
=== genii is now known as genii-core
lotuspsychjehmm getting a partial dist-upgrade window on jammy this morning10:15
lotuspsychjeupgrade complete10:17
lotuspsychjenew comments on bug #195139910:28
ubottuBug 1951399 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu, Budgie, Kubuntu, Kylin, MATE, Xubuntu: jammy daily fails to install" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195139910:28
RikMillslotuspsychje: nice wallpaper10:37
lotuspsychjeits one of the defaults on jammy -desktop RikMills 10:38
RikMillsoh. whoops. lol10:38
* RikMills does not use that much10:39
lotuspsychjebut yeah, its pretty : )10:39
lotuspsychjeRikMills: got it all set how i wanted :p https://imgur.com/a/k3mGU6l10:57
RikMillspretty. shame about the gnome11:09
* RikMills hides11:09
lotuspsychjei gotta test whatever vanilla lts desktop gives us, for my customers :p11:11
guiverclooks like the `ubuntu-bug` dropping to gedit is fixed too (when patch gets built anyway)  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/195121411:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951214 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug isn't opening firefox (snap) on jammy, instead gedit gets data" [High, Confirmed]11:41
guiverclotuspsychje, is that a default (ubuntu) wallpaper?  ^11:43
lotuspsychjeyes guiverc 11:43
lotuspsychjeone of them11:43
* guiverc has gone & is looking for it; I think I got all wallpapers intalled... thanks lotuspsychje 11:44
guiverc:)  alas I'm not using GNOME (only occasionally do), & unwilling to logout & switch11:47
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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