[10:31] [telegram] Ran 2 tests this am on kubuntu daily -firefox good (re @RikMills: Kubuntu daily jammy ISO is now using the Firefox snap for the time being, to test how that goes) [10:32] :) [10:33] Hi, guiverc. I just wanted to ask you about this: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-desktop-installer-preview-build/24765/38?u=kbar [10:34] How can I adjust resolution of a VirtualBox VM? [10:34] Impossible to test the new installer as you mentioned. [10:36] yuk.. I'm stunned to find i used vbox to test.. I have NO recollection of it; but yep that's me. [10:38] I gotta go do some chores... I'll try & return in ~25-40 mins & turn the hp8200 on & look (thankfully I listed the OS too!) [10:39] Leokolb: testing FF snap on -desktop (wayland) a while here, looks pretty responsive so far [10:41] * guiverc has started zsync of canary; i'll aim to re-do test as iso.qa.ubu exists now for canary too [10:45] [telegram] will try canary as well today :) [11:11] * guiverc is back & powering up to look [11:24] I usually install guest additions (which enables fullscreen mode) after Ubuntu completes its installation. [11:24] KBar, my settings (display) that matter I think are "Graphics Controller: VBoxSVGA"; sorry I don't use vbox often in QA-testing... i just booted; and it's reporting 800x600 ng & don't usually make changes; but I think it was setting there that I changed; the resolutions mentioned I think are what the environment reported once booted ... trying to find what I changed; I can change resolution in GNOME settings to many; so maybe it was there [11:24] s/800x600 ng/800x600/ ^ i think [11:25] eg. once booted I changed it to 1920x1080 that suits one of my displays [11:34] guiverc, VBoxSVGA works. Brilliant! You just made my life 100 times easier. Thank you! [11:34] You're most welcome (I rarely use vbox; so not usually helpful there, but glad I did help) [11:35] We should probably add this useful info to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [11:37] Oh, nice. Now the canary image fits into my 4G USB stick too. What a great day! [11:37] If you want to, please do KBar... I'd not touch any doco with regards vbox myself as I don't feel competent with it (I don't use it much) [11:37] it being virtualbox [11:39] Well, in my case, it's the opposite. :-D [11:39] im also more the physical installer guy [11:54] fyi: 1952509 was filed on my won't fit issue (just now) [13:49] [telegram] KBar just remember after the install and reboot you have to adjust the display settings again.. (re @ubuntu_bridge_Bot: (irc) We should probably add this useful info to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox)