[14:30] [telegram] It looks like this bug happened when Qt was built against new OpenSSL but used with old OpenSSL. We don't link to it, so the package doesn't get a correct dependency. (re @RikMills: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1952977) [14:30] [telegram] It mentions failure to resolve SSL_CTX_load_verify_dir but that function is used only with new OpenSSL. [14:48] [telegram] Indeed (re @mitya57: It looks like this bug happened when Qt was built against new OpenSSL but used with old OpenSSL. We don't link to it, so the package doesn't get a correct dependency.) [14:52] [telegram] I backported some upstream fixes to my packaging branch (including the changes from mamarley's snippet), but I won't rush with the upload. In case you or someone else reports issues with the current package built with openssl 3 and running with openssl 3, then we will have a chance to see if these changes fix it. [14:58] [telegram] Yeah, there is no hurry at the moment as the openssl 3 transition still has a fair way to go [14:59] [telegram] The current package in release was built with 1.1.1 so should be fine [15:46] Not built with -openssl-linked? [15:46] We are not doing that for licensing reasons. [15:48] Ah, that... [15:48] * fvogt would argue that there's no difference between doing the link on startup or during runtime, but is not a lawyer [15:49] ossl 3.0 should solve that at least [15:49] Yes, that's nice.