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sil2100seb128: hey! We still get build errors, we might need to get the 20.04 track recreated?08:05
sil2100Fetching snap "gnome-3-38-2004"08:05
sil2100error: cannot download snap "gnome-3-38-2004": no snap revision available as specified08:05
seb128sil2100, yes, sounds like we need stable/ubuntu-20.04 created for gnome-3-38-200408:07
seb128sil2100, I did that now, could you retry a build?08:12
sil2100seb128: will do! One moment o/ Thanks a lot!09:02
seb128sil2100, np!09:03
juliankOops sorry09:41
juliankAutocomplete + typo09:41
GunnarHjHi juliank, will you handle the libnet-ssleay-perl merge (bug #1951993)?09:42
ubottuBug 1951993 in libnet-ssleay-perl (Ubuntu) "libnet-ssleay-perl FTBFS" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195199309:42
juliankGunnarHj: that seems to be part of the openssl transition that schopin is working on09:43
GunnarHjjuliank: Ok, so we can just wait a bit then?09:44
juliankSorry for the delay, my laptop is busy and I went to the chromebook, but it's just resumed and slow too09:44
schopin... and I'm in need of a sponsor for #195220809:44
juliankschopin: I can sponsor that shortly if nobody beats me to it09:44
julianklaptop is just recording a screencast for Google atm (build log crashing chrome), so can't interfere there09:45
schopinTo be clearer : bug #1952208 is the resolution for the libnet-ssleay-perl woes :)09:46
ubottuBug 1952208 in libnet-ssleay-perl (Ubuntu) "Sync libnet-ssleay-perl 1.91.01-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195220809:46
GunnarHjschopin: Is a sync from experimental all that needs? Is the existing patch not needed any longer? In that case I can do that.09:47
schopinYes, no, and nice!09:48
juliankAlready on it09:48
juliankAlready synced09:48
schopinSome patches wait months for sponsors, while I have two competing for the same bug \o/09:49
juliankschopin: openssl transition is top priority :D09:49
schopinAny taker for bug #1945768 ? :)09:51
ubottuBug 1945768 in erlang (Ubuntu) "erlang: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194576809:52
GunnarHjYou beat me juliank. :/09:52
GunnarHjschopin: As regards 1945768, why didn't you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?09:56
schopinI forgot it wasn't. For the initial patch, I deliberately didn't subscribe because I was waiting for us to be ready to upload OpenSSL3, and...09:58
GunnarHjschopin: Ok. Let me sponsor it.09:58
GunnarHjschopin: Done.10:14
seb128sil2100, build worked :)10:21
GunnarHjschopin: Did you see this:10:49
schopin'checking whether the C compiler works... no' Well. That's a problem allright.10:50
schopinxypron: does this kind of failure ring any bell? ^10:51
GunnarHjschopin: I just retried the riscv64 build.10:56
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GunnarHjschopin: Looks like that error didn't repeat itself in the retried build.11:34
dokomitya57: any idea about https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NPg4N9vPmH/ ? there's no reference to clipboard.min.js in the sources, only in the generated docs12:33
mitya57doko: I'm away from my laptop now, but wild guess: it's coming from sphinx-copybutton and our package has this patch: https://sources.debian.org/src/sphinx-copybutton/0.4.0-2/debian/patches/system-clipboard-js.patch12:39
mitya57So try symlinking it manually to /usr/share/javascript/clipboard.js/clipboard.js12:40
mitya57dh_sphinxdoc simply tries to make sure that all files included in <script> tags really exist.12:41
dokolooking ...12:43
schopinLooking for a sponsor, another openssl3 related upload: bug #194576413:23
ubottuBug 1945764 in crda (Ubuntu) "crda: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194576413:23
schopinPerhaps someone from the kernel team would like to take a look?13:23
dokolooking ...13:39
doko... and uploaded13:49
xnoxjuliank:  update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.13.0-19-generic15:15
xnoxNo lz4 in /usr/bin:/sbin:/bin, using gzip => is odd in autopkgtests in jammy on s390x, because initrd should be using zstd compression in like hirsute and jammy.15:15
xnoxjuliank:  as if the base image needs to be rebuilt form scratch / did not get upgraded correctly to the latest initramfs-tools config.15:15
juliankxnox: no, we override the compression15:16
xnoxjuliank:  /o\ without installing lz4?!15:16
juliankxnox: apparently15:16
xnoxjuliank:  cause initramfs-tools dropped lz4 dep, when i changed it to zstd. Yeah, if you want lz4 for speed, then yeah, it needs to be installed as well.15:16
juliankxnox: we should really fix the zstd compressino level to be usable15:16
juliankI think -15 was 10% larger but compressed a couple times faster15:17
juliankRight now, it's slower than xz at compressing15:17
juliankor sameß15:17
juliankI think installing lz4 is probably not a good idea vs just using gzip15:18
juliankbut I don't know, I haven't really measured how much the speed difference is15:18
juliankI mean, we now boot like 0.1s faster but need a couple minutes more to install kernel upgrades15:20
