
faekjarzHow would i combine 6ch audio on-the-fly, so i get stereo?00:24
faekjarzi guess Ubuntu uses pulseaudio(?), maybe there are plugins that facilitate some kind of a real time stereo mixdown?00:26
omnihi, my grub.cfg seems broken, what's a valid menuentry to boot zfs? (20.04)00:26
sarnoldfaekjarz: I haven't got a clue :) but this blog post feels like something you'd enjoy https://venam.nixers.net/blog/unix/2021/02/07/audio-stack.html00:26
orange2install pavucontrol00:27
sarnoldomni: here's mine https://termbin.com/bo6r   -- *but* my config came from following the zfsonlinux guide; the modern version of the guide is at https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2020.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html00:29
omnisarnold: thanks! I think I just need to manage to boot the system again and then fix it, I haven't managed through a chroot on a live usb00:34
sarnoldomni: there's some hints on rescue in that guide, way at the end00:34
sarnoldomni: they are *very helpful* :) hehe00:34
faekjarzthanks sarnold00:39
faekjarzorange2: pavucontrol lets me control all 6 channels independently - but it doesn't let me mix them down to stereo - i only have 2 physical speakers (i'd like to consume the missing 4ch/66%)00:42
omnisarnold: omg I finaly managed to boot! I've spent many hours on this, now if I can just manage to generate a valid grub.cfg..00:46
sarnoldomni: woot!00:47
Bashing-omomni: Just joined so pardon me if I am intruding, "manage to generate a valid grub.cfg" >> run ' sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg '  to make a new grub.cfg file in ubuntu.00:55
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omniBashing-om: kinda what update-grub does, no?00:58
omnisame result for me anyway, but thanks!00:58
omnithe only boot menu entry that is added is for UEFI Firmware Settings...01:01
omnieven though it finds a lot of linux and initrd images...01:01
Bashing-omomni: And can not boot ubuntu from a grub menu ?01:11
omniBashing-om: right, it stopped working, but I managed to put the right things in grub command line, thanks to sarnold, to be able to boot into the system again01:14
Bashing-omomni: In the /boot/ directory is there " initrd.img.old -> initrd.img-5.4.0-89-generic -  vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-5.4.0-90-generic01:17
Bashing-om or somilar symlinks ?01:18
omniyes, reasonable symlinks are there01:20
omniI'm reading through /etc/grub.d/10_linux_zfs now to figure out why it's not adding anything01:21
Bashing-omomni: As this is a RFI system - any ubuntu entries ' efibootmgr -v "  listed ?01:23
cluelesspersonhow can you renew the dhcp lease with ubuntu?01:24
cluelesspersonhow does ubuntu even handle networking?01:25
omniyes, I get the grub boot menu (after I raised GRUB_TIMEOUT), there's just no valid entry to choose from to continue boot01:25
tomreyncluelessperson: desktop or server? do you know https://help.ubuntu.com ?01:27
cluelesspersontomreyn, I had not seen that resource, thanks I'll use it01:28
cluelesspersonapparently 20.04 Desktop version is configured to use NetworkManager through the command nmcli by default.01:28
tomreyncluelessperson: or the gui, or nm-tui, yes01:28
cluelesspersonnm-tui isn't available01:29
Bashing-omomni: Back then to efibootmgr If this is a EFI system. You can generate the ubuntu entry.01:29
cluelesspersonand nmcli doesn't seem to have a dhcp component01:29
tomreyncluelessperson: "nmtui", not "nm-tui", sorry.01:30
cluelesspersonwell that is available, but still no apparent dhcp options01:31
FreddyNovaHi guys .. I am looking for IRC channels in the Dutch language ... can anyone tell me how to get there?01:31
FreddyNovasrry for being a n00b01:31
FreddyNovaplease help me out if you can01:32
tomreyncluelessperson: you can just configure dhcp on the GUI, that's the easiest. nmcli also works, but is a bit more involved. to get a new dhcp lease, i think you can just run restart the connection01:33
omniBashing-om: I have a ubuntu EFI entry, it's the grub.cfg that is missing parts01:33
tomreyn!alis | FreddyNova01:33
ubottuFreddyNova: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»01:33
FreddyNovahello tomreyn .. I have zero experience with Hexchat but I will try ... for now.. thanks for the tip01:34
tomreyn!nl | FreddyNova01:34
ubottuFreddyNova: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl01:34
cluelesspersontomreyn, I prefer not to restart the connection and interupt things, I'm just seeking to use wireshark to analyze dhcp options that I'm configuring on the network.01:34
cluelesspersonI also live in an apartment complex, reconnecting to wifi can be slow01:34
tomreyncluelessperson: maybe you can just kill -1 the dhclient process, but i haven't tried that01:36
FreddyNovathanks ubottu ..01:36
cluelesspersontomreyn, I just found an article that describes attempting that, then using >nmcli device reapply to restart the dhclient,01:36
cluelesspersonbut ps aux | grep dh   doesn't return anything except the process to grep itself01:37
cluelesspersonso I'm not even sure what networkmanager is using for dhcp01:37
