[06:34] Hello, I have a question that somewhere here might be able to address: [06:34] I downloaded the latest version of the GTK2/3 theme greybird and extracted it to /usr/share/themes, but it does not show up in the appearance settings of XFCE. I’ve tried extracting to /.themes as well with no success. [06:34] https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird [06:34] I’m attempting to install version 3.22.15, but all versions after 3.22.11 have this issue where they don’t appear in the settings menu after extracting to proper the directory. I have all dependencies installed, so it should work. Not sure if it’s a bug with the theme or just me. [06:36] xu-irc73w, version of Xubuntu? [06:37] It seems that this incompatibility started after version 3.22.11 when the devs made a larger change to the code, release notes state "Rebase partly on Adwaita 3.24 to get features and reduce diff" [06:37] KBar: I am actually using Debian 11 with XFCE 4.16 to be honest. [06:37] This is a Xubuntu support channel. Please consider joining #xfce or forum.xfce.org [06:38] Okay, thanks. I will ask there. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:19] hello, good morning [08:22] Good morning to you too! [08:22] Super_Ape, and welcome. How can we help you? [08:24] KBar, Hi, I has a little problem. How do I get Thunderbird to launch at startup? The App "Startup Aplications" from Xubuntu doesn't work [08:25] Super_Ape, what version of Xubuntu are you running? [08:25] KBar, https://imgur.com/Vbd7LUv.png [08:26] let me see [08:26] Super_Ape, this is the command: `lsb_release -rd` [08:26] To show the current version. [08:27] dUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS [08:27] Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS [08:27] Stay here. Let me test it. Will reboot and come back. [08:28] KBar, Thank you [08:32] Super_Ape, I don't have Thunderbird but Firefox works here. What version is installed? `dpkg -l thunderbird` [08:32] Actually, just share the whole output. [08:33] Super_Ape, `dpkg -l thunderbird | pastebinit -b pastebin.com [08:33] KBar, thunderbird 1:91.3.2+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 amd64 [08:34] Super_Ape, does it have two i's in the beginning (first column before the name)? [08:35] KBar, yes, what does it mean? [08:36] It means it's status is set to install, and the package itself is installed. Can you start it fine? [08:36] it's > its [08:37] Super_Ape, how did you install it? This version is not available in Focal (20.04). Could you please show me the output of `apt-cache policy thunderbird`? [08:37] yes, really runs well. I don't know what happened with that... [08:37] okay [08:38] Super_Ape, just to make sure. You have set up your account, right? [08:38] KBar, https://imgur.com/3Yw6A00.png [08:38] KBar, yes [08:42] Super_Ape, okay. It looks like you've installed it from Mozilla's PPA. Anyway, it should not interfere with its autostart. [08:43] Super_Ape, can you try without the `%u` argument? [08:43] KBar, sure, let me try [08:43] KBar, be right back [08:50] KBar, It works... the %u was the problem. i dont put this %u there.. was there be default [08:50] but now... When it starts show a msg failed to connect to imap server [08:50] but it connects [08:50] kkk [08:50] Ah, I see. `%u` means open URL [08:50] Super_Ape, does it work now? [08:50] KBar, YES [08:51] Super_Ape, that error is probably because now Thunderbird is opened before your Internet connection is up. [08:52] KBar, Yes. i think it [08:53] Super_Ape, if this message bothers you and you'd rather not see it, you can add some delay to its autostart. [08:53] KBar, I am trying to do it [08:54] Super_Ape, oh. I see. You can do this: `sleep 5s && thunderbird`, but maybe there is a better way to do it. [08:54] KBar, where i put this line? [08:55] Super_Ape, just where you modified it. The "Command" field. [08:56] KBar, is it possible to start thunderbird minimized ? [08:56] Yes, it is. [08:56] Super_Ape, you can add some commands, but check the Thunderbird settings first. [08:56] It should have an option for that. [08:56] KBar, Okay, let me try the sleep 5s first kkk [08:57] be right back [08:57] Look for start minimized or similar option. [08:57] Okay. I'm going