
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:50
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:59
dufluMorning oSoMoN and seb128 08:34
ricotzoSoMoN, seb128, duflu, hellooo08:34
dufluHi ricotz 08:34
oSoMoNhey duflu & ricotz 08:35
dufluMorning Nafallo 08:49
jameshoSoMoN: I posted some more thoughts about a portal D-Bus API for native messaging servers here: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/issues/655#issuecomment-978968243 -- it adds a little more complexity over the first proposal, but provides a way to kill the servers too.08:52
ubottuIssue 655 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "NativeMessaging portal for sandboxed browsers" [Open]08:52
jameshhopefully makes the lifecycle a bit more clear too.08:52
oSoMoNjamesh, I just read that, thanks!08:55
oSoMoNgood morning Nafallo 08:55
NafallooSoMoN: hey. I wanted to poke your brain a bit about the Firefox snap. are you able to confirm if it still supports policies.json outside of the snap? I'm happy to do some digging later if the answer isn't obvious :-)09:08
oSoMoNNafallo, it does, it has an exception in place to allow read access to /etc/firefox/policies/ on the host system09:10
NafallooSoMoN: sweet! that's one less thing to worry about :-D09:11
NafallooSoMoN: I suppose that means I should stop populating /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/policies.json since I bet the deb reads from /etc/firefox/policies/ as well? ;-)09:17
Nafallocurrently my support scope is all regularly supported LTSes :-P09:18
oSoMoNthat's right, /etc/firefox/policies is the standard place for both the deb and the snap (it's actually upstream code, not packaging-specific)09:18
Nafalloheh, that actually makes things easier. thank you! :-)09:19
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