advance if there is a separate / file-system defined elsewhere12:29
meidid you make a plain /boot? that's required12:31
meii think you have do have that done right the first time, can be annoyng if you mess around12:33
TJ-mei: no, there is no way to get the installer to create the rootfs inside a type crypto  partition, unless you've created and opened the LUKS container before starting the installer.13:02
BluesKajHi folks13:12
nicoz-hi BluesKaj ;)13:12
BluesKajhi nicoz-13:13
TJ-mei: it seems as if choosing type crypto even for an otherwise unused partition causes the installer a problem. With such selected pressing "Install Now" does nothing; no advance, no messages, just the button down/up animation.13:14
SlartibartHow do I check the currently used graphics driver? 'ubuntu-drivers devices' gives an empty output on my 21.10 live dvd.13:24
oerhekslshw -c video for all details, or; lspci -nnk | egrep -i --color 'vga|3d|2d' -A3 | grep 'in use'13:35
Slartibart That gives me empty output [. Seems the grep part(s) miss something, invesstigating.13:39
oerheksweird, it should work13:40
SlartibartAh, there's no 'in use' line.13:40
SlartibartThere's a 'Kernel modules' line, but no 'Kernel driver in use' line.13:41
BluesKajdid you include the quotes ?13:42
basenjiSlartibart: click Activities type software & updates -> Open -> Click on the Additional Drivers Tab -> It will scan for available drivers13:42
SlartibartBluesKaj: Yes, doublechecked just now13:43
Slartibartbasenji: Thanks! "No additional drivers available" nonwithstanding ;).. Typical, booting from the live dvd I get useable graphics using integrated graphics on the new mobo. So I thought I'd check what to install in the real ubuntu install to get graphics working there again. Not so easy to check though, it seems..13:45
basenjiSlartbart: click Activities & type Software & Updates -> open go to the Additional Drivers Tab -> It will search for additional drivers -> will show current driver.13:46
basenjiWhen you are on live DVD it is using the integrated graphics until you install on a HDD13:49
SlartibartI've mounted and chrooted now. 'apt search nouveau' says both nouveau-firmware and xserver-xorg-video-nouveau are installed. But how to verify that some nouveau package is used?13:50
meiTJ- when you create a crypto partition it does auto open it. i have no idea what issue you have13:50
Slartibartbasenji: Yes, that sounds right. But how to make my existing ubuntu install do that as well, without reinstalling from scratch?13:51
oerheksSlartibart, so it looks like you have nvidia, switch to Xorg session and you are able to install nvidia drivers, for now; wayland + nvidia drivers = no no13:52
basenjiSlartibart: That is how it works on installed Ubuntu. search for additional drivers in software & updates. C.L. to verify what you asked :  apt search nouveau13:58
royaljellyWhat groups does a typical ubuntu user belong to?13:58
oerheksroyaljelly, type 'groups' in terminal ?13:59
royaljellyi don't run ubuntu13:59
Slartibartoerheks: Hmm, I had an nvidia gfx card before, but have now moved the sdd with the ubuntu install to another mobo that has integrated (intel) graphics. If I boot from the ssd now it stops before showing the login screen. Terminal(alt+f2) works though. Booted from live dvd now, gfx works(takes 30+ minutes to boot though :-|). Because it works I thought I'd copy the settings to my real ubuntu install.13:59
SlartibartBut nouveau seems to be installed already, and the live dvd ubuntu is unwilling to list drivers.13:59
oerheksi don't have an example, with many services installed.14:00
oerheksSlartibart, don't do this on a live session14:00
oerheksuse nouveau, the open driver14:00
basenjiSlartibart: You will have to select drivers after the install.14:01
royaljellyoerheks: could you post your output for groups? I'll just ignore the groups that don't exist by default14:02
Slartibartbasenji: I mounted and chrooted my real ubuntu, and searched for nouveau. It says both nouveau-firmware and xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (not sure which one to use?) are both installed already.14:02
Slartibartbasenji: Ok, so I should reinstall them?14:02
basenjiit is using both as the live installer14:02
basenjithat is why they are on the DVD14:03
SlartibartOk, so I'll reboot and go to terminal, then. No problem, loading :)14:04
basenjiother wise you would have an installer with no graphics14:04
oerheksroyaljelly, i don't really want to,. whay do ask?14:05
SlartibartSorry for nagging, but after purging, should I reinstall nouveau-firmware or xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?14:08
royaljellyoerheks: alright... I'm messing around with an ubuntu iso in a chroot and i want to create a user14:08
royaljellyi'm not really sure what groups he should be a part of14:09
basenjiIf you have the live version DVD. Just restart the DVD and do the install it would be easier. I have to go. Out14:20