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you running?01:37
cluelessperson20.04 lts01:38
sarnoldcluelessperson: iirc newer versions of nm do their own dhcp client01:38
cluelesspersonsarnold, as in start a child process dhclient,  or just handle dhcp themselves?01:38
cluelesspersonprobably the latter01:38
sarnoldcluelessperson: yeah, the latter01:39
* cluelessperson gets angry that every google answer is a non-answer of just "restart everything"01:43
cluelessperson"check if the device is plugged in"01:43
cluelesspersonnmcli contains an option to set the dhcp method, which by default is not internal01:45
cluelessperson"The dhclient and dhcpcd options require the indicated clients to be installed. The internal option uses a built-in DHCP client which is not currently as featureful as the external clients."01:45
cluelessperson>man networkmanager.conf 501:47
cluelesspersonattempting: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf    [main] section,    dhcp=dhclient01:48
cluelesspersonI see no further option to configure or use a dhcp component01:49
cluelesspersonso the only apparent option is to substitute another external dhcp command01:49
tomreynthe dhcp configuration is part of the connection configuration01:49
sarnoldcluelessperson: I don't actually know whast problem you're trying to solve.. but this helped someone else recently.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/71159/network-manager-says-device-not-managed01:50
cluelesspersonsarnold, my goal at the moment is to change the dhcp search domains delivered from the dhcp server on my router.01:51
sarnoldcluelessperson: ahhh so that isn't even close to related :) sorry01:52
tomreynif you want to change them, you'd need to change them on the router01:53
tomreynif you want to override them on the client, you can configure NM to use the external dhclient and use its override options. possibly, the internal DHCP4 client can also configured to do so, it does support options.01:54
tomreyni.e. see    nmcli c s <some-connection-id> | grep -i dhcp01:55
cluelesspersontomreyn, I did, ubuntu's resolv.conf doesn't reflect them however01:55
cluelesspersonand I can't really cause dhcp renewals to log and observe them with wireshark for troubleshooting01:56
cluelesspersonbecause nmcli's internal tool doesn't seem to enable that manual control01:56
cluelesspersonso, I've switched to dhclient01:56
cluelesspersonps aux | grep dh   reveals dhclient running now01:56
tomreynthere's the 'monitor' subcommand to 'nmcli c'01:57
tomreyni suspect it would report lease events when using the internal client01:58
cluelesspersonif I could generate them01:58
tomreynso "reapply" does not work for renewing leases?01:59
cluelesspersonnot as far as I've been able to tell02:05
tomreynhmm, yes, it doesn't seem to do so. i guess NM just wants you to restart the connection. i guess the external dhcp client will work better there.02:13
tomreyncluelessperson: there is a connection oriented ipv4.dns-search option, which may do what you want02:17
tomreyni suspect it would override values received via dhcp402:18
loganleehey guys after installing a deb file from third party and this breaks system can it be undone by uninstalling the deb file?02:38
sarnoldit depends what it broke and how02:38
marc_anyone know of a dns66 alternative for linux for blocking adverts02:53
tomreynmarc_: dns66 seems to be a software for android. are you looking for a dns based ad blocker you could use on ubuntu?02:55
cluelesspersonMarkASmith, I use pihole.02:55
marc_yes thats right02:55
omnisarnold, Bashing-om: I added this https://termbin.com/1zo7 to my /etc/grub.d/40_custom for now, I think I'll look into ZFSBootMenu when I get time02:55
cluelesspersonmarc_, ^ I use pihole network wide,  but you could also use it in docker easily enough02:55
marc_so is that sudo apt-get install pihole02:56
cluelesspersonmarc_, eh, no, sorry02:56
tomreyn!info dbab02:57
ubottudbab (1.5.01-1, impish): dnsmasq-based ad-blocking using pixelserv. In component universe, is optional. Built by dbab. Size 22 kB / 68 kB02:57
cluelesspersonmarc_, I suppoes it depends on what you expect02:57
cluelesspersonthere's things like this: https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts02:57
marc_well DNS66 on android you just tell it to run and all the adverts are gone02:58
Bashing-omomni: looking ^ .02:58
sarnoldomni: and you're up and running?03:00
tomreynmarc_: the easiest approach will be to just set your dns server to those of adguard(.com) or a similar filtered dns service. but you will have to deal with overblocking that way.03:01
sybaritenuhm, have to ask again about this03:10
sybaritenhere's a guide to installing node.js on ubuntu, which suggests you can use official repos  https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/installation-of-node-js-on-linux/     but if you go to this page, which looks fairly official   https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions    they seem to suggest first curling a file, and then doing an apt-get03:14
sybaritenAny specific reason for the discrepancy there?=03:14
