
user01zenof, i thought maybe too . . . not sure how to find instructions though ill keep looking00:00
zenofuser01, see https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/draw/ and have a look at IM's 'montage' command00:01
user01zenof, thanks having a look00:01
zenoflatter to create the colage00:01
croraftomreyn, did you open a launchpad issue regarding that kernel list and mapping, or?00:01
tomreyncroraf: no. i wrote about it in #ubuntu-kernel, so the kernel devs can have a look at whether or not it needs fixing.00:02
jcbjoe2021are there certin hours or is there a time when this channel is very active?00:03
tomreynjcbjoe2021: it's probably a bit more busy during the weekends than during the weeks, when people ask support questins, and others have an idea of how to answer them.00:08
jcbjoe2021ok thanks tomreyn00:10
Obscenityso, anybody else upgrading their servers to Jellyfish?02:00
Obscenityim about to02:00
Obscenityjust gotta clear out the /boot folder so it can fit the kernel02:00
Obscenitystock kernel is massive these days02:01
Bashing-om!jammy | Obscenity02:01
ubottuObscenity: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.02:01
yukiupi just use mini dlna Obscenity02:01
yukiupjellyfish was messy02:01
yukiupdidn't work that well02:01
yukiupoh,.. i thinking of a differnt jellyfish :p02:02
yukiupcan't wait for 22.04!02:03
Obscenityleft this one instead of yabause, lol02:34
Obscenityyabause kinda dead, gave up trying to get Sega Ralley Champions to run02:35
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JLFhi, I have a question04:36
JLFI was trying to install a gdrive cli from github04:37
JLFnow after extracting the tar file I used this commands04:37
JLFchmod +x gdrive04:37
JLFsudo install gdrive /usr/local/bin/gdrive04:38
JLFbut after running gdrive about04:38
JLFit just says: ~bash: /usr/local/bin/gdrive: No such file or directory04:39
JLFcan someone help me with this one?04:39
tomreynJLF: is /usr/local/bin/gdrive actually a shell script?04:49
tomreyni see you also posted this in #linux04:52
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JLFoh yeah sorry, I need to find a quick solution hehe04:59
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jcbjoe2021anyone got office working with wine? im trying office 2016 and it keeps erroring out06:13
lotuspsychjetry playonlinux maybe jcbjoe202106:19
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux06:19
ubottuplayonlinux (4.3.4-2, impish): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by playonlinux. Size 867 kB / 2,903 kB06:19
Sven_vBIn focal, one of my sound cards has way too many outputs and profiles (more than 30!): https://paste.debian.net/plainh/c412976a so I have to scroll a lot in pavucontrol's device mode list. is there a way to ignore or disable all the HDMI-related stuff on that card?06:34
KBarsven_vb, /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/profile-sets/default.conf06:46
Sven_vBKBar, thanks! what generates this file? how will my edits be merged with automatic updates?06:48
KBarSven_vB, it's used as fallback. Updates will most likely revert them back to defaults. Mb try adding the `fallback = yes` to all hdmi mappings06:55
KBarSven_vB, copy this file to your home directory. delete all hdmi mappings. use "profile_set" argument when loading module-alsa-card06:59
Sven_vBKBar, oh good idea. thanks!07:13
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KBarSven_vB, even better. comment out all those lines07:18
hansis lxde still in 21.10? (not lxQT but lxDE) ?07:49
lotuspsychje!info lxde impish07:57
ubottulxde (11, impish): metapackage for LXDE. In component universe, is optional. Built by lxde-metapackages. Size 3 kB / 10 kB07:57
hans!info lxde-core07:59
ubottulxde-core (11, impish): metapackage for the LXDE core. In component universe, is optional. Built by lxde-metapackages. Size 5 kB / 11 kB07:59
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MrSassyPantssnap discord doesn't autostart anymore (after upgrading to 21.10 and reinstalling the latest discord snap)09:15
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lotuspsychjeMrSassyPants: here's the git contact page; contact:   https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues09:17
KBarMrSassyPants, check if it has its desktop entry in $HOME/.config/autostart09:21
MrSassyPantsKBar it seems to be pointing at the deb. I guess I didn't reinstall the deb after getting the snap09:23
MrSassyPantswhy the hell is autocomplete for files off in konsole all of a sudden09:24
KBarMrSassyPants `echo $SHELL`09:25
KBaris it bash?09:25
MrSassyPantsand running another bash doesn't fix it09:26
KBarMrSassyPants, `echo $-`09:27
KBarwhat's the output09:27
MrSassyPantscommand not found09:27
KBarMrSassyPants without backquotes, of course09:27
KBarecho $-09:28
MrSassyPantsoh they're bash build flags09:28
MrSassyPantsgoing into ctrl-alt-f terminals file autocompletion still works09:30
MrSassyPantsmaybe Konsole is busted09:30
KBarMrSassyPants, `bind -q complete`09:32
MrSassyPantsI rebooted. now the ctrl-alt-f terminals don't autocomplete files either anymore09:32
MrSassyPantsWhy is this randomly changing09:33
MrSassyPantsyeah that fixed it09:33
KBarno that doesnt fix it09:33
KBarit just queries it :D09:33
KBarso it works now?09:34
MrSassyPantsno it does not09:34
MrSassyPantsI need more coffee, only just woke up09:34
KBarwhat is the output of that command?09:34
MrSassyPantscomplete can be invoked via "\C-i", "\e\e".09:34
KBaris it bound to C-i?09:34
KBarthat means bash is messing up09:34
KBardid you modify your .bashrc?09:35
MrSassyPantswhats your favorite pastebin09:35
MrSassyPantsI just checked my /var/log/dpkg.log09:36
hansany easy-ish way to get an up-to-date rsync on 20.04? specifically i want rsync --atimes introduced in 3.2.0, while 20.04 ships 3.1.309:36
MrSassyPantsbecause the only "system" thing I did today was try to dpkg -i the discord deb09:36
KBarMrSassyPants, you can do this: `SOME_COMMANDS | pastebinit`09:36
KBarit will automatically upload09:36
MrSassyPantsI can't log in to view the paste09:38
MrSassyPantsblaarhg, I can't view the paste because I'm not logged in09:38
MrSassyPantshttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mQzVK3BByV/ do you see this09:38
KBarWell, you are installing a .deb package here.09:39
KBar.deb and snaps are completely different.09:39
MrSassyPantsI assumed this was why the snap wasn't autostarting09:39
MrSassyPantswell anyhow, the dpkg -i failed09:40
MrSassyPantsyet it still managed to screw up the system09:40
MrSassyPantsdesktop-file-utils seems to be the likely culprit09:40
hansturns out that, by dumb luck, the 21.04 rsync deb (which ships rsync 3.2.3) installs just fine on 20.04 ^^09:40
JanCbut does it run also?  :)09:41
hansrsync? yes09:41
hanswell, --version runs fine at least09:41
JanCit doesn't have a lot of complicated dependencies, I suppose09:41
MrSassyPantsyep, having removed that, and rebooting (???) it works again09:42