SlartibartI found https://askubuntu.com/questions/1334227/unclaimed-display-in-ubuntu-21-04-with-rocket-lake, still no 'Kernel driver in use' for the gfx chip in lspci -nnk, 'lshw -c video' says it's unclaimed like in the link. But how to know which kernel to install?14:29
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: wich kernel version isnt picking your driver up?14:38
Slartibartlotuspsychje: 5.13.014:38
Slartibart(uname -a)14:38
Slartibart5.13.0-21-generic, even14:40
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: usualy for testing purposes you can bootup previous kernel versions or experiment with !mainline higher kernels14:41
Slartibartlotuspsychje: But how to know which version to try?14:42
jontymsHi I am getting these messages in the systemd-udev logs Nov 22 14:37:42 lan.example systemd-udevd[]: ethtool: autonegotiation is unset or enabled, the speed and duplex are not writable.14:43
jontymsNov 22 14:37:42 lan.example systemd-udevd[]: Using default interface naming scheme 'v249'.  udev is also using large amounts of resources14:43
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: i would advice to test systematicly, find a relevant bug of your issue, if none exist file a !bug yourself, then start to pinpoint between wich series of kernels your driver doesnt pickup anymore14:45
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: wich kernel version was the last you recall it did load your driver?14:45
meiare packages in "universe" uploaded by maintainers? or they still go through automate build through source on ubuntu servers14:46
jontyms%CPU %MEM CMD14:47
jontyms99.8  0.0 /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd14:47
TJ-Slartibart: what does "lspci -nn -d ::0300 | sed -n 's/.*\[\(....:....\)\].*/\1/ p'" report?14:47
TJ-mei: all uploads are source-only14:48
Slartibartlotuspsychje: Million dollar question. But I recently moved disks to a desktop from a laptop(which is when this began), so it hasn't really worked ever. The recent kernels on the system are 5.13 and 5.8 though.14:49
SlartibartTJ-: Checking14:49
TJ-Slartibart: it'll report the PCI device ID which we can then search the kernel modules for, to see when it was first supported14:49
SlartibartTJ-: 8086:468014:51
jontymsI am on ubuntu 21.10 Linux 5.13.0-1010-raspi aarch6414:51
lotuspsychjecan we help you alan_ ?14:58
TJ-Slartibart: OK, found it. That device (4680) was added in commit 0883d63b19bbd which is in v5.13 - should be in the i915 driver14:59
meigood, since apparently wireguard in ubuntu is yet not supported by canonical...14:59
Velkorqis ubuntu lts any more recent (in packages) than debian stable?15:00
Velkorqor it tracks debian stable releases exactly?15:00
TJ-Slartibart: I see that device declared as an alias in the built module: "modules.alias:3406:alias pci:v00008086d00004680sv*sd*bc03sc*i* i915"15:02
TJ-Slartibart: check for your install with: " grep -n 8086.*4680 /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/*module* "15:02
SlartibartTJ-: That sounds right, 'lspci -nnk' prints 'Kernel modules: i915' and some other things. But why isn't it in use? No 'Kernel module in use' line.15:02
SlartibartOk, checking.15:03
TJ-Slartibart: OK, the "Kernel modules" is printed as a result of seeing the alias, so you've confirmed it is there15:03
TJ-Slartibart: can you show us the complete kernel log? Maybe there's something breaking and preventing it. " journalctl -k | nc termbin.com 9999 "15:04
SlartibartTJ-: grep found one line, but I guess that was the confirmed part? Running journalctl15:05
TJ-Slartibart: yes; at least we know it /should/ work !15:05
Velkorqdoes anyone know if ubuntu lts releases track debian stable?15:07
Velkorqand if therefore the packages are of the same version15:07
TJ-Velkorq: no15:07
TJ-Velkorq: Ubuntu syncs from Debian testing during the development phase15:07
TJ-Velkorq: after that only Security and Stable Release Updates are permitted15:08
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:08
Slartibart*grooan*.. a lot of yellow and red lines in there :-|. https://termbin.com/kku315:08
Velkorqso if i have ubuntu lts and debian stable, is ubuntu lts more up to date?15:08
TJ-Slartibart: well, that's good - it means it is unlikely to be a mystery15:08
Slartibartlol Ok, I reluctantly admit you got a point there.15:09
Velkorqi wanted to install one of those on a friends laptop so he can use it for 5 years without any problems, but i am not sure which will have newer packages15:09
Velkorqboth i think are stable enough15:09
TJ-Slartibart: so, we have "i915 0000:00:02.0: Your graphics device 4680 is not properly supported by the driver in this kernel version. To force driver probe anyway, use i915.forxew_probe=4680 module parameter"15:11
TJ-Slartibart: therefore, let's try that manually right now and then review the kernel log to see how it got on. "sudo modprobe i915 force_probe=4680"15:12
TJ-Slartibart: then show me " journalctl -k -n 100 | nc termbin.com 9999 "15:12