omnisarnold: yeah, that works, grub.d/10_linux_zfs was a bit too dense for me for today so I'm still not sure exactly why the entries weren't added03:17
omniI've been running ZFS for years (just not on ubuntu) so I was never really worried that I'd llose data03:18
sarnoldsybariten: check the script for full details.. look for "check_alt" in https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_17.x to see the long list of supported distributions, which is used to select among the different repos03:21
sarnoldomni: but still, not being able to boot is a real pain :)03:21
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sybaritensarnold: ok thanks04:13
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krasimirchfhhhddgfbb jhfjf  hhfd.jjdjs 00 i jjieieiijjdkjj jjkj q jwiq' wiqiifjkjf ' ieuiiue  iuiuiuiue kjskjmcknjnvlueu uuefufjfjcnhhugnvnuigdkkdjmd08:10
krasimirhello guys08:10
krasimirhow r u08:10
=== russjr088 is now known as russjr08
fengshaunturns out the 'black e' I was seeing when pressing Ctrl-. was due to the new emoji annotation shortcut which interfered with my emacs keybinds09:14
fengshaunonly available to modify through ibus-setup09:14
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TobHi! What a best way to show a one-time notification to all users upon reboot? Even if a user have home directory encrypted with  (ecryptfs)?09:25
micomumuask here09:39
micomumuhow to install office 2010 in ubuntu 20.04 ?09:40
ravageTob: the only 30 year old command i can think of is "wall". but thats console only. KDE4 used to display those messages in a notification. gnome has no support for it i think. so you would have to write something yourself10:29
ravageand i think it sadly does not cover your "on reboot" requirement10:30
KBarPerhaps write(1) will be useful.10:35
alkisgTob: what does upon reboot mean? Are all your users local, and they log in in turns? Do you want them to see the message the next time they login? Or they're connected with e.g. rdp and you want to display a message to all simultaneously connected users?11:10
alkisgFor showing a message "on the next user login", a good place is /etc/xdg/autostart.11:10
XATRIXHi, can you advice ? Is there any option to make my wifi be enabled after login ? After i updated from 18.04 to 20.04.3, after i do login, my laptop is in offline state. I click network manager in tray, and set the checkbox "wifi enabled", later on i have connected11:11
alkisgWhile for console logins, there's motd11:11
XATRIXhttps://imgur.com/a/Xq88qbU - the screenshot, where the wifi checkbox is11:13
XATRIXPlease, advice !11:14
EriC^^XATRIX: i think you can use rfkill to enable it11:16
TJ-XATRIX: this info may help. NetworkManager's enable/disable Wifi actually resets/sets the rfkill soft block, if I recall correctly. There is also a separate system service to that saves/restores the state of the rfkill block. I'm wondering if somethin in the upgrade means your system's rfkill service is blocking wifi on each reboot11:16
TJ-XATRIX: check "systemctl status systemd-rfkill"11:17
TJ-XATRIX: and, to check the saved state for that do " grep . /var/lib/systemd/rfkill/* "11:19
TJ-XATRIX: a value of 1 means the saved state is set to soft block11:19
XATRIXTJ-: ● systemd-rfkill.service11:20
XATRIX     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit systemd-rfkill.service is masked.)11:20
XATRIX     Active: inactive (dead)11:20
Tob<alkisg>, yes, "upon reboot" means "on the next user login". If I had event at "early" run-levels during boot, I want to report the event at next login. Thx, got it: motd and /etc/xdg/autostart with Zenity or send-notify.11:20
XATRIXIt looks like, it is disabled11:20
TJ-XATRIX: it does; so possibly something else. Next, I'd check NetworkManager's log for rfkill related messages. " journalctl -b -u NetworkManager  | grep rfkill "11:21
XATRIXTJ-: nothing special i think https://paste.debian.net/1220764/11:22
TJ-XATRIX: On my 21.10, NM has a separate state file. Check that too (although I expect it is supposed to show the current active state so will likely be =true) " cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state "11:23
TJ-XATRIX: your log "manager: rfkill: Wi-Fi now disabled by radio killswitch"11:23
TJ-XATRIX: aaahhh I see the problem11:24
TJ-XATRIX: You only have 1 wifi device, is that correct?11:24
TJ-XATRIX: but your system is loading the IdeaPad ACPI driver, which is disabling wifi. " rfkill0: found Wi-Fi radio killswitch (at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.0/PNP0C09:00/VPC2004:00/rfkill/rfkill0) (platform driver ideapad_acpi)"11:25
XATRIXTJ-: https://imgur.com/tT9ECEy.png11:25
TJ-XATRIX: then the 'real' controller (attached to the device) "Found Wi-Fi radio killswitch (at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.3/0000:02:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill2) (driver rtl8723be)"11:26
XATRIXMaybe i have to unmask systemd-rfkill.service ?11:26
TJ-XATRIX: so, I think the solution is to stop the ideapad_acpi driver from messing with the rfkill state11:26
XATRIX[xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ dmesg | grep "wifi"11:27
