
Kilospsydroid  do you understand italian?05:52
psydroidKilos: I do to some extent, yes13:56
psydroidalthough my Spanish and French are better13:56
Kilosaha , psydroid  i saw you in in #ubuntu-it and wondered13:57
Kiloswas wondering if you have noticed Carlin0 before13:58
psydroidyes, I have13:59
Kiloscool, he as applied for ubuntu membership so we ear just checking14:00
Kiloshe needs some testimonials and it is good to have 1 or two from your home loco]14:02
psydroidhe has been quite active in that community for a long time14:02
psydroidnow his pedantry when it comes to using languages other than Italian makes sense14:08
psydroidI thought it was about keeping conversations accessible to all, but it turns out he just doesn't speak English14:08
Kilospsydroid  i do not know if one or more guys from that loco will help him out14:08
psydroidto the point that I learned some more Italian and started conversing with people in it14:09
Kiloswell done14:10
psydroidI don't know either and I'm worried he would have trouble communicating with the wider Ubuntu community, but maybe people can help him out with that14:10
Kiloscan you ask there if anyone  will write testimonials for him14:10
Kiloshe has got a translater that will attend his application14:11
psydroidsure, I can do that14:13
Kilosthank you14:13
Kilosyou can drop that link there for them to use14:13
psydroidyes, I will do that too14:15
Kilosthank you for your help14:16
psydroidyou're welcome14:21
psydroidlol, Carlin014:40
psydroidhonestly I don't really like talking there14:41

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