
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:07
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:10
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:12
didrocksgood morning06:56
pieqsalut didrocks!06:59
pieqand oSoMoN, duflu :)06:59
didrockssalut pieq !07:01
jibelGood morning folks07:09
jibelsalut didrocks oSoMoN duflu pieq 07:10
pieqsalut jibel, ça va ?07:10
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel 07:15
dufluAfternoon pieq 07:15
didrockssalut jibel, duflu07:37
osseI just upgraded to 21.10. It seems the window borders (the top line with the buttons) are sometimes light and sometimes dark. Is this correct? https://imgur.com/a/wt4glde07:38
dufluosse, I think that's a feature of the Yaru theme. It's been confusing and changing for a while. Best to ask the theme people what the plan is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yaru-theme/+filebug or https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues07:44
seb128goood morning desktopers07:51
oSoMoN_salut pieq, seb128 07:52
osseduflu: thank you.07:52
dufluMorning seb128 07:52
osseI found this, but I don't know enough about snaps to understand what the conclusion is: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/301807:52
ubottuIssue 3018 in ubuntu/yaru "Titlebars color are both light or dark" [Closed]07:52
oSoMoN_et salut didrocks 07:52
jpnurmigood morning07:58
dufluMorning jpnurmi 07:58
jpnurmihi duflu07:59
dufluosse, if you have any ongoing queries about mismatched colour schemes then please try to keep each bug report simple (one app per bug)07:59
osseCurrently I have zero; just trying to understand the situation07:59
dufluI don't understand it fully but the Yaru team is usually very responsive if you want to contact them08:00
clobrano[m]Hello everyone 🙂08:01
clobrano[m]hey osse, from what I can see from this picture (https://imgur.com/a/wt4glde) there's Firefox that is using the old snap gtk-common-theme, while Gnome Terminal and Shotwell are configured ad "prefer-dark" and so it uses the dark variant 08:01
clobrano[m]which is basically what said in the bug report you mentioned08:01
dufluI think regular users (and even us developers) probably need a simpler explanation like if it's not fixed yet, where an open bug about each problem can be found08:02
dufluNot /why/ it happens08:02
dufluIf some are snap bugs then we can help to point you where to log those app bugs08:03
didrockssalut oSoMoN, seb128 08:12
didrocksand hey clobrano[m]!08:12
clobrano[m]hey duflu, sorry for not being too clear. What I meant is that Firefox snap is build on an old version of gtk-common-theme. It is not a bug, as far as I know, either gtk-common-theme has to be rebuild with the new Yaru as target, or firefox snap needs to be rebuild with a newer gtk-common-theme if it exists already08:14
clobrano[m]the other applications are shipped with prefer-dark by default in Ubuntu08:14
clobrano[m]hey didrocks  🙂08:14
dufluThanks clobrano[m] 08:17
dufluosse, I think the summary is "it's not a bug except for Firefox which you can fix with 'sudo apt install firefox'"08:17
clobrano[m]duflu: firefox deb now installs a snap, is that right? If that so, re-installing firefox might not be enough08:18
dufluNo it's still a deb on jammy (just tried it)08:19
clobrano[m]oh, I see, it should be ok then 🙂08:19
dufluI guess we'll find out after 22.04 but I expect more users will report this as a bug (after which time it's too late to change)08:21
clobrano[m]gtk-common-themes candidate channel might also have a more up to date version, but I cannot test it at the moment08:40
osseI was unaware that firefox was a snap. That helps explain things! Thanks09:02
osseSo snaps bundle their own resources, or depend on other snaps that do? 09:03
GunnarHjHi oSoMoN! When will the Firefox snap be built with snapcraft 6.0? (Needless to say I have the font configuration issue in mind.)09:10
seb128GunnarHj, you should ask the snapcraft team when that version is going to be in the stable channel, that's a decision on their end11:09
oSoMoNGunnarHj, what seb128 said, but we could trigger a rebuild with snapcraft from the candidate channel for testing purposes, if you're interested11:17
GunnarHjseb128, oSoMoN: Thanks both of you. Yes, I think it would be good if we could test it that way, oSoMoN. Would like to follow-up if it actually works.11:20
oSoMoNGunnarHj, I'll kick off a rebuild now, and will publish it in a branch when it's ready11:21
oSoMoNbuilding here: https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-snaps/firefox/+snap/firefox-snap-stable/+build/159752611:25
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Ok.. It doesn't tell me much — I'm basically illiterate wrt the snap infrastructure. :/11:27
GunnarHjoSoMoN: But I see it failed. :(11:28
oSoMoNosse, both things: snaps bundle some of their dependencies, and depend on other snaps (sometimes called platform or content snaps), like e.g. gnome-3-38-2004 for all glib/gnome related dependencies, or gtk-common-themes for theming (there are other content snaps for the Qt/KDE stack, and others)11:28
oSoMoNGunnarHj, huh, let me check11:28
oSoMoN(when I shared that link it was building)11:29
oSoMoN« Could not find a required package in 'build-packages': libtinfo6 »11:29
oSoMoNlet me try locally11:30
oSoMoNmmm, it looks like it tried to build in a bionic VM, instead of focal11:43