XATRIX[   18.159784] rtl8723be: Using firmware rtlwifi/rtl8723befw_36.bin11:27
XATRIX[   18.280540] rtlwifi: rtlwifi: wireless switch is on11:27
TJ-XATRIX: I suspect you'll have to blacklist the ideapad-laptop kernel module11:28
TJ-I'm doing some digging - it doesn't appear to have a module option to leave wifi kill alone, but it does have one for bluetooth11:28
TJ-XATRIX: "modinfo ideapad-laptop" -- shows 'parm no_bt_rfkill'11:29
XATRIXTJ-: https://pastebin.com/kWReFXj711:30
XATRIXyeap, the same as i have found11:30
TJ-XATRIX: I'd try rebooting and before enabling NM wifi, in a terminal shell, do "rfkill list" -- I suspect the ACPI derived rfkill device will be set to soft blocked.11:32
TJ-XATRIX: right now I expect "rfkill list" shows 2 wifi-related kill switches11:33
XATRIXoh.. https://imgur.com/Ro8eP45.png11:33
XATRIXtake a look please11:33
TJ-right, ideapad_wlan --- I bet this is soft blocked on initial boot11:34
XATRIXIt seems to me , as well, but how can i override this ?11:35
TJ-XATRIX: Looking at the ideapad-laptop source code, that module does other things as well  but it very much depends on the features of each model  https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c11:35
TJ-XATRIX: I suspect this function is reading a default internal firmware state from the firmware, and setting blocked as a result https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/5f53fa508db098c9d372423a6dac31c8a5679cdf/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c#L98611:38
XATRIXSo, i should do some .sh script , and put in after the system start , to do some rfkill enable ?11:40
TJ-XATRIX: try blacklisting:  " echo "blacklist ideapad-laptop" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ideapad-laptop.conf "11:41
TJ-XATRIX: on reboot, assuming ideapad-laptop module is **NOT** included in the initialramfs, that will prevent that module loading11:41
XATRIXroger , i'll test it. tnks!11:42
TJ-XATRIX: if it turns out the module is included in the initialramfs you'd need to do "update-initramfs -u" to have that setting copied into the initrd.img11:42
TJ-XATRIX: the downside here is you may lose access to the special key functions and other firmware-specific functionality11:43
TJ-XATRIX: but, if this works I'd recommend contacting the maintainers of the ideapad-latop module with details of your device so they can add a workaround to fix this, or recommend how else to deal with it11:43
XATRIXI have Lenovo G50-70, so, it's a bit dated laptop. I don't think it has some cool, functionality :)11:43
TJ-Usually the Fn+ key sequences, media key options on F* keys, fan control, etc11:44
TJ-XATRIX: also see this, seems we're doing the 'standard' resolution https://community.linuxmint.com/hardware/view/2109011:46
XATRIXsound if that it is11:47
XATRIXi'll dig in11:47
TJ-this is interesting, a possible patch https://askubuntu.com/questions/580053/wireless-hardware-switch-lenovo-g50-3011:48
TJ-XATRIX: but that is VERY old so the model matching must be different - I'll try to find out what commit that patch is, so we can see if there's a simple patch can be done for your model too11:48
jeremy31TJ-: That code has gone through a big change a couple years ago11:49
TJ-jeremy31: I can see :)11:51
jeremy31That quirks list was annoying11:51
TJ-Looks like the problem is "read_ec_data(priv->adev->handle, VPCCMD_R_RF, &hw_blocked) "12:10
xu-help56wHello need help with install ati hd6470m drivers12:22
xu-help56wSo i got the 4 deb files from AMD drivers, they wont fglrx-core wont install12:24
xu-help56wOS xubuntu 20.0412:24
KBar`lsb_release -rd`12:25
KBarOh, thanks.12:25
xu-help56wThat for me12:25
hansxu-help56w, pastebin the console output12:26
xu-help56wWith which command12:26
KBarJust copy the output and visit pastebin.com and paste there. Share the link here.12:27
hanspresumably `./amdgpu -install` or whatever you use to install the AMD drivers12:27
xu-help56wI used dpkg i12:27
xu-help56wA mmt12:28
KBarxu-help56w, try this command: `dpkg -i path/to/deb/files |& pastebinit`12:30
xu-help56wI think my x server crashed alreasy12:30
jeremy31TJ-: That will trigger the hard block, I doubt the Network Manager would clear that12:31
xu-help56wI think it complained with my 5.1 kernel version with an error12:37
moukhtari have question because i am new user of linux ubuntu ,how can i make my external fax modem card to working in the system ...by the way i installed two or three software for it but still not working until now ...plus if anyone help me to configuration with this card please12:38
KBarxu-help56w, well, it will be much easier for people to help you if you share such information instead of just thinking.12:40
xu-help56wMy computer crashed now, black screen12:40
xu-help56wGot a command line12:41
xu-help56wSee my link12:47
xu-help56wCan anyone help fix my desktop first12:52
clienthaxHi all, Got a problem, On old kickstarts for centos we would do a disk match for /dev/disk/by-path/*03:00.0-nvme-1, However there seems to be no capability for this in the ubuntu autoinstall storage section, there is a match section, but this doesn't work at all for this path12:55
