
=== genii is now known as genii-core
schopino/ This is one of my daily call for sponsoring :) LP: #1946007: a small cherry-pick from upstream for pkcs11-helper. OpenSSL 3.0 related as usual.11:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946007 in pkcs11-helper (Ubuntu) "pkcs11-helper: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194600711:39
mdeslaurschopin: LGTM, one sec, I'll upload it11:44
schopinNice, thanks!11:45
seb128bdmurray, hey, if I understand things correctly, apport integration with snaps is currently limited to allow reporting to launchpad on a snap and collecting some informations from the store like the revision for the report? Was there any discussion so far about allowing snaps to provide hooks?12:32
schopinxnox: any plans on merging zfs-linux 2.0.6-2 ? It currently FTBFS and this should theoretically fix that :)12:56
ahasenackis anybody working on updating ust from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0? It will fix the ltt-control build (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltt-control/2.13.1-1/+build/22365825)13:01
ahasenackif not, I can probably give it a try (new package for me)13:01
xypronI am looking for a sponsor for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opensbi/+bug/193705514:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1937055 in opensbi (Ubuntu) "OpenSBI: system reset support missing for HiFive Unmatched" [Undecided, New]14:41
seb128cpaelzer, hey, the open-vm-tools fuse3 port is going to be merged upstream it seems, will you handle backporting to the distro for the transition?14:53
cpaelzerseb128: yes15:00
seb128cpaelzer, thanks15:00
cpaelzerseb128: I do open-vm-tools once per cycle and backports of them up to the last LTS15:00
cpaelzerseb128: I'm unsure if we can wait for the next version as it might slip FF, I ahve asked on https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/pull/544/ to be clear if we wait to merge the next or need to start backports now15:08
ubottuPull 544 in vmware/open-vm-tools "vmblock-fuse, vmhgfs-fuse: Add support for libfuse3" [Open]15:08
seb128cpaelzer, thanks15:10
bdmurrayseb128: I don't recall any discussion like that.15:46
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schopinbryceh: would you be willing to sponsor LP: #1945980 ?16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945980 in openvpn (Ubuntu) "openvpn: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194598016:35
brycehschopin, sure thing, will try to look at it today or tomorrow16:36
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schopinHmm. How come we don't have the same optimization level on ppc64el? I have a FTBFS on tgl that only triggers on ppc64el because -O3 (I can reproduce on x86 using the flags from the build logs)17:19
schopinGCC is right to complain, it's a good old UB due to a partially-uninitialized struct, but it's a bit weird to only have it fail on that architecture.17:20
RikMillsschopin: I will take care of the kopete rebuild for openssl. Either source an upstream/distro patch to fix the build, or disable the build of the plugin that is failing and not much useful any more18:19
schopinOK. I hadn't looked at it yet, thanks!18:20
seb128schopin, I'm unsure of the reason why we divert on the optimization level, probably a question for doko19:19
seb128schopin, it's coming from there, https://git.dpkg.org/cgit/dpkg/dpkg.git/tree/scripts/Dpkg/Vendor/Ubuntu.pm#n10819:22
seb128schopin, https://git.dpkg.org/cgit/dpkg/dpkg.git/commit/scripts/Dpkg/Vendor/Ubuntu.pm?id=c824c49b , unsure if the reason still stands and if it regularly revisited19:23
ubottuCommit c824c49 in dpkg/dpkg.git "dpkg-buildflags: use CFLAGS='-g -O3' for building ppc64 packages on Ubuntu"19:23
jawn-smithbdmurray: I'm quite confident my ocrfeeder change is not what's causing the errors listed in the error tracker for phased updates20:32
jawn-smithSo how should I address that?20:33
bdmurrayjawn-smith: I forget was it very broken before?20:34
jawn-smithThe "import pdf" function was completely broken20:36
jawn-smithother functionality of the package was fine20:36
bdmurraySo subsequently we might be seeing crashes we didn't see before just because import pdf is working now?20:36
jawn-smithbdmurray: that seems reasonable to me, yes20:37
bdmurrayIf the phasing doesn't continue in the next run then ping me and we can override it.20:38
bdmurrayI generally look at stopped things on Thursday and override false positives then.20:38
brycehschopin, upload sponsored; let me know when you set up your Coredev app :-)21:21
brycehschopin, also I noticed your mention of git-ubuntu on your motu app; would be happy to give tips if you want to learn it.21:23
jawn-smithvolron: created bug 1952960 to remove lava21:45
ubottuBug 1952960 in lava (Ubuntu) "Remove src:lava from ubuntu" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195296021:45
sarnoldjawn-smith: btw, most clients let you type a few letters of a name and use tab to complete the rest, eg vo<tab> --> vorlon   :)21:47
jawn-smithsarnold: would you look at that21:47
sarnoldjawn-smith: woot :)21:47
sarnoldjawn-smith: the number of times I see 'samold' :)21:48
sarnoldwhen it's easy to tell someone doesn't know tab complete *and* has a bad font, hehehe21:49
jawn-smithhah I can imagine21:49
vorlonjawn-smith: done, cheers21:52
vorlonsamold: you're gonna be seeing it more often now, let me tell you21:53
* sarnold groans21:53
jawn-smithvorlon: thanks!21:53
bdmurraysamold: seems like a more descriptive nick21:59
* sarnold shakes his fist22:01
mwhudsoncan you still google for keming22:21
mwhudsonboo :(22:21
sarnoldaww :(22:23
jawn-smithmwhudson: there's a subreddit for it22:26
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