[00:04] hello need help Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (development branch) this is the os i run [00:04] i want to clean the old kernels, 5.11 [00:04] uname -r says 5.13 [00:09] xu-irc92w: Show in a pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep linux-image- ' . see what there is to work. [00:09] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MzxMnjVQPS/ [00:13] this is what grep 5.11 said [00:13] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/a6def0406fa828b65ea937b1a8ba5d14/pasted.txt [00:13] Well - you only have 2 kernels installed --- the "rc" is (R)emoved but (C)onfig files remian. and I have no idea of where "linux-image-unsigned-5.13.0-051300-generic"came from. That might takes some effort to remove. [00:14] well i install 5.13 from kernel.ubuntu [00:14] cuz one app is asking it [00:14] !info linix-image-generic [00:14] Package linix-image-generic does not exist in jammy [00:14] !info linux-image-generic [00:14] linux-image-generic (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [00:14] then i did update-manager -d [00:16] now i have 2 images and modules 5.11 left which i want to clean [00:21] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/3559d59a4bc465f4e47cf818d7813330/pasted.txt [00:22] xu-irc92w: You DO want to keep the 2 active kernels. the "ri" indicatesd that the 5.13.0-051300 is set for removal; but still installed. [00:23] ok what should i do [00:26] xu-irc92w: Let's try and remove the other cruft ' dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P '. [00:30] do you have more details on "cuz one app is asking [for kernel 5.13]"? [00:31] vmware needs to build modules [00:31] after did that command, i see a > [00:31] hanging [00:32] nvm cleaned some config files [00:34] it seems its gone, dpkg -l | grep 5.11 returns no packages named linux* any more === genii is now known as genii-core [00:35] am i good now [00:36] very much thank you [00:37] xu-irc92w: Sepends on what you want to do with that strange partially installed "linux-image-unsigned-5.13.0-051300-generic" kernel. [00:37] Depends* [00:52] do i need to uninstall that also [00:53] vmware is started with no error [01:01] xu-irc92w: I can not tell you what to do with your system . but as is the package manager is not in a happy state - either complete the 5.13.0-051300-generic install or remove it, is my recomendation [01:03] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/3ddb0c56cb4c13d425bc61a11883d31f/pasted.txt [01:03] this [01:03] i already have 4 [01:06] xu-irc92w: Well - as you are booting 22.04 - then linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 is no longer needed. [01:07] ok, how to deinstall [01:12] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/02ea288aba0b3cd9918c9c93916cfce5/pasted.txt [01:12] this [01:13] xu-irc92w: I am at an impass here to *KNOW* which of the kernels you may be booting, Not real sure of a great way to proceed. Maybe others here have better insight ? IF you are booting the HWE kernel and we try and mess with that one we will be in for a world of hurt. [01:21] Linux version 5.13.0-051300-generic (kernel@kathleen) (gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-4ubuntu1) 10.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) #202106272333 SMP Sun Jun 27 23:36:43 UTC 2021 [01:22] ^ from #ubuntu, suggests that linux-image-unsigned-5.13.0-051300-generic is the kernel that's running [01:22] oops i accidentally remove the unsigned one [01:24] i hope i can still come back O: [01:24] https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/linux-image-generic and the linux-image-5.13.0-19-generic is the only packages you should have [01:24] oh well [02:20] back [02:33] xu-irc60w: \o/ xu-irc92w ? [02:41] yeh dual boot machine cant see linux.. [02:43] dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size} ${Package} ${Status}\n'|grep -v deinstall|sort -n|awk '{print $1" "$2}' [02:44] can this list All packages installed [02:45] xu-irc60w: Sorry ^ above my skill level with dpkg to know. === genii-core is now known as genii