oSoMoNI was expecting auto-detection of the correct series when using lp-build-snap, but it seems it always defaults to bionic11:44
oSoMoNnow building again here: https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-snaps/firefox/+snap/firefox-snap-stable/+build/159752811:44
KGB-2gtk3 Simon McVittie 285394 * commented merge request !8 * https://deb.li/3JIXd11:46
seb128oSoMoN, lp-build-snap uses the default config if you use no argument, but if you specify the arch it uses the old LP API (there is no way to specify the arch with the new one) and then you also need to specify the series option there is no autodetection. I guess you specific an arch?11:48
oSoMoNindeed, I triggered a build for amd64 only11:49
seb128we should maybe make the script display a warning for the case where the arch isn't autodetected, I've been bitten by that in the past11:53
KGB-2gtk3 Simon McVittie 285397 * commented merge request !8 * https://deb.li/EitU11:59
oSoMoNGunnarHj, the build failed again but it's an intermittent failure where downloading the firefox source tarball hangs, I've retried it again12:03
GunnarHjoSoMoN: I see. Thanks for your effort.12:04
ricotzhellooo desktopers!12:28
oSoMoNhey ricotz 12:28
ricotzoSoMoN, hi12:29
KGB-1libcanberra Olivier Tilloy 285400 * commented merge request !2 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/2#note_28540012:33
ubottuMerge 2 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Changes forwarded from Ubuntu" [Closed]12:33
KGB-1libcanberra ubuntu/master 4aae448 Olivier Tilloy debian/ (7 files in 2 dirs) * Import Ubuntu delta. * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/commit/4aae44812:48
ubottuCommit 4aae448 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Import Ubuntu delta."12:48
KGB-1libcanberra Olivier Tilloy 285402 * commented merge request !2 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/2#note_28540212:50
ubottuMerge 2 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Changes forwarded from Ubuntu" [Closed]12:50
seb128oSoMoN, https://github.com/kenvandine/lp-build-snap/pull/212:56
ubottuPull 2 in kenvandine/lp-build-snap "Require a serie for arch specific builds" [Open]12:56
seb128kenvandine, ^ the change was prompted by the backlog, but I've been bitten by that in the past. When doing an arch specific build it's easy to forget that the snapcraft serie is not used and it's misleading, I first made it display a warning but since there is no confimartion there is little you can do otherwise having to go stop the build and start another one, seems a safer default to force the series arguement12:58
oSoMoNseb128, nice one!12:58
ricotzseb128, hey13:26
ricotzoSoMoN, do you need assistance with the firefox/thunderbird releases?13:27
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you?13:27
ricotzseb128, could better :), thanks13:27
seb128oh :(13:30
oSoMoNricotz, I think I can manage, thanks for the offer though! (we had a sprint with part of the team last week and I couldn't dedicate time to thunderbird as I had hoped)14:04
help[m]2<seb128> "kenvandine, ^ the change was..." <- seb128: thanks!  That makes sense and looks good, let me just poke around a bit to make sure it doesn't break any of my scripts.14:08
oSoMoNhelp[m]2, for a moment I thought you were a bot, with this unusual nickname14:10
help[m]2Oh?  What does my nick look like?14:11
oSoMoNGunnarHj, firefox snap built with snapcraft 6.0 ready for testing in the candidate/snapcraft6 channel14:11
oSoMoNhelp[m]2, "help[m]2"14:11
help[m]2it quotes it?14:12
oSoMoNwithout quotes14:12
help[m]2I'm experimenting with the matrix bridge :)14:12
oSoMoNbut it reads "h e l p [ m ] 2" (without whitespaces)14:12
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Thanks, I'll give it a try later (in a meeting soon).14:13
oSoMoNGunnarHj, cool, I'll give it some testing too14:18
help[m]2!nick 14:24
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use «/nick <newnick>» for that), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Libera.14:24
help[m]2 * !nick  kenvandine14:24
oSoMoNwelcome to the matrix…14:25
oSoMoNGunnarHj, the wait is over: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapcraft-6-0/27661/614:25
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Ah, great!14:26
ricotzoSoMoN, alright, thanks14:47
=== help[m]2 is now known as kenvandine3
seb128kenvandine, want to try to do the bug review?15:05
kenvandine3seb128: sure15:05
seb128let's do it15:06
seb128bug #195048415:06
ubottuBug 1950484 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Adding an admin user a Gnome Control Center should set the right groups" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195048415:06
seb128sounds like something we probably should fix15:06
seb128I'm surprised it was already on focal and we never noticed, so probably not that much of an issue?15:07
seb128kenvandine3, opinion ?15:08
seb128I'm going to say we should accept that one and move on15:09
kenvandine3i agree15:09
seb128that's the only one, the other line is the same on another component15:09
seb128those are assigned15:10
seb128bug #194760015:10
ubottuBug 1947600 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Default browser changed from firefox to chrome" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194760015:10
seb128it's assigned was just not untagged, doing that now15:10
seb128buig #173330115:11
seb128it's not for our team and waiting for an update, I mark it incomplete15:11
