
KBarHi, Trevinho. I got your reply on Twitter. It's just blocked in my country. Thank you so much and have a great day/evening!13:17
TrevinhoKBar: cool :)13:18
TrevinhoKBar: have you been able to access to the code?13:18
Trevinhomost of it is also available in gitlab.gnome.org or launchpad.net/13:18
KBarYep. I just got it. I've been looking for the formula all over Unity's code on Launchpad.13:20
TrevinhoKBar: just check gnome-desktop code in ubuntu sources, it's all there13:21
KBarI have no clue about programming but I need to have a look at it and maybe later implement something similar on Xubuntu. Thank you so much!13:21
KBarI surely will, Trevinho.13:21
KBarThanks again. I'll report back once I'm finished.13:26

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