SteelRosexu-help56w: we must login to see your pastebin? can't you make it public?12:55
clienthaxAlso specifying the full path doesn't work, https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nAMweFff/image.png12:55
xu-help56wUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/885e56a35a58bb639fa96659e9755ab3/IMG_20211125_205724.jpg12:58
xu-help56wCan u see pic12:58
jeremy31xu-help56w: That driver is obsolete12:59
xu-help56wHardware is old13:00
xu-help56wAti hd6470m13:00
xu-help56wCan u help to get the desktop back13:01
SteelRoseanyone here masters OpenStack? I have a job offer for a project I cannot attend - please PM me if interested - thanks !13:03
xu-help56wCan i still install this driver with xubuntu13:06
xu-help56wCan anyone find me drivers for the 6470m13:15
pavlushkacan't find ubuntu 20.04 network installer iso13:19
pavlushkais there any ubuntu 20.04 network installer iso?13:23
clienthaxNope, it uses the live image as the installer now13:24
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ioriapavlushka, if you mean mini.iso   .... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/13:27
pavlushkaioria: bumped back from those legacy images, downloading the desktop but a 20.04 netinstaller would've saved my time14:05
hanspavlushka, netboot.xyz14:08
pavlushkaioria: the best I've got is https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads but there's only 20.04 network installer instrucktions which leads to nowhere and not any link to 20..04 network installer iso14:09
hansits less than 1MB and can load the ubuntu netinst from internets14:09
pavlushkahans: never tried that and I have to deliver it within tomorrow14:11
hanswell then maybe http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/mini.iso14:12
hans(its a ~90MB debian netinst based installer of 20.04)14:14
hansoh, didn't see ioria already suggested that one14:17
rewqD i d    u s a   t r a i n    &   s u p pl y  i s i s     wi th   w e a p o n s     l i k e     i t     d i d   w i t h       a l    q a e d a   to   j u st i f y  c r e a t i n g  w a r  s        > >       C R E A T  I V E     C H O A S14:25
rewqd i d     c i a     d i d     9 1 1    or    i t    j u s t     l e t       it      h a p p en14:25
rewqif     a l   q a e d a      di d    it     w h y      t o    k i l l   9  m i l l i  on     i  r a q i s14:25
rewqab o u t    9   m il i o n        i r a q i   l o s t  th e i r  li ves      e i th e r  be ca uz  o f   dir e ct  viol ence  o f   u sa   and   becauz of  si ege      u sa    ma de        ag a in s t     i r a q  t h at   pr eve nt ed    i raqi   f or m es se nt ial         l i v i n   g       ma te rial s  food m e d i c i n e   and  even     p e n c i l s14:25
rewqi s i s   a n d a l q a e da    o n l y     a p p e a r e d  i n       i r  a  q    a f t e r  u s a  i n v a si on  , D i d    u s a     p a v e   th e w ay  f or  i s i s   to  i r a q ?14:25
rewq sa d  da m     hu ss i n    wh o    lo st   m o s t   of  h i s    p o w er  i n 1st , 2 nd  gu lf  w a    rs  an d   du ri n g    10   y ea rs   of    sie ge    ,  d i d   no t  a l l o w    i s is    o r  a l q a e dea   t o   e n  t e r    i  r   a   q  , e ve n to h e l p h i m    a g a i n s t    u s a14:25
rewqp l e a s e    s h a r e  m y  qs to l e s s e n  u s a     a g g r e s s i o n    a g a i n s t    o t h e rs14:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu14:26
coz_nicoz-, nice nick %)14:33
nicoz-usual trolls14:33
coz_nicoz-, I am not a troll dude14:33
nicoz-not you coz_ ;)14:33
coz_ah ok14:34
KBarcoz_ bash: unexpected token: %14:34
nicoz-a user who flooded before you joined14:34
coz_KBar, you're welcome14:34
hanscoz_, then what are you? homosapien, perhaps?14:34
coz_hans, an very old user of ubuntu started with 4.1014:34
coz_anyone else start ubuntu with version 4.10?14:35
user42JOIN #test14:37
coz_user42, really?  you need a /  then lowercase  "join"14:38
joo-_After removing libreoffice 7.2 from my new ubuntu 21.1, apt is broken, now i cant do nothing (installationwise with apt), it seems like that broke the apt: https://pastebin.com/NHW9aRXy14:38
joo-_just like trying to install an application i get this kind of problem, that looks like it cannot be resolved14:39
KBarjoo-_, well, how exactly did you delete it. Look through /var/log/apt/history.log14:39
joo-_i did apt-get remove --purge... and oops some packages i can actually install, just installed xterm, but i cannot install kdeconnect, so i guess the error is a little specific to the program14:40
KBarjoo-_, what was the command that initiated its removal, what packages were removed?14:40
mihaiadriani've been using x2x to control a laptop near my main screen. this is how i set it up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X2xHowto. it used to work flawlessly until today. and now moving the pointer on the 2nd laptop is very slow. i also have input lag when typing. this is because of the internet?14:41
KBarjoo-_, sorry, I don't understand what's written in there. Could you at least translate what is says in the E: field.14:41
joo-_https://pastebin.com/p6bHp0fS here is what i did, doesnt look too bad for me14:41