KBarIt being bash completion or Discord autostart?09:43
MrSassyPantsbash file completion09:43
hans>rsync: This rsync does not support --crtimes (-N)09:43
hansthat's weird09:43
MrSassyPantsdiscord autostart is still a no go09:44
hanscan someone on 21.10 tell me what error they get from the command "rsync --crtimes"09:45
hansjust that09:45
KBarMrSassyPants, that's very strange. Did you delete the Discord .deb package and now Bash completion works again?09:45
MrSassyPantsI apt-removed desktop-file-utils09:46
MrSassyPantswhich had gotten installed dpkg-i'ing the discord deb09:46
MrSassyPants(without actually installing the discord deb due to missing dependencies)09:46
KBar`dpkg --install` only install a given package.09:47
KBarif you only issued `dpkg -i discord-whatever.deb` it just installs that09:48
KBarthe other entries in the log09:48
KBarare just configuring dependencies/making sure they're also installed09:48
KBaryou can view .deb package's preinstallation scripts09:48
hansfwiw you can just use "apt install ./whatever.deb" (since 16.04 i think?)09:49
MrSassyPantswell it did install desktop-file-utils09:50
MrSassyPantsand I didn't09:50
MrSassyPantsthere was some half-completed installation bs going on tho09:51
KBarMrSassyPants, regarding your Discord problem: 1) check if the app itself has 'Autostart on login' or a similar option; 2) install gnome-tweak-tool, you can manually add programs there09:51
MrSassyPants1 it does and doesn't work09:51
KBarUncheck and check it again09:52
KBarReinstall desktop-file-utils09:53
MrSassyPantsdesktop-file-utils just destroyed bash file completion09:53
MrSassyPantsI am not going to reinstall that09:53
MrSassyPantsin fact I'm apt-mark hold'ing that now09:55
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razerwaron_Hello, I am getting a following error while attempting various commanda( for example "adb devices")10:30
razerwaron_Traceback (most recent call last):10:30
razerwaron_  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 28, in <module>10:30
razerwaron_    from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound10:30
razerwaron_  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/CommandNotFound.py", line 19, in <module>10:30
razerwaron_    from CommandNotFound.db.db import SqliteDatabase10:30
lotuspsychje!paste | razerwaron_ use a10:32
ubotturazerwaron_ use a: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:32
xu-irc96whello how do u install enhancement tools for virtualbox10:46
elhoirxu-irc96w, you mean extension pack ?10:53
elhoiryou must download it from website, then install within virtualbox10:54
KBarIf you installed VirtualBox from the Ubuntu repositories, run this: `apt install virtualbox-ext-pack`10:54
KBarThat way, the versions match.10:54
xu-irc96wits called vboxlinuxadditions.run10:55
elhoiroh well, yea, i use to install from website xD10:55
elhoiror from official repo10:55
KBarxu-irc96w, how did you install Oracle VirtualBox VM? From their website or from the Ubuntu repositories via `apt install virtualbox`?10:55
elhoirdo what KBar º says then10:56
KBarxu-irc96w, use official repositories for additional tools, including Guest Additions and Extension Pack.10:56
KBarxu-irc96w, `virtualbox-ext-pack` for Extension Pack. `virtualbox-guest-additions-iso` for Guest Additions.10:57
xu-irc96wrun ext-pack in xbuntu? guest-iso in virtual machine?10:58
KBarYou need both on the host. Extension Pack will automatically appear under Preferences > Extension in Oracle VirtualBox VM Manager.10:59
KBarxu-irc96w, for Guest Additions ISO, you will need to specify the path and mount it inside guest.10:59
xu-irc96whmm i maybe what u said are already installed, now i want to install additions.run in guest11:00
KBarI'm not aware of such a thing and I don't think the documentation includes it. Can you link it here?11:01
xu-irc96wthere is a cd icon on guest desktop11:03
xu-irc96wwhen i try to ./ the run file, it pops a window then nothing changed11:03
KBarxu-irc96w, ah. I see. First, install these two packages: `apt install make gcc`11:03
KBarYou need these two.11:04
KBarIt will pull a bunch of dependencies required to build kernel modules.11:06
xu-irc96walso i see the wifi country icon is usable on guest, is this for the repository choose11:07
xu-irc96w /is/isnt11:08
KBarYour host's Wifi appears as Ethernet on guest11:08
arghahi there11:08
KBarSo no. It works the same on both versions: repository or "official".11:08
arghaSorry, what??11:09
KBarxu-irc96w, after you have installed these two packages and their dependencies. Eject/unmount the ISO and remount through Devices > Insert Guest Additions ISO or whatever it was.11:10
arghahi there11:10
KBarxu-irc96w, a pop-up should appear telling you to take action. Choose run then.11:10
KBarIt will install and build everything11:11
KBarargha, hello and welcome. What are your questions?11:11
KBarFeel free to ask. Knowledgeable people will gladly help you, if they're online and not busy.11:11
arghaNothing Sir/Ma'am actually I wanna make friends11:11
weedmicare there any already installed sound files I can try to play from the konsole to see if my spekaer is working?  there used to be a file where linus torvalds says "my name is linus and i pronounce linux linux"  - it's a very small device and I don't want to have to install anything.11:12
KBarargha, this channel is for Ubuntu support. Join #ubuntu-offtopic or #libera for general chat.11:12
beuysHello! Is there a way to import my old Chromium settings into the Snap version of Chromium which nowadays ships with Ubuntu?11:13
KBarweedmic, WARNING: lower the volume. You can try speaker-test.11:13
KBarbeuys, hi. Doesn't Chromium ask you to import at first start-up?11:14
beuysKBar: I don't remember. I installed it a few days ago.11:14
weedmichmm - tried speaker test, nothing - trying new speakers11:15
beuysKBar: Could it even access my home folder? I thought snaps are sandboxed?11:15
KBarbeuys, I don't use Chromium or snaps, but it should have its directory under $HOME/.config11:15
beuysKBar: I don't think that is how snaps work.11:16
KBarbeuys I was talking about regular packages. Snaps are, as you said, sandboxed or confined or whatever.11:16
KBarI think you can copy and paste those configs.11:16
beuysKBar: But where to?11:18
KBarbeuys, $HOME/snap/11:18
KBarmost likely11:18
KBarbeuys, is Chromium snap already installed?11:20
beuysYeah. Unfortunately, I have to go now.11:21
beuysThanks for now. Cu later!11:21
KBarweedmic, how about this? speaker-test --channels=2 --nloops=1 --test=wav --device=default11:22
KBarweemdic a voice should read "front left, front right"11:24
KBarweedmic, `aplay -L | less` to list devices, `speaker-test --channels=2 --nloops=1 --test=wav --device=DEVICE_NAME` to test specific device11:27
weedmici tried all the speaker-test before i got here - when i did  - speaker-test -c 2 -D default - i got Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy11:31
