
mupPR snapd#10936 closed: interfaces/interfaces/scsi_generic: add interface for scsi generic de… <Squash-merge> <cherry-picked> <Created by kubiko> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10936>00:47
mupPR snapd#11111 closed: packaging/ubuntu, packaging/debian: depend on dbus-session-bus provider <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11111>01:18
mupPR snapd#11083 closed: gadget: allow EnsureLayoutCompatibility to ensure disk has all laid out structs <Needs Samuele review> <Run nested> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11083>04:33
mupPR snapd#11129 opened: cmd/snapd-apparmor: Reimplement snapd-apparmor in Go <Created by alexmurray> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11129>05:44
mardypstolowski, mvo: hi08:05
mvogood morning pstolowski and mardy !08:11
mupPR snapd#11130 opened: tests/main/security-device-cgroups-helper: collect some debug info when the test fails <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11130>08:34
miguelpiresmvo hi, can you merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11109 please?09:54
mupPR #11109: o/snapstate: add InstallPathMany <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11109>09:54
mvomiguelpires: \o/ abolutely09:57
mvoI need a second (or third) review for 11123, it's criticial to fix the hostname set regression we got09:58
mupPR snapd#11109 closed: o/snapstate: add InstallPathMany <Created by MiguelPires> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11109>10:00
mborzeckihehe, so my hack of snapd state and units gets stuck on `error: copying asserts: circular assertions are not expected: account (testrootorg)` when initializing a fake refresh10:23
mborzeckihm if i understand that right, the developer1 account is signed by testrootorg, which is self signed (as it's root?)10:25
mupPR snapd#11091 closed: systemd: add support for systemd unit alias names <Needs Samuele review> <Created by flotter> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11091>10:25
mborzeckihmmm so fakestore is built without test keys, that's why it's confused10:32
pstolowskineed 2nd review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1096911:17
mupPR #10969: o/snapstate, assertsate: validation sets/undo on partial failure <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <validation-sets :white_check_mark:> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10969>11:17
pstolowskijamesh: hi, can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11072 ? i believe the test issue was the only blocker11:25
mupPR #11072: usersession/client: provide a way for client to send messages to a subset of users <refresh app awareness> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11072>11:25
mborzeckitrivial PR ->> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1113011:34
mupPR #11130: tests/main/security-device-cgroups-helper: collect some debug info when the test fails <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11130>11:34
mborzeckipstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11126 ?11:34
mupPR #11126: tests: verify that simultaneous refresh of kernel and base triggers a single reboot only <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11126>11:34
pstolowskimborzecki: sure11:34
mupPR snapcraft#3603 opened: [spike] many: fix legacy execution in managed environment <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3603>12:53
mupPR snapd#11131 opened: tests/nested/manual/core20-remodel: wait for device to have a serial before starting a remodel <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11131>13:31
mupPR snapd#10989 closed: many: quote constructed paths ending up into AppArmor rules <β›” Blocked> <Created by mardy> <Closed by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10989>13:46
mupPR snapd#11132 opened: tests/core/kernel-and-base-single-reboot: port the test to UC20 <β›” Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11132>13:51
mupPR snapd#11133 opened: o/c/c/hostname: be more robust against future code changes <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11133>15:11
mupPR snapd#11124 closed: HACKING.md: adjust again for building the snapd snap <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Documentation> <Skip spread> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11124>15:16
mupPR snapd#11107 closed: overlord, tests: add managers and a spread test for UC20 to UC22 remodel <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11107>15:36
mupPR snapd#11134 opened: daemon: add multiple snap sideload to API <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11134>16:01
mupPR core20#124 opened: Add a finalrd script to move filesystems <Created by valentindavid> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/124>16:34
mupPR snapd#11135 opened: daemon,tests: support forgetting device serial via API <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11135>18:07
mupPR snapd#11136 opened: devicestate: Unregister deletes the device key pair as well <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11136>18:07
mupPR snapd#11125 closed: o/devicestate: introduce DeviceManager.Unregister (2.53) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11125>20:38
jawn-smithijohnson[m]: Any chance I could get a bump on the workflow approval for PR 11052 ?21:02
mupPR #11052: tests: ensure snapd can be downloaded as a module <Created by atesburak> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11052>21:02
jawn-smithWe're eager to release ubuntu-image 2.1 but are blocked by that.21:04
ijohnson[m]sure bumped21:15
mupPR snapd#11137 opened: snapdtool, many: support additional key/value flags in info file <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11137>22:13

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