to eat. :) [09:09] KBar, sleep 5s && thunderbird doesn't work, sleep 5 && thunderbird neither [09:10] KBar, Thunderbird doesn't have delay to startup... they just has option to delay to checkup msgs.. exemplo. chekc new msgs on 5 min in 5 min [09:43] I see. [09:43] KBar, I solve the parte of msg server [09:43] kkk [09:44] Super_Ape, the one that appeared at startup saying "Unable to connect to IMAP server"? [09:45] KBar, not more... i follow the second step https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/11/how-to-launch-startup-applications-with.html [09:45] now... i am trying to do it minimized [09:45] when open, open minimized [09:46] Super_Ape, wait, did you also add `X-GNOME-Autostart`? [09:46] no [09:46] Only with sleep? [09:46] yes [09:47] on autostart directory [09:47] works very well [09:47] Well, it should also work through GUI as well. [09:47] They change the same thing. [09:48] do you know some command line to minimize this? [09:48] You can do it with `wmctrl`, but you have to install it first. Let me find something else. [09:49] sleep 5 && thunderbird && -startintray ? [09:49] Is that a Thunderbird option? [09:50] KBar, thunderbird doesnt have this opition [09:51] i try to find some addon, but i didnt [09:51] Super_Ape, where did you find this: `-startintray`? [09:51] Good day [09:51] Hi. [09:52] KBar, https://askubuntu.com/questions/882748/how-do-i-start-telegram-from-the-command-line [09:52] I install Xubuntu 32bits but Wi-Fi nota work [09:52] Not work [09:53] Ifconfig show me cabe ethernet [09:54] xu-help17w, iwconfig [09:54] on terminal [09:54] Super_Ape, well, you cannot put option for one program as an option of another. I'd suggest you to read this, if you're interested: https://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxcommand/files/TLCL/19.01/TLCL-19.01.pdf/download [09:54] xu-help17w, Xubuntu version? [09:55] Ubuntu doesn't support 32-bit anymore. [09:55] Super_Ape, install `wmctrl` [09:56] xubuntu 18.04 32 bits [09:57] xu-help17w, it's EoL, meaning End of Life. [09:57] xu-help17w, https://xubuntu.org/release/18-04/ [09:57] xu-help17w, if your CPU is capable, consider upgrading to 20.04 [09:57] KBar, done [09:58] Super_Ape, relaunch Thunderbird (quit the program and launch it again) [09:58] My Notebook os 32bits [09:59] xu-help17w, well, that's unfortunate. As I said, 18.04 is not supported anymore. The current long-term release is 20.04, supported until 23.04 [10:00] Ok thanks [11:35] hello, how do i upgrade kernel to 5.13 on xubuntu 20.04 [11:39] !kernel [11:39] The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages) [12:05] xp'd to #ubuntu [14:58] Hello !! Just installed after using Debian XFCE for a month but I got frustrated from the lack of much recent packages [14:58] Found refuge in Xubuntu ! [15:00] :) [15:19] kjani, hello and welcome. Just beward that Ubuntu is based on Debian and follows a similar release cycle. [15:19] *beware [15:57] Only if one regards 6 months and 2 years as similar though.. XD === genii-core is now known as genii [16:35] krytarik: Yeah the difference in the time period of the release cycle was what brought me here [17:41] d [18:52] if i'm on version 20.10, is there a proper and safe way to downgrade to 20.04 lts? or is it better to just upgrade what i have and wait for 21.04? [18:56] There is no downgrade facility, unfortunately. A reinstall would be required. You're better off to wait for the point release of 21.04 [18:57] ah thanks. so if i just upgrade normally until 21.04, that version would be lts right? i dont need to install other 21.04 lts version? [18:58] Neither would be LTS versions [18:58] The next one will the 2022 April one, 22.04 [18:59] ah my mistake [18:59] LTS are every two years in April, so 20.04 currently, then 22.04 [19:01] so if i upgrade to 22.04 later, that 22.04 is LTS without me having to do anything else? [19:03] Yes [19:03] nice, thanks for the help [19:04] However after upgrading to that, you may need to change the upgrade check from normal to LTS [19:05] ah. i will take note of that. i think i messed up that option previously [19:06] The setting is in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades , you can change Prompt=normal in there to Prompt=lts