TJ-Velkorq: we're currently in the development phase for the next LTS (22.04) to be released April 2022 - so maybe install 21.10 now and do a release-upgrade in May/June next year to that LTS15:14
TJ-Velkorq: Ubuntu has the "do-release-upgrade" tool that manages release upgrades correctly (not like the Debian way of just altering sources.list and dist-upgrade)15:15
SlartibartTJ-: https://termbin.com/59zp Should I try 'systemctl start plymouth-start' or something?15:16
oerheksTJ-,  i see vboxdrv too...?15:16
TJ-Slartibart: no, not yet!15:17
TJ-Slartibart: hmmm, don't see the i915 even trying to load there, but you've got a broken USB Bluetooth module that is causing log spam15:18
TJ-Slartibart: it looks like we may need to look further back. Try again with " journalctl -k --since="10 minutes ago" | nc termbin.com 9999 "15:19
SlartibartCould be the USB hub, should I disconnect it? I'd have to reboot and modprobe again, of course15:19
SlartibartOk, pasting15:20
VelkorqTJ-: how dependable is that script "do-release-upgrade". can it break my system?15:22
Velkorqusually i do it manually on my systems, aka the debian way15:22
TJ-Velkorq: d-r-u is THE way it is done15:22
TJ-Velkorq: the GUI has an interface to it, too, via the 'Software' tool or whatever its called these days!15:23
VelkorqTJ-: isn't that software tool a gnome thing?15:23
TJ-d-r-u knows about any gotchyas and copes with LTS > LTS as well as dev > LTS upgrades15:23
Velkorqalso does it only contain snaps or also includes normal software , aka packages, yeah15:23
TJ-Velkorq: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man8/do-release-upgrade.8.html15:24
TJ-Velkorq: what is 'it' on that context?15:25
SlartibartTJ-: https://termbin.com/2h6ta Moved back 40 minutes though15:25
TJ-Slartibart: did you definitely do "sudo modprobe i915 force_probe=4680" before then?15:26
TJ-Slartibart: there's nothing from i915 driver in there15:26
TJ-Slartibart: oh - maybe the driver is still in memory despite not binding, doh! Check that with "lsmod | grep i915" and it is, do "sudo modprobe --remove i915" and THEN do "sudo modprobe force_probe=4680"15:27
TJ-oh gawd, typos!15:28
TJ-Slartibart: "sudo modprobe i915 force_probe=4680"15:28
SlartibartDon't know what to say now. Hello, login screen? =)15:29
SlartibartTJ-: You made it!15:30
TJ-Slartibart: are you saying the GPU driver is working?15:30
TJ-Slartibart: OK, so now we need to make that permanent across reboots15:30
SlartibartThe login screen appeared now, yes. *sunshine* I'll try logging in to be sure.15:30
TJ-Slartibart: " echo 'options i915 force_probe=4680' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf15:31
SlartibartTJ-: Sorry, just one last thing if it's ok.. When I rebooted I was back to no login screen. But if I removed i915 from command line and readded it the login screen appeared again. Could it be that i915.conf isn't being read?15:42
TJ-Slartibart: it could be, yes .. lets check if I made a typo!15:46
Slartibart It does have the same permissions as the other files in /etc/modprobe.d. Does it have to be added somehow/somewhere?15:46
ioriaTJ-, would not be better to make him install 5.15 from mainline ?15:46
TJ-ioria: and then get told "no support" as happened to another user yesterday?15:47
TJ-ioria: if this works it's far preferable15:47
TJ-Slartibart: the one thing I can think is the module was loaded from the initialramfs which doesn't contain the option15:47
TJ-Slartibart: that is it - we just need to rebuild the initialramfs to include the change. "sudo update-initramfs -vu" should do it15:49
SlartibartTJ-: Yep, that was it. Still some network, bluetooth and perhaps some other things to wrestle now, but thanks a bunch, this was a huge step forward for me, I've been working on things since yesterday now. Thanks a ton.15:56
TJ-Slartibart: :)15:57
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digitalbreathhi all! anyone here has a working example of netplan with 2 NICs with a different GW for each? Thanks!16:41
WickedDekciwTJ- so how do I do it then16:45
WickedDekciwI got this isodevice thingamajig but it went away16:45
TJ-WickedDekciw: no idea - I don't use the LiveISOs for anything16:52
ash_worksiwhat's the difference between .04 and .10 ?17:02
digitalbreathash_worksi: .0617:03
sonOfRaash_worksi: about 0.0617:03
sonOfRaah damn, too slow17:03
InteloHow can I reconfigure my xubuntu desktop (everything related to GUI, xorg, xfce etc)?17:04
sonOfRaash_worksi: in general, .04 releases are released in april, and .10 releases are released in october. For even X, X.04 is going to be an LTS release, .10 releases are never LTS17:04
InteloHow can I reconfigure my xubuntu desktop (everything related to GUI, xorg, xfce etc)? I think I have problems with slugishness. System resources are pretty fine in htop though17:04
ash_worksisonOfRa: so... the only difference is one is released later and doesn't have long term support?17:05
sonOfRaash_worksi: pretty much. Ubuntu releases every 6 months, and every 4th release is LTS. .10 releases are never LTS, and .04 releases are LTS if the number in front is even. 19.04 -> not LTS. 18.04, 20.04 -> LTS17:06
