=== genii is now known as genii-core [09:56] hi can someone enable carlin0 user on discourse.ubuntu.com , he can't write posts, thanks [09:56] hi, can someone enable carlin0 user on discourse.ubuntu.com ? he can't write posts, thanks [10:11] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/u/carlin0/summary [10:23] This isn't really the right channel to ask that since it's not IRC, not really sure where you would go. [12:39] nicoz-, I don't know/understand your issue, but trust levels are granted automatically by the system when you read etc. posts. https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/ maybe helpful. [12:41] if you write a new post; a moderator on the site has to approve it. They'll receive notification to deal with it automatically on any post being made (be patient; they'll approve when they can) [13:17] ok guiverc thanks [14:27] I would like to have a irc cloak. Just made Ubuntu member. [14:28] My nick has been registered. [14:28] https://launchpad.net/~bernard010 [14:37] I request a cloak. [14:38] hello basenji, as soon as some moderator reads, he will enable you the cloak [14:38] Thank You for the information [14:39] it's Saturday, I doubt that there is anyone at this time [14:39] :P