KBarweedmic, well, how about the good ol' terminal bell? Make sure it's enabled in Konsole's preferences and ring the bell with ^G!11:39
weedmichow do I free up a device11:39
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weedmicKBar: i only need to prove the prongs and the speakers work - so a bell would be enough.  do you have a command for what you describe?11:40
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KBarweedmic, is it Konsole?11:41
KBarweedmic, try Ctrl+G11:42
KBarIt's disabled by default on many terminals, though.11:42
weedmiconly konsole11:43
weedmicoic - ctrl + G disconnected me from ssh connection, but might have been small g - trying again.11:44
weedmicmust eat now - bbl - ty for the pointing11:46
KBarweedmic, a-ha! There should be some audio files in /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop. Do these: `pactl upload-sample /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga && pactl play-sample 0`11:48
xu-irc96whello, when i try to ./vboxlinuxadditions.run, it says no such file or directory12:17
KBarxu-irc96w, are you running Xubuntu? Which version?12:18
KBarxu-irc96w, guest is Xubuntu too?12:19
xu-irc96wdebian buster with rasp desktop smth12:19
KBarxu-irc96w, what's the output of mount?12:20
KBar`mount | pastebinit`12:20
KBarfrom the guest12:21
KBarxu-irc96w, you cannot do this on Debian guest.12:22
KBarxu-irc96w, Debian is not supported for Guest Additions.12:23
KBarI thought you were running Ubuntu on guest.12:23
KBarxu-irc96w, join their network for assistance: irc://irc.oftc.net/vbox12:24
KBarBut as I said, I'm pretty sure you can't install Guest Additions on Debian.12:24
xu-irc96wmaybe cuz its using a 4.1 kernel12:24
longus_catusHow come the wacom tablet support on the default ubuntu install is so meager?  It's way too simplistic, it doesn't offer button mapping or changing sample averaging or profiles or any of the stuff the kde tablet manager does..........and so it's back to the command line12:26
KBarxu-irc96w, let me double check.12:27
longus_catusAnyone using 21.10?  There's an issue with certain apps like gnome-terminal and the Files app having duplicate window decorations when running under Xorg as compared to Wayland.  (two x, minimize, maximize buttons for example).  This is ugly and takes up a lot of space.  How do I fix this?12:28
lotuspsychjelongus_catus: bug/wishlist to the rescue12:28
KBarxu-irc96w, here, follow these instructions on a Debian guest: https://wiki.debian.org/VirtualBox#Debian_10_.22Buster.22_and_Debian_11_.22Bullseye.22-112:29
KBarlongus_catus, sounds like you have gtk3-nocsd installed.12:29
KBarUninstall that package or set $GTK_CSD to 112:30
longus_catusYes, I do have it installed.  I'll uninstall it.  Omg, I hope it works.12:30
KBarlongus_catus you don't have to uninstall it12:30
KBaryou can temporarily disable it12:30
KBarlongus_catus, `sudoedit /etc/X11/Xsession.d/01gtk3-nocsd` I believe12:30
KBaruncomment this line: `#export GTK_CSD=1`12:31
KBarand change 1 to 012:31
xu-irc96wnvm i guess its fixed now, i set the kernel section to 4.x linux from debian 64 in virtualbox12:31
Guest6Hey everyone, I had a small question to ask. Hey everyone, I had a small question to ask12:31
Guest6Using instructions from, https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/rescue-fat32-disk-linux.html12:31
longus_catusWow, that's even better.  I gotta check it out, thanks a lot it's been bugging me a lot12:31
Guest6It has been 20 minutes with a 16GB USB and its' still checking for bad clusters12:32
Guest6Do you know how long I should wait?12:32
lotuspsychjeGuest6: do you have data on you need to be recovered still?12:33
Guest6Yeah not crucial but still strongly prefer to recover12:34
xu-irc96wafter a successful install, guest cant be run in full window..12:34
lotuspsychjeGuest6: try photorec to recover it all first, after that try a proper format12:34
xu-irc96wfull sceen12:34
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | Guest612:34
ubottuGuest6: testdisk (7.1-5, impish): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by testdisk. Size 354 kB / 1,423 kB12:35
KBarxu-irc96w, do you only need it for full-screen?12:35
KBarxu-irc96w, you don't have to install Guest Additions, then. Do the following:12:35
longus_catusI'd probably first make an image of the drive.  A 16GB USB drive is likely to be terribly slow.12:37
KBarxu-irc96w 1) Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager; 2) Select your virtual machine; 3) Click on Settings; 4) Go to Display > Screen; 5) Select "VBoxVGA" from the "Graphics Controller" drop-down; 6) change the resolution within the guest (if it's GNOME, go to Settings > Display)12:37
Guest6lotuspsychje ,  I already started dofsck, can I just interrupt it?12:38
lotuspsychjeGuest6: well its always best to let stuff finish, but if you say it stalls?12:38
KBarxu-irc96w credits to guiverc :) just learnt that yesterday12:38
Guest6it just finished but didn't repair12:39
Guest6Dammit, hope i didn't lose the chance to use photorec?12:39
lotuspsychjeok Guest6 try to recover data with photorec, then after you try gparted or something else to format12:40
longus_catusA bad cluster scan is read only12:40
Guest6Alright, thanks for the advice12:40
Guest6By the way do you have a preffered guide for it?12:40
lotuspsychjeGuest6: sudo apt install testdisk, then sudo photorec and scan the whole thing12:40
Guest6so like "sudo photrec /dev/sdx12:41
lotuspsychjeGuest6: no, it will launch a cli gui from photorec12:41
Guest6Have to go, hopefully it will work, thanks for everything12:49
weedmicty KBar12:55
betuxyHey guys Im trying to setup a php-fpm server, but it crashes saying forking not possible, im not sure whats going wrong i gathered some infos about configs as well as the log: https://termbin.com/6jby13:14
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dreamonIm writting measure data with timestamp to a file. I want to keep it in a constant size. Is there a bash command out there that cuts older than n-lines ?13:38
KBarthat's very tricky. could be achieved with some advanced techniques or scripts that im sadly unaware of13:41
lotuspsychjemore a question for #linux dreamon ?13:42
KBardreamon, 800 people on #bash. Try your luck there.13:43
BluesKajHi folks14:11
ryu`Hi. Trying to use a GPS HAT on an raspberry pi 3 install with ubuntu-server makes it hang on boot. Now, after my knowledge, it hangs on boot -- the solution was found here https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=26994114:13
ryu`But,, yeah - then it renders my GPS HAT useless. How can i enable UART after boot?14:13
pycode1i recently ihave updated the kernel via apt14:24
pycode1on my 16.04 (server)14:24
pycode1the last kernel for that ubuntu version is giving me problem with java14:24
pycode1how can i choose the previous kernel ?14:25
pycode1uname -r returns 3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-6414:25