ash_worksio...k... I have to assume that .10 would have access to premature features?17:07
ash_worksisonOfRa: ^ correct?17:11
sonOfRaWell, in generally, a newer release is going to have newer features, so 20.04 isn't going to have newer features than 19.1017:12
WickedDekciwTJ- sorry i was busy a bit17:19
TJ-sonOfRa: don't you mean 20.04 isn't going to have newer features than **20.10** ?17:20
WickedDekciwi found an isodevice thingamajig17:21
WickedDekciwbut as I was saying it was gone17:21
WickedDekciwI couldn't mount it or something'17:21
InteloHow can I reconfigure my xubuntu desktop (everything related to GUI, xorg, xfce etc)? I think I have problems with slugishness. System resources are pretty fine in htop though17:32
lotuspsychjeIntelo: tell us more about your sluggishness17:34
Intelopaused typing and mouse17:35
lotuspsychjeIntelo: nothing suspucious in journalctl -f when its stuttering?17:37
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Intelolotuspsychje no idea. iam new17:41
oerhekstop or htop can show memory and cpu usage, and you are certainly not new, Intelo17:45
WickedDekciwTJ- so I found the problem (but not the solution)... writable is on loop1 (etx3 fs) but then I can't mount it17:45
WickedDekciwbecause I can't mkdir (no space).. chicken and egg17:46
FNAShinobiIs Gnome 40 coming to Ubuntu 20.04?17:49
lotuspsychjeFNAShinobi: Geïnstalleerd: 40.5-1ubuntu217:50
lotuspsychjecurrently's 22.04 gnome-shell version17:50
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell focal17:51
ubottugnome-shell (3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, focal): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-shell. Size 765 kB / 3,705 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)17:51
EriC^^WickedDekciw: you could mount it under any dir, even one that's not empty, but not needed17:56
Intelooerheks good to know that people who can use top and htop cannot be counted as new :)17:59
Intelolotuspsychje  xorg logs https://termbin.com/0u0i18:03
lotuspsychjeah, amdgpu and kernel 5.11 that might give some issues18:04
lotuspsychjeIntelo: can you try other kernel versions as a test?18:05
Intelolotuspsychje same results18:09
sonOfRaTJ-: indeed, that was a typo18:14
ash_worksiyeah, between major versions I would expect that... but the point is, the X.10 version is the more "bleeding edge" version of ubuntu, right? I guess I would expect one to only ever need .10 in very special circumstances?18:33
WickedDekciwEriC^^, i see18:34
WickedDekciwthen what do you recommend18:34
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WickedDekciwTJ- it isn't mounting at all even with anything19:20
WickedDekciwnot resizefs either19:21
WickedDekciwbecause i CAN'T install the latter without space itself19:21
EriC^^WickedDekciw: what are you trying to do exactly?19:28
EriC^^i came late to the party19:28
WickedDekciwEriC^^ I'm trying to resize the persistent storage partition on a live USB (aka 'writable' or '/dev/loop1'), but I can't mount it or do anything to it19:29
EriC^^WickedDekciw: can you paste the result of 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' ?19:32
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WickedDekciwEriC^^ https://termbin.com/f2fo19:34
WickedDekciwthat's the only output, nothing else19:34
EriC^^the live usb is the 61gb disk?19:36
EriC^^im guessing the writable fs is like 4gb?19:37
WickedDekciwyes, about 3.7, I'd like to increase it to fill much larger, like 40GB19:37
WickedDekciwor something19:37
EriC^^i dont think you can as it is, fat32 only supports 4gb files19:37
EriC^^3.7Gib is like 4gb im guessing that's it19:38
EriC^^i think you have to make a more persistent live usb type19:38
WickedDekciwEriC^^ is there anyway I can copy it to another device maybe (create a partition on a larger usb) and resize it from there19:40
WickedDekciwI do have said larger device already connected actually for other tasks19:40
EriC^^WickedDekciw: hmm, i think you might be able to resize the fat32 fs/partition on /dev/sdb and maybe use the remaining space as a writable partition, not really sure though19:43
WickedDekciwI tried thru gparted but it couldn't seem to resize19:43
WickedDekciwfrom dev/sdd219:44
WickedDekciwI wanted to create a new partition from that19:44
EriC^^i'm abit confused what you mean, also wonder why sdd2 has no fs19:45
EriC^^you're booted into the live usb right now?19:45
EriC^^the live session?19:45
WickedDekciwsdd2 is ntfs just isn't mounted19:46
EriC^^ah i see19:46
EriC^^i dont think you can resize sdb while in the live session19:46
EriC^^you'd need another live usb that you boot and from there to work on sdb19:47
WickedDekciwwell then anyway I can copy the data to a new partition from sdd2 anyway also19:47
EriC^^im not sure what you mean, could you explain more?19:48
Navyxim trying the irc protocol20:04
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)20:04
Navyxwhat is the objetive of this canal?20:05