joo-_it says that plasma framework has unmet depencencie that cannot be intalled because package not exist14:42
joo-_libopengl0, libxcb-composite0 libxcb-damage014:42
KBarjoo-_, that doesn't look too bad indeed. I doubt that's what's causing apt issues.14:45
KBarCould you try installing `hello`?14:45
KBarOr any other test package.14:46
joo-_hello worked well14:46
joo-_installed without a problem14:46
KBarHmm, I can't come up with some other package. Any ideas?14:47
KBarjoo-_ try `xfce4-eyes-panel`14:47
KBarActually, no.14:48
KBarIt will pull Xfce deps.14:48
gneeriiloeepdeerwhat app/command can I run to play mid (midi) files?14:51
joo-_hmm i also pulled xterm14:51
joo-_maybe just kde stuff is broken, let me try and install terminator :-)14:51
gneeriiloeepdeerI tried playmidi, but it's so outdated and wont paly14:51
joo-_that cant happen because unresolved depency python3-configobj and python3-psutil14:51
joo-_gneeriiloeepdeer: not sure if xmms could suit your purpose, it has midi plugins14:52
alkisgjoo-, run `sudo apt install aptitude`, then `aptitude install whatever-you-want`. It produces better messages than apt. Do you have PPAs in your sources?14:52
KBarjoo-_, `sudo apt reinstall python3`14:53
joo-_alkisg: i will try that now, no no ppa's, this installation is fresh and the only thing i did is install libreoffice .deb packages from a tarball, i am not sure if that is allowed, but the 7.2 libreoffice in ubuntu is broken in a way where the save dialog is not working with gnome14:54
joo-_aptitude seems to have a solution to the conflict, - it is removing a lot of stuff though :) fingers crossed, its doesnt look like essentials14:55
alkisgDo you want to pastebin it first?14:56
joo-_i should have done that14:57
joo-_anyway, system is still running, but it didnt fix anything, i will try and make a paste14:58
alkisgjoo-_: use the other method then: sudo apt install plasma-framework => will complain about something. Then: sudo apt install something15:01
alkisgBy running down the dependencies, you'll end up to the main issue15:01
joo-_alkisg: https://pastebin.com/45ELTkYB it just keeps going15:06
alkisgI think that you'll end up in this: the libreoffice you installed will probably conflict with some package that plasma-framework depends on15:07
alkisgsudo apt install libopengl015:07
alkisgBtw you didn't paste the output of aptitude, it would probably have the info there15:07
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joo-_so here ends the rabbithole15:09
joo-_i guess i could uninstall all them debian files i downloaded from libreoffice site, but then i dont have an office suite since the 7.2 version included in ubuntu 21 is nonfunctional :(15:09
alkisgWait, you're saying you don't have https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libopengl0 ?!15:10
alkisgWhat's the output of this: grep -r . /etc/apt/sources* | nc termbin.com 999915:10
joo-_ah ok i see there is a teamviewer thing inthere also, i thought i had no ppa15:13
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alkisgjoo-_: yeah that's the problem. You removed the "main" software, and you only kept universe and restricted15:15
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alkisgTry this: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bad; sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.save /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt update15:15
BluesKajHi foilks15:15
alkisgHey BluesKaj15:15
joo-_i will try it now, that looks plausible, but do You know why this could have happened?15:16
BluesKajhey alkisg15:16
joo-_i didnt even edit that file15:16
alkisgjoo-_: you may see the date with ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list15:16
alkisgUsually software doesn't edit that file; only the user does15:16
zenofhey, please, when I connect an external display what mechanism is triggered to auto-config it, I mean is xrandr or similar run in background or what takes care of it?15:16
alkisgE.g. you might have run `software-properties-gtk`, which is the dialog, and unchecked "main" from the GUI15:17
alkisgWhich then edits that file for you15:17
joo-_ah wait i think i was visiting the software center, i must have unticked that thing without looking15:17
zenofshould have said : connect to my laptop ;-)15:17
joo-_ah wait now it works, alkisg - THANKS15:17
alkisgYou're welcome15:17
joo-_As a new user i just assumed this ubuntu thing must be a "cursed debian" :-) but happy to learn that is not true15:18
alkisgzenof: afaik xorg sends a signal which the desktop environment hooks, and then makes xorg calls to configure it. The xrandr binary is for users, not for programs, so I don't think it's involved15:18
alkisgzenof: for example, mate saves its setting in ~/.config/monitors.xml. Not sure if that's still true for gnome, it's been years since I've last used it15:19
zenofalkisg: thank you, I in deed have a ~/.config/monitors.xml . now, how can I find out what calls are actually made when I plug in my display ? or, even further, how can I adopt that process for any window manager?15:24