Fatal_Sushipycode1: 16.04 is EOL unless you use pqyed support ESM14:27
pycode1Fatal_Sushi, i do not need a new kernel i just want to use the previous one14:27
KBarpycode1, choose it during GRUB menu.14:27
pycode1i am on server how cna i see what kernels are available?14:28
Fatal_Sushipycode1: i said 16.04 is EOL.... End Of Life and thus not supported anymore14:28
jeremy31Likely do>  ls /boot | grep system14:28
pycode1Fatal_Sushi, i understand but i said i would like to use one older kernel i mean the kernel i had before apt dist-upgrade14:29
jeremy31Likely do>  ls /boot | grep System14:29
KBarpycode1, `head /etc/default/grub` what's the content?14:29
pycode1jeremy31, i try14:29
pycode1i see14:29
pycode1KBar, https://bpa.st/3BFQ14:29
pycode1jeremy31, no i check14:29
pycode1jeremy31, https://bpa.st/WBAQ14:30
KBarpycode1, can you reboot and enter the GRUB menu?14:30
KBarpycode1, press and hold Shift.14:30
pycode1KBar, cant14:30
pycode1i am on vps14:30
jeremy31pycode1: Might have to install the older kernel again14:30
pycode1jeremy31, yes but can i found it using apt-cache?14:31
KBarI don't think you can.14:31
pycode1how cna i switch kernel14:31
KBarYou need to reboot and look at the GRUB menu14:31
pycode1KBar, i cant i just can "reboot" and wait the vps will be up again14:32
pycode1jeremy31, how can i install the older?14:33
KBarpycode1 you're gonna have to reboot anyway. If you want to downgrade. What do you have in in /boot/grub/grub.cfg?14:33
pycode1i see14:33
pycode1KBar, https://bpa.st/PTUQ14:34
pycode1sure i will reboot14:34
KBarpycode1 wait a sec.14:34
KBaractually a couple minutes14:34
pycode1that0s not a problem i just want to install the previous kernel only and then reboot14:34
pycode1KBar, ok14:34
KBarpycode1 is that a custom kernel?14:37
jeremy31That kernel is from 201614:37
pycode1i think not, it is the one i scoming from OVH..14:37
pycode1yes a bit older i think14:37
pycode1but the previous one was better...14:37
pycode1i mean i did a dist-upgrade to have all the things but unfortunatly14:37
pycode1there is a bug in java 814:37
pycode1that i did not have with the other kernel14:38
pycode1so now i have to go backwards i check what kernel i was using14:38
pycode1or a kernel that does not have that problem14:38
KBarpycode1, did you do `sudo apt upgrade` or `sudo apt dist-upgrade`?14:38
KBarPull out the journal and show us the full command/history.14:39
pycode1KBar, wait...how?14:39
pycode1in history there are plenty of things14:39
pycode1maybe is ther an apt history ?14:39
jeremy31pycode1: to boot to an older kernel see https://askubuntu.com/a/216420/30066514:40
KBarpycode1, of course there is. `less /var/log/apt/history.log`14:41
pycode1jeremy31, the problem is that i do not have that kernel anymore right?= i think i have to install it via apt and then configure grub....OR JUST install it and remove the one i am using now14:41
KBarIf it was very recent.14:41
KBarYes, you do not have the old kernel anymore.14:41
KBarIt looks like it's gone for good.14:41
pycode1there is not just 2021-11-2814:41
KBarWe need to find its version and somehow put it back.14:42
jeremy31Might have to search the syslogs in /var/log14:42
KBarpycode1, then look at history.log.1.gz14:42
KBaror 2.gz14:42
KBarfind that entry14:42
pycode1how cna i open those files?14:42
KBarpycode1 with any pager: more/less14:43
KBarcat, if you are hardcore14:43
KBarpycode1, `less /var/log/apt/history.log[.N.gz]` where N is a natural number from 1 to however many you have.14:44
pycode1i am seeing but there are many CRON JOB14:44
pycode1what should i find exactly?14:44
KBarShow me one.14:44
pycode1are basically cronjob14:46
pycode1there are no other things14:46
pycode1big list of cronjob14:46
KBarpycode1, when did you invoke `dist-upgrade`? Do you remember roughly?14:46
pycode1because those run every minute14:46
KBarpycode1, you're looking at wrong logs.14:46
pycode1i remember there was an "image" so i have upgraded the kernel for sure14:46
pycode1i am seeing syslog14:47
KBarpycode1, so when was it?14:47
pycode1updated? hmm i think around 1 month ago but today we had a problem we network so the server has been restarted and then we found that problem with java14:47
KBarpycode1, no. We don't need the syslog for now. Can you reread what I have written to you so far, so that you can fix it faster?14:47
KBarOkay. So the timeframe is around 1 month ago. It should still be in the regular history.log, without a number appended.14:48
pycode1waaaait i have dpkg logs14:48
KBarShow me that file.14:48
pycode1maybe i found14:48
pycode1one moment14:49
KBarpycode1, no. It's hard to look at dpkg logs. One last time, look at /var/log/apt/history.log please.14:49
pycode1yes yes one moment14:49
pycode1KBar, https://bpa.st/2HPQ14:50
pycode1i have to find one14:50
pycode1i see 202014:51
KBarpycode1 open the one without numbers. /var/log/apt/history.log14:51
KBarpycode1 the very first one in your list14:51
pycode1already checked there are many attemps to works with java so many download of java 9 then again java 8 then again 8 purge etc etc14:51
pycode1it only has 2021-11-2814:52
KBarIt's the last time it was modified.14:52
KBarI'm running out of patience.14:52
pycode1KBar, https://bpa.st/HVMA14:53
pycode1KBar, NO i read irts content14:53
pycode1history.log.3 has that content14:53
pycode1history.log only has 2021-11-28 inside14:53
pycode1i think linux-headers-4.4.0-197 <--- this one is ok14:54
mjbattyI'm creating files/dirs to show the effect of dircolors and done all but one; how can I create a file with capabilities (ideally from command line)?14:54
KBarpycode1, can you share it?14:54
pycode1KBar, what?14:54
pycode1the history.3.log is https://bpa.st/HVMA14:54
pycode1it has removed the linux-headers-4.4.0-189:amd6414:55
pycode1so i think that kernel is good to14:55
KBarpycode1, December 2020 is not 1 month ago. You told that you did an upgrade 1 month ago.14:55
pycode1because that period the server was running correctly14:55
pycode1KBar, yes but there is no mentiong14:55
Apachezwhat recommended to use as eq for audio output in ubuntu?14:55
pycode1what i will go with .114:56
Apachezmjbatty: .bashprofile or similar14:56
KBarpycode1. okay. Now check /var/log/dist-upgrade14:56
KBarpycode1, do `ls -l /var/log/dist-upgrade`14:56
pycode1kbar this--> https://bpa.st/E6KA14:56
mjbattyNot sure what you mean Apachez?14:56
pycode1i found that in .114:56
pycode1more than one month ago14:56
pycode1total 014:57
pycode1ls -l /var/log/dist-upgrade` <-- total 014:57
pycode1however this--> https://bpa.st/E6KA has everything14:57
KBarpycode1, okay. September 23 was history.log.1, correct?14:57
pycode1yes exactly14:58
pycode1so basically what i am seeing is that i have removed linux-headers-4.4.0-19714:58
KBarpycode1, in the future, don't autoremove old kernel images. It's a bad practice.14:58
mjbattyI can create everything like block/char/fifo/socket files, but don't know how to create file with capability to test dircolors14:58