juliankso anyway, I guess installing lz4 works too, it will make image builds slightly slower, but initrd rebuidls in tests faster15:20
xnoxjuliank:  i can see the point of tweaking initrd compression level especially the ones that are built on the end user machine.15:22
juliankshould we have different levels for pre-built kernels vs initrd built on upgrade?15:22
xnoxthe initrds that we prebuild can be set to infinity (i.e. the ones created during livecd-rootfs)15:22
juliankI think that would work15:22
juliankyou want -19 on those15:23
juliank-20, -21, the --ultra levels are slower to decompress too15:23
xnoxright, cdimage/livecd-root/ubuntu-core-initrd should be using -1915:23
xnoxwhilst initramfs-tools default for end user systems should be like -1515:23
xnoxwould be nice if we could autodetect that somehow, or export the right env variable somewhere. I bet we'd have to patch this in 7+ places15:23
juliankwhen building in a chroot -> build at -1915:24
juliankotherwise -> build at -1515:24
juliankhacky whacky idea15:24
juliankI can recompress my initrd at all levels and make a level, speed, size table15:24
juliankthen we can see how those stack up15:25
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xnoxbut our installers run in a chroot, so when subiquity/ubiquity chroot /target update-initramfs => should that be -19 or -15?16:15
xnoxi err on the side of -1516:15
xnox(aka like the subsequent updates will be)16:15
juliankxnox: doesn't matter much at install time16:25
juliankxnox: in terms of relative time use16:25
juliankI think16:25
juliankmore concerned with ugliness of it all16:26
juliankadding an option for the compression level and then override in conf.d where we wnat it to be 19 might be a good idea16:26
juliankBut as you mentioned it needs a lot of places16:27
mwhudsonanyone have thoughts on my plans for testing the glibc 20.04 sru? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/195103320:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951033 in glibc (Ubuntu) "20.04 SRU" [Undecided, New]20:21
mwhudsoni care about the compression level during installs :)20:23
RAOFmwhudson: I think you should explicitly call out testing *graphical* snaps on a variety of drivers/hardware (mesa, amdpro, nvidia), as that's been troublesome in the past.22:12
mwhudsonRAOF: ok, do you have any idea how to formalize that? :)22:13
RAOFOh, no!22:14
mwhudsoni should probably email ubuntu-devel about this22:14
mwhudsonadded a note to the bug22:15
RAOFI might try and dump some thoughts there, too.22:17
sergiodjRAOF: hey, could you please reject two uploads for me?22:22
sergiodjRAOF: ubuntu-advantage-tools on Impish and Hirsute22:22
RAOFsergiodj: Sure!22:23
sergiodjthank yoU!22:23
sergiodjRAOF: thank you very much22:24
sergiodjI'll fix and reupload them soon22:24
RAOFtjaalton: What sort of support does the proprietary amdgpu stack have from us? I don't have a workstation GPU, so it's hard to check :)22:41
mwhudsonhm i can't reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/192637922:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926379 in glibc (Ubuntu) "stack smashing attack detected in bash host tab completion" [Undecided, Confirmed]22:57
mwhudsoni hope some of the fixes in this glibc update are worth the stress :)23:13
mwhudsonsarnold: hiya, did you ever understand what was going on in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/1926379 ?23:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926379 in glibc (Ubuntu) "stack smashing attack detected in bash host tab completion" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:14
mwhudsonsarnold: i'm trying to work up if upgrades from the dodgy 0ubuntu9.3 to a planned 0ubuntu9.4 really need to be prevented23:15
mwhudson*work out23:15
amurraymwhudson: speaking of glibc, is this https://twitter.com/jer_s/status/1463709224697950210 something we should try and avoid/detect/automatically handle in affected packages (ie somehow trigger postgres to automatically rebuild indexes or somesuch on upgrades of glibc?)23:35
mwhudsonamurray: it's something we and our users need to be aware of for sure23:37
mwhudsonamurray: not sure about triggering index rebuilds on updates, that sounds _fairly_ hair raising23:37
mwhudsonshout out to first replier for boomer energy23:38
mwhudsonamurray: i have _very carefully_ checked that the C.utf8 locale that is now upstream collates the same way as the one we currently ship, fwiw :)23:40
amurrayawesome - thanks, so does that mean going forward it should be less of a problem?23:40
mwhudsonnot necessarily23:41
mwhudsonpeople do, for some reason, use locales other than C :)23:41
amurrayah right.. of course - so then I wonder if we should have an autopkgtest to try and detect changes so that we can then warn users on upgrades which we know could be problematic?23:42
mwhudson... maybe? autopkgtests in general are not good for detecting changes betwen versions23:44
amurrayI guess I was thinking we could generate a set of known data from the current version, and then do the same in the test and check it still matches or somesuch23:49
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