oerheksnow register your nickname, and you can enter almost any channel20:05
oerhekssee topic?20:05
oerheksubuntu support20:05
Navyxonly ubuntu server?20:05
Navyxi use ubuntu desktop20:06
oerheksno, all flavors, but there is a dedicated #ubuntu-server channel too20:06
SamnzdatHappy Birthday DC++, the freedom of speech platform!20:07
Samnzdat20 years old today20:07
oerheksSamnzdat, party in #ubuntu-offtopic20:07
SamnzdatO fuck off, ban and be done.l20:07
Navyxhappy birthday man20:08
WickedDekciwEriC^^ sorry got disconnected... didn't follow the last part.. i was saying if i could copy the partitions20:21
WickedDekciwto dev/sdd220:21
WickedDekciwand work from there20:21
WickedDekciwlike resize it on there20:21
EriC^^WickedDekciw: do you already have stuff on sdb?20:22
WickedDekciwEriC^^ yes20:22
EriC^^WickedDekciw: ah i see, yeah sure that sounds better20:22
ash_worksijust out of curiosity, if you're telling someone to navigate to '/etc' do you pronounce it '"et" - "see"' or "et cetera" ?20:23
ash_worksior something else?20:23
EriC^^WickedDekciw: you could dd over the whole disk sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/to/sdd2/mounted/ubuntu.img bs=4M status=progress && sync20:23
EriC^^WickedDekciw: although come to think of it, it'd be better to do this from a live usb cause it's mounted already, plus in the end you're going to need a live usb to dd it over back to sdb20:25
oerheksAccording to Craig Hunt's Linux System Administration: it's pronounced "et-see"20:25
oerheksi say E.T. see20:25
WickedDekciwEriC^^ question is how to resize a brand new partition out of sdd2 if gparted isn't doing it20:25
Walexresizing partitions is trivial: just change the extents; the difficulty is resizing their *contents*, which may be complicated.20:26
EriC^^WickedDekciw: you dont need to resize a partition there, you just want to dd over the disk as an .img file and work on resizing that20:26
ash_worksiI see; I always hear someone I work with say "et-see" but I always thought to myself, "I mean... we have that literal abbrev. in English."20:26
Walexash_worksi: but "etc." in english is pronounced "et-setera", not "et-see"20:28
WickedDekciwEriC^^ i thought it would erase the data already on sdd220:32
WickedDekciwthat's why20:32
EriC^^WickedDekciw: i see, nope you can just mount sdd2 and write sdb to a file there, then work on it using "fdisk ubuntu.img" etc20:34
WickedDekciwunable to access sdd2 no space left on device !??20:35
WickedDekciwudisks-error-quark, 020:36
EriC^^WickedDekciw: what does 'df -h /dev/sdd2' show?20:39
ash_worksiWalex: yes, that was my point20:42
rypervencheash_worksi: In the work environment, people often say "et see" since it's quicker. You'll hear other things sometimes like "/var/www" will be "var dub dub dub".20:43
ash_worksirypervenche: oh, I haven't heard that20:44
oerheksvàr weh weh weh20:44
ash_worksiit's interesting the words that I try to pronounce vs not; I think I _try_ to pronounce words in / unless I think it's pronounced abbreviation is easier20:45
WickedDekciwEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/WEyr7D4w20:46
ash_worksilike, words I would say: bin boot dev home lib media opt proc root sys unix var20:46
ash_worksiwords I would expand are basically just: mnt tmp usr src20:47
WickedDekciwash_worksi the dictionary's own pronunciation of things is literally asking native speakers and getting the average, so philosophically every pronunciation is right20:47
ash_worksiI wonder if there are alternate pronounciations for those... I say "mount" "temp" "user" and "source" for those particular dirs20:48
WickedDekciwash_worksi ˈmau̇nt vs ˈmau̇nt20:49
WickedDekciwˈmau̇nt vs maʊnt sorry20:50
WickedDekciwdifferent pronunciation US vs UK20:50
ash_worksiI see, but it's pretty categorically excepted to say the word "mount" for /mnt (in whatever dialect)20:50
WickedDekciwThe word "mount" as a word lexicographically, sure.20:51
WickedDekciwBut how people say the word specifically (without reference to any abbreviation, just the word) it's different20:52
ash_worksiyeah; what about "usr"? do people just say "user" ?20:53
jemarkaccents matter :-)20:53
WickedDekciwjemark yes exactly20:53
ash_worksior do they try to day "uh-ser" or something?20:54
WickedDekciwEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/itckGHT220:54
WickedDekciwash_worksi Either "U-z-ar" or "uh-s-ee-r"20:54
EriC^^something isnt right with sdd2, it says the whole fs size is 95M20:55
EriC^^also it's fat32 it seems20:55
EriC^^WickedDekciw: it looks like the disks changed names on the reboot or something, try 'sudo parted -ls' again20:56
WickedDekciwEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/2HMF5aES20:57
EriC^^WickedDekciw: aha, try sudo umount /mnt && sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt20:58
EriC^^should work now to dd it to a file /mnt/ubuntu.img20:59
WickedDekciwi lost the dd command you sent since I rebooted EriC^^21:01
WickedDekciwWas it 4k sector or sth21:01