pycode1yes i have running autoremove14:58
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Apachezmjbatty: alter .bashrc in your homedirectory to tweak defaults for ls etc14:58
pycode1KBar, so basically now i can install the linux-headers-4.4.0-197 back again ?14:59
KBarpycode1, that's what I am telling you. DO NOT autoremove old kernel images immediately, especially on a SERVER.14:59
pycode1KBar, yes you are 100%! noted :)14:59
KBarpycode1, you cannot just install it, since it's not in the repos anymore.14:59
KBarpycode1, I'm trying to find it for you. Hold on.14:59
pycode1thank you!!15:00
mjbattyApaches, yes I've done that and modified my .dircolors, the problem is creating files of certain types, in this case a file with "capabilities"  to trigger the "CAPABILITY" attribute15:00
mjbattySorry, I meant Apachez (see above)15:01
KBarpycode1, `lsb_release -rd`15:04
pycode1Description:Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS15:04
pycode1KBar, ^15:04
tar_xvfwhy are you using a not supported LTS15:05
pycode1tar_xvf, ?15:07
pycode1it is an old server i cant upgrade the OS15:07
p13why not?15:07
pycode1fear :D15:08
p13what's running on it ?15:08
pycode1i mean just with a kernel update i broke elastisearch15:08
pycode1nginx and other things15:08
pycode1the problem ik was talking about is https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-820624315:08
p13if you're that fearful, you could always run a 16.04 lxd container and run your "old" server from within there15:08
pycode1in some kernels java has that problem15:08
pycode1p13, yes that could be a solution15:09
pycode1after the this kernel fix i will try that15:09
KBarpycode1 looks like I found it15:10
KBardeb packages15:10
KBarno guarantees15:10
KBarfrom launchpad15:11
Apachezmjbatty: you got both ~/.basrc and /etc/environments to play with global settings15:11
KBarpycode1, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/20342405/+files/linux-headers-4.4.0-198-generic_4.4.0-198.230_amd64.deb15:11
KBarpycode1, make sure you know how to revert back to your current kernel, before installing this15:15
p13those are just the headers15:16
mjbattySorry Apachez I know you are trying to help but don't think you understand my question. I am trying to create certain types of file; I can create something like a socket file with socat unix-listen:/tmp/stream,fork /dev/null &, this will create the file and trigger the SOCK attribute in dircolors to display that file with defined colors in ls; my problem is I do not know how to create a file that will trigger the CAPABILITY attribute.15:17
pycode1KBar, headers?15:18
p13pycode1: you want linux-image-blahblah15:18
KBarwell, everything included is here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/20342405/+files/linux-source-4.4.0_4.4.0-198.230_all.deb15:18
p13that's the kernel source package15:19
p13ie to compile your own kernel15:19
pycode1no no i do not want to compile anything15:19
pycode1just run apt install fix_my_problems-kernel15:19
p13upgrade to 21.04 :D15:19
pycode1p13 next step15:20
KBarpycode1, well `dist-upgrade` only removed the old headers.15:20
KBarnot the full image15:20
pycode1i need to fix it before tomorrow15:20
pycode1but what about autoremove ? i think it removed all the things15:20
pycode1so i can go with headers only?15:20
KBaryep. try that15:21
KBarfirst 19815:21
KBarif it doesnt work. further down to 19715:21
KBarpycode1 this is what got removed: Remove: linux-headers-4.4.0-197:amd64 (4.4.0-197.229), linux-headers-4.4.0-198:amd64 (4.4.0-198.230), linux-headers-4.4.0-197-generic:amd64 (4.4.0-197.229), linux-headers-4.4.0-198-generic:amd64 (4.4.0-198.230)15:21
KBarI don't see any image or modules being removed15:21
ryu`Does anyone comprehend what he is doing with the rpi.h file? https://youtu.be/_bZqJFGt0ZQ?t=28215:22
ryu`nevermind - https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/84175/disable-uart-such-that-it-will-not-be-on-during-the-boot-process-but-only-after15:23
pycode1after install15:41
KBarpycode1, did you install?15:42
pycode1no i was praying now i will do the job :D ahahahah15:43
pycode1before someone in #java told me to deal with cgroups15:44
pycode1KBar, if i install i suppose it will not makes problems right? i mean... if i not set it in grub15:50
pycode1it just instal new kernal15:50
pycode1and stop right?15:51
tomreynpycode1: for as long as you keep running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS without ESM you will continue to have a major issue: running outdated, known insecure software.15:53
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pycode1tomreyn, yes you are right but i must start running elasticearch before tomorrow15:55
p13why don't you set up a modern up-to-date ES version?15:56
tomreynES? do you mean LTS?15:56
pycode1yeah i need new elasticsearch version too but the software must be updated first15:57
pycode1so it is not so easy in that case15:57
tomreynbut yes, install new ubuntu first of all, then you can easily install a current elastic search15:57
pycode1some settings have changed in elastic 7.x15:57
pycode1tomreyn, yes that's the road map15:57
tomreynthen why are you trying to make that outdated installation work?15:58
pycode1tomreyn, because i am in hurry15:58
p13which version of ES do you need?15:59
pycode1p13 i would like to install the latest but as i wrote there are different things to check15:59
pavlushkahow many steps memtester runs by default to check system ram? 10?15:59
p13which version would be compatible and meet your requirements?15:59
pycode1at the momemt the < 616:00
pycode1so 5.616:00
pycode15.6.3 or 5.6.1616:00
p13pycode1: might i offer an alternative?  Run it in docker: https://hub.docker.com/layers/elasticsearch/library/elasticsearch/5.6.16/images/sha256-752be83a53965522fd6914fb518cff9fa3b08ced2bac6e9d89a4b9971bc80b62?context=explore16:01
pycode1p13 that could be a solution too but i never used docker...i roughtly know that is a kind of virtualization16:03
tomreyn"Last pushed: 3 years ago"16:03
pycode1but i do not know if it impact on performances or if it is only good for dev16:03
pycode1nor production16:03
p13tomreyn: sure, it's an old version16:03
pycode1tomreyn, yeah 5.6 is old16:03
p13pycode1: it's not virtualization, it's a container.  Still uses the host kernel.16:04
pycode1p13, but if i remember correctly i can specify the OS i want no?16:04
pycode1is it 100% based on host ?16:04
p13pycode1: the docker image only includes what is needed to run ES in this case.16:05
pavlushkaok, it runs 10 tests per chunk, memtester16:05
tomreyn5.6 upstream EOL was 2019-03-1116:05
pycode1p13, yes but i see it also load install the correct java16:05
p13pycode1: it includes what is needed to run ES16:06
tomreynpavlushka: i'm not sure about memtester, but memtest86+ does 4 *full* passes (of different test patterns) by default.16:07
