
schopinsarnold: I don't recall exactly why there's 1/4 here (I've done the work a month ago) but this single patch is all that is needed. I'll amend the packaging to reflect that.09:04
schopinI usually cherry-pick all OPenSSL 3 related changes from upstream in a single branch before sorting them out, this might just be an artifact of the culling process.09:05
schopinsarnold: fixed, both in Debian MR and in the PPA (1.19.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1, still building)10:09
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sarnoldschopin: cool, thanks :) amurray, mdeslaur, are either of you interested / able to sponsor schopin's krb5 openssl3 work? :) https://launchpad.net/bugs/194579517:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945795 in krb5 (Ubuntu) "krb5: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0" [Undecided, New]17:40
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* mdeslaur looks18:08
mdeslaursarnold: schopin : I've added a comment to the bug18:15
sarnoldI *really* wish launchpad would make it easier to get diffs to 'current tip of $release' etc18:19
mdeslauryeah, that would be nice18:20
mdeslaursometimes it does two of them...and both end up wrong too :)18:21
schopinI find the whole packaging process to be very... handcrafted. There are so many corner cases!18:22
schopin(such as this specific instance :P)18:22
mdeslaurhow else are you supposed to earn the debian secret handshake! ;)18:24
schopinI already know the Debian secret handshake, it's for the Ubuntu one that my fingers are a bit too stiff.18:25
schopinBut then, it's almost winter so that makes sense.18:25
mdeslaurhehe :)18:25
mdeslaurthat's just my go-to "packaging is complicated" joke, I wasn't referring to you personally :)18:28
schopinbtw I answered your question on the bug. The tl;dr is "look further down" :-)18:30
mdeslauroh, sorry about that, I didn't notice18:33
mdeslaurI don't understand, we're skipping over what's in debian for that package?18:34
mdeslaurI thought I was just sponsoring a build fix...I'm uncomfortable sponsoring a whole new krb5 version, sorry18:36
schopinI was hoping that by the time I'd need to upload the package, the Debian maintainer would have uploaded his experimental branch, but they haven't done so.18:39
schopinAnd I understand not wanting to upload a new upstream version, indeed.18:40
mdeslaurgive me a minute to look at it18:40
mdeslaurs/a minute/a few minutes/18:54
schopinmdeslaur: It's EOD for me, but feel free to leave comments here, I'll answer (if I can) first thing tomorrow.19:04
mdeslaurschopin: sure, have a nice evening19:08
mdeslaurschopin: looks good, uploaded, thanks!19:25

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