jemarkWickedDekciw: lsscsi,  lsblk,  sudo umount /mnt && sudo mount -a && mount | grep /mnt21:01
jemarkWickedDekciw: cat /etc/fstab | grep /mnt , to see what is mount at boot (if you have specified it here  ;-) )21:04
WickedDekciwyou are a mind reader woah21:05
jemarkWickedDekciw: :-)21:05
WickedDekciwbut it shows nothin ahaha :(21:05
WickedDekciwsee, I can't install no packages including lsscsi itself until I fix this issue21:06
WickedDekciwnor can I even fix dpkg21:06
WickedDekciwerror creating mount point no space left on device21:08
WickedDekciwso as you can see21:09
jemarkdf -h ?21:09
pycuriousWhen unattended upgrades happen, can it overwrite my modifications to /lib/systemd/system/docker.service ?21:09
pycuriousmy docker broke in the middle of things - and am trying to figure out what happened21:10
WickedDekciwjemark https://pastebin.com/zeQjPSNm21:11
jemark├─sdd2 vfat -> other partitions of this disk are seen as ntfs21:11
WickedDekciwthe /cow is the only I want to resize (writable)21:11
TJ-pycurious: you shouldn't change anything in /lib/systemd/system/ - overrides should be in /etc/systemd/system/<myservice.service>.conf/override.conf  and won't be touched21:12
pycuriousTJ-: thanks21:12
TJ-pycurious: the overrides files are automatically created by "systemctl edit <myservice.service>"21:12
jemarkWickedDekciw: try to connect this disk  in a Windows OS and do a chkdisk /f and then connect it again in your Ubuntu system. There is some curruption in the Windows filesystem or the disk was not unmount cleanly from Windows, I believe.21:14
EriC^^WickedDekciw: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/mnt/ubuntu.img bs=4M status=progress && sync21:15
WickedDekciwEriC^^ sdc2 isn't mounting properly21:17
WickedDekciwdoesn't show up in Nautilus21:18
jemarkWickedDekciw: your root filesystem (/cow)  is completely full21:18
EriC^^WickedDekciw: it should be in /mnt21:18
WickedDekciwjemark yes that's the issue I21:18
WickedDekciwam trying to expand its size21:18
EriC^^it wont show up to the left thouh21:18
WickedDekciwEriC^^ it doesn't show up to the left yeah I was used to that21:18
jemarkWickedDekciw: you would need to delete some files, otherwise you have issues like this.21:18
WickedDekciwcan I return it back to the left LOL21:19
WickedDekciwjemark I'm trying to permanently resize it21:19
WickedDekciwto avoid this issue21:19
WickedDekciwthen maybe later I'll just daily drive the thing because it is so much freakin better than any kind or sort of Windows21:19
WickedDekciw(yes, I'm 20 years late)21:20
WickedDekciwI just need it so far for sth else21:20
WickedDekciwso I'm resizing it21:21
jemarkWickedDekciw: check files in /home/<user> (your username) and see if you can delete some files and then reboot the computer afterwards.21:21
WickedDekciwjemark yeah, it's kinda empty being a live usb you know I'm just going for the permanent solution21:22
EriC^^WickedDekciw: you could install ubuntu to the usb as normal if you wanted, would be nice to have an installation with kernel updates and whatnot21:23
WickedDekciwEriC^^ yeah I'm trying to expand the thing so I can like test it out and see what's up on the whole USB first21:23
WickedDekciwcd /dev/sdc221:25
WickedDekciwbash: cd: /dev/sdc2: Not a directory21:25
WickedDekciwthis isn't like Windows at all ahahaha21:25
tomreynyou don't change into a partition on windows either, jsust into a mounted file system (possibly mounted from a partition). it's just presented differently there.21:26
tomreynthe whole "drive" approach of windows / dos is very misleading sadly21:27
WickedDekciwtomreyn it's not like that exactly on Windows yes I am aware, but it abstracts away so much of this21:27
WickedDekciwand it's easier for people like me21:27
WickedDekciwkind of, anyway21:27
tomreynuse graphical utilities then, they also try to make things seem simple.21:28
jemarkWickedDekciw: extending a live mounted USB running Ubuntu on the fly won't be possible, I'm afraid. Correct me if I'm wrong.21:30
WickedDekciwjemark I believe it is, though I'm trying to explore how. A possibility is what I'm doing which is just imaging it first21:31
EriC^^WickedDekciw: after you dd it and have a backup, what you could do is remount the live usb read-only then try to resize it21:35
jemarkWickedDekciw: boot another live CD and then use GParted to extend the partition of your other USB disk?21:36
WickedDekciwEriC^^ it isn't dd-ing because it isn't showing up21:36
EriC^^if you have another live usb to boot though that would be the easiest way to do it as jemark suggested21:36
WickedDekciwI don't, that's the thing sadly21:36
EriC^^if you have an .iso of ubuntu you could boot that using your live usb's grub21:37
WickedDekciwbut it isn't like showing up as mounted21:37
WickedDekciwit seems21:37
EriC^^sdc2 not mounted at /mnt?21:37
WickedDekciwit shows up in /mnt but I can't open it21:38
WickedDekciwIt isn't in /mnt on Nautilus tho21:38
EriC^^WickedDekciw: probably permissions issue, you'd need to open nautilus with 'sudo -H nautilus /mnt'21:38
