
=== genii is now known as genii-core
basenjiThanks leaving - out00:08
lotuspsychjecan we say bug #1951399 solved guiverc ?10:09
ubottuBug 1951399 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu, Budgie, Kubuntu, Kylin, MATE, Xubuntu: jammy daily fails to install" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195139910:09
KBarI don't think it's possible to do that. That is a temporary workaround, however, a valid fix has to be included in the code for it to become "Fix Committed". 10:29
lotuspsychjeah right #28 is still the workaround10:32
basenjiNew daily build of Jammy 20211123 i am downloading to test in VBox14:33
lotuspsychjelast comment of bug #1951399 they were still using the workaround basenji 14:35
ubottuBug 1951399 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu, Budgie, Kubuntu, Kylin, MATE, Xubuntu: jammy daily fails to install" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195139914:35
basenjiThanks for the bug # I will try the workaround14:52
basenjiJammy amd_64 would not download. Error: iso.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.15:17
basenjiFirefox web-browser15:18
lotuspsychjetrying http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20211123/jammy-desktop-amd64.iso15:19
basenjiSame response15:21
lotuspsychjei mean, im trying it15:22
basenjiHad contact server administrator on it15:22
basenjiWorks for you?15:22
alkisgWorks for me with wget, and with firefox but after clicking "accept the risk"15:24
basenjiI am using firefox 9415:25
lotuspsychjedownload complete for me aswell FF 94 snap15:26
basenjiI'll try a different OS to download it15:28
basenjiSame response on 2 diff OSs15:37
alkisgbasenji: try wget15:38
alkisgSo that we at least see a text message about the error, if any15:38
basenjiIt works on 3 diff OS FF 78.14 Oesr15:41
basenjicanceled the download. I don't have Vbox inside another OS Vbox15:47
TJ-proxy in the link15:59
basenjiHow do i do that?16:00
basenjiOh i know what your saying. OK16:03
basenjiSame with proxy set. seems to be with Firefox 94.0216:07
TJ-basenji: I was thinking there may be a transparent proxy on the link somewhere causing an issue16:09
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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