seb128bug #193160315:12
ubottuBug 1931603 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[apparmor] Unable to show Downloads with apparmor enabled" [Medium, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193160315:12
seb128it's assigned to Dariusz on some series so probably should be the same on others15:13
seb128similar for bug #194800815:14
ubottuBug 1948008 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng (Ubuntu Impish) "Copying and pasting files between desktop and Nautilus does not work" [Low, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194800815:14
seb128bug #194662115:15
ubottuBug 1946621 in mesa (Ubuntu Impish) "Crash in libegl-mesa0 (eglReleaseThread)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194662115:15
seb128sounds like one for Timo, unsure if warrants an impish update15:15
seb128I trust timo will do one if required, moving one15:16
seb128let's stop doing hirsute, we are not going to do more desktop SRU there15:16
seb128no desktop section15:17
ricotzhow should I deal with a possibly stuck autopkgtest run?15:17
kenvandine3seb128 sorry, distracted by phone call15:17
* kenvandine3 catches up15:18
seb128ricotz, unsure, try asking juliank?15:18
ricotzseb128, thanks15:18
seb128a bit of triaging there but nothing that seems worth discussing15:18
seb128no desktop section15:18
seb128nothing interesting there15:20
seb128and I think that's it15:20
seb128kenvandine3, let me know once you catch up :-)15:20
kenvandine3seb128: ok, all good15:24
seb128great :-)15:24
GunnarHjoSoMoN: I installed FF from latest/candidate/snapcraft6 and could confirm that it recognizes /etc/fonts/conf.d as intended. :)16:30
GunnarHjSo, does that mean we can expect it to work also in stable and beta after next update?16:30
oSoMoNGunnarHj, yes16:38
oSoMoNand firefox 95.0 is scheduled for release next week, so the fix will reach users soon16:39
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Sounds great! Then only the spellchecking issue remains among "my" issues. That one seems to have stalled sort of...16:41
oSoMoNGunnarHj, it's far from being the only remaining issue on my list, but it's definitely an important one16:50
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Ok, I'll try to be patient — for a while. ;)16:54
oSoMoNGunnarHj, your following up on issues you care about is always appreciated16:55
GunnarHj                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              16:57
GunnarHj                                                        oSoMoN: Trying to not be a PITA. It's a tradeoff..                                                                                                                        oo16:57
GunnarHjsomething weird happened16:58
oSoMoNrandom users demanding a fix and threatening to switch distros if they don't get it right away are a PITA, polite people participating in constructive discussion to look for a solution aren't17:00
tjaaltonfirefox snap can't access cifs shares?17:04
tjaaltonI can't upload pictures to smugmug anymore, how nice17:08
KGB-2libcanberra Heather Ellsworth 285421 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/ljZG17:23
tjaaltonoh well, flatpak to the rescue17:37
JanCjust use the deb?17:37
tjaaltonwhich will be gone in 22.0417:38
tjaaltonlast I heard17:38
=== kenvandine3 is now known as kenvandine
tjaaltonwell, the flatpak version hangs in some way when uploading files to smugmug, but deb works.. will revisit in 6mo18:09
oSoMoNtjaalton, would you mind sharing your experience with the snap on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/difficulty-viewing-mounted-fileystems-via-samba-nfs-gvfs-interface/14680 ? That would be helpful to help move the issue forward18:16
tjaaltonoSoMoN: sure18:20
KGB-0libcanberra Olivier Tilloy 285461 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/ODwN20:27
KGB-0libcanberra Heather Ellsworth 285462 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/vIEg20:29
KGB-0libcanberra Olivier Tilloy 285463 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/3bHAj20:31
KGB-0libcanberra tags 4aae448 Olivier Tilloy ubuntu/0.30-7ubuntu3 * https://deb.li/Au2I20:46
KGB-0libcanberra Gunnar Hjalmarsson 285472 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/3Yvcv20:47
diddledaniseb128: if you haven't seen my reply on #1733301, I was frustrated and I'm sorry that I worded it so poorly and aggressively20:52
seb128diddledani, no worry, we did triage rls bugs here and I should have added a note while doing the change you are right20:53
seb128diddledani, the previous post from Brian was asking for the SRU informations to be added to the description20:54
seb128diddledani, sounds like that has been sorted out since ;-)20:54
diddledaniyup, Brian has imported the package to -proposed now20:55
diddledanithank you for not taking (too much) offense at my inappropriateness 🤗20:55
seb128np, thank you for the msg here ;-)20:56
diddledaniagain, I'm very sorry that I was out of line20:56
KGB-0libcanberra Olivier Tilloy 285473 * commented merge request !2 * https://deb.li/ivXU20:57
KGB-0libcanberra Heather Ellsworth 285480 * commented merge request !3 * https://deb.li/iUHe422:22
KGB-0libcanberra Heather Ellsworth 285483 * commented merge request !4 * https://deb.li/3k1dv23:04
KGB-0libcanberra Gunnar Hjalmarsson 285485 * commented merge request !4 * https://deb.li/ZCKh23:21

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