WickedDekciwEriC^^ same, no dice21:41
EriC^^what did the dd command give when you ran it?21:42
jemarkWickedDekciw: this is a nice guide (probably won't help you here): https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-properly-automount-a-drive-in-ubuntu-linux/21:43
WickedDekciwEriC^^ it opened nautilus in /mnt, but nothing is mounted21:44
WickedDekciwnothing shows us21:44
tomreynnautilus mounts would go to /media/username/volume_name21:45
WickedDekciwtomreyn folder is empty21:46
EriC^^WickedDekciw: what does 'df -h /dev/sdc2' give?21:46
WickedDekciwdf: cannot access '/dev/sdc2': over-mounted by another device21:46
EriC^^WickedDekciw: try 'mount | nc termbin.com 9999'21:47
EriC^^WickedDekciw: try 'sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt'21:50
jemarkWickedDekciw: you have some external windows formatted disks connected to a USB read-only Ubuntu OS. I would suggest to disconnect that sdd  931.5G disk, connected to Windows and do a chkdisk /f, cleanly unmount in Windows and then connect it again.21:55
winircuser-374good evening Team I am setting up a Samba server and was wondering if anyone has experience21:56
winircuser-374on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux server I configure and am not able to connect form the windows 1021:56
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/samba-introduction21:56
winircuser-374thanks ubottu the server is on the internet and the windows client is behind firewall on a private network and opened the ports with the documentaiton21:57
winircuser-374when I go to network to try to connect it times out21:59
ash_worksiwhat's the command to open a file in the default program?22:00
EriC^^xdg-open /file22:00
EriC^^no problem22:01
ash_worksisorry, just having massive brain farts22:01
jemarkash_worksi: :-)22:02
winircuser-374I followed the document to the T and still cant connect opened up the proper ports on the firewall22:02
winircuser-374was hoping maybe someone here has experience with samba that may be able to assist22:03
oerhekssudo ufw list # and see if samba is there; sudo ufw allow samba22:06
jemarkwinircuser-374: https://serverfault.com/questions/105241/accessing-samba-shares-over-the-internet22:06
oerhekserr sudo ufw app list22:06
jemarkwinircuser-374: https://superuser.com/questions/1108484/port-forwarding-samba22:09
winircuser-374will look at setting up SFTP i agree not secure over the internet22:09
jemarkwinircuser-374: it's not a good idea, like running own email server from residential home with normal broadband.22:10
marc_how do i restart the sound service22:11
jemarkwinircuser-374: sftp or just ssh sounds better and you can use WinScp or FieZilla from your Windows box to connect to your files at home.22:12
jemarkwinircuser-374: !ssh22:12
oerheksmarc_, pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload22:13
jemarkwinircuser-374: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring22:13
marc_ok i did that and its still off22:13
oerheksHow do you tell it is still off? restarted the application too?22:14
marc_yea the only thing i can thing to do is restart ubuntu22:15
oerheksfollow the troubleshoot guide then; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure22:15
WickedDekciwEric, I rebooted due to an issue and I'm stuck on snapd22:26
WickedDekciwA start job is running for snap daemon22:27
WickedDekciwAnd the time counter keeps increasing22:27
WickedDekciwThis is weird22:28
WickedDekciwAnd now it's no limit LOL22:29
EriC^^in grub do you have any 'advanced' menu?22:29
EriC^^try hitting alt+ctrl+del to reboot then see in grub22:30
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WickedDekciwEric^^ I'm on the grub cmd now22:35
EriC^^is there 'advanced' in the menu?22:36
WickedDekciwI just pressed c for cmd22:36
EriC^^WickedDekciw: try hitting esc to go back to the menu, and press 'e' over try ubuntu22:38
WickedDekciwAnd stuff appeared22:38
WickedDekciwYUMI UEFI (Grub 2.05-20222:39
WickedDekciwsetparams '>Linux Distributions' configfile /multiboot/menu/linux.cfg22:39
EriC^^try pressing esc to go back to the menu22:43
EriC^^what options do you have there other than try ubuntu?22:43
WickedDekciwIt's grub4dos22:44
WickedDekciwThru YUMI22:44
EriC^^any tools or something? recovery etc?22:45
WickedDekciwC and e22:46
WickedDekciwNd esc22:46
WickedDekciwIs all22:46
EriC^^so just 'try ubuntu' and if you press 'e' on that you get setparams stuff22:47
WickedDekciwI don't actually have try Ubuntu that you're suggesting because it's loading through a  custom grub22:48
WickedDekciwYumi is basically a custom live installer which is the one I frequently use and the way it works is it sets up grubdos/syslinux22:49
EriC^^is there a way to edit the kernel parameters? like how you add 'nomodeset' and stuff22:49
EriC^^i see22:49
WickedDekciwThere doesn't seem to be a way to edit that because it hasn't actually loaded when it's on grub22:51
WickedDekciwIt's only if you specifically loaded does it then boot22:51