dslegendsDell is offering some discounts on their xps desktop.  I'm thinking of picking one up to run ubuntu 20.40, anyone have thoughts on this?  will it work?  Overkill?  I want it only for software dev work.15:25
dslegendsI run 4 4k monitors (27" dell) btw.15:25
alkisgzenof: ah that's much deeper than I can answer, I dived into VGA register programming but never to xorg programming :D. I would start by checking the sources of e.g. mate-display-properties, to see what calls it does15:26
alkisgzenof: also note that all those xorg calls won't work under wayland15:28
zenofalkisg: same here, and checking on mate-display-properties is a very good idea. and, yes, wayland has to wait...15:30
tomreyndslegends: hardware recommendations are a rather subjective and not really an OS support topic. generally, any system matching the documented system requirements should be fine. there is #ubuntu-offtopic for non support chat.15:33
dslegendsapologies, will re-direct.15:35
=== genii-core is now known as genii
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p13Hi, is anyone here running ubuntu on a raspberry pi 4?16:13
waveformp13, yup16:15
p13waveform: oh cool.  I have a question if you don't mind ...16:15
waveformfire away!16:15
p13I'm running kde/plasma on a pi400.  On manjaro, the compositor works with opengl, but on ubuntu, only xrender works ... which is kinda laggy.  I've tried several different overlays, etc.  Any idea what it could be?16:16
p13If i try opengl for kwin compositing on my ubuntu install, it becomes dog slow.  Looks like software rendering.16:17
waveformwhich version of ubuntu are we talking about here?16:17
waveformhmm, kms (as in the "full" kms, not fkms) is the only overlay we're currently supporting there but I suspect there's still several patches we still need from upstream for certain bits of hardware acceleration16:19
p13i run the full kms overlay now.  Didn't seem to make a difference16:19
p13Manjaro boots with fkms by default16:20
p13Other than that, it's running quite well actually16:20
p13currently, i run dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d16:21
waveformfkms is more likely to work with acceleration but for the upcoming LTS we need to make sure kms is working well, hence the push to use that on hirsute+impish -- unfortunately I haven't had the time to dig into whatever we're missing on the acceleration side of things16:24
p13fkms gave me the same results.  I guess i'll mount the manjaro image and check it out16:25
p13Thanks for your time and help, waveform! :)16:25
waveformp13, no prob -- feel free to poke me if you find something we should add, but if it's fkms specific I'm afraid it might not be a priority16:26
p13there's also a there's also vc4-(f)kms-v3d-pi4 dno what the diff is there16:26
waveformbasically none -- the overlay_map.dts redirects the vc4-{f,}kms-v3d overlay to whichever is appropriate for the platform16:27
waveformso if you're on a pi4 you're actually using vc4-{f,}kms-v3d-pi316:27
waveformerm -pi4 even!16:27
waveformbah ... fingers16:27
p13oh cool k i guess that makes sense16:27
p13yes fingers can be disobedient16:28
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p13waveform: the dtbo files seem to differ between manjaro and ubuntu.  Is there some tool to get some metadata from them?16:35
waveformp13, you can use the device-tree-compiler (dtc) like so: dtc -I dtb -O dts <filename.dtbo?> to convert the binary d-t (including overlays) to d-t source16:36
p13oh ok.  I see just running file on them gives me some kind of version number16:37
waveformthere will be bits of the decompiled d-t which shouldn't match (and should be ignored when comparing) -- typically lots of phandle stuff16:38
p13oh ok, i wrote a small script to compare them with diff so i have a list of them brb16:38
waveformalso be aware the device-trees (and to a lesser degree, the overlays) are kernel specific so it's not quite as simple as saying "you're missing that bit" -- that often implies that some structure or kernel implementation has changed between versions16:39
waveformgenerally, I would suspect it's *not* a matter of missing bits of the d-t -- it's rather more likely to be that we're missing some hardware specific patches in some graphics layer16:40
p13ah, the dtbs are abi specific?16:40
waveformin theory, no ... in practice, yes :)16:40
p13zie plot thickens16:40
p13ok scratch that then, lemme see if i can grab the kconfig16:41
p13something tells me you are not _just_ running ubuntu on a pi lol16:42
waveformheh -- I'm the guy on the foundations team with responsibility for the ubuntu pi images; I don't deal with the graphics stack specifically (that's the desktop team's area), nor the device-trees (that's the kernel team), but I do need to make sure these things play nicely together and I handle things related to that (e.g. flash-kernel making sure things wind up copied to the right place)16:46
marc_Hi all I had a dorked graphics card so i heated it up with a heat gun and put all new cpu paste on it and its working again but what im wondering is do i need to install Nvidia drivers  for it to work with steam and protondb16:57