pavlushkatomreyn: yeah, 4 full passes of 10 tests per pass16:07
tomreynoh memtester, too? ok.16:08
pavlushkatomreyn: no memtester86+16:08
tomreynmemtest86+, i see16:08
pavlushkatomreyn: I was asking about memtester86+ but was saying it as memtester and you answered about the exact tool I was really asking about16:10
pycode1p13 i can give it  atry16:10
pycode1without messing with kernel installation16:10
pycode1and so on16:11
p13pycode1: well, it's an easy way to have an up-to-date ubuntu installation and still run a severely outdated ES package16:11
pycode1p13 i mean i can do that without reinstalling the kernel16:12
tomreynpavlushka: :) nice coincidence16:12
pycode1to avoid problem i mean16:12
p13be sure to read the docs on it first, so you can pass the correct parameters to the container16:12
pycode1where is the doc in the link you gave me?16:12
pycode1to understand how to set it correctly?16:13
pycode1p13, ^^16:13
p13pycode1: https://hub.docker.com/_/elasticsearch16:13
pycode1p13 yeah but when i find it i see the page you gave me16:15
pycode1is there not a dock to undertsand who to run it ?16:15
pycode1i mean AFTER THE PULL :)16:15
p13the documentation is on the page16:15
pycode1ok thanks16:17
p13pay attention to how you will provision storage.  ES needs fast storage, and you don't want to be storing everything within the container16:18
pycode1if i do16:26
pycode1dpkg --list | grep linux-image16:26
pycode1i see nothing16:26
pycode1is that normal?16:27
pycode1how can i see all the available kernels?16:27
p13uhh ... you don't have an installed kernel?16:27
p13don't reboot :D16:27
pycode1p13, nono i havent touched nothing16:28
pycode1i have16:28
jeremy31pycode1: >  ls /boot | grep config16:28
pycode1headers <--16:28
pycode1jeremy31, nothing16:28
p13you're living dangerous.  respect16:28
jeremy31pycode1: anything in /boot16:28
pycode1bzImage-3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64  grubSystem.map-3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-6416:28
pavlushkalol @ p1316:29
jeremy31Only kernel that you can boot is still that antique16:29
paulHello, I need to execute a script on a live Ubuntu running on a USB drive. But for some reason I can not execute my .sh file. Even the command "type ./aaa.sh" returns to me "not found", even tough the file is obviously there. What can I do? Thank you!16:30
pycode1what can i do?16:30
pycode1seems docker is the solution16:30
p13paul: chmod +x aaa.sh16:30
paulI tried chmod. It says no such file or directory. But the file is there!16:31
p13pycode1: running that old ES stack in docker will allow you to have a sane and supported ubuntu install16:31
p13paul: try "file aaa.sh"16:31
paulfile also gives me: "cannot open" "No such file or directory)16:32
p13does ls show the file ?16:32
jeremy31paul is the script in the current directory?16:32
paulyes ls shows the file16:33
pycode1apt install docker16:33
pycode1docker pull ...16:33
pycode1docker not found16:33
pycode1is that normal?16:33
p13i think it's docker.io16:33
p13docker is a window manager dock thing :D16:33
paulscript is in current directory16:34
p13pycode1: are you doing this on your 16.04 ubuntu install ?16:34
paulI run "sudo ./aaa.sh"16:34
p13pycode1: my advice to you ... set up 21.04 and run your ES stack in a docker container on that16:34
p13paul: where is this aaa.sh file?  on a network share?  USB stick? ... ?16:35
pycode1p13, 21.04 is not LTS16:35
tomreynbetter 20.04 LTS (or 21.10), though, 20.04 will be EOL soon16:35
pycode1i am running that for a server16:35
pycode1i think is ok ?16:35
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.16:36
paulThis a live Ubuntu running from a USB drive. I tried running the script from this live USB and also from a second USB with no success.16:36
p13pycode1: try asking your questions in one line.  Don't hit return after every word.  The bot got angry.16:36
pycode1sorry, you are right16:37
pycode1however yes i can install it in a fresh 20.0416:37
p13paul: is the second usb stick fat32/exfat/ntfs formatted?16:37
p13paul: bash aaa.sh16:37
p13or sh aaa.sh16:37
paulhey this works!16:38
p13magic :D16:38
p13windows filesystems don't support posix execute bit16:38
paultruly. Searched the internet all day with no solution.16:38
paulthank you so much!!!16:38
p13no worries friend16:39
pycode1p13 but maybe the problem is that i have to expose PORT as public16:39
pycode1i think it will give me problems16:39
jeremy31paul is the first line of the script  #!/bin/bash16:39
p13pycode1: you can expose it on your loopback (
pycode1yes but if i use another server to run docker with noew 20.04 i have to expose as public16:40
p13firewalls are a thing16:41
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pycode1p13 running!!16:44
pycode1docker run .... is running16:44
p13ok try to connect to it16:44
pycode1now i have to check how to put it in background16:44
pycode1yes i tried connecting to
pycode1and it works!16:44
p13oh lol you can hit ctrl+c16:45
p13then run docker ps -a and start the docker container16:45
pycode1two more thngs p1316:46
pycode11. ok it is temporary solution, it will work now and will help me to create new server with fresh ubuntu and other packages too...the question ism what is the problem about the storage?16:47
pycode12. how can i set the memory usage? i mean... this server has 32GB Of ram16:47
pycode1so i can give elastic 8/12GB without problems16:47
p13both of those questions are answered in the documentation page16:47
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pycode1ok so i need to put some ENV vars in the host16:49
pycode1and then docker will look at them to run the ES instance16:49
p13you pass those to the container, as part of your run statement16:49
p13also, you are not running 7.5, use this instead: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/docker.html16:49
p13todi is having an identity crisis16:50
pycode1p13, last thing is, what about the problem with storage? does docker has some limit? i mean, if my indexes became big docker will not run ?16:51
p13pycode1: it does not have a limit, but as stated in the docs, please use a volume on some fast storage, which is, again ... stated in the documentation16:51
p13i hate to do this, but ... RTFM ... please16:51
pycode1p13 ywah pardon for asking stupid question, but...as i wrote, i need to set it up before tomorrow, so for now i need a "fast/ugly solution" and then i will learn more about volume etc.16:53
p13the documentation goes over this, it's literally faster to read it than ask me why and how16:53
p13if you spend a little extra time now, it won't be fast/ugly.  It will be suitable for production ... well ... other than the fact that that ES version is pretty old16:55
pycode1yes sure ES version is a problem too, but yes, as i wrote my roadmap is 1. fresh ubuntu    2. upgrade the python code to meet ES 7.X requirements16:55