EriC^^WickedDekciw: try pressing 'c'22:52
EriC^^then type "ls"22:53
EriC^^does it show a multiboot dir?22:53
WickedDekciwgrub> is22:55
WickedDekciw(proc) (hde) (hde, msdosi) (hd1) (hd1, gpt6) (hd1, gpt5) (hd1, gpt4) (hd1, gpt3) (hd1, gpt2) (hd1,gpt1) (hd2)22:55
EriC^^ah my bad, try "ls /"22:57
UserUSIs there a way to perform a system upgrade without removing packages marked to be removed and not upgraded?22:59
WickedDekciwmultiboot/boot/ efi/ System Volume Information/ bootex.log23:00
EriC^^WickedDekciw: ok type 'cat /multiboot/menu/linux.cfg'23:02
=== Furna is now known as Furna_
basenjiI am applying to become an Ubuntu member.23:16
basenjiMabey you are able to help by submitting a testimonial?23:16
basenji   https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/bernard-stafford-membership-application/25395     OR email :   ubuntu-membership-boards@lists.ubuntu.com23:16
EriC^^crap the electricity here went WickedDekciw23:18
WickedDekciwDamn brother23:18
EriC^^_WickedDekciw im back23:21
EriC^^_WickedDekciw could you repaste the link? at the very bottom it had the config file where i think it boots ubuntu from23:21
EriC^^_btw i might get dc suddenly once the router's ups runs out23:22
EriC^^_try "cat /multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/grub.cfg" no need to write it all out, just see if there are lines like "linux ....blablabla" and "initrd blablabla"23:23
EriC^^_WickedDekciw usually when you boot what do you press? i think at the very last link you press if you press "e" over that one you should be able to edit the linux lines23:25
WickedDekciwWhen I press e I get to the configuration menu23:25
EriC^^_you really just want to add "init=/bin/bash" in the linux .......blablabla line towards the end, and press f10 to boot the editted entry23:26
WickedDekciwsetparams '>Linux Distributions'____ configfile multiboot/menu/linux.cfg23:26
EriC^^_then you should get a shell and be able to remount readonly and run fsck, or if you want i think if you do "touch /forcefsck" and then reboot it should automatically fsck as it boots23:26
EriC^^_WickedDekciw how does the menu/booting work in yumi? do you have like 1 menu you press and then a list of os, and ubuntu there and pressing that boots it?23:28
WickedDekciwEric^^ there is pretty much a custom grub menu23:28
WickedDekciwReboot Linux distributions system tools23:28
WickedDekciwReboot Linux distributions system tools those are the three options23:29
EriC^^_aha if you press on linux distributions what happens?23:29
WickedDekciwSystem tools is basically where it separates custom partitions of completely separate live installs like clonezilla but I don't have one on the disk23:29
aaecan anyone help me with a search string? i feel like i'm going crazy trying to figure this out.... running 20.04 i have kvm and am using virt-manager, i have a windows 10 VM in there and it has 2 nics, one connected to a NAT to my host to get it out to the internet, and another attached to a bridge defined in virt as well... now... how do i access23:29
aaethat bridge from my host? how do i get an interface on my host that i can assign an IP that'll connect to that bridge?23:29
WickedDekciwLinux distributions is just Ubuntu23:30
EriC^^_aha try to press on it, then when you get ubuntu, press 'e' over it23:30
WickedDekciwYUMI UEFI [Grub 2.05-20210101-2163d8f0c]23:32
WickedDekciwsetparams 'ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd6423:32
WickedDekciwset gfxpayload=keep23:32
WickedDekciwconfigfile /multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/grub.cfg23:32
EriC^^_WickedDekciwif you press on ubuntu it would just boot?23:32
=== jje3 is now known as jje
WickedDekciwAnd get stuck on snapd23:36
EriC^^_ok press 'c' again then try "cat /multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/grub.cfg"23:38
EriC^^_i think it should show the linux and initrd lines that do the actual booting23:38
basenjiI agree23:40
WickedDekciwEric I'm going to try to type that down because I obviously can't copy it when I'm not connected to anything23:44
WickedDekciwEric^^ https://paste-bin.xyz/1594823:48
WickedDekciwHopefully this is right because I copied it from the screen because there's obviously no way to copy from grub23:49
EriC^^_WickedDekciw looks great23:50
EriC^^_are you like using iphone image to text or something?23:51
WickedDekciwSomething like that yeah23:52
EriC^^_WickedDekciw ok in the grub cmd type "insmod part_msdos"23:53
EriC^^_and "insmod fat" and "insmod ext2"23:53
EriC^^_then type   linux /multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64/casper/vmlinuz iso-scan/filename=/multiboot/ubuntu -20.04.3-desktop-amd64/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64.1so boot-casper persistent persistent-path=/multiboot/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64 noprompt noeject23:59
EriC^^_i think if we dont put the fsck=skip part it should run a fsck on it as it boots23:59

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