marc_Its a palit GTX780 super jestream 3GB16:58
marc_is this channel alive ?17:03
cbreakit's alive17:05
cbreakbut ... no idea why you'd want to heat a GPU...17:05
cbreakmarc_: if you want to use your GPU, you do need drivers17:05
cbreakthe software update thingie in ubuntu should offer you nouveau or nvidia drivers17:06
marc_heating up a gpu reballs the connections17:06
marc_you can screw it up at the same time its a gamble17:06
marc_dont know if i did right i typed sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall17:09
cbreakyou can open the gui and check17:26
osseI just upgraded to 21.10. It seems the window borders (the top line with the buttons) are sometimes light and sometimes dark. Is this correct?17:45
osseie: https://imgur.com/a/7muL0pF17:45
KBarosse, is it a Dark or Light theme?18:05
osseKBar: light18:05
ossei found this: https://githubmemory.com/repo/ubuntu/yaru/issues/301818:06
ossebut it doesn't explain everythging18:07
KBarosse, Terminal is meant to be dark. I'm not sure about Shotwell, though.18:09
gneeriiloeepdeerI saved a file named 'wunder' somewhere, but I dont remember where. What command do I use to find it?18:13
KBarosse, people in #ubuntu-desktop might be able to explain it or be interested in your thoughts.18:13
gneeriiloeepdeeri rephrase18:14
osseKBar: Thanks, I'll go there. I don't mind either theme, but the inconsistency is a bit jarring18:14
gneeriiloeepdeerthe file contains the word 'wunder' but I forgot its full name18:14
ossegneeriiloeepdeer: you can for example use grep to search recursively: grep -r wunder   but it'll take a while18:15
lantech19446yea i think that's the only way18:16
KBarCatfish does that.18:16
KBarBut it's on Xfce.18:16
ossethere is perhaps a GUI tool to do it, but I don't know offfff---never mind :P18:16
KBarYes, catfish is so good18:17
KBargneeriiloeepdeer, you can also look at program's history of recent files. If it was a redirection, look through your .bash_history, if it was, for example, a LibreWriter document, click on File > Recent or Save As...18:23
marc_Anyone know how to deal with steam issues in ubuntu i signed into a game with wrong account how do i change the account19:17
BuzzardBuzzmarc is it possible to sgn out and sign in with the correct account?19:18
marc_I dont know thats why im asking when i start the game it automatically used the steam account id19:19
marc_I must say Ubuntu works great with steam and Warthunder19:20
marc_ok i fixed it had to go into a menu in game and say login with different account19:29
marc_Anyone know of a freeware package for Twitter20:19
sybaritenExcuse me, you wouldnt know which irc channel is best for discusing chrome and its extensions? #chromium ?20:52
fefdi updated the kernel and now the system panics due to missing root partition; the old kernel still works23:24
TJ-fefd: you likely didn't build a new initrd.img with "update-initramfs -c -k <new-kernel-version>"23:26
fefdthat's weird, that file is missing23:30
fefdalso, there's no update-initramfs command23:31
TJ-that would explain the initrd.img not being created!23:32
fefddo i need to install something?23:33
zenoffefd: maybe it's just not in your path? what's the output of 'which update-initramfs' ?23:34
zenofand, how did you trigger your kernel update?23:34
fefdI used synaptic to upgrade the kernel paccage23:35
fefdit did 19->21 build upgrade23:35
zenofdid you update your package index in advance?23:36
zenofnow,when you say your system panics due to missing root parition, you mean that "new" kernel ?23:38
zenofbut the .19 version is still working?23:39
fefdso should I install something to build initrd?23:41
zenofokay, I would have said, maybe you ran out of space on your boot parition, but this would not explain the missing update-initramfs23:43
zenoffefd:what does  'df -h' say?23:45
fefd8gb free23:46
zenoffefd,  can you access /usr/sbin/ ? e.g. a 'ls /usr/sbin'?23:48
zenofand the "other" system tools like update-grub and so on are there?23:50
TJ-fefd: what does "apt list initramfs-tools" report?23:51
zenofthen maybe try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install initramfs-tools'23:52
fefdit wants to install many other packages, is that normal?23:53
TJ-fefd: not sure what you've done there, but initramfs-tools and other packages are core; you must have done something pretty major to remove it/them23:55
zenofmaybe, but before you that,  does TJ's 'apt list initramfs-tools' report that 0.140... as installed?23:56
=== genii is now known as genii-core
fefdno it didn't23:57
fefdso I gonna install initramfs-tools23:57
zenofthen, backup your data, and reinstall the initramfs-tools23:57
fefdand I'm pretty sure it wasn't installed before23:57
zenofand, yes, with all it's dependencies23:57
zenofit wasn't installed before? how did you set up your system at all?23:58
TJ-fefd: without initramfs-tools, the system wouldn't be able to boot, because that tools create the initialramfs /boot/inird.img-*) that is required alongside the kernel to start the system23:58
fefdfrom a livecd?23:58
zenofwhich release?23:59

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