pycode1i do not know the reason but i always tought that docker is used for developing and not for production -_-16:56
p13no, docker is pretty neat16:56
p13some people try to use it for everything, which i don't necessarily recommend, but it sure has it's uses16:56
th1docker is great for distributing stuff with lots of dependencies16:56
pavlushkatomreyn: btw the Memtest86+ is running its 6th pass on 2GB ddr3 ram16:56
pycode1interesting, it is time to look at it16:57
p13and sort of automagic scaling and redundancy16:57
pycode1thank you p1316:57
pycode1thank you very very much16:57
p13no worries pycode116:57
pavlushkatomreyn: this tool came with Ubuntu_20.04.316:57
p13good luck with it.  Take the time to think about it and do things properly.  It will save you from a lot of potential bs later on16:58
pycode1yes, sure! thanks16:58
tomreynpavlushka: good. if you have newer hardware, you may prefer https://www.memtest86.com/17:04
pavlushkatomreyn: already found 2 chunks of 300MB sized bad memory17:06
pavlushkain it17:06
Exterminadorany idea why apt would hang on `apt install <package>` or `apt remove <package>`?17:11
Exterminador(Reading database ... 281261 files and directories currently installed.) | Removing qalculate (2.8.2-1build1) ... >> it is hung there for the last ~5 mins17:12
Exterminadorand after i asked, it just finished -_-17:13
pavlushkaExterminador: nice17:14
Exterminadorbut still, it hangs for several minutes on every apt install/remove/dist-upgrade17:15
pavlushkaExterminador: how old is your machine and hdd?17:20
Exterminadoras stated, its a VPS so no idea17:20
Exterminadorcpu seems to be Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570S CPU @ 3.10GHz17:21
pavlushkaExterminador: and ram?17:22
Exterminador11Gb still available apparently (it's a 16Gb RAM machine)17:23
Exterminadorprobably needing a reboot (96 days of uptime)17:24
Exterminadoralso "*** System restart required ***" is quite annoying17:25
love_anyone here17:27
Exterminadorjust ask your question and if anyone can help, they'll step in17:28
love_this is my first time on IRC where can I find people to chat with17:28
love_for fun17:28
Exterminadoryou should "/join ##chat" probably (without the quotes)17:29
cbreaklove_: you can /msg alis help to find a topical channel17:30
marc_Anyone know how to fix a slow NVMe drive with slow write speeds17:35
p13marc_: how slow?17:39
marc_less than 300mb's17:39
p13anything in dmesg about it ?17:39
marc_should be over 70017:39
marc_how do i do that ive been away from linux for 13 years so only started using again in the last week17:41
p13oh, just run "dmesg | less" as root and have a look to see if you can find any specific messages related to your drive17:42
p13I would also suggest that you have a look with "lspci -v" and read the info on your drive to see if it has the number of pci-e lanes that you expect17:42
cbreakmarc_: what that SSD faster before? If so, before doing what?17:42
cbreakand how did you benchmark?17:43
marc_yesterday it was doing same around 300 i messed aroun it went up to over 600 today its back to 30017:43
marc_disk utility17:43
th1marc_: what did you do before it went to 600?17:44
marc_well ive just run it now after a few mins waiting for a reply here and it now shot up to 568 mbs17:45
th1what did you run?17:45
marc_just the disk utility benchmark17:45
th1which disk utility?17:45
marc_gnome-disk-utility 3.36.317:46
th1probably when you run it, it causes the drive to run some internal cleanup and then it's faster when you run it again but returns to normal after a while. ssd disks do all sorts of advanced stuff under the hood, to wear level the flash, and garbage collect automatically17:47
p13could be that you are hitting some kind of cache17:48
marc_but it supposed to run at well over 700mb's its pretty slow in ubuntu in comparison to windows 10 which its over 100017:48
cbreakwhich filesystem?17:49
marc_ubuntu Ext417:49
th1marc_: start here https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/p/ssd.html17:50
marc_the drive is Force MP510 (ECFM22.7)17:50
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szdani10Intel 3165 how can I set to working this wireless device on PopOs?19:04
jeremy31szdani10: ask PopOS support19:07
sersOK. Hi. This drives me nuts, I have a question. Or, two questions. Are any true security experts currently around and present in regards to security on Ubuntu Linux?19:12
sersThe scenario is, what are the actual security implications regarding the following two methods of running firefox on Ubuntu. There is a firefox-trunk/nightly-build, a precompiled binary build from the official mozilla site, unpacked in a user's $HOME directory with the default chmod/chown permissions.19:17
sersAnd, the other method is, a default firefox installation, as in, thru the official apt repository method.19:18
sersWhat are the actual security implications of both builds in comparison?19:18
sersWhat is more secure?19:18
sersUbuntu 5.11.0-40.44~20.04.2-generic 5.11.2219:19
sersWould be the version19:19
sersrunning both "builds"19:19
sersWhat is more secure? The offical .tar.bz2 compiled build from mozilla, running in an user's $HOME folder, or the `sudo apt install firefox' version from the official ubuntu repositories installed via apt?19:21
sersOr let's say, a compiled nightly build from mozilla placed in a user's /opt/ folder...19:23
sersAs a third possibility19:23
sersWell, perhaps not the lucky day for questions on #ubuntu. :P19:24
sersOr perhaps wrong time. :P19:24
jonmost people are out shopping19:24
* sers nods19:25
sersWhat is more secure, tmux+irssi, or screen+irssi? ;P19:25
sersdamn shopping! ;P19:25
sersActually, what truly bothers me is, that canonical is apparently unwilling to provide an official firefox-trunk build thru their official repositories. Instead, the have the maintainer of the firefox build, provide an "untrusted" ppa...19:26
sersoh. they*19:27
sersI used chrome builds too, with added KEYS, to provide update functionality thru apt/apt-get, however, I'd rather stick to two separate firefox installations, both provided thru canonical via their repository. :P19:29
sersI also tried...19:29
serscog dillo epiphany-browser falkon hv3 konqueror links lynx netsurf surf chrome-stable chrome-beta chrome-unstable chromium19:29
sersand, did I mention, stuff thru snap?19:30
* sers vomits19:30
* sers hopes apt-get dies in a corner19:30
sersOnly power to apt!19:30
szdani10And w3m?19:30
sersw3m? Oh.19:30
szdani10That is missing.19:30
* sers hopes snap dies in a corner too19:31
sersanyway, still drives me nuts19:31
sersand since I don't have another shell going to detach. cyas19:31
serswas good talking, tnx for the information19:31
szdani10hi afterThought19:33
afterThoughtHello szdani1019:33
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charlie_sandosup yall19:36
raxor2kHow can i add an existing ssh-rsa key to a file so both me and my mate can ssh to the server?19:43
raxor2kmine is already inside there so i can ssh the server already19:43
