
=== genii is now known as genii-core
Guest84Hey, does anyone use kwallet?07:16
Guest84It is not super intuitive how to get it to store passwords07:16
user|80I would like to know if the last version is capable of using the touch screen of a windows surface.  Would you think it's easy to configure ?09:04
Guest84my thinkpad has a touchscreen. I havent configured it at all, you can click anything my touch, but it doesnt scroll09:05
Guest84I havent investigated if it would be easy to configure09:06
user|80ok sweet.  Thanks a lot for the information.  I think we will give it a try ! :)09:12
user|80Have a good day ::D09:17
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
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=== treb_ is now known as lokila
=== genii-core is now known as genii
user|11Is this where you ask for help? lol17:39
mattwareHello.  New to Kubuntu 20.04.  How do I change the brightness?18:16
lokilamattware, not entirely sure but near your clock there should be a little arrow that opens a menu and  "Battery and brightness" should be there (or power saving settings)18:48
mattwarelokila: saw that.  Only thing under there is wireless mouse.  I'm on a desktop PC by the way.18:50
lokilaAh so am I, that's why I was unsure. Then I won't be able to help you unfortunately. Sorry.18:51
mattwarelokila: no problem.  Thanks.18:55
IrcsomeBot<gilbertoferreira> HI there.I am using Kubuntu 21.10 with Kde Plasma 5.23.3 (updated from ppa backports).I have notice that Menu are ugly with big border like I maked out in this image : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/c4c45061/file_50399.jpg19:23
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flower_why is there no /usr/local/share/applications in my 21.10 Kubuntu install?20:55
uelkdeinit5 keep crashing on kubuntu 20.04, how do I fix this?23:14

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