raxor2knvm solved it19:48
tomreynraxor2k: use a text editor to add theirs19:48
raxor2kok so i added it to "authorized_keys" but he is still getting "access denied, publickey"19:50
raxor2kmaybe i need to restart the service?19:50
raxor2kbecause all i have to do is to add his key underneath mine key inside "authorized_keys" file, right ?19:52
charlie_sandoraxor2k, and ensure the permissions to that file are correct ( 0600 I believe )19:53
charlie_sandoraxor2k,  you can have him ssh -vvvv '...' to get more error info19:53
raxor2kwhat do you mean?19:53
tomreynraxor2k: it won't be a permissions issue if you can alread authenticate using the uother key on this file. and you don't need to restart opensshd, if that's the server you're running.19:54
th1raxor2k: you don't need to restart sshd after changing a per-user configuration file in .ssh19:54
th1only if you change the master ones in /etc19:54
raxor2kok then why can he not connect?19:54
th1maybe he's sending the wrong key or there's a problem with the key format or permissions file19:55
charlie_sandowhat do the logs say19:55
tomreynraxor2k: what's the error message he's getting, and the log line that's added to the servers' auth.log about it?19:55
th1as charlie_sando said have him try running ssh -vvvv user@host19:55
raxor2ktht: he tried19:55
raxor2khe gets the same message19:55
raxor2khe aint even asked to type the password19:55
tomreynmost of this time in this scenario it's a matter of not specifiying the target user19:56
th1yeah but it will show a ton of debug information with all those v's19:56
th1that should give you a clue to what the problem is19:56
th1like "Server rejected the key"19:56
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raxor2kmine, my mate1(which has been there for some months), and now my mate220:00
raxor2kmy mate1 has always been able to log in20:00
raxor2ki think i might just restart the whole server20:00
th1that's very unlikely to help20:00
raxor2kso how come that mate1 has been able to ssh all the time?20:00
raxor2kme and mate120:00
raxor2kits the same authorized key20:01
th1if it's the same key are you sure that you can even log in now?20:01
raxor2ki am able to log in20:01
raxor2kAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes20:02
raxor2kWarning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.20:02
th1if two people are trying to  ssh in with the same private key, one is able to the other is not, then the problem is not on the server but on the client20:02
raxor2kwoitech57@ Permission denied (publickey)20:02
raxor2khe gets20:02
th1and the username is woitech57?20:02
th1you are both using that?20:02
raxor2kme and mate1 have always been able to ssh and can still do that without problem, but mate2 can not ssh in20:04
raxor2kand i added his key underneath ours20:04
th1and in the output of ssh there is something like this on both yours and his: Offering public key: /home/whatever/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:asfkjhsdkjghdsf20:05
raxor2kth1: where can i see this ?20:06
th1in the output of ssh -vvvv ...20:06
raxor2kssh -vvvv woitech57@ ?20:06
th1also careful what you paste here, you don't want to give usernames and ip addresses away in public20:07
raxor2kisnt that all the point with the rsa? that nobody can hack the server?20:07
th1sure but the more information someone has the greater the chance they find a way to hack it..20:07
raxor2kok i se20:08
raxor2kanyways, here is the information he got when using -vvvv : https://bpa.st/OXJA20:08
th1raxor2k: it never loads the key, it should be in /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/id_rsa20:10
raxor2kthis is his path: https://nb.imgbb.com/20:13
raxor2khe says it already is like this¨20:13
th1that link didn't work20:13
th1debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/id_rsa20:14
th1debug3: no such identity: /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/id_rsa: No such file or directory20:14
raxor2kthis then : https://ibb.co/3SGzJvR20:14
th1if he calls the file that instead of id_rsa he needs to tell ssh that he is using that file20:14
th1have him try this: ssh -i /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/websocketZana woitech57@
charlie_sandoeasiest just to rename it back to id_rssa , but yeah what th1 said20:15
raxor2ki will tell him to rename it back20:16
tomreynrenaming a file without file extension might not be so easy on windows20:16
raxor2ki will tell him to do from beginning20:17
raxor2kcreate a new one20:17
th1it'll be fine if he just renames it to id_rsa, that shouldn't be a problem20:17
th1if it already didn't have an extension windows will let him20:17
tomreynmv /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/websocketZana /c/Users/Zana/.ssh/id_rsa        would also work20:18
th1or even cp20:18
raxor2kwe solved it20:22
raxor2kwe just deleted that .ssh folder and created a new one20:22
raxor2koh.. he is so dumb, he always changes names and that stuff..20:22
th1raxor2k: if that's the case I'd reconsider giving him access to my server.. just sayin'20:25
raxor2kno worries, he cant do anything20:28
joanHello friends20:52
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ens# snap install core22:06
enserror: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using "squashfs": mount: /tmp/sanity-mountpoint-780933907: mount failed: Operation not permitted.22:06
ensthis is an openvz instance. the fuse module is enabled.22:06
ensthat is. the kernel module 'fuse' shows up in lsmod.22:06
=== vit is now known as Guest8270
Bashing-omens: ' systemctl status snapd ' says what ?22:08
ensBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/vCWTUFfJ22:12
ensi'm thinking i might also have to load squashfs as a kernel module22:14
ensoh... so i did: apt install fuse squashfuse22:17
ensthat seems to work now22:17
ens(also went to the control panel on the vps and re-enabled the fuse adapter)22:18
Bashing-omens: I also suggest that you insure that "squashfs-tools" exists.22:25
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=== Agent_Isai is now known as Agent
RMOTAOWhen I login on a TTY show me the last login date. I would like to change the format of the date. Is it possible?23:15
mullikenThat should be part of your motd. I haven't vetted this but it might help: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-change-welcome-message-motd-on-ubuntu-18-04-server23:25
RMOTAOI had searched every file inside upgrade-motd and nothing I found.23:29
RMOTAOI believe that is a direct system call to some library.23:30
mullikenIt might be an SSH thing23:32
mullikenSeems like you can generate your own last login and disable ssh's > "Finally, you can opt to get rid of the “last login” message if you want"23:35
mulliken> PrintLastLog no23:35
RMOTAOI am no nothing using ssh. It is a local login.23:36
RMOTAOA Host login.23:37

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